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Posts posted by Caitybee.3614

  1. This event still has a huge fail rate (I'd say about 90% chance to fail even with an organized squad), and you can almost always tell if it's a fail in the first 5 minutes of the fight. It has a lot to do with the DPS getting into the green phase as fast as possible at the beginning, and doing every single mechanic correctly and on time. Regular groups probably will not succeed unless they get a lucky run.


    My only 2 wins on this meta were back-to-back, the 1st group was everything I said it needs, and it felt like a win the entire run. We had 6 minutes to spare. The 2nd time I thought it was going to fail, but we had just enough DPS/good mechanic timing to beat it with around 2 minutes left.


    Every run since has failed, even with organized maps/squads. I've even run into a new problem; I don't see many maps attempting the meta anymore, they don't even touch the escort to get it moving, and one map I was in failed at the final 5 crystal event because people weren't coordinating and didn't get them all topped up in time.


    The recent attempt I was a part of, the beginning looked good but with under 15 minutes left I knew we didn't have the DPS and it ended up failing at the final mini boss stage. I sat on the airship waypoint with another player and just watched the fight as the timer ran down, not much to do since it was a guaranteed fail.


    This fight still needs tweaks, or at the very least 5 more minutes to the timer, or pause the timer during the mini boss phase.

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  2. Just a few bugs I wanted to post that I noticed, not sure if others have already as I searched but couldn't find the ones I'm experiencing.


    Turtle Bugs:

    1. Sometimes when hitting the jump button continuously on the turtle (sometimes messing around, and while preparing to use the slam attack) it will boot me off the turtle thinking I'm using the Glider.

    2. When using the slam attack near max height after getting the mastery to extend the blaster height, the turtle will once in a while get stuck in the slam animation mid-air and bug out/kick me off the turtle. No clue why it does this.

    3. Please make the speed boost optional on the turtle, as many times it went off I lost control of the turtle and in one case nearly fell off part of a cliff during the Dragon's End escort event. Might seem like a minor thing, but I think the turtle is already insanely OP and doesn't need the speed booster at all.


    Guardian Bug:

    1. Whirling Wrath sometimes bugs out and will half-play the animation but will deal no damage and stop. This often occurs if I dismount and try to use the attack, or just randomly does it. This bug has been around for quite a while, and not sure if it has been addressed by others yet. If it has then I apologize for posting again about it.


    Thank you! Has anyone else experienced these issues?

  3. 1 hour ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

    Ziplines also kill players, as they are affected by lag and will therefore sometimes drop you to your death halfway through the lifting animation. I've seen plenty of dead people in Arborstone because of this; not sure what to do about it apart from getting out the spatula and picking them back up.

    The main Zipline in Arborstone lags BADLY usually on the first use when porting into the map. It'll skip 1-2 seconds for me every time.

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  4. 3 hours ago, SaltyTidalwave.5876 said:

    Does it feel to you like the whole expansion is a shift to force their whole playerbase into the strike/raid scene? Or is it just the one event aimed at the tryhards, with a lot of badly designed elements (rng, casual features locked behind it, way too long, etc).

    I'm trying to decide if I'll buy the expansion.

    If it's just the one event then I don't mind, I imagine with enough time to learn and a few adjustments it could just become a triple trouble type event, but if the whole expac, feels like a general shift to increase difficulty and force people to do strikes, I'll skip this expansion, read about the story on the wiki, and wait and see if future content continues the trend.

    I'm worried because it seems like a lot of achievements and collections are also gated behind very difficult events and even strikes... I don't know if most events or story instances are the same as well.

    This game has been so enjoyable, beautiful open world and map designs with amazing exploration, very interesting and fun mechanics, and a world story and characters that keep me invested! I really hope it's not the case but if Arenanet wants to get rid of "filthy casuals" who use gw2 as a fun relaxing time instead of a second job, well.. I guess I'll have to get a clue and prepare to move on. But I'm posting this because I hope other casuals will prove my fears wrong.

