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De Bourgogne.9642

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Everything posted by De Bourgogne.9642

  1. Core ranger doesn't run longbow, not the current valk ranger meta build and yes good players rupt smokescale stealth. Why exactly should things that have no counterplay exist in the game?
  2. The moment he turns around he is stationary/moving backwards which means he is slower and he can't hit you. If both players are good and you are on lich, lich can't hit you no matter how good the lich player is.
  3. Nobody is saying Domi mirage is overperforming and has no counterplay. Just certain aspects of it have no counterplay or counterplay at too high cost. The reason mesmer is where it is at is because of such mechanics once that is fixed it can be good again. Mirage can get dodge back once you can't dodge while CC-ed or while you cast for example.
  4. You don't need reflect to counter lich you literally walk inside it because it is ranged attack now it forces lich to face you. Lich s-key is slower then player walking forward.
  5. Yeah you can argue every class can when you pick a specific build but certain builds don't or the cost of protecting heal is too high or powerblock can prevent application of stab/stealth (for example u can rupt core range smokescale stealth and then still have rupt for heal on ur F3 even though it won't powerblock it your mantra will be back up after normal rupt when ranger can try heal again. Necro needs to have a worm set up, or reaper has to go in shroud to get stab go out just to heal, scourge has stab on stunbreak. Nade holo has to use elixir stunbreak to get stab during heal and then it only has elixir S and blocks left as defensive. Power herald has no way of protecting shiro heal, yeah u can port in an heal with quickness but that would be such a waste of port momentum. Another thing domi mirage has is boonstrip so you can just strip the stab beforehand.
  6. Well but strenght spellbreaker is already running the best heal and utilities in order to counter condi mirage. Maybe condi berserker has a better chance but im not sure on that one.
  7. Every spec can walk into lich and he cant auto you so its a hard counter every build has at its disposal.
  8. Well no, you quite literally said warrior has more tools to play around PB by playing different heal when all heals are worse and same with utilities then a power mesmer has to play vs thief. Power mes can play domi mirage build with zerker amulet and some minor changes, axe still has great power damage and you stand much better chance vs a dp thief then warrior has vs pb mirage. While playing zerker amulet on domi mirage is just worse it actually has better chance vs thief then gs power mirage version. But you actually have a better option unlike warrior.
  9. The issue is mantra, not power block, and not what type of damage you play. Because then you have two instant cast dazes. Don't think core or reaper have issues with power block because mesmer clones are just free shroud for those builds. And scourge can just press barrier buttons instead of heal and survive mesmer. Telling strenght spellbreaker to run stab utility, other heal is like telling a Chrono player to play chaos inspiration to get cleanse and distortion, cool now you have distortion and plenty of cleanse but you don't do damage. I don't get it why mesmer complain about not having sustain and cleanse just play chaos inspiration mirage 3Head (joke if not obvious). Bulls charge is a second long evade and 3s knockdown and long range mobility skill think its obvious why you can't drop it, shake it off is just really strong being cleanse and stunbreak with 2 charges, and endure pain is one of the best utilities in the game 40s cd for 3s direct dmg invun and a stunbreak. And what heal would you take the signet that will do literally nothing vs burst, the stance that is a bad glint heal on spec that everyone is prepared to stow attacks already because of fc? maybe the 1,25s cast time spellbreaker heal? Shout heal is more healing but less cleanse on longer cd so its just worse in every way vs condi.
  10. It is just the side effect of playing too many silver games losing to Mirage bots.
  11. It has offensive pressure because it can be used to decap you. Holo shield isn't that great at rupting heals, but mirage and dp thief are and both have good chase meaning it hard to LoS, but you can ofc find ways to protect your heal outside of LoS but isn't available to a lot of builds. Counterplay is possible often but it is not a realistic option often. Strenght spellbreaker vs powerblock condi mirage is impossible match up in most cases.
  12. Ranging a skill isn't a viable counterplay. Playing vs sidenode holo and you need to hold node you cant just not stand in range lol since you will give him node and he won't just randomly use knockback when you are not in range of it. Your brain sadly doesn't have a timer and you don't know other persons reaction + decision making timing is so this already makes this not a high success rate strategy. Secondly when you stow a skill you put it on same cd interrupt would, so stowing only helps vs power block. You probably should be able to negate every offenssive ability enemy has, not sure where your idea comes from that there should be no counterplay mechanics.
