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Posts posted by Caitybee.3614

  1. 9 minutes ago, Kalocin.5982 said:

    We commanded and did it as best we could with randoms on our map, did every early but the boss gave us terrible rng and a good portion got downed. The boss is barely targetable for half the fight, it's absurd. If you want to keep the difficulty then put the boss in a lobby, get rid of the 2 hour meta time. Otherwise me and many others are going to get annoyed, exhausted and just give up. Why, why should I waste my time doing this again? Honestly, it's actually a waste of my time. I dunno, I think I'm rage quitting for a bit. Play Elden Ring or something. You know you messed up when I want to go play Elden Ring to relax holy expletive.


    Not even that hard of a fight, but you can't expect 50 people to be ready for raiding. Even WoW couldn't get it working well with 25 people.

    Yeah it's actually gotten to the point where I'm questioning some of my character's builds and looking into which one is the best option to take to the DE meta with DPS and CC in mind. I'm under the impression now they may actually not nerf this fight much, or at all considering the silence on the subject. It's disappointing, but at least the Exotic gear sets aren't too expensive if I need to re-gear a character. I do know RNG is a major issue in the fight, but if I can help try to get her health down quicker, then I guess I'll have to try.

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  2. Legit question then if they don't plan on fixing this fight; what are the best classes/builds to run for maximum DPS for this Meta?

    I main a trapper Dragonhunter and he has high burst DPS but it's more about killing quickly with excellent mobility to avoid hits. Kind of like being a pocket raptor haha. I took him through the expansion but feel even he can't deal enough DPS to help. I have other alts but want opinions for this. It's sad I have to start asking this, but maybe this is the only way aside from RNG.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Xero the Dark.8230 said:

    I hate that people are leaving the game over this. I DEFINITELY get the frustration and feeling of betrayal. I can't believe they did this to us intentionally either. They outright lied to us and instead of apologizing and fixing the situation...they seem to be encouraging the elitist trolls. Maybe I'm an idiot for being excited. Maybe it WAS naive of me to pay $80 for this...trusting them not to do...THIS. I don't want a refund...I genuinely love the world of Tyria. That's why this all stings so bad. They are encouraging the toxic players...while leaving the rest of us with a feeling of betrayal. Maybe ANet doesn't care...but it hurts ME even more seeing people leave over this mess...but I don't blame them for leaving. It just sucks that GW2 was getting SO MANY new players and even seemed to be taking the #1 MMO spot...WoW players started coming to GW2 and that is cool - new people! But ANet doing this to us all ruined the experience for so many of us...they KNEW what they were doing. It was an intentional design. I just don't get WHY they would do this when everything was going so well...

    The only way around this if they choose to ignore us asking for more changes, and to lessen the toxic behavior; is if players actively come together to try and help as many people as possible get successful runs - but a lot of people are sadly incapable of this, though it would be a great idea to try.

    • Thanks 2
  4. 2 hours ago, yourexcellency.1458 said:

    As soon as the majority of the player base have their turtles this meta will be dead anyway. 

    Due to the level of anger and disappointment I've seen from the community over this meta; it is already dead. As soon as they implement a change to make it easier to obtain the egg, people will get it, and I'd say 90% won't look back. It has already guaranteed the death of this map.

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    • Confused 1
  5. Just now, Alaia Skyhawk.5064 said:

    The tail only becomes targetable when RNG decides she's going to start bubbling/whirlpooling people, and burning it down doesn't appear to do any damage to the main healthbar at all. But if you don't get rid of the tail, she keeps bubbling people which costs dps.

    Ah ok, makes it more difficult to run back and forth but from my last run pretty much everyone knew when to run across the arena to the tail, though some stayed back at her hand.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Alaia Skyhawk.5064 said:

    Anet, the changes you made already have helped, but it's still not enough!

    Now instead of fights consistently failing between 20-40% health left, they are consistently failing with 5-10% left which in a way is even more frustrating. Just lower the darn health scaling on the boss, or dramatically increase the cooldown on her swoosh/dash across the platform and on her tail so she doesn't do they several times in a row wrecking all possible chance to dps her. And just get rid of the whirlpools completely because right now they're just a complete outright troll towards the players since breaking the bars on the things is basically impossible before the player inside them dies, and the players wasted all that time they could have been damaging the boss.

    I've attempted this meta 14 times now, for an average of an hour and 30 minutes taken up by it. Thats 21 HOURS of time wasted due to the meta being hidiously over-tuned and having horrific RNG on her attacks/position switching.

