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Posts posted by Caitybee.3614

  1. I have been playing Guild Wars 2 for 7 years as of this past April. I mainly play PvE content, but have dabbled in WvW and a tiny bit of PvP before as well with a preference for PvE. I am someone who is usually found alone playing solo, or just running around maps and getting stuff done on my own. I struggle to connect with others at times, but I'm reaching out in hopes of finding a guild with people who are kind, a bit silly, and enjoy chatting. One thing I dislike about most guilds is after initially joining, there isn't much talk in guild chat unless you're a well known member, or newbie in need of guidance. I main a Guardian that I often have switched between Dragonhunter and a Firebrand build for support. I've been through it all, I just want a place to fit in for a change, and make meaningful connections if possible. My server is Eredon Terrace for any possible WvW content, though like I said I prefer PvE and can happily teach newbies the ropes if necessary.

    You can mail me in-game or respond here. Thank you. ❤️

  2. I just completed the storyline for SotO and I wanted to share my experience and own feedback. I held off on buying it at first due to some uncertainty whether it would be properly put together or not. Some of the past story updates felt a bit rushed, and could've been more drawn out, but were acceptable. I'm mainly talking about the ending to the Icebrood Saga. While jaw-dropping, I did wish it had a more thought out finale but I understand why things happen as they did.

    When I started the story for SotO I was a bit creeped out by our new big bad "Cerus". Though as the story progressed, I found myself becoming immersed and fell in love with everything. The maps are gorgeous, especially Skywatch Archipelago. Multiple pieces from across all the previous expansions brought together in one map. The nostalgia made me happy, thinking over how long I've played GW2 and why I fell in love with it.

    The one moment in the story that really got me though - I even started crying after hearing the dialogue -


    was when Peitha asked why we were mourning for Aurene. Only to be told that she had gone into a sleep and we don't know when she'll wake up again. Aurene will outlive all of the characters, including our own. It just felt like there's a chance she may not wake up in time before our character eventually passed away, and I found it heartbreaking.

    I won't spoil anything else here, but the story was well done, and I honestly enjoyed it a bit more than some of the previous storylines with the Dragon Cycle. You guys did a fantastic job over there at Anet, I enjoyed every moment playing SotO, and look forward to future updates. Thank you for reminding me why GW2 meant so much to me.

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  3. I commented on a post a day or so ago stating I wouldn't get the expansion this time. Well, I caved and bought it earlier since I have nothing else going on and wanted something to do in the game. First impression was surprisingly good, despite the whole creepy "Hell" vibes going on. The first map is gorgeous, and has become my favorite map in the game. I love using the flying mounts, especially the Griffon to have fun and cover a lot of area quickly. I admit I judged it before even stepping foot into the expansion, but I was worried this content would be very rushed and sloppy. Good job Anet, I look forward to the rest of the story.

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  4. The only thing I dislike about new content releases as of recently is they won't fix the old bugs and issues that have been an issue for years, yet they're scrambling to make new content. Some of that was just adding new skills to mounts, like the Skimmer diving, and now apparently the Skyscale breathes fire. But the new Skyscale skill isn't available to unlock unless you bought the new "expansion" which is incomplete. Bit of a slap in the face to older players who purchased all previous expansions and content to get the mounts and complete them. I'm not paying 25$ USD just so my Skyscale can have a new skill. I didn't buy the latest expansion because I felt it was too fast and possibly rushed, which people didn't like about End of Dragons. But alas, I still play though not as often as I use to. I feel the game may be in trouble soon, if it isn't already.

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  5. I'm looking to find a guild that is focused mostly around PvE with some PvX aspects as well such as a little bit of WvW once in a while. I mostly log on late at night between 10pm - 4am eastern time, which I know is crazy late, but I'm a night owl - can't sleep, and get most stuff accomplished at night hehe. That said, I've been playing GW2 for 6+ years, I have all 3 expansions completed, as well as all Living World story up to date, so I definitely know my way around the game by now and can be of some use for newer members if necessary.