    No, it did however feel like they were trying to push people away from solo play and start trying to work together instead of having this "me me me" attitude about getting your cut of the game's pie. It backfired because clearly a big chunk of the community hasn't yet learned how to cooperate with others to achieve goals together. Which is fine in some cases, it could take time and not every player wants to play alongside others except for events and achievements (such as the Turtle).


    Anet should try to address this, perhaps put together some really nice inspirational community movement where they're transparent with us players and see what it is we'd like as an entire community to try and move towards working together rather than apart. Might be wishful thinking though, there's always hope.

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  5. 7 hours ago, raykor.6723 said:

    Does anyone know if ANET has made any comment regarding changing this (like they did with the egg)?

    I realize some people like learning all the mechanics of raid fights but that sort of content just doesn't interest me. I watched a few video guides of the Minister Li strike mission and clearly they decided to make strike missions far longer and more complicated. The initial strike missions from Champions were pretty quick and had just a handful of mechanics each. The Minister Li strike mission has half a dozen different bosses with dozens of unique attacks and mechanics. No desire to learn it all as I don't plan on running it regularly.

    It's only 1 strike mission. If you played through the Icebrood Saga, then you'll know they aren't half bad. You just need a squad of people who roughly know what they're doing and don't stand in hit boxes lol.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Kuronca.4138 said:

    Being able to farm the matts for the egg means that maps will be full but nobody will do the meta.

    Instead of adding 5 mins or removing the rng they decided to the another wrong thing.

    This is actually a re-occurring problem for a lot of metas, not just the one in DE. You spend 1-2 hours in the map for rewards only worth about 15-30 mins of that time. It's not just metas though, even things like world boss runs for the most part drop trash and unidentified armor items. Some of them give 1-2g max with a handful having a chance at ascended drops, or even an eye infusion from Dragonstorm if you're really lucky. I think overall some of the rewards need to be worked over again and maybe add some new things for players to have better incentives to wan to keep revisiting old maps, metas, and boss runs. I know Drizzlewood, Dragonfall, and Silverwaste are probably some of the best meta-based maps, but Drizzlewood use to be a lot better until they nerfed the rewards. They keep the economy extremely tight in GW2, but I think they could easily afford to loosen up a little bit.

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  7. On 3/13/2022 at 9:34 PM, Lady Sky.4903 said:

    I am very disappointed to hear that Anet will be “adjusting” the accessibility of the  Turtle mount.

    Since people will now be able to purchase said mount for a minimum of 200 Dragons End Writs.


    To balance this, I think it would be fair for those players to show proof (date prior to Dragons End patch, screenshot of fully upgraded turtle) to receive a unique title. 


    Oh yeah, let's diversify the community even more! I did think about this though, offering some title to beat the meta as a funny joke to how difficult it was, but not at the sake of slapping others in the face for failing it so much.

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  8. 2 hours ago, alantsui.4906 said:

    after today's update, people can easy purchase  the turtle egg, and lfg only one or two group look for people.  it seems Dragon's end meta dead, or people wait for nerf.

    Many other and myself already said this map would be super dead once the egg drops for most players, no matter the method, and seems we were all right. Got mine today for the 200 Writs and I've been working on it, but one of the metas disconnected the entire map so I logged off for the day. DE is only for those who just finished the end of the story and are fresh to the map, it's not for returning players unless they enjoy the torture that is Soo-Won lol.

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  9. 20 hours ago, Mystflower.7319 said:

    I first wasn't sure if I should share my opinion on it, since so many people already have but... I figured I should anyways.

