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Posts posted by Caitybee.3614

  1. 14 minutes ago, Harrada.8041 said:

    Maybe I am in the minority here, but as someone who enjoys taking the story at my own pace, the introduction to the jade sea was a very annoying experience.

    Here I am, first steps into the map. I need to scan areas and prep for the extractors so that we can take on the ocean dragon. MEANWHILE I am getting earblasted by the entirety of dragons watch has they are apparently contacting me from the future where all prep is already done, and they are already at the final stage of taking down the dragon. Talking back and forth with me as if I am there with them and have been the entire time.

    I ended up having to just leave the map because of how frustrating it was to constantly hear dialogue from both my current timeline (story) dragons-watch members, and the ones from the future who were fighting the dragon.

    Why didn't you just turn down the dialogue volume in your settings?

    • Confused 3
  2. 3 minutes ago, Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:

    10+ tries fail here. wasted 20+ hrs on it. Not sure if I want to try again until some adjustment. It has been frustrating experience for me.

    Even wing 5 didn't take take 20+ hrs when it came out.

    I've only done the meta twice and I know better than to keep trying until they rework it. Not worth wasting all that time for nothing.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Winola.8214 said:

    So I can report back that I finally beat the meta with a raid squad (with KP requirement). We did the green phases as intended rather than skipping and finished with a minute still on the clock. Feels like winning the lottery in some ways. 

    However, there are now also people holding maps hostage. We had a griefer squad in our map trying to get people in not participating in the meta for the express purpose of taking slots from our squad making the attempt. They then proceeded to continuously spam map chat so that anyone outside the squad couldn't read instructions in map. Really sad to see people behave like this - but even worse that this meta is bringing about such behaviour. Squads shouldn't have to ask people to leave in the first place, and I get players protesting that. 

    I just wished Arena would at least say something so that people who haven't won the lottery yet don't loose hope. The frustration expressed by players in that map is unreal. 

    The funny part is Anet wanted more player interaction with this turtle mount yet obtaining the egg is doing the opposite. 

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Melech.4308 said:

    It's not about having the right equipment or gear, but about actually learning the mechanics of the meta. I'm sure people would prefer you to have exotic gear and know the mechanics of the meta rather than someone with full legendaries but now know what to do.


    Also...how can you be kicked out of a public map?

    People were asking regulars to leave the map, or those who weren't properly equipped to their liking. Some were bullied out, and they offered to pay others to get them to leave so those with better gear/builds could come in. It shouldn't be like that, everyone deserves a chance to participate and get the rewards, poor gear or not.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Melech.4308 said:

    I agree, don't nerf the meta and let people learn the mechanics. Give them some time. It's good that Anet took out the skipping greens part during the last patch, so now you need to learn the mechanics, so now people don't need to worry about trolls also going into greens. Yes the meta is hard and yes it's frustrating but at the end of the day it's worth it.

    Not doing the meta then until they actually nerf it. I can see this becoming a major issue between people not wanting to take on regular players simply because "they don't have the right class or gear/build". Gear is expensive, and not everyone knows how to earn the gold to fully pay for said gear. This will lead to people being kicked out, sometimes forcefully, and could lead to a lot more ugly things between players. Especially the ones who think "you have to get good" is a good piece of advice.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Savoren.3910 said:

    Do you wanna get an abandoned meta? Because that's how you get an abandoned meta.


    The fact they put the Turtle mount egg behind this meta, and the fact it's so difficult that only around 1% are successfully completing it, I'd say those 2 points alone have already guaranteed this a dead meta once people get their eggs.


    They should've given the egg as a reward for completing the entire EoD story, then at least you still have to do work for it, but it's a guaranteed drop after all that effort.

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  7. 7 hours ago, Exxcalibur.6203 said:

    A garden map ( yawn) , A city map ( yawn) A sleepy  tree maps where everyone seems asleep....weak events,  sparse mobs, mostly roads and paths between buildings, trees and mtns .  


    And fishing masteries? 


    Icebrood was sooo much better than this. 

    I actually think the maps are well designed. The only one I didn't care for was Echovald Wilds due to all the trees and obstacles making it difficult to traverse with anything other than the Skyscale and Griffon mounts.