    I'm officially giving up on ever getting my seige turtle until SUBSTANTIAL changes are made to this meta's insane difficulty. It's literally an openworld raid at its current state. You get no rewards at any point during the meta itself (come-on would it hurt to give us reward chests when we capture the outposts and when we succeed at the central pylons?) Literally people are going to do it to get the turtle then forget it even exists. Never ever in this game before this has an openworld meta driven me to such levels of frustration that it's bordering on rage. Where's your design phylosophy, Anet? The one where things are supposed to be fun instead of a chore??? Where you're rewarded for your time investment, instead of sinking 1.5-2 hours into a map zone for a meta and come away with basically nothing?

    Apologies to anyone here for the rant, but I'm sure a lot of you here understand it and the serious need to vent.

    I have a legitimate question for the mechanics. When you deal damage to Soo-Won's hand, is the tail also present on the opposite side of the arena at the same time? I was just wondering if that was the case, if both are suppose to be damaged at the same time. Just me thinking about the meta, but I wanted to see for myself on the next run I try.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Nate.8146 said:

    Just logged in and took a look at the LFG today... https://imgur.com/CuNvuDt


    Personally I don't care about the turtle since it is a multiplayer mount; but I can understand the frustration. Hopefully both sides (Anet and players) will find peace.

    I saw that last night as well around 3am after I did my 3rd failed run. Someone made a group to boycott the meta, seems it's still going on.

    • Like 5
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  8. 5 minutes ago, Lance Coolee.9480 said:

    I truly believe ArenaNet lost sight of what purpose Open World content fulfilled with the Dragon's End META.

    I'll be bold - Open world content should be achievable BY ALL, regardless of skill level. Open world METAs are the sight-seer's trails, the amusement park ride that both parents and children can enjoy,  the low-intensity entertainment that is widely inclusive.

    And to the try-hard elitists who argue this game needs more challenging content - I won't argue against more difficult puzzles, but open world content isn't the venue for it. Challenges need to be opted in and need to be form-fitted for audiences purposefully seeking it out. Challenging content has low participation for a reason - it is selective and more demanding. Force-feeding that content to the general public isn't going to get greater adoption, it's going to outcast those who aren't actively interested.

    Yep, hit the nail on the head.

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  9. 35 minutes ago, Lasiurus.4067 said:

    The change on the Meta looks very good yes, they don't nerf the boss but make the mechanics more rewarding, i think it was the perfect move. This change + The fact people will train, combined together, should lead in few month to make that most of the organized Meta will success, like in Dragon Stand in HoT expansion.
    Don't give up guys, it's doable !

    The change they did isn't enough. Random players with little to no knowledge of getting better gear/builds will always be left out, or kicked from main squads because they'll only focus on those who are fully geared and have specific builds. Unless people are willing to make a whole guild/discord server specifically for doing Dragon's End meta runs with anyone who wants to join, I don't see it going well until then.

    Edit: Also it's easy for you to say Cellofrag, you're a Youtuber who can easily gather the right group. Not everyone has that luxury.

    • Like 6
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  10. 6 minutes ago, yourexcellency.1458 said:

    Yep exactly! I give up. A bunch of other games have dropped this month that I'd like to play so I'll be off doing that. I'll pop back into GW2 for my weekly pve raid with my guild and some wvw maybe but beyond that I'm done. I was really enjoying this expansion but walling off an entire mastery line behind this event has soured me on the whole thing.

    It's sad that for some it has come to this; making them want to outright leave the game. I feel for you and others, and I myself wish something would be changed to make successful runs easier to achieve - even if it's increased only just barely enough, it would be better than nothing. I'm also waiting, but I will probably pop in once in a while to see if we can succeed. I know the chance of failure is high, but I enjoy the meta itself, it's fun and refreshing compared to other content.

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  11. 3 hours ago, RoastedWalnuts.4618 said:

    How did the Idea to lock the MAIN selling point of the expansion behind an event that takes HOURS to attempt and requires 50 RANDOM players to all be good at the game and coordinated make it through to the final product? If you wanted to make the turtle challenging to get lock it behind a strike or some form of instanced content so people can have control over who they are playing with, spending hours on an attempt only for it to be thwarted by other players you can't control is downright miserable and making everyone I know hate the meta and form a sour taste for the whole expansion don't ruin your best product to date with stupid decisions like this.