    I don't think it should be changed. And yes I know, people will hate me for it. I call myself an average player, I have never done raids because I already know that I won't be able to keep the elites happy 😉 But that  said, the META event reminds of the old days when Guild Wars 2 just came out and we all had to learn how the mechanics of the lovely dungeons worked. We didn't complain back then that the dungeons were to hard, we kept trying, learning, trying, learning, until we finally managed to succeed. And once you've succeed, you know what to do and what not to do. And yes in this case, your luck depends on all those people who are with you trying to do the event.  My tip is: Listen to your commander, listen to what the NPC's are saying, because they do give you valuable tips on what to do next. Plus, I know everyone loves to use their own builds but yes, for events like these it will help if you check online some builds that do good dps and cc and quickness (I am a noob myself when it comes to these things). Also having a lot of firebrands in your team, works as well! (That's how I managed to get the egg).

    As I understand the frustration of failing over and over again (I took me five tries), the more you do it, the better you get at it as you learn what to look out for, when to dodge and yes in the end the dodging part is a pain in the butt but once you get the hang of it, it gets easier.  And once you learn something, don't keep your knowledge to yourself, share it with others who struggle. So, my point basically is: Be happy that we finally have something challenging again, something you can learn from instead of rushing through it and saying after you've done it "When comes the next living story? I'm bored, I've done everything.." 😉

    We already have a million threads on the meta. I no longer have to touch it again thanks to the Writs option, so I don't care. 😛

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  10. I mainly play GW2 because it helped me through some bad times, and still helps keep the weight of the world away for a while. The story is another reason, I was heavily invested in it and completed the EoD story in around 2 days to avoid spoilers, and because I really wanted to know how it ended lol. But another reason is also I've sunk so much money into this game that I can't really give it up yet haha. I do really love Guild Wars 2 overall, and the devs have done a great job keeping it around for so long, and the franchise itself.

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  11. 14 hours ago, EveningTempo.4796 said:

    Crossposting this because I doubt Anet looks at their subreddit.


    Few people are happy with the way EoD's open world finishes out. Who are they? Through the process of elimination:
    1. Dragon's End is not for casual gamers with a language barrier, slower reaction times, or any other ability-limiting factor. The story mode up to this point has barely prepared them for the new strikes, and it has definitely not prepared them for this. In most other metas victory is achieved merely by stacking on the driver or, if there isn't one, going to where all the people are. In the few metas that are somewhat difficult, a handful of veteran players can carry the map to victory with extremely basic coordination - no build checks, no voice chat, no hour-long prep. Compare to Dragon's End where each casual player in the instance significantly lowers the chance of success. Once a handicapped player realizes this, they have two options. Give up, or continue to grief 50+ players for hours at a time hoping to get carried.
    2. Dragon's End is not for casual gamers who are easily discouraged by elitism and toxicity. These are players that have the will and potential to learn game mechanics and skill rotations but are put off by high-end players that have neither the time nor the patience to train them. To the GW2 community's credit, there are still plenty of people that will answer honest questions in map chat. However, if the casual gamer happens to be in an organized instance, the members of the organized squad have more incentive than ever to ask or tell this player to leave the map. Even if other veteran players do not agree with the idea of this kind of gatekeeping, more often than not they just let it happen because after failing the meta for the umpteenth time they need every advantage they can get.
    3. Dragon's End is not for anyone who is easily discouraged by failure. Mid-level and hardcore gamers especially already feel like they cannot improve further, cannot do anything more to improve the odds of success. Aggravating this issue is the fact that players of all skill levels are constantly killed in demeaning ways. Those that are downed too far from the stack will not be resed given that the fight is a DPS check. Those that are caught in whirlpools will not be freed given how chunky the breakbars are. Those that are chain cc'd outside of Aurene's crystals have no choice but to watch the slow march of the tidal wave consume them. What's odd is that the final story boss has established that people don't have to die for the battle to feel epic. Or are the invincible commanders (of their personal stories) just supposed to accept that in reality (the open world) they are just redshirts?
    4. Dragon's End is not for mid-level or hardcore gamers who are used to being rewarded for their commitment. The reward for completing the meta is not proportional to the length or difficulty of the meta. Failure gives almost no rewards, failure is time-consuming, and failure is common. In order to feel fair the rewards for success must be very enticing. The biggest reward for success is a one-off collection starter. There is no real reason for players that want good return on investment to continue to slave away in Dragon's End after their first clear.
    5. Dragon's End is not for players with low-end devices.
    6. Dragon's End is not for players with high latency.
    7. Dragon's End is not for players with poor luck. Even if you do not fall into any of the aforementioned categories, you must avoid being dropped into an instance that has been doomed by too many inexperienced players and/or invuln spams.
    In conclusion, Dragon's End is for players that are: able to play (if not already playing) the game at a higher level than what the story has trained them for; okay with being told to leave; okay with telling others to leave; okay with feeling powerless to hard-carry themselves; okay with walking away from a 2 hour session with only the friends you made along the way to show for it; equipped with a decent computer and internet connection; and pretty lucky.

