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The Death Scrapper (FT build)


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Just thought I would share this since there's only a few days left before the patch that changes applied force and possibly messes it up.


Berserker amulet with Scholar runes

Rifle with Courage and explotation sigils


Firearms, explosives, scrapper: All traits are on the bottom line except one which is juggernaught


Utilities are: A.E.D, Shredder, Elixir U, Flamethrower, Sneak Gyro



This particular build is a Flamethrower Assassin, it's entire goal is to hide in sneak mode and strike when an enemy has wasted part of it's defense, for this reason it is not built around longevity but rather ultra damage output, it is all about timing and if you can get that right then you will recieve salt in return as people apparantly do not like their honorable dueling in the middle of a pvp match being interrupted by some dude who materialises out of nowhere with a flamethrower.


It's one of my favorite builds right now and I hope the update doesn't hit it too hard as it will have less burst but more sustained damage after the patch.

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34 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

Just thought I would share this since there's only a few days left before the patch that changes applied force and possibly messes it up.


Berserker amulet with Scholar runes

Rifle with Courage and explotation sigils


Firearms, explosives, scrapper: All traits are on the bottom line except one which is juggernaught


Utilities are: A.E.D, Shredder, Elixir U, Flamethrower, Sneak Gyro



This particular build is a Flamethrower Assassin, it's entire goal is to hide in sneak mode and strike when an enemy has wasted part of it's defense, for this reason it is not built around longevity but rather ultra damage output, it is all about timing and if you can get that right then you will recieve salt in return as people apparantly do not like their honorable dueling in the middle of a pvp match being interrupted by some dude who materialises out of nowhere with a flamethrower.


It's one of my favorite builds right now and I hope the update doesn't hit it too hard as it will have less burst but more sustained damage after the patch.

This build seems pretty flippin' cool, I might give this bad boy a try.

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This is a lot like the build I run xD, but I use Chrono runes instead of scholar to squeeze out just a tiny bit more quickness. It's pretty funny to pop out of stealth, and auto someone to death while casually dishing out 5k dps in PvP. 


I like to run rifle as well for the quick burst. It makes it easy to finish people off even if they slip out of range. 

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If i can sugest try take https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Hoelbrak runes insted of Sholar


That will allow you to deal vs condi build, you can combo it with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adaptive_Armor that will increst your barrier on bulwark gyro and Emergency Elixir, also add adional condi dmg reduction


Amulet: Demolisher, so your counter most power builds and can easly 1vs2 them


I used Firearms->Alchemy->Scrapper


weapon: rifle


As heal skill i chosed Med kit, becose 3s shorter then Elixir H and got long Superspeed (12s)


Also it got aoe Cleasing and water field wher you can blast infusion bomb+Flame blast+Jump shot for nice adional healing, and 11s swifness for +5% dmg


(Infusion bomb blast can also increst your stealth time)


That way i up from 1380 rank to 1550 rank, adaptive force was cool but more defences made able to carry team more






My playstyle was Assassin/Bruiser, as i fight more tactiacal, but if it was needed i also was able initated fight thx to bulwark gyro and condi dmg reduction



It is a tankly dps class that can "cheat" glass caon builds with doing lot of dmg over time getting it barrier as well as stacking up dmg effects at the same time.



 It's not dps but Bruiser role (you don't have big bursts but you have tanky mechanics doing lot of dmg over time)


Also as Bruiser we got medium hp, and medium armor


Alternative culd be Warior/Rev/Mesmer (Bruiser) as 3 of them have dmg reduction or evades, while doing medium dmg 


Ele kinda can be count as Bruiser even with low hp and armor becase of how many evades/blocks it have but thers always "but"


Dps are Thief/Ranger/Guard as thay got big dmg and hight mobility but low survability also alot stealth making them easy to finish enemy with 50-60% hp


That's why we also call them Assasines as thay role is to finish enemy/cap points avoiding 1vs1 situation more of coming as 2v1 as support to Bruiser or pinpoiting enemy Support with huge dmg


and Bruiser is usualy Dueler looking for 1vs1 or group fight as thx to defense thay not need to wory to initate fight that much allowing dps join to fight


Thers also Support roles (Firebrand/Druid/Tempest/Banner Warior tank/Heal Scrapper) that insted helping kill like Assasines, thay buffing ,healing and aoe condi cleanse your team Making advantage for your Bruisers


 As 3 Bruisers<2Bruisers+Support


Pereft team schold have 2 Bruiser, 1 Support, 1dps, 1fill


If thers no Bruiser your team can't initate fight safe, als your dps, and support is vulnerable to focus free dmg on them


If thers no Support, and enemy have support, your Bruisers will become not effective as thay will lack inaf dmg to kill anyone


If thers no dps, your team will have problems to keep up 2 nodes at same time, as well your team can have problem to kill Support, and will be flip coined by enemy dps attaking from stealth



Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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@Noah Salazar.5430

There a bit more to what i was saying but you can do some fun tricks with barrier on dmg % and sigil of intelligence with scraper.


Weaver is a very close ranged class sadly and a lot of its barrier is badly timed. Its far better to get barrier on dmg done as a % then it is to get barrier after an attk at a set amount.

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There a bit more to what i was saying but you can do some fun tricks with barrier on dmg % and sigil of intelligence with scraper.


Prefer posion on weapon swap as it helps me finish enemy, and with my setting i got 97% crit chance (52%+15%+10% on bleed+20%fury)


Also my barrier is buffed by Adaptive Arrmor

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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10 minutes ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:


Prefer posion on weapon swap as it helps me finish enemy, and with my setting i got 97% crit chance (52%+15%+10% on bleed+20%fury)


Also my barrier is buffed by Adaptive Arrmor

After the update where it lost its on hit getting barrier its realty gotten a lot weaker and after this coming update with the new boon of -33% condi dmg taken i think adaptive armor will become comply useless.

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new boon of -33% condi dmg taken i think adaptive armor will become comply useless.


@Jski.6180 Is it?


you will reduce 10%coni dmg from runes, 20% from trait, and 33% on new boon (if someone throw it on you)


condi will be half efective on you and leftover you will absorb with barrier xd


 vs power dmg you doing ok


Good alternative will be also adaptive force now as it will give stab to 5ppl even if your dps


So i can say it will be bit interesing runing multiple Scrappers that will  Aoe Stab themself xdd

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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