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Some ideas for WvW events


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  1. No man's land

    In both EBG and the borderlands, keeps (and SMC) are free ground. All gates and walls are open and the NPC's and Lord's are removed so they cannot be captured. Towers and Supply Camps remain as usual.

  2. Epidemic

    At the beginning of the week 3 random players are unknowingly marked with an infectious disease. When someone revives the player from a downed or defeated state, the revived player will immediately, but temporarily, switch servers. For X amount of time their attacks will have a chance to infect another player. They remain a member of the other server until they log off or switch maps. (Hopefully, randomization would help to prevent exploiting. And as a further safety precaution, they would be unable to place siege or use supplies while on the other server.)

  3. After midnightAll maps are in a permanent state of darkness, significantly darker than usual. You will not be able to see as far and targeting ranges will be reduced to 1,200. You can equip a Lantern to your back to regain normal perception. This Lantern can be removed at any time but can only be recovered by returning to a Waypoint. Or, you can equip Silent Boots to gain permanent Stealth within 1,200 range of anyone wearing a Lantern. Targeting ranges and visual perception will still be reduced.

  4. Ragdoll

    When downed, players are no longer fixed to their location. Trampling them causes them to be kicked around. This effects friendly players as well.

  5. Lone wolf

    Traveling alone greatly increases all stats. The more friendly players are near you the more your stats are reduced (with a maximum percentage). Meaning if you are in a zerg with 80 players your health (and all other stats) could be reduced to as low as 1k making it possible for a single player to shred everyone like ambients if not careful.

I had fun with this, lol. I highly doubt any of them will ever happen, but I wanted to share. If anyone else has any fun ideas, feel free to show them off!

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Wrath of Belthazar - all players within 3000 range of enemies get health Degen until they engage the enemy or structure. Quit looking at each other and fight! People hiding in a structure must engage the attacking force (who may simply be hitting a wall) or die to Degen. Players would die from afking in structures even if the enemy can't get inside.

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Life transfusion when you heal someone, you health drops by the same amount; and if you heal someone in the down state, your health drops by twice the health transfused. Additionally, the healer gets a debuff called exhausted that prohibits healing a down ally in the next 10 minutes, if you ignore the warning and decide to revive the down ally, then you transfuse all of your remaining health and you die instantly.

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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

  1. No man's land

    In both EBG and the borderlands, keeps (and SMC) are free ground. All gates and walls are open and the NPC's and Lord's are removed so they cannot be captured. Towers and Supply Camps remain as usual.

  2. Epidemic

    At the beginning of the week 3 random players are unknowingly marked with an infectious disease. When someone revives the player from a downed or defeated state, the revived player will immediately, but temporarily, switch servers. For X amount of time their attacks will have a chance to infect another player. They remain a member of the other server until they log off or switch maps. (Hopefully, randomization would help to prevent exploiting. And as a further safety precaution, they would be unable to place siege or use supplies while on the other server.)

  3. After midnightAll maps are in a permanent state of darkness, significantly darker than usual. You will not be able to see as far and targeting ranges will be reduced to 1,200. You can equip a Lantern to your back to regain normal perception. This Lantern can be removed at any time but can only be recovered by returning to a Waypoint. Or, you can equip Silent Boots to gain permanent Stealth within 1,200 range of anyone wearing a Lantern. Targeting ranges and visual perception will still be reduced.

  4. Ragdoll

    When downed, players are no longer fixed to their location. Trampling them causes them to be kicked around. This effects friendly players as well.

  5. Lone wolf

    Traveling alone greatly increases all stats. The more friendly players are near you the more your stats are reduced (with a maximum percentage). Meaning if you are in a zerg with 80 players your health (and all other stats) could be reduced to as low as 1k making it possible for a single player to shred everyone like ambients if not careful.

I had fun with this, lol. I highly doubt any of them will ever happen, but I wanted to share. If anyone else has any fun ideas, feel free to show them off!

  1. No one would go into keeps or SMC, by doing this you took away any reason to go there. Can't cap and no reason to defend, you only moved active play areas to towers and camps, meaning even more ktrain as both are easier to flip than keeps. there are already lots of unused/visited areas in WvW, big time Red BL.

  2. You just made sure no one will res, as you have the chance of resing an enemy, everyone will avoid this as well as the person who gets infected will probably not enjoy the swap as they want to play with who they are there with, and/or don't want to hurt their server anymore so all you did it make them have to swap maps to remove it.