    Apparently this meta is for no one other than elitist players or raiders. I was in the map for about 6 hours today and only 1 map I spawned in went all the way to Soo-Won. Every other map nobody wanted to tag up, and only 2/3 escorts were completed. I was farming Writs for the turtle egg update on the 15th as it's much easier, and for right now the meta is still not possible for me. I've lost it 12 times now, and once I have the turtle, I'm never going back to Dragon's End.

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  12. I've been in many guilds over my time playing GW2 though the number 1 reason for me either losing interest or it not being right for me is lack of communication and connection among the members. I'd really like to find a guild that caters to players 21 or older, is open to nearly any conversation without judgement (within appropriate range of course), and the member list isn't too large and has super chill people. Feel free to send me a mail message in-game, I'm looking forward to finding where I belong. 🙂

    Interested in PvE mostly, and my server is Eredon Terrace.


  13. 18 hours ago, lain.3148 said:

    I think many of us have noticed the large increase in toxicity in game after the EoD expansion launch. A big example is many discussions around the dragon's end meta, but it's not limited to that at all. I've seen commanders of open world metas (not just DE) making fun of people for dying, telling people they shouldn't play the game or shouldn't get rewards if they down a lot, boasting about how much dps they are doing, etc. All of this in open world metas that are probably quite unlikely to fail no matter how 'badly' the squad performs and where many of the players are likely new to the map and maybe even new to the game.

    Since the EoD launch I've also seen people saying things and having discussions in map chat that are frankly very offensive and would probably make many people feel unwelcome in the game.

    That I've seen this kind of toxicity from commanders and veteran players and not just random newish players is inexcusable and I feel points to a major growing problem in the community.

    People talk about how great and welcoming the gw2 community is, and in many parts i agree with them. There are so many amazing commanders and guilds in game that help new and veteran players so much, and these kind of people and guilds definitely are in the vast majority. The toxic commanders and players I've seen don't seem like they're affiliated with a guild that participates much in the community, aren't doing guild meta runs, and don't really seem to participate in the larger gw2 community at all. But the fact remains that many new and returning players will end up joining their squads in lfg and seeing them talking in map chat, leading to a worse experience with the game and a bad impression of the community.

    This might sound a bit silly but I've noticed a lot of these players using certain terms, ie, asking for "big pumpers" in lfg and using 4chan slang in chat. This isn't something I saw at all in the game before EoD launched.

    One of the biggest reasons many people, including me, play this game is because of the wonderful community. Because of that I think its really important to try to address or at least pay attention to things happening within the game that could make the experience with the community worse for people. Personally I don't know where this kind of behavior is coming from or why it's happening more now or what can be done about it, but I think its important as a community to take note of it and to talk about it.

    There is a lot of toxicity in the GW2 community unfortunately, and depending on the game mode, or who you deal with, it can be on par with League of Legends in my experience. It's why I gave up doing Fractals/Raids. People are just unwilling to help train new players in those areas, and I was harassed on multiple occasions for not "getting good enough".

