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Everything posted by Exzen.2976

  1. I think a lot of people are forgetting that anyone suggesting catalyst is op in wvw/pvp is not suggesting it doesn't need usability changes in pve etc. Balance is split between the two and should be 100%.
  2. I dunno man, drop cele stats numbers for sure. But buffing 3 or 4 stat ones would be kinda grim. We don't want d/p thieves permastealthing everywhere and then smashing people with 20k backstabs again.
  3. I sincerely hope that isn't how they still view the roaming scene, but it does often feel like it. But very true, a lot of good roamers have left the game for the reasons you mentioned. However, I intend to continue to suggest changes which will positively affect the content I enjoy, regardless of whether it was intended or not by anet 🙂
  4. Too many people miss the point here with their "boon spam is the problem". Both are a the problem - boon spam for sure is and celestial stats for sure is. The difference is, that celestial stats is a much easier problem to fix. Just nerf the amount of stats it gives (its kinda ridiculous as it stands) or remove concentration from it - it didn't used to have it before and was fine. As it stands, celestial is simply just better than most other options for roaming. And makes a lot of other stat combos obsolete, therefore killing build diversity. Even on exclusively power builds like FA Weaver, Celestial trinkets is ridiculously good - which really shouldn't be the case. Celestial is currently killing the roaming scene in WvW, which I appreciate is a smaller population in WvW than zerging, but a nerf to cele wouldn't impact meta zerg builds but would have a big impact on roaming. Surely it's just a no brainer for anet.
  5. Too many boons can be spammed on certain classes/builds, add boon durations stats on there and you've got yourself some builds that are virtually unkillable 1v1 and blobs/groups that are virtually unkillable in group fights. This is obviously where boon removal came in, essentially allowing a window of opportunity to kill these builds. If anything, access to boon removal should be increased in wvw and spread around the classes (no boon removal on ele rip) and skills - so it isn't all in a few op boon removal skills which require no skill to use. Having it more spread out but potentially lower amounts of boon removal per skill/trait would mean it would take more coordination in group fights (more skill based) and also would allow more balanced smaller scale fights. Classes that can spam permaboons on their own should probably be looked at though, as boons should also require some skill to apply (I.e. do I want to apply my defensive boons now, or should I wait until the enemy pushes/bursts). Also please look at cele stats, with less boon removal it's going to be disgusting.
  6. FA Weaver kinda had near permanent fury with pack runes and elemental lockdown already, while no more cooldown on arcane shield and blast feels like a bigger nerf to me.
  7. Kinda crazy this change. Expect to see signet ele everywhere before they nerf the kitten out of it.
  8. Needed a nerf in this patch tbh. They'll probably continue to just nerf core ele stuff to bring cata in line while leaving the rest unplayable.
  9. Midline lazershow gs mirage build back in business? I hope so, I love that build in wvw. Not being able to dodge when cc'd or immob'd seems a fair trade off imho.
  10. If you're going to reduce boon strips in wvw, please please please please do something about cele stats in wvw. Thanks.
  11. Nice for Cata players, sure. But Catalyst didn't need a buff, especially in pvp/wvw, where it was already too strong. What they've done is buffed catalyst further into being the best ele spec. I hugely dislike the change tbh.
  12. Indeed. Small nerf to FA Weaver with no cd reduction given to arcane blast or shield. The offhand dagger buffs are pretty reasonable - but nothing to help Weaver in PvP compared to Catalyst.
  13. Forcing it to hit a target would ruin the skill for people who also want to use it for kiting in pvp/wvw.
  14. Not disagreeing with you dude and not saying its fair. Just how it is.
  15. Unfortunately there is such a big gap between the top ele players and the average ele player. Any buffs to ele make it incredibly op in the hands of a top tier player and the nerfs to bring them in line effect the average player. I'm not saying "git gud" or anything, it's just a bit of a conundrum for the balance team. I personally think ele is in a good spot and scepter certainly doesn't need any buffs, but I could get behind a staff rework :)
  16. Ah don't get me wrong, this was long overdue and it will still take skill to pull off. I'm not complaining, just think it may be a little too insane in the right hands...
  17. Oh good lord. This is juicy. Maybe a little too juicy. Ngl, I think these changes are going to make a lot of people very upset in pvp/wvw lol
  18. Or your narrow-minded opinion can be ignored and the game can be balanced around all different playstyles. Problem solved. Skill and gear are both factors, of course. However just because you can outskill someone who is using cele stats doesn't mean it's balanced. It's not a difficult concept to understand.
  19. I'm not upset though (although it seems you are?). I'm just pointing out that cele is overpowered. It is just an opinion (fact) and it is not unreasonable to want balance in the game modes you play. And since when does only large scale balance matter? It might be that only large scale matters to you, sure, but not for everyone. WvW allows for many types of play. Especially when we consider certain classes aren't usually welcome in large scale (thief etc), that would mean anyone who plays thief should basically not play wvw according to your logic... Also, why the need to throw personal insults? It's completely unnecessary.
  20. How about no. WvW allows for many types of play. I much prefer playing wvw for smallscale/roaming. I may not care about large-scale fights but I'm not being arrogant or dismissive enough to suggest that it is irrelevant and that you are playing the game mode wrong. I would appreciate the same respect in return. Also, please read posts before you come in and take things out of context. I was not using winning duels as a reason for why celestial is op.
  21. But the issue IS celestial stats (as well as some overperfoming skills etc). Stop speaking down to everyone because you think they are only saying it because they lost a duel. There is no need to resort to that kind of behaviour when you have no idea what people have experienced. I win the vast majority of my duels, vs cele or not, but I am fully aware cele is currently op. I have also used cele and incorporated it in my builds before. Even used it in strictly full power FA builds, because it still offers so much value with the power/boon duration and defensive stats. It offers the best value for small scale and currently is actually killing diversity in roaming/small scale because other stat combinations are inferior. I actually thought it was fine before it got the unnecessary buff to add concentration and expertise. Remove those in wvw only and we're golden. It doesn't need to be removed completely like the pvp amulet and it can then still be used in build craft.
  22. I genuinely can't believe people actually defend Celestial for smallscale/roaming/duelling. It is straight up overpowered and every single good player I talk to agrees. There is a good reason why celestial stats are so widespread in roaming and duelling builds right now.
  23. As a Fresh air weaver main, and scepter enthusiast, I am not convinced about this. I do agree some other classes have way easier bursts and some do more dmg and need to be brought in line (I'm looking at you grenades), but any buff to scepter would need to be subtle or risk making the weapon OP. Maybe some of the underperforming skills, like earth auto + 3 and water auto + 3 could use some love, but the rest are decent. Haha, nah. I land them ALL the time. Dragonstooth is especially great to punish rezzers and it has a low enough cooldown that if you don't get them on the first CC, you usually will by the second or third. I do agree that staff needs some attention though.
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