    • Like 2
  8. 33 minutes ago, Mikali.9651 said:

    Sadly, I refunded this expansion. This is not nearly good enough for me, and I eagerly wanted for this expansion to convince me that everything will be good with GW2. It didn't, it actually shattered it further.


    Everyone has their opinion, and it's fine. I personally loved this expansion, but I'm more into the story than anything else and I felt they did a fine job with that.

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  9. 24 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

    Oh kitty cat you.

    It literally doesn't matter what you do. Nor does the amount of organization matter. I'm on 9 or 10 runs. Several with full setup, subgroups, full pre event. Everything went right. People splitting properly, switching targets to tail reasonably quickly and being fast on CC for the first ~85% of the fight. And my personal record is 5% HP.


    If you don't have the luck of a map with way waaaay above average DPS and only experienced people and no major mistakes by anyone. Then it's just literally impossible. 

    The meta was fun the first two times. It's a piece of kitten the 10th fail in a row. Literally two playthroughs were I have genuinely no idea how it could be played better. Beyond just having perfect raid equipment and experience on all 50 people. 

    And kitty cat you twice for just coming in to brag. 


    Meh, I just saw a video to unlock the Siege Turtle and honestly I'm not in a rush to get it. In my opinion the Skyscale is the best mount you can have in this game between all 3 expansions simply because of how well it can move through maps with tall buildings/trees/etc. It proved itself as the best mount with EoD for me, I used it the most. So if people want to consider getting one of the achievement-based mounts, go for the Skyscale.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

    That's my point honestly, the event is not super intuitive, the only way to learn if you are in the map to succeed it is by doing it, which impact a lot of other players who are there for their xxth time.
    Where the listening is primordial by then as we "veterans" will try to give the mechanics to give more chances.

    But most of things in the event chains is like.
    "Watch out for that T-..." *FWHOMPED*

    With that sort of reaction time, the only thing you can learn is "I'll get smacked, right?"


    I've only done the meta twice, but the main attacks the dragon does are easy to dodge and get out of the way as long as you pay attention to how she's moving and what else is going on. Gotta be on your toes to avoid getting hit. But obviously the problem would be those who don't pay attention and stand right in the hit markers then wonder why they keep dying lol.

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  11. 14 minutes ago, Ashlin.3708 said:

    Yeah I think the battery thing is just kinda overkill to be honest. there really is no need for it, its not like it does anything really game changing, and the fact that everytime you do anything in the game you lose all your charges? its pretty obnoxious. Love the bot, but its very impractical in my opinion. I think you should retain your charges and charges only be used on things that actually effect game play, like a teleporter or defense systems. Needing a charge to turn a light on is just silly.


    The one thing the batteries are useful for are the Offensive/Defensive protocols but I only take them to try the meta in the final map - they can stack up to 90 minutes each.

  12. When I started End of Dragons I went straight for the story to avoid any and all spoilers. Ended up finishing it within the first 24 hours of the expansion's launch (dedicated to no spoilers lol), and I just completed all 4 new maps last night.


    My rating; 8/10.


    Positive thoughts:

    - The music is incredible, probably one of the best parts of this expansion.

    - Much of the dialogue had a more up-beat tone and some cases there were fun jokes poked among the characters that made me chuckle.

    - The dialogue itself in this expansion was well written and flowed nicely.

    - They put in a lot of thought for newer players, with markers and arrows indicating which way to go, and what to do. Even Taimi chimes in during one of the story instances to give you hints if you get stuck.

    - The graphics are gorgeous, and all the dragons were very well designed.

    - The Skiff and Fishing are fun to use, however it wasn't the main selling point for me, but I'll probably use it during downtime or when I need something from it.



    - I honestly don't have much to say in this regard, the entire expansion that I played so far has been incredible, and the story was satisfying.


    This expansion had an entirely different feel to it than HoT or PoF, and I greatly appreciate the effort put into it by Anet. It has re-ignited my love for this game, and I thank them for bringing such an amazing game to the world.



  13. 12 minutes ago, Gulohken.9871 said:

    This isn't going to be a call to nerf the Meta. I can honestly say that I like the challenge of it, because it feels like an open world raid. The mechanics are fine, and easy to understand and figure out. I've attempted the meta many times to the point that I have lost count. But I feel that the biggest reason that the Mata fails is due to the time limit. 


