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Please add fishing. It doesn't have to be amazing.

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8 minutes ago, Mik.3401 said:

Ok you are still at it so let me explain one more time

Both racism and fishing/eating fish are hugely destructive phenomenons. One of them is recognised by masses as harmful - racism (unfortunately not always though) and the other - fishing/eating fish not really on bigger scale yet.

So - using both of these to prove the point makes sense as adding more racist elements to the game will promote socially (and environmentally - believe or not) adverse norms just like promoting fishing is promotes harmful actions and consumption patterns. 
So - racism = negative, hurts people and the places they live ; fishing = negative, destroys water ecosystems and contributes to environmental crisis.

I hope it clicks now 🙂 yes racism is controversial indeed and rightfully so, and so fishing needs to be given it is also harmful. I used it with confidence and once it has been mentioned racism is in the game - I said ok - fair let’s add more because that’s destructive just like adding fishing. You have brought the caps and saying I talk nonsense to the conversation without direct counter points - so yes you brought it on the offensive side.


You claim eating fish is your choice - yes, but choices we make are conditioned by social norms enabling them. The more certain activity /production/consumption pattern etc. is present in the things we read, see and experience the more we treat is as acceptable given we don’t see/acknowledge the adverse effects it may have. So in fact it is your choice indeed, but taken from a narrowed pallet served to you by the system around you.

so - adding fishing to GW2 will not harm water ecosystems directly of course, but it will promote fishing as something normal, cool and acceptable. Sure people kill each other in this game but it is done to people who want to fight as in PvP or enemy mobs. Do you run around and kill the innocents/citizens? You can but it’s not a crucial mechanic as fishing would be to get the resources. Killing animals in GW2 is kind of awkward to me, but at least it is not required for anything crucial to the game.

this is what I needed to add to clarify my ‘cheap virtue signalling’. You may not agree with these,  write in caps and present me as someone babbling nonsense all you want obviously.



Thats..that not how it works.


I enjoy murdering folks in games, do i do it irl? No.

i enjoy sinking boats and ships, do i do it irl? No.

I enjoy bombing cities, do i do it irl? No.


Your argument is as baseless as the arguments people make that say video games cause increased violenence, when studies have shown it to be the exact opposite.


I dont want fishing in GW2, due to me not thinking it belongs here. I said the same thing with mounts too, anet changed my mind on that they could do the same with fishing.


I did not however try and bring animal rights into any of my arguments against mounts because its absurd to do so.

Edited by Dante.1763
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2 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

Ok you are still at it so let me explain one more time

What kind of a weird opening is this? I'm as much "at it" as you are. 🙄 



Both racism and fishing/eating fish are hugely destructive phenomenons. One of them is recognised by masses as harmful - racism (unfortunately not always though) and the other - fishing/eating fish not really on bigger scale yet.

So - using both of these to prove the point makes sense as adding more racist elements to the game will promote socially (and environmentally - believe or not) adverse norms just like promoting fishing is promotes harmful actions and consumption patterns. 
So - racism = negative, hurts people and the places they live ; fishing = negative, destroys water ecosystems and contributes to environmental crisis.

You seem to not undersatnd, so let me help you:

A strawman is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one.One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man".


This is what you did. Your strawman is still as irrelevant as it was. Moreover, IF what you wrote was relevant (and to be clear: it's not), it still wouldn't help you because you've been shown that it's already a thing in the game -and that's why I wrote you're just trying to go deeper with your "WELL LETS ADD MORE OF IT!" for the sake of pretending you have any point at all, when you clearly don't. Adding fishing rod to a game doesn't incentivize overfishing on a global scale. It does nothing. You're wrong. You have no point. You're virtue signalling to feel better about yourself while trying to dispute adding fishing rods in a game 🙃 

Which part of this is still somehow unclear for you?




yes racism is controversial indeed and rightfully so, and so fishing needs to be given it is also harmful. I used it with confidence and once it has been mentioned racism is in the game - I said ok - fair let’s add more because that’s destructive just like adding fishing. You have brought the caps and saying I talk nonsense to the conversation without direct counter points - so yes you brought it on the offensive side.

A strawman is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one.One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man".



so - adding fishing to GW2 will not harm water ecosystems directly of course,

Not directly and not at all.



but it will promote fishing as something normal, cool and acceptable.

Fishing is normal and acceptable. If you think otherwise, you need to educate yourself about it before you start... doing what you're doing here, huh.



Sure people kill each other in this game but it is done to people who want to fight as in PvP or enemy mobs. Do you run around and kill the innocents/citizens? You can but it’s not a crucial mechanic as fishing would be to get the resources. Killing animals in GW2 is kind of awkward to me, but at least it is not required for anything crucial to the game.


Great selective thinking where games influence only parts of the life you want them to for the sake of pretending you're doing something meaningful here, when you don't.

Killing stuff in mmorpgs is pretty much the core of the genre and the fact that you kill an npc ingame does nothing to your actions irl.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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