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[BETA] [BUG] Beta Characters unintentionally reset

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I created yesterday 3 beta characters and took some time to set up and optimize gear/stats/traits during playtesting them.


When I logged in today (after daily reset) again,  the characters were still unchanged at the character select screen but after Lions Arch loaded and the "new character visits Lions Arch for the first time" animation/video played, they were reset (gear, armory, traits, inventory, bank) and all my gear/stats/traits setup work was lost.


I understand that beta-characters are deleted after the beta-test-phase. But there is no need to automatically reset them during a beta-test-phase. This is a bug.

If I would want to reset a beta-character, I would just delete one and make a new one.


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1 hour ago, lokh.2695 said:

Just logged in on one of my beta characters and it was reset yet again. Won't go through the hassle of re-equiping, reselecting and rebuilding. Screw this beta, I'm out.

Seems fixed for me now.  Someone showed me this ANet tweet from last night:


We just fixed an issue where beta characters were sometimes getting reset on map load. This will cause a one-time reset for all beta characters.

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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Seems fixed for me now.  Someone showed me this ANet tweet from last night:


We just fixed an issue where beta characters were sometimes getting reset on map load. This will cause a one-time reset for all beta characters.

Hmm...so I guess I'll try again later...

Thx m8!

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Does it take a long time to speed through a zone on a Roller Beetle/Griffon/Skyscale?  Though, I suppose it would be difficult to go somewhere like Ember Bay, if LWS maps are affected.


My character reset a few times, but I still have 73% Map Completion (only missing Hero Challenges), and every map from Expansions/Living World open (with Waypoints). 


Seems odd it affected only certain players. 

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5 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Now, if they would put world completion back we could test these builds in higher level zones without having to work our way to them from LA.


If your beta character has this bug after the patch the (only) solution yet is to delete that character and make a new one.

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5 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Does it take a long time to speed through a zone on a Roller Beetle/Griffon/Skyscale?  Though, I suppose it would be difficult to go somewhere like Ember Bay, if LWS maps are affected.


Before the next beta I will put my portal tomes and passes (and other items I have in the shared inventory slots) into my bank, so beta characters have access to them.


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5 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:


If your beta character has this bug after the patch the (only) solution yet is to delete that character and make a new one.

Well grr.  I just spent 30 minutes resetting my Harbinger (leisurely, between chatting, and carefully doing mounts and dyes and such, but still, 30 minutes) and headed out to give her a second test and found she had no map completion.  Fortunately I have the portal scrolls, so I can get to places to test fight without going through all that again.

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