    Everytime the groups I have joined have gotten Soo-Wan down to 20%, but run out of time. It doesn't feel like enough time to actually get the kill. I've seen so many groups talking, and trying to come up with ways to ink out a few more seconds to try and get the win. It's actually quite nice to see people trying to work together. But it is always the time limit that fails a group on trying to get that one meta completion to unlock the siege turtle collection. To be honest, just adding five minutes to the fight would seem like the best thing. Otherwise, the difficulty of the meta is fun.


    Agreed, I'd say 10 more minutes could easily be the difference between a win and loss, but who knows what their plan is.

    • Like 2
  14. Just got done trying to do this meta with 2 fully organized squads and about 57 people total for the end fight. We skipped the wisp phase as well and were still unsuccessful with 20% of the boss remaining. It's very frustrating dedicating 2 hours of work for a fail. It's only my 2nd time attempting the meta, but I won't be trying again unless it gets nerfed or re-tuned. It's way too difficult, and the very minimal who did manage to beat the event either got really lucky, or something just went right for them and we don't know yet.

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  15. 9 hours ago, Wintermute.5408 said:

    Amount of people missing the point is amazing.

    It's not about me "not making enough". Genuine thanks to some random dude who tried to send me 5 gold for travel expenses, you can keep it. Spend it on something more useful than leg runes.

    It's not about "there is a guildhall or portal scroll you can use". Those things are extra hoops to jump through, contrary to a persistent, established system that are waypoints.

    And the guy who thinks there's "challenge" in paying 10s for waypoint travel - I want some of what you're having. That's some quality bloodstone dust.


    Answer me a question - why? Why is it costing 2 times more than normal travels? What's so special about Cantha that it warrants such entry fee? "It's because the distance is so big" - why is the distance made so big?

    I'll tell you why, actually. Because the waypoint system isn't made for those distances, and was made to operate on the scale of original map. Which now got 2 times bigger, without Anet actually thinking it through. This thread is made for them to change the waypoint calculation system.

    Because let's be honest, 10s, while not particularly high, is already out of the pocket change zone, and not every player farms gold at efficient rate (or farms it at all). This is also an unmotivated increase to a game-wide goldsink, which now will take 2 times more gold out of the whole economy than it used to. If there is an actual reason to force gold deflation like that, I'm all ears. For now, I still consider this whole thing an oversight and a mistake.

    Also, sorry about my yesterday's tone. I was in a really kitten mood.


    "Answer me a question - why? Why is it costing 2 times more than normal travels? What's so special about Cantha that it warrants such entry fee? "It's because the distance is so big" - why is the distance made so big?"


    I legit facepalmed at this statement. The distance is determined by the design of the game's map layout and location of all the islands/land mass. The reason it costs much more is due to the distance, which makes sense.


    That's like complaining to Australia about being too far away because of the high cost to fly there by plane lol. They can't just pick up and move an entire continent, much the same with land design in Guild Wars 2.


    It's 10 silver, you'll survive, as will all of us. It's not a big deal yet here we are, making a big deal out of it.

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  16. 2 hours ago, Avipt.9632 said:

    So the first thing i noticed playing through the map is the voice acting, and the script. Im playing human female so cant speak for the others. But she seems so....uninterested, the acting seems off. And the lines are so childish and nonchalant. So far the story hasnt grabed me at all. I remember when PoF came and i played nonstop.

    Second thing ive noticed, is that the map is totaly empty of players. Have they increased the instancing or something? The chat is dead and ive seen like 2 people when ive been online.

    Also the new elite specs is abit underwhelming, but i can always play the old ones.


    Really? I played through on my main who is a male human, and the lines were well done I thought. Made me laugh a few times as well with some of the quick-jab jokes and silly remarks. I felt it was well done, even lines from other characters through the story. However, I may be bias as I do love the storyline in Guild Wars 2, it's my favorite part.

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  17. 6 hours ago, MagicalSilence.1837 said:

    Well If they don't wanna adjust the meta then least allow ppl to get the mastery for turtle from a fail as well 🙂  Everyone would be happy and no one would need to suffer spamming join on lfg and spend hours of their time for 4k exp 🙂


    But then people would never do the meta again after getting their egg drop. I actually think that event should've had an even better reward drop than the siege turtle egg. Precursors or full on ascended/legendary gear perhaps?

