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Just had an hour of my day wasted because one of the pugs decided to get salty and leave mid tournament.

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I know this is probably so that people can't just afk after one match and still get rewards, but I just had a pug that I joined up with for the automated tournament leave just before the third match therefor not letting us play the match as we didn't have a full team to ready up. This meant we were instantly removed from the tournament and given no rewards at all. This doesn't feel right. Like I would have been fine if that just meant we got a instantly lose for the match, but that would still mean we got something. Hell I would have been fine just being given the participation rewards instead of nothing. All in all I just feel like there is nothing at all positive about this for the 4 of us that were left. We just got to listen to him spamming our whispers with "TRASH" and have an hour of our time wasted.

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I've already complained about this so many times - The CS team and whichever team is responsible for PvP tournament rules and progression do not care.  You make a ticket - guess what?  CS team says it cannot help you.  Even if you show them your name as the username that enrolled in the tournament.  They cannot be bothered.

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On 6/23/2021 at 3:17 PM, Riku Sora.8523 said:

I know this is probably so that people can't just afk after one match and still get rewards, but I just had a pug that I joined up with for the automated tournament leave just before the third match therefor not letting us play the match as we didn't have a full team to ready up. This meant we were instantly removed from the tournament and given no rewards at all. This doesn't feel right. Like I would have been fine if that just meant we got a instantly lose for the match, but that would still mean we got something. Hell I would have been fine just being given the participation rewards instead of nothing. All in all I just feel like there is nothing at all positive about this for the 4 of us that were left. We just got to listen to him spamming our whispers with "TRASH" and have an hour of our time wasted.


Few things:

  1. Trying to join gold or lower or no req AT groups is generally a garbage experience.
  2. You need to play hard in ranked and achieve a bottom 1500 rating FIRST and wear your badge next to your name.
  3. Now you can qualify to join bottom plat AT listings and get into actual teams who care about winning who will stay through the entire AT even for the sake of keeping a good reputation about themselves within the AT community. If you can tag & wear that bottom plat badge, I guarantee you'll see that the AT community is where the real games are at, where the real fun is.
  4. When you have that plat badge and join or create your own LFG plat+ listings, auto kick anyone who tries to join who is not wearing a plat badge if you don't know who they are. This will keep your LFG healthy and generally competitive rather than turning into an AFK clown fiesta.
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On 6/24/2021 at 3:03 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

When you have that plat badge and join or create your own LFG plat+ listings, auto kick anyone who tries to join who is not wearing a plat badge if you don't know who they are.

No wonder nobody does ATs anymore is because of things like that. I'll never get to Plat, nor do I care to put thousands of hours of practice into it. I just want my free 5 gold for afking in 3 matches, is that too much to ask? The reason we afk is because the result will be the exact same if we try -- we lose 2 to 500. At least afking means I can watch an episode of Yu-Yu-Hakusho in the process.

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