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Everything posted by Exzen.2976

  1. Haha, thanks and ggs! Arcane blast/wave is really not that good when you aren't running arcane traitline for Elemental Surge, although shield is still great. I'd run very different utilities for a scepter focus build though.
  2. It's a good Q tbh. I mean, if going fully optimally, you could just change the stats ever so slightly depending on whether you have borderland bloodlust or not (and for major/minor). I'd rather have the 100% if I don't have it (which unfortunately happens more than you'd hope) and I'm too lazy to change them if I do. As you say, it's minimal so will have a relatively small impact on dmg... but it COULD be higher. I'll consider it, haha!
  3. Thanks! Yeah, it works pretty well in group/zerg fights where you can focus quite a lot of dmg in a small area.
  4. Thank you both. It actually feels a little better now with the offhand dagger buffs (I think all bar one or two clips were before the patch).
  5. New video for anyone interested. Big dmg Air, Fire, Weaver Scepter Dagger build.
  6. I can pretty much "one shot" combo anything on Scepter Dagger Weaver in WvW that isn't a tank and even then, some tanks can be "one shot" combo'd. Scepter Dagger is surprisingly good though if you build it right, less meme than you'd think. I win most duels against competent players. It is thankfully difficult to pull off, so you don't see many people running it!
  7. This is honestly complete nonsense. You show your complete lack of understanding of especs right here. You should be aware that Weaver has (or has previously had) good builds for Sword/Dagger, Sword/Focus, Dagger/Focus, Dagger/Dagger, Scepter/Focus, Staff and I have also had success with scepter/dagger. That is all of the weapons. Fresh Air Scepter Weaver, which is a commonly used build doesn't rely on passive pulsing damage, evading or barrier. It relies on positioning, good timing etc (everything you noticed you used on Scepter Dagger... funny that), it also isn't remotely tied to formulaic button pressing. Don't pigeon hole a whole espec into a single cele sword build. Your take on Tempest is also a total nonsense. There are several different tempest builds, again, I have seen builds work with pretty much all weapons, in support, condi and power variants. It isn't all support healers. And yes, buffing any of the weapons will improve all other builds that use them, across the class/especs. It is simple. I'm all for buffing core ele, but posts like this aren't going to get your desired effect. The weapons simply dont need large buffs (apart from Staff, which does). It would be better to buff core by potentially adding an F5 (like they did with rev), or adding something else that is not available to the especs. Also making sure the core trait lines are all worth taking, so you really feel like you are giving something up when taking an espec line instead.
  8. Yes, to buffing core ele, it could certainly use something to help it shine without further buffing tempest, Weaver and Catalyst. But to generally suggest that tempest and Weaver especially are autopilot is laughable. Sure, some builds can be built for that, but you can also build core ele to be packed with defence if you want. Fresh Air Weaver for example is harder than anything you could build on core and doesn't bring any additional passive defenses. If anything the "passive" healing you would get on swap from traiting water makes core FA have more "autopilot". These sort of comments water down the valid comments you are making about buffing core ele.
  9. I also love playing scepter dagger, but you must also understand that buffing these weapons will also buff other builds that use them, which throws class balance off. If these builds started off as balanced, they will no longer be after significant buffs. If you want to buff your build to make it more viable, then rather than looking to buff the weapons, you need to think more carefully about what makes scepter dagger less viable than the alternatives and try and come up with a solution for that, which won't throw off all other ele builds.
  10. Not all Weavers rely on passive evades and healing. I run fresh air and often run scepter dagger on that, which will have similar defensive utility to core, if not less. Doesn't mean that every other ele or Weaver should have their defensives cut just because you dont like Weaver and fancy a buff to a weapon that probably doesn't really need it. A significant buff to Scepter will make it OP. Earth 3 could use a buff and maybe water and earth autos could use a tweak on the damage numbers, but otherwise its really solid.
  11. As much as I would personally enjoy scepter buffs, are they actually needed? I fully expect this would just get elementalist nerfed again in some other crazy way, perhaps removing more defense from ele.
