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  1. Good days. Balance in general was also in a much better state than now.
  2. My build runs this. pure damage/spike build. Utilizes full elixirs.
  3. They recently changed emergency elixir to procc off of elite use so it wasn't passive anymore.
  4. Same with a load of other skills. I pre-cast the skill, and then jump, and the skill doesn't do anything.
  5. I play core, and I agree the cast time should be faster. Instant, not sure but definitely faster to help in the "oh crap" situations.
  6. I think a lot of the blast/jump finishers would come from kits or gadgets at this point. It's unfortunate but, tis how it is. Some toolbelts, as well.
  7. 4 changes in particular will be good for Scrappers who want to deviate a bit from the usual: - elix u to 25 seconds will be nice and good synergy with the next listed buff. - compounding chemicals now clearing condis on elixir use will synergize very well with builds centered on elixirs, like elix u and b (even c). couple this with the tosses and it can be a steady stream of condition clear (manipulation if you run purity of purpose). also, HGH along with the next listed buff will work great for my build in particular. - emergency elixir changing to boiling point will have major synergy with might stacking on engi and scrapper. traits that come to mind are pinpoint dist in firearms (traitline focused on criticals and condi (fury for might threshold, fury giving more crit chance)), mass momentum giving might while having stab, no scope (fury when critting in range, fury giving more ferocity), HGH (might stacking to reach threshold from using elixirs). that's just to name a few. - heal turret cd reduction by 5s may not seem like much but this is big with inventions; the adept minor clearing more condis when healing, healing skill granting protection in the master minor, corrosive plating, it's gonna be a huge buff for my builds especially.
  8. Some of these changes are going to buff my builds in pvp. I'm looking forward to it.
  9. Facts. As a spec that's supposed to have the assassin playstyle in mind, it can survive pretty kitten well by face tanking damage thanks to said invulns/blocks. The evades are the only thing I'm ok with.
  10. Interesting ideas. I would like to see overcharges happen more than once as well. One other thing I'd like to see from turrets, is: - health and defense increased significantly due to the fact they're stationary targets; adjust damages accordingly
  11. Reducing precasts (not aftercasts) without touching any sort of damage coefficients is hardly a buff. Also note the word reducing. Not eliminating. Not asking for the pistol 3 treatment, simply asking for the aforementioned skills to not take 15 years before finally taking effect.
  12. Adding onto this as well: Main hand pistol 3 still misses at point blank range. Please adjust the projectile speed to eliminate this issue (if the proj speed is actually the issue).
  13. Getting right to the point for Engineer: - Reduce precast of Engineer hammer skills 2 and 4 - Reduce precast of Engineer flamethrower 2 skill - CD reduction of Engi flamethrower toolbelt skill - Increase the healing effect of bunker down. 598 for a CC is pretty comical. - Either keep the bleeding duration the same and increase the probability of bleeding proccs for Engineer Firearms Sharpshooter trait, or increase the duration and keep the probability the same.
  14. Hello there friend, Just a couple tidbits: scrapper was meant more to be a power focused elite spec, being a bruiser or "tank" (this was recently changed and scrapper is supposed to be "support" now, pretty stupid). That's why it doesn't have much to offer in the condition realm. I like the idea of the weapon swap, but I also don't. However, one idea to bounce of yours, would be to add a kit to the weapon swap button, which it can then act as a "second weapon" but in reality it would be a kit. Same cd, same everything, just instead of taking of a bar on the utility spot, it lives in the weapon swap button.
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