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Never played Ranger. Does Soulbeast 100% gets rid of the pet?


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On 7/26/2021 at 5:29 PM, bigo.9037 said:

start Lb, use lb#4, then lb#2. Continue auto attacking until enemy retaliates, then use hunters shot and reposition yourself. Now cast lb#5 on top of yourself, and auto attack enemy until they come close. ( assuming they are melee) when enemy comes close, cast gs#4 and block their attacks, follow up with the gs#4 again to knock them back, then cast gs#2 to deal damage. Now unmerge with pet, (smokescale is a must) use the smoke field, use gs#3 to leap into smokefield for stealth.

1# Please, please, please do not make a habit of opening with longbow 4. One of the most annoying things in GW2 is rangers who mindlessly LB4 enemies out of range of other players and out of AOE. LB4 is great if you want to break boss defiance, it's brilliant to knock enemies into AOE and if you want to use it when you're playing entirely solo with no one else around purely for damage, then more power to you. But please, for the love of whatever god or gods your ancestors may have believed in, do not learn to habitually use LB#4 for damage! *breathes*


2# Yes you can play 100% no pet, but you'd be doing yourself a disservice. Pets bring some deep tactical play to SoulBeast which can make your allies marvel, and your opponents ragequit.

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On 8/19/2021 at 11:19 AM, wolfyrik.2017 said:

1# Please, please, please do not make a habit of opening with longbow 4. One of the most annoying things in GW2 is rangers who mindlessly LB4 enemies out of range of other players and out of AOE. LB4 is great if you want to break boss defiance, it's brilliant to knock enemies into AOE and if you want to use it when you're playing entirely solo with no one else around purely for damage, then more power to you. But please, for the love of whatever god or gods your ancestors may have believed in, do not learn to habitually use LB#4 for damage! *breathes*


2# Yes you can play 100% no pet, but you'd be doing yourself a disservice. Pets bring some deep tactical play to SoulBeast which can make your allies marvel, and your opponents ragequit.

I never said “always start lb#4 even in group combat”, I just explained a very very basic rotation, lol. If you’re a newbie in group combat you’re not expected to play well or optimally anyway, you’re probably gonna lose regardless. 

Sure you are correct but often times if you have quick reactions lb#4 is more of a boon than a curse even in groups cus you can interrupt enemy at range whereas pretty much only thief can do that with quick reaction, and they only have 600 range on DD whereas ranger has 1200. So you interrupt target before enemy can hurt your ally, or run away. The KB also means they are gonna be movement locked for a second or so. 

Don’t blame me for explaining decent basic rotation just because newbies don’t know how to play their role.

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No blame @bigo.9037 It's just something I feel needs to be warned. Hell it needs to be shouted from the rooftops. You are correct about the rotation, of course, it's good guidance. It's also true that opening with #4 is an easy habit to get into, that hampers other people and make a player look like a selfish d.bag.

In my opinion LB#4 is double edge sword that can make you a bad*ss or an *sshole, depending on how you use it.

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6 minutes ago, wolfyrik.2017 said:

No blame @bigo.9037 It's just something I feel needs to be warned. Hell it needs to be shouted from the rooftops. You are correct about the rotation, of course, it's good guidance. It's also true that opening with #4 is an easy habit to get into, that hampers other people and make a player look like a selfish d.bag.

In my opinion LB#4 is double edge sword that can make you a bad*ss or an *sshole, depending on how you use it.

It’s aight lol. But yea. What are we gonna do. They gonna use lb#4 regardless, not much we can do about it. It’s up to them to use it properly.

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