    I usually solo, as this game doesn't really require you to be in a guild to enjoy all the content, but it does get lonely so I'm here looking for a kind, friendly community to become a part of. I'd prefer smaller guilds so I don't get lost in the masses. My server is Eredon Terrace, and if you think I'd fit in well with your crew, feel free to send me a DM either here or a mail message in-game.

    Thank you for your time. 🙂

  6. I was just playing the story of the new episode where you go down into the mine to research whatever is going on, and I got disconnected. I tried to log back in, but it keeps giving me a network error and I cannot login to that character as of right now. I hope to God my character isn't seriously messed up by this error.  See screenshot for error code, is anyone else getting this? My internet connection is perfectly fine too, so there's no reason for this unless it's game related. Thanks.



  7. On 2/3/2023 at 11:19 AM, venator.8326 said:

    When I finished the latest expansion I stopped playing the game, once I have done the content I had no incentive to play because of the reward structure that is in the game.  So for me I only play the game for the new story content. In short anything interesting to come back to play the game?


    There's so much content. I ended up spending time in Drizzlewood Coast and Dragon's End in the last 1-2 months time running the map meta daily as something to do, and I just replayed End of Dragons on an alt character. Replay old stories, hunt achievements, do world boss trains, HP trains, WvW, PvP, LOTS to keep you occupied!

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  8. Crashed twice in a row trying to complete the opening of the End of Dragons storyline when you travel to Cantha for the first time. I already completed this story at launch, and it only crashed once on me. However I'm done trying to use workarounds for an issue ArenaNet KNOWS about and yet can't seem to help much with. I'm not touching story anymore, just wasting my time and souring my love for this game. It's depressing because GW2 use to be my favorite game, but all the story-related issues just make me not want to play anymore. I'm strictly a PvE/Story player, so there's nothing for me to do. 😞

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  9. I've never seen this happen with people using turtles - barely anyone does at Claw unless it's a big group of people with a commander - even still it's easy to get credit. You just have to be quick and get to Claw as soon as the ice wall goes down, but even then I've never seen the health bar go down too quick for most people to get there. If you miss that chance, get to where he falls for phase 2 and hit him with ranged if you can aim for the head. Heck, if you have absolutely no range then you can use EMP or the Medizooka to hit Claw at a range.

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  10. On 8/30/2022 at 10:17 AM, Demon Pie.2634 said:

    It is an undisputed fact that we got the best mounts in the field. I believe ArenaNet has no reason to not keep doing what they do best.


    So the question probably isn't if we're gonna have another mount but what it might be.


    Right now, we have:












    So the only thing this is missing is arachnid. I read somewhere that they scrapped the spider, so a reasonable choice would be the scorpion. 


    How cool would it be to ride a giant scorpion? Make it a battle mount, too. Maybe.



    The game doesn't need any more mounts. I'd even argue the Turtle was pointless to add, I never use it at all, it just comes out when I'm bored or wanna squish a low-level mob. The bunny is quicker and better for CC damage when I need it. That and I don't have any friends to use the 2nd seat with, so it's a useless mount lol.

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  11. 55 minutes ago, cutiedanger.6302 said:

    I have been playing for 5 yrs. Actually started in the Beginning but lost that account, gw is dear to my heart where I'd watch the old hot ,pof, trailers and I get teary eyed, 😢 the music, the humor the team work the fun, .....I'm saddened to say I'm disappointed 😞 with the 10th anniversary gifts 🎁,  and the celebration...my hubby has been playing for 10yrs ....he's saddened too , it's like we veterans all we got was a Thank you, one revive orb ,5 teleport to friends?!...and a note to welcome our steam players......and now we are forced to play pvp to complete the achievement:( some folks in there are big meanies:((


    Yep! I was super annoyed seeing that I would be forced to play PvP for the cape - I haven't even touched PvP before (WvW doesn't count), and I honestly don't know if I want to. I thought we could choose 10 of the 20 achievements to get the cape, but when I read it I saw you had to do all 20. Why not just let us pick 15/20 to complete?

