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About-face without camera movement

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I see streamers do the follwing: their character runs forward,  about-faces and runs towards the stream, about-faces again and runs away from the screen, and this is repeatedly  done. The camera does not move at all. Now when I try this, hold down left mouse button, press W and use about-face it works just as described and my character runs towrds my screen. But when I use about-face again, my character won't turn around and just continues running towards me. Also when I position the camera to the side of my character and use about-face, the character won't about-face but only turn towards the camera (so only a 90° turn). What am I doing wrong, what settings do I need to change?

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There are two different settings you want to keybind here: under Movement there's "about face," which is the one that turns your character and camera both 180 degrees to face the opposite direction; and under Camera there's "look behind,"  which is basically an about-face for just the camera and not the character. They're unbound by default.


"About face" will be wonky if you're mounted, since mounts can't turn on a dime like characters.

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what you described is the normal bahavior of about face, to get the effect that you see in streams you have to do about face with left click held down to make the char run towards you, like you did, and to make it run in the original direction you do not press about face, you just press down rightclick so the char runs forward again. Then you can repeat it as often as you want. So about face char runs toward you, rightclick char runs away.

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