    Same thing is happening with the new Dragon's End meta. Some are taking it out on the players for not having a build good enough at dishing out HUGE amounts of DPS. I'm sorry but that's childish and wrong, I will never blame anyone for failed attempts as everyone is already trying their best, or their version of what best is. Let people play how they want, and be open and more accepting to new players - that's how you keep a community and game alive longer.

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  14. 16 hours ago, Maddoghalo.5962 said:

    So the meta is stupid ridiculous as far as the time commitment plus the very low low chance of actually beating the meta to get a turtle egg. I feel like this was a really lame way to work on getting the turtle mount and has tainted the game for me now as far as that whole excitement of a siege turtle. The follow up solution was dont worry, wait, you can just buy the egg throw your wallet at us please. 


    It completely ruined the excitement of me even wanting the expansion anymore plus the whole reason of getting it. Specially after returning from a long time and finally getting back into the groove of things im slapped with this frustrating meta wall like many others. I don't want to buy the egg theres no achievement in getting something like that just tossing money at Anet, neither do I want to invest all that time to try to get into another meta. 


    I guess it is time to just take a break from this game again. This may just seem like a small stupid reason to not want to play anymore but just brings up the frustration in some of the irritating stuff Anet has done in the past with guild wars. Now I dont want the turtle nor do I want to emptily buy it from the store as some sort of pitty kitten. 



    I'm happy with the buy option, saves me hours of wasted time that I don't have to spend on a video game. It still requires some time commitment to earn enough Writs, but hey that's heck of a lot better than wasting 20-50+ hours or potentially more if you're one of the unlucky players who never gets a win in the meta.

    Also, the last meta I was in (10th fail) people didn't even want to do it. We had to slowly ask people to join, and my argument was that the escort drops Writs for buying the egg - that was one of the only ways people joined, and at the 14 minute mark of the boss fight, I left the map because I could already tell it was a doomed fight.

    The fight is still unwinnable for most players.

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  15. 8 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

    Well i basically did it with a squad that asked for kill proofs (boneskinner was addmited too). If your not organizing builds/gears, people are new, then its not really an organized squad its just a random squad with a commander making some calls. Also if the people there havent tried it at least 1 time before to see the mechanics or seen a video... i mean you have much more chances of losing.

    In other words, 50 people with a proper exotic gear/build, sorted in teams of 5 ppl and that knows the mechanics of the boss, your chances of failing are really low, more nowadays with the nerfs it has had.

    Dude stop playing devil's advocate here, I've seen most of your posts and they're super negative. Suggesting people are to blame for not "getting good" essentially.

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  16. 1 minute ago, Izzy.2951 said:

    Then you should really reconsider the squads your joining (either make one yourself) and also your gameplay. Cos i mean the meta had 3 nerfs updates already, and with ppl more experienced and videos around...

    Even after all 3 nerfs, we still failed between 15-20% health, and several of the attempts were in organized groups. Can't keep blaming people for that when everyone is trying their best.

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  17. Just now, Izzy.2951 said:


    Cant you just wait till March 15 to get it? i mean, i found it surprising that you did 10 times but even if its the case just wait lol. 

    In the case of the March 15th build adding the NPC; I'm assuming the item needed is actually the Writ of Dragon's End, which still needs to be farmed for the egg. The best method is doing the Dragon's End map meta from start to finish getting as many events as possible to rack them up. It only makes sense to help attempt the final boss fight to see if it succeeds - always a chance while we wait.

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  18. 23 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

    Do you guys even read the Devs posts? They have already said 1) there has been a nerf to the "tail" by 50% in the event, and 2) on March 15 you will be able to buy the siege turtle egg from a vendor, to start the collection.

    Yet people here seem more like hardcore rather than casuals with this impatience.

    Even with tail fix, we still failed at the 20% mark doing the final 3 mini bosses. So no, it didn't help much.

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