  13. Yeah I know touch reflex is faster forgot about that.
  14. What you are suggesting requires one to see in future which I believe people cannot. How exactly are you gonna dodge instant cast ability without random dodging? Pop stab, block invun? He can wait it out and do it at any point after. You clearly missing the point of the post. There is nothing wrong with comboing ccs in order to deal damage. Point is that certain abilities can't be reacted to. Giving cast time to shield of absorbtion actually wouldn't change much for DH combo since you chain cc. Opening with instant cc into dmg though is what is the issue.
  15. Should have known as soon as someone said Shades arent instant cast abilities.
  16. You are the one that can't admit being wrong. Everyone here will agree with me shades are instant cast.
  17. You are clearly saying it is not "instant CAST". But it clearly is instant CAST as it has no cast time. For example mantra of distraction is instant cast and instant travel time same with shatters they instantly happen around mesmer. While head shot is instant cast but has very fast travel time meaning it is not instant like mantra is, same with Net Shot on Engineer rifle, instant cast, but not instant as the net needs to travel to the target. Shades are again instant cast but have animation that happens afterwards making it not instant. There is nothing to argue here shades are instant CAST but aren't instant because they have animation after pressing the button. If shades didn't have instant cast you wouldn't be able to use them while CC-ed. Website wiki or in-game tooltip doesn't give you a cast time meaning its instant cast.
  18. Not everyone is average and a lot of people have much better ping then 60ms. I'm not saying game should be balanced around 250ms interrupt window just saying it is possible. For me personally for example I had around 200ms and around 40 ping making it possible. Interrupt window should probably be half a second minimum meaning you can still interrupt 3/4s heal with 1/4s cast time instant travel, but since certain interrupts have travel time 3/4s window would be probably better. If mantra/headshot were to be changed into 1/4s cast times all normal heals should be 1s cast time probably. (so not normal are glint, defiant stance, guard medi heal, berserker heal for example).
  19. You can its scientifically proven you can through a reflex. You are claiming you leave your hand on a stove for 0.25s when its hot before you remove it. Big x to doubt there.
  20. Well thats absolutely untrue. There are players that often interrupt 1/4s cast time abilities on purpose with instant casts, meaning 1/4s cast time interrupts would work on anything that is 1/2s or longer cast time but would be difficult (assuming no travel speed or very high travel speed). Problem of instant cast isn't just that it is instant you can also use it while CC-ed, offensive instant casts could maybe remain if you can't use them while CC-ed.
  21. Cool tell me the cast time of F2 F3 F4 F5. Here is something to help you: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scourge Tip: Shade skills are instant cast but they don't happen instantly. They happen with delay and there is animation to it but you have no idea which shade skill it is as they are all same animation.
  22. Domi condi mirage is good in ranked you probably just need to get better at it, it take a lot of effort but it is definetly very powerful in ranked. High effort, high reward. Power Mirage is also okay but not as strong, since its also high effort but not as high reward. Chaos mirage sidenoder is also very strong since staff is pretty stupid now with constant 5s baseline confusion spam. It is much easier to get good results and then you have axe or scepter which are great weapons as well. You should be pretty even with core rangers and fireweavers. Outside of chaos staff builds mesmer is just a class where you need to outplay opponent to win in most cases. Other classes do things easier and/or better. Your last paragraph is very true. If you want to deal damage on core mes you need to go 3 offensive traitlines (illusions, dueling, domination) which leaves you with 0 cleanse and sustain. Same with chrono double offensive and mirage but luckly mirage actually has cleanse. Meanwhile other classes running sustain traitlines dealing more damage. Alchemy on nade holo, retribution on renegade, blood on Reaper ...
  23. Lich is fine there is plenty of projectile block/reflect/destruction, you can now walk into lich and he cant autoattack you like it used to, lich makes you vulnerable and having longer cd and be more impactful is just better. Endure pain is already one of the best utilities in the game doesnt needs a buff. Why would you buff afk spec like condi rev? Ele dagger buffs would be nice, but why buff AI elementals lol?
  24. Concussion shot also has one of the worst animations in the game that looks almost like shortbow autoattack and 1/4s cast to add to that. Shortbow needs better animations or get deleted.
  25. Expect they are instant cast and thats why you can cast them while cced.
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