  12. Fresh Air can make it quite difficult to see ^^
  13. Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGABsitjlFwmYKMIGKOWLqvMA-zVRYVBLG9sCppQIsKIwEQtDQA7h3i+nRA-w I presume you mean the first song? Mefjus & Camo & Krooked - Sientelo Second one is: Sub Focus - Could This Be Real (Sub Focus 125 VIP)
  14. The synergy is definitely there, but it plays a bit differently from both sc/f and d/d. I know what you mean re fluidity, although unravel makes up for the loss of fluidity from arcane and allows you to attunement hop quicker if anything. The main thing I miss from arcane is the protection! CCs are a bit of a pain, which is why the build runs 2 stunbreaks in arcane shield and glyph of elemental power (and not lightning flash). Glacial drift as you say has some stab and you can also go into tornado for pulsing stab. Otherwise it's most a case of try and dodge/blind. Mostly I just go hyper aggressive and try and get the enemies on the backfoot.
  15. Thanks! Yeah, you can't really show how every fight goes in a <10 minute video. Also, most people only want to see the potential anyway. I would definitely argue its up there with focus offhand in terms of effectiveness, just perhaps a little harder to play.
  16. In all honesty, I'm not a fan if D/D gameplay and I would disagree with you re scepter lacking vs more than one player. The range on scepter allows you to pressure while you kite (something dagger can't do), which is key for outnumbered roaming. I also think scepter has way more damage on it than mainhand dagger (between dragons tooth, phoenix, plasma beam, shatterstone, earthen synergy, fracturing strike etc) and also has 5 target aoes... I guarantee you this build outdamages any d/d Weaver build in a big fight. If I join a bigger fight I will usually be top 3 in dps while running this - usually only beaten by something like staff weaver (understandably). I'm not saying dagger is bad at all, I just find scepter way more fun 🙂
  17. Hi All New video, for anyone that may be interested.
  18. Hi All New WvW roaming video on an Air, Fire Weaver Scepter Dagger build, for anyone interested.
  19. I think the point is, there are other utilities in the ele kit which are worse and Unravel is actually good already with some builds. Other "good" utilities for some builds are not good for other load outs. I'd rather anet worked skills that have no current use. Anyone actually use cleansing fire for example? Not against a buff to unravel, but I think there are other priorities for ele
  20. Unravel is already good for certain builds - dagger/x, scepter/dagger etc. It could potentially use a small buff - but definitely nowhere near as extreme as op suggested. Not saying I'd mind from an ele main pov, but it would make the skill completely overpowered! Wrong. It's good on scepter/dagger too because of phoenix, water trident and quick access to dagger offhand skills. The fact unravel can allow you to access skill that you would otherwise be locked out of is what makes it good.
  21. Not sure why this needed resurrecting.. Condi scourge is annoying but very beatable. You just need to keep kiting, avoid their aoes and keep bursting. I don't tend to put these sort of fights in my videos because they're annoyingly long and feel too slow for a montage (same with fights vs core condi necro), but I do have clips of fighting and killing them, and that includes good players too. For renegade, it depends on the build. The power ones can be beaten as long as you time reflects etc well, but they do kinda the same amount of damage while being much tankier (stupid op spec). Cele renegade is very hard to kill on FA if they are decent. Heralds can be beaten - power you just have to be very good with your defensives, time your ccs well and try not to burst into glint heal. Condi heralds can be kited, so you just keep them at distance with you superspeed, immob, CC etc and burst while you can - again careful not to burst during glint heal. Burn guard is usually fine. Kite, CC and burst and repeat and don't waste condi cleanse etc. The problem with your "that played decently" is that you automatically assume everyone in the videos are mindless lol, and if you're of that opinion, you're likely to say the same to any who lose a fight in a video vs FA. I don't remember exactly which classes are in which videos, but I expect most of the above are covered somewhere in my videos. Fire cele sword is a completely different kind of build though, so FA vids won't give you much help!
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