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Is Meteorlogicus worth it?


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I main scepter ele, I want to hear opinions. If I get a legendary (only legendary I've crafted in 5 years is the fractal backpack) it's so it can be the be-all end-all weapon, pretty much never switching the skin out. Is Meteorlogicus that kinda weapon? The one you would use for years on end?

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I've got all the elementalist legendary specific weapons and Meteorologicus is by far my favorite. It's a little too large, but it's beautiful. My only wish is that Scepter was still a good weapon without so many useless skills.

I'd give it a positive yes as no other scepter IMO comes close to it's awesomeness.

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I loved meteorlogicus and then they made the projectiles into that weird air lightening rubbish it is now and my love for it went down significantly. I may not use it a lot but I loved the footsteps and the way it looks. The mechanism and clouds floating around the handle are great, it really looks nice however we should get another legendary on the 7th so I’d wait a little. If you’re really patient wait for the next legendary sceptre and decide then.

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This is personal preference but I find the meteorlogicus the best looking legendary in the game (surely i like atronomy too). Projectiles are also nice which has been added not too long ago, but on elementalist, you won't get to see much of it though compared to other classes. It helps if you play another class actively with scepter as well. I play ele and mesmer, and use scepter on both classes depending on the build.

If there is a prefered weapon you really like to play with the most, go with that one for legendary. But it can be wise to wait a little first and see what the 2nd gen legendary scepter looks like.

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I'd wait for the balance patch because sword might become a viable option in both pve (fractal and raids) and pvp (spvp and wvw). If this is the case, you're much better off crafting Bolt or the Shining Blade. This might not apply to all players, but I've made the experience that the longer one plays a certain class, the more likely you will use the weapon that is best suited for the situation regardless of style. And over the past 5 years, scepter was rarely the best option in a certain gamemode. Staff for example has always been top notch in pve and wvw, making the Bifrost or Nevermore a good choice to craft as an elementalist at any given time.

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@cursE.1794 said:May I ask how long you've been playing elementalist (without leveling)?

That would be since august 2012. Of course I also use other weapons. Pretty much all of them depending on the situation (except warhorn because I never equip tempest nowadays), but still, my favorite one is scepter. That's why I crafted Immobulus just to stand out when it was worth 1500g (post HoT it dropped to 200g Feelsreallybadman).

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If you've been playing ele since release then you have all the information you need. I asked because in my experience, it's usually new players coming to the forums and asking if crafting a certain legendary is worth it. If you're rather new to the game there certainly is some background the community can provide to make the decision easier. In your case it seems like everything is up to you. I personally wouldn't craft Meteorlogikus because to me it looks like a stick of cotton candy when looked at from far away, but the details of the thing are still amazing.

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Why not?

Legendaries are versatile! I always switch the stats around to minmax when not required to do raid dps or Power> Condi vice versa a the cost of a sigil.

If scepter is your thing, just go for it honestly. Meteorlogicus is a nice skin with an aura which compliments other legendary effects.

Besides it's also used highly by other classes like firebrand and necro. It'll keep options open for versatility.

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