    Not to mention if you are insistent on locking it behind Dragon's End at least remove the RNG from the final fight the amount of times I've been in an attempt only for the boss to just not stop moving is insane. Put her movements on a locked rotation it feels terrible to get so far only for the boss to go "lol no" and just keep moving while invulnerable while the timer ticks down to a fail.

    And before all the "Get gud" BS this is coming from 35k AP, full raid and CM completion player. IT IS ENTIRELY OK FOR IT TO BE HARD just don't make my progress reliant on randoms if you are going to do so.

    I personally do not hate the game simply from 1 hard meta, however I do see the frustration and it is a shame when you prepare ahead of time, get everything right, and still have a good chance of failing. It's a beautifully designed boss, and I really do love the mechanics of the fight. I've only fought Soo-Won 3 times now, but I got better at it with each run. Something does need to be fixed to help boost the number of successful runs, even if it's only 10 mins to the timer.

    As for people saying "I'm never coming back"; the meta itself is a lot of fun so I'll definitely return even after I get the egg eventually, but I can understand their frustration also, and this should be an eye-opener for Anet. Since time and time again, once people complete a specific task in a map, they leave and rarely go back as I mentioned on a different topic.

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  12. Was in a map about an hour ago and we failed with around 34% health. What doesn't make sense is the health at the beginning gets burned down quite fast. We got her to 88% in like the first 1-2 minutes of the fight, so I was hopeful. Once it comes down to all the rotations, plus the platforms, wisps, etc there's little to no time left to finish her off. This really needs a re-work or more time added to the clock. If we had 30 mins it's probably do-able, but even still a chance at failed instances.

    • Like 2
  13. 11 hours ago, Lukian Darkblade.8012 said:


    I really don't mean it as bragging but more to show that I do have experience in the fight and how much I've enjoyed it so far to continue attempting the fight. For every kill, we've had at least 1 loss. The other points in your post are valid but I really wanted to share how much I enjoy doing this meta event.



    I definitely agree with you on believe ArenaNet intended on people doing wisps this long. I point out many times to my squads that complain about people griefing that as long as we all use complete the other mechanics and have high DPS, the wisp time doesn't matter.



    I actually have posts from years ago but it seems so long ago that those are no longer tied to my account anymore. I didn't want to stir up reactions. I wanted to share how much I enjoyed the fight and hope that my insight could help others see the perspective from someone who does enjoy it. Unfortunately it feels like the post was made to be a joke with all of the "Confused" reactions and on top of that, reading the additional negativity in this topic so far just makes me want to remove the post.



    I think in total I've had 5 or 6 fails? Give or take 1 but I do know it's close to even on how many kills.



    I definitely understand but that is also slightly my point. Seeing how ArenaNet has treated previous challenging content, this meta will almost definitely be balanced to make things easier for everyone. For now I just really enjoy everyone coming together to get the kill, but unfortunately many of the maps fail so it's all about making sure you get in with the right group or set one up yourself.



    This is why I believe the Turtle Mount is locked behind the meta event. Otherwise, why really come do the 1+ hours worth of work? This way, people should always be doing the event unlike places like Dragon's Stand but we will just have to see what the future brings.

    The biggest issue with Guild Wars 2 is they release new content/maps and new metas with the content, but after a while either rewards get hard-nerfed, or the event itself gets some kind of change that no longer makes it worthwhile to even bother doing unless you need it for an achievement or storyline. Once that is finished, most people leave and never go back.

    It always happens, and has continuously happened with the first 2 expansions, and living world story/maps. It will happen again to Dragon's End unless they rework the reward drops and map-meta drops to make it worthwhile for players to come back and complete them regularly. I'm not saying to make players filthy rich off these metas, but it's clear the formula is not working very well, and creates empty or severely low populated maps once everyone else has moved on.

    That is the problem that needs addressing the most, as it's the #1 reason players become unhappy with the game based on my time playing over the past 5 years and my own experience as well. I finish the content and move on, rarely ever going back.

  14. 28 minutes ago, Einsof.1457 said:

    idk...the leader laid it all out and folks executed. there were some folks already with turtles in the squad. more than ive seen before, made it easier. i think as more people get turtles the easier itll get. The funniest thing is after both the wins, people in squad were like

    "I hope they dont nerf it!"

    "My heart was pounding!" 

    etc. That's why challenge is important.

    Challenge yes. Insanity, no.

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