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De Bourgogne.9642

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Everything posted by De Bourgogne.9642

  1. Tell it to this man https://www.twitch.tv/notoriousnaru/v/1440961042?sr=a&t=2s
  2. Specter is current thief meta spec and doesn't really run anything thats unblockable apart from steal. So your main threat is shiro herald.
  3. Virtuoso is now good in PvP but it is not fun to play or play against. 17s cd on F4 spamming aegis and blocks and 40s invun utility. Dagger buffs are irrelevant you will never play dagger over greatsword and you won't play both because that is just troll. Nice to see GS damage/cd buffs which buffs power mesmer all across. Also moa buff is fun and can potentially bring mesmer back in the meta since it now has part of the teamfight utility it once had. Could maybe see power Mirage with Moa lol. Still I'd like to see distortion back on Chrono and make Elite and Distortion not be effected by CS cooldown reset.
  4. Yes it is good. Run radiance virtures with physical heal, meditations, invun elite sword sword gs, marauder amulet divinity. You have 100% crit chance with 19k hp you pump damage. It is not meta build or anything but its good. Harder to pilot than DH and more fun ofc.
  5. If you don't take aegis trait your doing something wrong. Every pvp build takes up up up.
  6. Seems to be the people crying about virtuoso are the ones resorting to lies claiming mirage and chrono do more dps than virtuoso lol, unlucky maybe next time bud
  7. Ok you just proven you know nothing about mesmer. Virtuoso has illusions, maybe go to wiki and check what illusion, clone, phantasm are. Bleed on crit trait is literally 0 damage in PvP, WvW. Even if it was impactful it wouldn't be because clones are paper and die to any spec in 2 seconds so same goes for every, boon, condi, boon rip on third auto attack in a chain lmao that CLONES do. Clones are garbage AI that has kitten hp and every spec kills before they can finish 2 autos. And you still have illusions because you have phantasms which are illusions. You know what is actual useful synergy? Signet heal and heal on illusion summon trait in inspiration together with 3 blades generated with when blocking/dodging in virtuoso that procs it 3 times and heals for a lot? Or maybe utility on 60s cd that gives you distortion and full blades which also heal you while generated with same heal and trait. Or if you play ether feast you get at 9k heal on 25s cd at full blades, on other mes spec you can't get 5 clones and even 3 will rarely live enough time for you to get a heal cast off lmao. And if you argument is PvE, Virtuoso is highest DPS in the game as condi build despite not having clones. And please don't even try mention WvW lol
  8. OP knows what they are talking about its just f**cking over for Mechanist. Jk It still doesn't have a losing match up 😀 and can be played by an literal ape spamming mortar kit on node.
  9. Virtuoso has better synergy with core than chrono. Ether Feast has insane synergy, chaos storm gives aegis... The synergy is not the issue and the core design of the spec is good just execution is bad. I think it is them not willing to put resources into fixing virtuoso and some lack of understanding. For example turning shatters into instant cast with current animation and projectiles changed into beams and remove unblockable would make spec a lot better executed yet reworking into beams is something anet won't put resources in since casual open world players (targeted audience) doesn't care about since they probably don't even know difference between beam and projectile (apart from visual effect). Instead they opted into unblockable trait which is infinity worse and lazy fix. I agree it is not a good look, but idea of spec was good.
  10. The reality is Anet doesn't have agenda where they would like and dislike certain class. They often do things randomly due to poor understanding of their own game or making specs that work just for specific gamemode (virtuoso seemed to be made for PvE as pure dps, and for group WvW yet they failed at that since everything is projectile based and even unblockable trait is akward to proc). Virtuoso is not a terrible design it just has minor errors that make it much worse than it could be.
  11. Debatable whether its worse or better than core, regardless how powerful spec is has nothing to do with playstyle, so your statement just doesn't make any sense.
  12. If you only PvE sure. But in PvP and WvW playstyle is a lot different and is very worthy of being called an elite spec (that doesn't mean it needs to be better than core).
  13. In PvP its playable but there is no good reason to play it over Mirage it is not the worst spec out of EoD specs in that regard but it's not looking too hot. In PvE it is bad because it is just a dps spec with 0 utility or buffs, boons... You can play power chrono give 5 man quickness and deal 9k less dps. In WvW it is maybe playable in Zerks but I don't expect it to be specifically good either but it will be best mesmer zerk dps build so thats the only thing field where mesmer gains something as opposed to previous specs.
  14. So virtuoso still unplayable in WvW and PvP, the only changes were really just bug fixes and more blade generation that barely anypne asked for and was never an issue. Also nerfed in PvE? Despite being just pure dps with 0 utility which is pretty bad.
  15. If you are grinding for shards u shouldnt even care about ur rating, yes winning is nice for more pips. You can just play some afk build like mm necro or trapper ranger.
  16. Golem autoattacks do too much damage in PvP otherwise its a decent spec for a pet spec.
  17. He is clearly not talking about PvE. PvE balance is literally irrelevant in beta they just change numbers on skills and its fixed. What is really important is how class functions in PvP, WvW where Willbender is dogtier while Vindicator is broken like every rev spec at this point. And also DPS is the least important metric in PvE, utility vindicator has in raids is probably far better then selfish spec willbender has that can only dps. Not like guard and rev already have most broken specs in PvE.
  18. Tell me what niche does virtuosi fulfill? In PvE full dps classes with 0 utility such as virtuoso are list valuable. Only outperforms dps chrono on large hitbox. WvW useless. PvP useless. Ele doesn't look too hot either since it has low defensives on hammer.
  19. Who is talking about mota? Mota happened before burn dh was "discovered". I mean it is more engaging to play vs "destructive" meta builds such as nade holo, herald then DH. While nades sure aren't peak design, build at least is weak to condi and cc same with Herald. I guess herald evade and block uptime are kinda annoying as well but if you are watching recent AT finals it is not fun playing Herald in teamfights. Well nobody enjoys playing against any kind of trapper build, ranger or DH, so diversity really isn't important when removing these specs.
  20. If you look other classes you will be quick to realise most classes have a lot of bad utilities but that is fine as long as you have enough good ones which Engineer for sure has. Lets compare toolkits to conjures where only earth shield is good and everything else is abosolutely terrible on 60s cd and elite conjure is good but very long cd. Game isn't just balanced around PvP certain utilities are just made for other game modes. Yeah it would be great if every utility in the game was viable and you would have insane variety but I don't think you understand how hard that is and how much balancing would that require. This isn't an engineer issue every class has this issue. Certain utilities is actually good they are bad thank god for example turrets on engineer are bad and the one that isn't (crate) has a lot of complaints. Well it is not really 2 out of 5 utility since flamethrower is kinda okay it is just bombkit that is bad but that one is very good in WvW. And when you consider medkit and elite one you come to 1 out of 7 is bad so yeah nice almost half. Generally saying toolkits are useless or very niche is just wrong. Most toolkits are better then core engineer weapons excluding shield which is a pretty insane offhand. Giving engineer 2 toolkits on F1 and F2 would actually make engineer just very unbalanced unless you would put like very long cds on F1 and F2. Imagine nade holo with buffed nades and elixir gun or toolkit lmao. Not only will you stay a beast spec in teamfights it greatly buffs your ability to sidenode.
  21. ??? You don't use elixir gun just for stunbreak LOL. Autoattack with weakness on it lmao, poison for downstates on 3, highest damage aoe skill in the game that is also unblockable and doesnt have a red circle indicator on 4, light field with heal and cleanse on 5. It literally doesn't confirm because most toolkits are good, saying 2 of them are bad doesn't confirm you saying they are all bad.
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