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  1. What are you even on about? This is a open, public post. I can comment directly to the topic of the thread- which I did. By your logic I can only comment to the thread if I have something to say about the last discussion in hand? What's the matter with you... And how am I the one picking fights? You started with your cocky "slow clap" to my comment, for no reason. I didnt even quote you. And then you procceed to tell me that I derail "discussions" and what I have to say is completly nonsense, while all I do is share my honest opinions on the title of the topic. So tell me again, who is picking fights...?
  2. What other interesting chats were you referring to... that I seem to derail by commenting on the title of the thread? Yeah. I would make Skyscale take long or longer than originally. Is that a problem? I dont know if you've been around, but its always a complaint of how quickly people finish new content and how it turns to "anet please, there's nothing to do" so yeah in fact, Id make all the grinds in this game take longer. Do you have a problem with my opinion?
  3. Ohh kitten, my bad. I had no idea I cant give my thoughts on the original title of the thread, and that instead I have to cater to YOUR "interesting" ongoing discussions. Not everything is about you.
  4. Here we go with the pseudoproblems again... I swear some people just sit in LA and think to themselves; "What should I complain about today...?"
  5. Well then how are they supposed to make money and keep the game online, if not from cash shop? You should be thankful most if not everything in cash shop is cosmetic or offers a small QoL. Many other games take a waaaayyy different approach.
  6. In before every necro fanboy comes in here to protect their class.
  7. Oh boy this is hard to read. Any tl:dr?
  8. OP you do realise the only reason you need ascended armor set for is to "grind" t3-t4 fractals... since you dont like grinding... what do you need the armor set for...??? Is my question...
  9. Games usually add fishing as side content but GW2 made a whole expansion out of it. Sad to see you guys settle for so little. Exp3 will be the forgotten one, once we do get exp4 and more.
  10. Why do people treat this forum as their personal diary?
  11. Runescape, FlyFF, ROSE online, Cabal, Rappelz, Kal online, Age of Wushu, Aura Kingdom, World of Tanks... and the list goes on... I prefer grindy games where progression takes ages and I can feel good about achievements. This is why I no longer play GW2.
  12. Some problems you guys got here... Almost 20 years on the internet, never have I felt harassed. Or I just didn't care. Oh yeah, I didn't care. You people taking your virtual problems too seriously. Friend's list is fine.
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