  3. This would make QQing about ganking even higher, now classes don't have to spec into stealth, just mobility skills, to catch someone, burst and run. Targeting structures or any number of other things would be completely useless. sounds more like a PvE jumping puzzle mechanic.

  4. Would be absolutely OP, as its a zero CD constant CC that would keep the person from resing as it would stop downed skills, and would further mean that people would not even bother with trying to res, you might as well just do no down state (which I am for).

  5. No. While I am the kind of player who is fond of the days of zerg busting etc, this makes ganking people in a zerg FAR to easy and this is coming from a 90% solo roamer. Like I said, being able to zerg bust with skilled players would be nice, but this is going the other direction with it and just giving pure stat boost and nerf, further reducing skill needed.

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I would like to see weather and time of day affect the maps more in selected areas (all ideas are spitballing):1) add moving Thunderstorms (nerf movement and ranges for siege and non-melee weapons by 20-33%) / Lightning (do random area damage plus daze) to EB2) add moving Snowstorms (pulsing 2s chill and slow in area, maybe have alternating pulses be every 15 seconds) to Alpine Borderlands3) add moving Sandstorms (pulsing 2s blind and cripple in area, maybe have alternating pulses be every 15 seconds) to Desert Borderlands4) I like the "After Midnight" (I would apply it during the middle of the night period, for no more than 20% of total night duration), maybe add another to complement:"Broad Daylight" (apply during middle 20% of daylight period): all characters outside of a structure are locked out of skills that apply stealth. Characters inside of structures are not affected, and may stealth as normal, and may leave structures in stealth, but will be locked out of stealth skills once outside.

While controversial, I would also not mind if the allies in the various maps spawned fairly strong NPC forces (i.e. on par with NPCs in fractals) that move around attack enemies and siege structures/camps. I am thinking that certain creatures like the firedrakes in the DBL maps could be really interesting and powerful creatures that could really affect the balance of power on a map.

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@TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:
  1. No man's land

    In both EBG and the borderlands, keeps (and SMC) are free ground. All gates and walls are open and the NPC's and Lord's are removed so they cannot be captured. Towers and Supply Camps remain as usual.

In a case like this, they should just make the keeps and SMC haunted, and populate them with extremely difficult respawning ghosts (like Ascalonian Catacombs on steroids), and have them attack everyone that enters the structure. Jack up the treasure drops on ghosts to encourage opposing teams to enter and then make the structures free fire zones.

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@Nerah.8235 said:

@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:
  1. No man's land

    In both EBG and the borderlands, keeps (and SMC) are free ground. All gates and walls are open and the NPC's and Lord's are removed so they cannot be captured. Towers and Supply Camps remain as usual.

In a case like this, they should just make the keeps and SMC haunted, and populate them with
difficult respawning ghosts (like Ascalonian Catacombs on steroids), and have them attack everyone that enters the structure. Jack up the treasure drops on ghosts to encourage opposing teams to enter and then make the structures free fire zones.

Sooooo....More PvE content? No thanks.

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  • 2 months later...

WvW Server Guesting Event

Could we have a Server Guesting event that lets players pick their own servers to fight agaist?

I'm guessing it would just need a few player based variables tied to our Guild Wars 2 account ID.


Temporarily Suspend the Fixed 3 Way Fight Match-Ups within Tiers.

Temporarily Assign each World Server - All 4 Maps To Protect against Invaders

Set Red Home Server ID = (current home server of player)

Set a Weekly Fight Choice ID 1 = (Ask player to pick a server)

Set a Weekly Fight Choice ID 2 = (Ask player to pick a server)

Set Max Map Capacity = 1,000 Seats (example) - Adjustable

40% Max Cap - Reserve Seat for - Home Team - Red

20% Max Cap - Reserve Seat for - Enemy Team - Green

20% Max Cap - Reserve Seat for - Enemy Team - Blue

20% Max Cap - Reserve Seat for - ANet Referees or Developers

New incoming map connections are evaluated based on their type & any over-flows are automatically re-directed to EoTM & queued for entry.


& Let players pick up to 2 Servers to fight against by entering their Enemy's WvW owned maps via any Green or Blue Way-Points. Players use the Red Way-Points on any of their "Home" protected maps. Player's choices reset every week instead of waiting for a new Server or Alliance link every 90 days that's picked/created by ANet.

See some of my past posts...please vote Helpful or Thumbs up if you agree.

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