    Forcing me to do content I don't ever touch in any game isn't something I'm happy about. The 10th anniversary gifts weren't even great - I think maybe 10$ worth of stuff if that. I was hoping they'd give us a mount skin for the gift, even if it was ugly I'd still take that.*

    *Not saying this to sound entitled by the way. But I've been playing GW2 for over 5 years now and I've never seen them give anything big away in the gem shop as a gift. It's usually 1 black lion key every 6-12 months (or whenever they feel like dropping one), boosters galore, transmutation charges, revive orbs, teleport to friend, or anything else similar to those items.

    I know saying this doesn't entitle me to anything extra, but I know others on here have put in a lot of money into their accounts, as have I, and it would definitely be quite nice to get something bigger as a gift once in a while from Anet for the support. Like an outfit or mount skin (as I mentioned), even if they're ugly.

    Other games I've played showered players with all kinds of gifts during the birthday week/month, but it's like GW2 doesn't want to let anything go without a cost or by earning them with silly achievement chains.

    Oh well. I do really enjoy the game though, so I have gotten my time and money's worth out of GW2 regardless. 😛

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  12. On 8/20/2022 at 7:40 PM, Labjax.2465 said:

    Prob not the first to realize this, but it struck me recently.

    People have compared it to a raid boss and I think that's fair, but in this way, it actually lacks something very important that a raid boss has. Idk exactly how raiding works in this game, but in general, in the raiding format, you take some time to clear trash or mini-bosses and then you reach a raid boss. You can now make attempts on this boss. However long it took you to get there (maybe you had to kill other raid bosses for the week to get to it) you can easily make multiple attempts in one sitting and learn from mistakes.

    For a boss like this, even setting aside the prep investment time (which is a lot) you can only attempt it once within a certain time frame window. No room to immediately take lessons learned and apply them, or try some different things. And no guarantee the next time you will get a team that looks even slightly like the last one, unless you're organizing it all tightly via one guild (which doesn't match the pug spirit of GW2's open world anyway).
    So even if the group you're doing it with had the patience to try again and had the knowledge and desire to learn from mistakes, you just... can't. It's over. Go home. How many people would do instanced raids in raiding games, much less in a game like this where it's less popular content, if they were like that, I wonder.

    The expectations for organization of a raid with none of the design that facilitates progression in the typical raid format. It's no wonder people don't like it.

    Edit: Also, AFAIK, there's not much of any DPS check throughout the prep/pres, so you can spend all that time getting to the end fight and even without mistakes fighting it, be doomed to lose from the start because you never had enough DPS.


    This is mainly why I see dead maps now for Dragon's End. Everyone got their Turtle as soon as the buy option was available for the Egg, so no more Soo-Won for them or anyone unless you want to experience the fight. I only go into Dragon's End now to open chests for the coins because of how hard it is to get a win against Soo-Won. Big time-waster if it fails after all that effort and proper planning, sadly.

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  13. On 8/16/2022 at 3:04 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

    It's not a 10th character birthday present, but "maybe even a few freebies to collect (spoiler: mount skin)" is definitely a step up in anniversary giveaway.


    Not if they make it available for only 1 day like they just did with that Black Lion key that I missed because it was the ONE day I could not log into my account. They should make it available for a week, not 1 day. They rarely give good items away, and I'm annoyed the key had such a limited time.

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  14. On 7/25/2022 at 8:12 PM, TaliesinRevel.5971 said:

    Not new to gw2, but newish to posting. I don't know how to contact the Dev's or even if it is possible.  I don't have a lot of time.

    I just wanted to get off my chest, give feedback on how inconsiderate it has been, to place the siege turtle behind a strike mission.

    I have found I am not the only person, after all this time and so many, many attempts at the strike, that has still not been able to finish.

    Your game is not accessible to all walks of life or abilities, or lack thereof.

    I would ask you to do better.



    I went with a group of randoms. We took 3 attempts to complete it, and I got the finishing blow on the boss. It's not difficult, but if you don't follow the mechanics quickly, and have horrible group DPS then it's going to be challenging, or take you forever to get it right.

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  15. On 7/19/2022 at 4:03 PM, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

    This event has been updated before and had the same effect when it was first changed. Once players learned the encounter (~6months later), you almost never got downed players again.


