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Posts posted by Caitybee.3614

  1. 2 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

    I think this is a pretty good move by Arenanet, people will kinda leave the game after getting the turtle, not getting it INSTATLY will make them come back and keep playing.

    No it's doing the opposite. People are going back to other games because they can't unlock the Turtle. Most I've spoken to say they'll never go back to that map again once they do get the Turtle. That's a problem for anyone new in the future who wants the Turtle but can't find people to do it.

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  2. Just now, LucianDK.8615 said:

    Today I for lulz in expfarming, joined a DE group, it was completely unorganized. But had -very- good rng in boss behavior with minimal swoop interuptions, and getting breakbars in all phases.  It was a fail at 9%.  Had we 2 minutes more the group could have beaten it.



    Yep, I've literally said this event only needs about 10 more minutes max without adjusting anything else and it's doable by majority of players. At least it would boost the success rate from 5% to 30-50%.

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  3. The Turtle is just a fancy toy to mess around with and dress up with expensive skins eventually. If you're someone like me who plays the game mostly as a solo individual, then the Turtle is half useless already. Only reason I want it is because it came with the expansion, and it's the final mount I need in the collection. The meta though is making me question whether it's even worth trying for right now; 7 fails and I don't really want to waste more time.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Vlad Morbius.1759 said:

    Can we get an update on whether the turtle is staying in this mess or what is being done? I mean who launches an ex-pack and than stop communicating?

    I was actually hoping there would be some kind of patch or at least an update today to address the meta given their patch days are usually on a Tuesday - or at least major ones are. Still nothing though which is disheartening. I have attempted the meta 7 times and I can't bring myself to try any more because a part of me knows it's going to be a fail again anyways - so why waste the precious time when I can be doing something else? It's coming down to that for me, and it's not a great feeling. 😕

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  5. Yes, I pre-purchased it the same day they opened it for that. I actually think I bought mine within the first hour - I originally got the regular version but once I saw the Raptor skin I upgraded so I could get it; thus spending even more money than planned, but I knew I wanted this expansion when they announced it.

    I purchased EoD specifically for the continuation of the story from Icebrood Saga - as it's my favorite part of Guild Wars 2. I raced through the story ONLY to avoid any and all spoilers. I turned off chat completely and ignored any in-game messages that came while I was playing the story lol, dedication to no spoilers.

    Overall I really enjoy this expansion, the maps are gorgeous, the jade bots are cute and will come in handy over time I'm sure - especially if they add new things to do with them. The story itself is satisfying (to me) and I was happy with the finale.

    My only gripe is the dreaded meta walling off the Turtle mount. While it's not a mount I would ever use often at all as I solo 95% of the game's content and don't have many friends at all to play with, so the Turtle is essentially a collection piece to complete the set of Mounts available in the game - as well as a giant trinket for me to plaster skins onto and show off. I am debating giving up entirely on the turtle, as it doesn't look like I'll be one of those lucky people who manages to get into a well organized group and manages to beat the meta event - oh well, cut my losses I suppose.

  6. On 3/7/2022 at 2:21 AM, Vexona.6452 said:

    After some of the most frustrating run-ins with the Dragon's End Meta, I have successfully cleared the fight several times. I've also failed it. Those fails allowed me time to reflect and adjust to bring victory to my fellow gamers.

    This community has been absolutely wonderful about working together to get this done. We have ways. We have CC. We have alacrity. We have sub-groups. While I can't make a promise to always win, I can make a promise to teach, guide and triumph over tail-flail RNG.

    I will be running 2 meta groups every day until my eyes bleed. I will help you get your egg. All that I ask is that you are open to instruction, that you are considerate of others, that you love to CC, you love to move around and you love your rotations. Dragon's End Meta is the literal culmination of everything we've done in the game from base game to HoT to PoF with a dash of strikes and fractals. I can teach you, I can guide you.

    You can add me in game and send a mail if you're interested. I will let you know when meta's begin.

    If you are a "casual", if you have accessibility issues (such as being colour blind or otherwise) I can and will help as I've done for others. I can take you to the golems in the aerodome and show you simple rotations to boost your DPS. I will help you succeed and get what you want. All I ask is that you put in some effort with me as I will put in the effort for you.

    I have a special discord set up. You are not required to talk but it is easier to make call outs on the fly than typing. If you are  deaf, I can work with that (and I would ask we sit and chat before an event so I can go over the visuals and queues with you). Please do not let any accessibility issues stand in your way.