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  18. 2 hours ago, Einsof.1457 said:

    The level of entitlement from a lot of the gw2 community is just astounding.  The participation trophy generation is ruining video games.  You all see these metas and stuff as work. Why? It's a video game. It's supposed to be fun. If you aren't having fun don't do it, but some of us actually enjoy challenging content. The world doesn't revolve around you. 


    "If you aren't having fun, don't do it." Pretty sure that would lead to the death of many games, including GW2 if people didn't bother when something made them frustrated. It's just a poor excuse anyways, the Turtle mount was one of the selling points of EoD and people want it.

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  19. 4 hours ago, LittleSoftTail.8405 said:

    I get that it's a MMO but a lot of us prefer to solo, at least, sometimes because of anxiety or just because they don't like having to group up with people constantly. I generally don't understand why MMO companies just love making it impossible/hard for players to solo their content. If I can't solo, then I guess I'm out. I have social anxiety and feel very uncomfortable grouping up with randos and even guild mates, the most I can do without feeling anxious or uncomfortable is to chat with other people on Map/Zone chat (I dunno why either), and yes, I get that I could just play singleplayer games but MMOs have something singleplayer games don't that I like.

    I struggled enough as it is with HoT and PoF, and now it's possible that I won't be able to do any of the content without the help of a group. And I know I am not the only person who feels this way so.. kitten us, I guess.


    I'm a living breathing player that only does solo play. I'm not even in a guild currently and I played through the entire HoT, PoF, and EoD storyline by myself, except for map events that required a group. It's not hard, just need the appropriate build and personal skill and knowledge of your class to survive and play swiftly.

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  20. 6 hours ago, Blackari.2051 said:

    Please Anet for the love of whatever you worship, do not nerf this fight. Finaly there is a boss fight in open world where just spamming #1 is not enough.
    Do not listen to cry babies just because finally they have to somewhat pay attention to what is happening. If you really have to do something maybe add an extra minute on timer to the boss fight but not too much...


    It has a major timing and overlap issue, it needs to be re-worked.

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  21. The event has a lot happening all at once. Which will make first-timers all scatter-brained. I was struggling to know where to move on the platform without getting squashed, plus all the small mobs spawning in all attacking at once, trying to avoid those attacks and AOE markers...it was just a lot. I do agree it's a bit too difficult given the size of the group we had - which for any other meta would've won it no problem. Maybe it is a learning curve, but I think it needs to be scaled a bit lower, or give more time.

  22. 12 hours ago, Teratus.2859 said:

    Honestly i'm mixed on it.

    A lot of us speculated the entity Aurine were talking to was the Sea Dragon, guess we were right but some even predicted that the Sea Dragon and Mother were the same being and they were also right regardless of how little it actually made sense.

    A lot if it feels like Anet wrote itself into a corner tbh, not because they didn't have better ideas but more that they simply didn't have time to do another Dragon story after EoD which is all about Mother.
    They want to end the Elder Dragon story with End of Dragons so the simplest option is to just make Mother and Sea Dragon the same being and go from there.

    We didn't have much lore around the Sea Dragon but what lore we did have confirms or stronly implies that the dragon is hostile just like the others, aggressive water tentacle creatures, displacing depth dwelling species.. attacking Canthan sailers etc.
    And now we're expected to believe it's benevolent and cares about Canthans?.. I'm not buying it tbh.

    I will admit that I am still very early in the story so kitten could absolutely hit the fan over the next 4 maps and all the new info I have about the Sea Dragon could be lies but as of right now that's my take lol


    I just finished the entire story and I must say, it completely feels like the ending of Guild Wars 2. Like for now there is no plan of a further story continuation unless it comes in Guild Wars 3 if they plan to make one. For now though, it ends perfectly, everything balanced among the Dragons. Unless they take the story an entirely different route and don't focus on any dragons in the future.

  23. 1 hour ago, Wintermute.5408 said:

    Jump from Black citadel to Seitung province waypoint is 9 silver and 28 copper. Look Anet, i really appreciate the vast amount of literally nothing you dumped between core lands and new expac for no reason whatsoever, but this is way, way, WAY overpriced.


    It's 9 silver...if you make decent gold daily, even weekly, it's not an issue. If you need to port to Cantha then make sure you have a good reason to be there if you're worried about losing too much money. But it's not expensive at all to me, and makes sense given how far away it is from the main land.

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