    There's no such thing as hard content in this game, only content that you learn to cheese.


    Tell that to Soo-Won in the End of Dragons meta. She's a beast.

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  16. 2 hours ago, angrymouse.2340 said:

    For sure, It was him, not me, but holy cow. I will still play (I actually think he will quit) because the rest of the game have a good value but from today I will never spend a single penny in cosmetic items here.


    Hahahaha you say that now, just wait a while you'll see something flashy you really like and buy it. It's contagious!

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  17. On 7/19/2022 at 12:19 PM, Lottie.5370 said:

    Holy kitten. I almost did not believe this one when someone mentioned it in the guild discord.


    This price is just excessive and outrageous, especially considering just how little we see the jade bot - it's not like there is a toggle to show it all the time. Despite all of this - I probably would have bought it if it was 400-800 gems (I honestly thought it would have been in-line with mail carriers).


    Curious what others' thoughts on this are?


    Agreed, 1600 for Jade Bot skins is too high. Cut it to 600-800 gems then I'd consider buying them; and/or implement a toggle so we can have the Bot flying around with us similar to a Miniature.

    I'm a mount skin buyer, so if they made a skin for the Jade Bot I really liked, I'd consider getting it, but not for such a steep price. I'd rather buy an exclusive mount skin for 1600 gems, or a whole pack of multiple skins for that.

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  18. Came to see if anyone is complaining about the 4 World Boss reworks. I personally LOVE the new encounters and hope they don't change anything about them, they're perfect and require you to pay more attention now. The Shadow Behemoth is like a small Raid Boss in a starter map which is exactly what new players need to experience to prepare them for later content.


    Great job Anet, maybe some other bosses could get updated mechanics as well, would love to see it.

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  19. 5 hours ago, Tony.8659 said:

    Actually running while mounting your turtle still crashes I guess I got lucky the few times it worked for me😑 As Smoky.5348 said that's what we need to do now until it's fixed. I thought that patch today fixed it, but nope.


    Thankfully I rarely ever use the turtle. I just mess around with it when I'm bored, or if I ever feel like joining a Dragon's End meta map which is rare now. So it'll stay unused until a fix is implemented.

  20. 5 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    Depends on the price. The current gem to gold ratio means I am fine with my ascended weapons/trinkets.

    I just stick with Exotics, works the same for me. I only own 1 legendary and probably will never make more because of how grindy they are to get materials and gold for. I play by myself, nobody else to help much so I just don't bother taking on fractals/raids where the higher tier gear/weapons can drop from. I get what I need to play the game without it being exhausting, and I have completed all story with all exotics. Though the legendary in gem store option would probably be very expensive, and probably not worth it compared to making one yourself. I still think a lot of their skins are too expensive, but if I have some money for one or two that I like, then sure I'll buy them. It all depends on the cost and how much I like what they offer, and if I want to shell the money to support the game - that goes for any game not just GW2. 

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  21. Yes, unlocked it just after the March 15th patch. I'm a "mount collector" in MMOs so I had to get it to complete the set. I use it during some fights and for CC in serious situations. Other than that I run around with it squishing mobs and messing around basically. It's buggy though, I still get booted off the mount once in a while if I try to use the Slam attack from high up in the air. I'm not sure how to reproduce this, it just happens sometimes and it's very annoying. Sometimes it'll glitch with another rider in the back and freeze up all animations until the Slam cooldown is over.

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  22. 1 minute ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    But then there would be no challenge left! The biggest challenge in this meta is beating the timer by playing the mechanics correctly (which includes dealing a decent amount of damage).

    This whole expansion is about movement (i.e., dodging AoE) and fight mechanics (CC, boons, etc), so ANet clearly wants to teach their average player to improve in combat.

    Even with 5 minutes it could still fail, it just allows a bit more room for error. This meta isn't for the "average" player, it truly is built more for those who know what they're doing and have the appropriate skill to attempt it. That's entirely up to Anet to make these kinds of challenges, and this meta is incredibly fun, but failing constantly turns a lot of players away and burns them out after attempting it so many times.

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