    Follow me! Let's get your egg.

    I'll get it when they nerf the fight. Until then, no turtle skin sales from me hehe and I always buy skins.

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  7. Just now, Lawlieth.3902 said:

    Honestly, I think ALL the Eod metas struggle from the same problems.


    - far too many pre-events 

    - giant hp pools on bosses 

    - terrible rewards 


    They all take at least an hour to complete and in the end you get like 5 chests with underwhelming loot


    The final meta is obviously worse because it takes even longer and fails 90% of the time but I don't see a reason to replay the other metas either







    The terrible rewards thing is in nearly all metas from expansion maps and Living world content. I think rewards should be increased for the longer events.

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  8. Just came out of my 7th attempt, big fat fail once again. We had her down to 14% - if we had another 10 minutes we would've won. It can be done with a 30 minute timer, but almost impossible with 20 minutes. Again, did everything correct and got her down to 80% in the first 2 minutes. They set it up so she gets progressively more difficult as her health goes down.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

    I appreciate the Sympathy here.
    The only options I have are usually either having official Colorblind/Color Correction options or passing via a third party app which is not allowed by ANet (kind of dumb tbh...)

    A pair of glasses is not possible... as a pair for Deutan goes to 600$ + the Normal Prescription which mine is at 800$ already. So a 1,400$ Pair of glasses is absolutely out of question...

    When I saw how the Trailer affected me I had a serious concern which I contacted ANet about and yeah, they said to still wait for the Colorblind Options as they were working for it, (again has been 2 years since the announcement that this was on the work).... and I placed my faith in them... and yeah that's where it landed to me now...

    If people want to say I haven't gave it a try, well some would know I tried the META, which is just a big zone with litterally everything that could cause me harm to get that bloody mount, for 30+ hours.

    I cannot play the game like regular people with no disabilities have.
    Hence this post, so ANet could potentially see how much their previous choice has hindered the faith some people had towards their development, and perhaps start to think about focusing on helping and making the right choices.
    I'm a 7 years old player who ditched WoW voluntarily and at the time I felt bad not giving GW2 a chance earlier... but now I'm having a lot of mixed feelings. The game is nice, and hanging with my friend is nice too, but I have seen how "normalized" the community is.

    When I came the community was super friendly, but as time went on and ANet adding more difficult content the community has heavily split; now the feelings I have is to make sure I sort the people accordingly, because we don't ALL goes in the same basket.

    Hardcorer will be hardcorer, and casual will be casual, people with disabilities will be with people with sidabilities.
    And to be honest the only section that cannot think under themselves is the hardcorer, although I know some raiders that are kind... just wish that ANet pulled the breaks before we were fractured like this.

    The Poster after my initial post is fair to assume is part of that Hardcore gaming that can only think about themselves.

    I appreciate your honesty, I do see you comment a lot in the posts regarding EoD content and it's nice not having to read toxic posts all the time telling me to "Get good" lol. I hope Anet finishes that option they announced so you can have an easier time. The Turtle isn't going anywhere though, so might be best to just wait to see if Anet finally adjusts the Meta event later during patch day, which is usually on Tuesdays. Also if you ever need someone to chat to, my mail inbox is always open in-game. 🙂

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Raison.2659 said:

    After doing the meta for some time ... most of the groups cannot even pass the 20% mark to go into the 3 adds phase....


    I try my best every time, I have all my buffs, I dont die, I press my buttons...... so why do I not win ???


    All I read is "because of casuals" LOL. 


    I even saw a stream of a popular gw2 streamer, his group looked really coordinated, and they barely made it to the last phase with no time.


    I lost hope I will try again when  the fight is "adjusted" ...

    The stupid part about people saying "It's because of casuals" is the fact EVERYONE deserves the chance to get their mount/reward from this meta event. Casual or not, there should never be a divide on who can or can't get to participate in these kinds of fights.

    That defeats the entire purpose of Anet wanting players to communicate and work together even more - it's doing quite the opposite, and for some leaving a sour taste for the game overall. You really think a casual will feel comfortable, or even welcome in that kind of toxic environment? They'd take one look at chat and leave the map for feeling ashamed that their gear/class isn't "good enough" for other players.

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  11. 1 hour ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

    Cumulation of multiple issues, but mostly caused by design choices that heavily impact health, which was actually reported before release as concerns and devs were like, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT... and some major mechanical issues that portrays the devs as incappable to fix a bug that is almost 5 years old that they acknowledged in the past.

