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Please Keep a Twisted Marionette Public Option

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Greetings fellow Tyrians,

ArenaNet, you've done amazing on this last patch! Keep it up!

However, I think it would be a very bad decision to remove the Public version of Twisted Marionette. The content is great but folks are still learning it. Take away the Bonus Event, fine. Keep it on a timer, fine. But let's elaborate on the potential consequences of only making it private...

Making a major event private introduces an elitist aspect to the game which has happened with other MMORPGs which ostracized players and many went to GW2 for that very reason . If the other player isn't in a community running it then they can't do that event. GW2 has always been about inclusiveness and I think we need to keep that up.

From a business standpoint it also does not make sense to make this event private only. We have an expansion,, Steam release, and DX11 to look forward to. There will be an influx of new and returning players. Those players will want to do events but if they are locked out because it is private they might get turned off of the game :(

Stay strong ArenaNet, I know you have been through a lot!

"Ghost" (Altair.4639), Leader- Ascalon Commanders of Eternity [ACE]

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Public events in Guild Wars 2:


As someone who has commanded Public Events in Guild Wars 2 for the past several months I am concerned about Twisted Marionette not having a public option.

This has been a standard for Guild Wars 2 for Open-World Meta events. This has been a standard for events requiring large numbers of people (50+). Casual players with limited time enjoy being part of these experiences with 50+ people.


If Twisted Marionette becomes accessible through Private Squad Only, then I fear we follow the early days of World of Warcraft where you only could experience the content if the guild let you.


Please consider keeping this on the Public Event Timer for those of us who enjoy this kind of content in a public setting.

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