    Overall it make me feel like yeah, glad I listened and had faith, because I had the litteral worst week.
    It is a blasphemy to say but I honestly think even getting COVID would have been more Swell than the feeling I had all week with this expansion.

    I am not going to refund because I'm giving ANet a chance to redeem itself but for the time being it is absolutely not worth it.

    The expansions has some good points... but heavily useless to mention them as they are easily overthrown by the problematics ones.

    And for those who think this is another META talk, THIS IS COMPLETLY IRRELATED TO THAT BUGGY TURTLE UNLOCK.
    Do wish you the best of experience until it makes you throw up too by the way, if you are so stern on defending the expansion that you are incappable of any empathy.

    Sounds like you really struggle sometimes with gaming and I'm sorry you have to go through that. Is there any way you could lessen the impact on your eyes? Maybe some kind of glasses that can help ease the strain on your eyes with your condition? Unfortunately with End of Dragons taking place in Cantha, literally everything is either water, or green because of the Jade. So that couldn't be helped, but I do understand it sometimes is too much for you, and I only hope you feel better, or find a way to make it less of a burden. ❤️

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  12. 7 minutes ago, Zephire.8049 said:

    Absolutely. It's not just the meta itself but how Anet is responding (and not responding). I'm now forced to recommend against the game for people who were looking for a chill MMO to play because the company is now pushing hard content that sounds a lot like "Sense of Pride and Accomplishment" and I'm not going to let someone invest a hundred or more hours in a game and spend $40USD minimum on a game without letting them know what's up once they hit the new content. If they choose to do so anyway, that's their choice but I'm not going to sit silently by.

    And all it will take is for a gaming site to publish an article or a popular MMO critic putting something out detailing how Anet spent months advertising a mount and saying it will be accessible only for it to be locked behind a meta that destroyed the playerbase in less than a week and said they weren't concerned about that and people who were considering trying GW2 will decide they'd rather not deal with a company that did that.

    GW2 is an old game as far as MMOs go and running on a ~20 year old engine that's still largely DX 9 and is a small franchise—investors and/or NCSoft may see this as a good time to pull the plug on it as it's already on borrowed time and was being propped up by the "casual" players. Games and studios have been forced to close because of things like this. And, unlike some other big MMO developers, Anet isn't in a position where they can deal with months or years of bad PR as GW2 is their primary and largest source of revenue and, if that goes away, their only hope is NCSoft covering their expenses for months if not years rather than cutting their losses and shutting the studio down to focus on the mobile market that is much larger and much more profitable than an old MMO.

    Yes, and I know some don't want the meta to be nerfed at all, or at least not to be made too easy but it doesn't have to. I've said it many times now, if they just added 10 minutes to the boss timer with everything else untouched - it would be much better.

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  13. I'm honestly going to make a legitimate claim here; that if they don't do anything to address this, it very well could end up damaging the game's future. I know that sounds harsh, but it's how the gaming world works, I've played games that closed due to major errors, or not taking feedback into account such as this meta. Who knows, their patch day is on Tuesdays usually, which is tomorrow - so we shall see if any update drops or not.

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  14. So, I have some news! It's not the DPS that's the problem, it is in fact the RNG of Soo-Won's movements and mechanics.

    Just got out of a failed fight that had amazingly perfect DPS and CC timing, however she kept switching sides on us so we couldn't damage her as much once she got under 50% health. Seems the fight becomes progressively difficult based on her health bar, or so it appears.

    I even made a whole 2nd Firebrand build just to buff/heal people and do better damage than my Dragonhunter build, and we still failed due to lack of time, and switches.

    The RNG needs fixing, or add more time to the timer (no more than 5-10 minutes is needed).

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  15. 8 minutes ago, Hollowhisper.1093 said:

    It's not so much about DPS but about mobility and skill recharge (which, yes, will add to overall damage. Granted.). If you can manage to have reasonable good quickness and alacrity in your subgroups you should be fine. Also, sometimes range damage seems better because you don't need to stand in between 38 other players with their effects and nametags. It's just for your sanity and situational awareness.

    I did that actually, I use GS mainhand, and Sceptar/Focus offhand. I was hitting her with the Sceptar skills and Sword of Justice as ranged when I couldn't get close to her hand/tail due to her own attacks or acid drops on the ground. Everyone seems to be getting the hang of her mechanics quite well, it's just a matter of the timing and RNG needing to be balanced.

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