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Everything posted by Engal.6359

  1. Haha I'm on the DB server so i could be a Dragonbrand Dragonbrand ?
  2. It's very useful for certain matchups. I would make it also transfer one condi but w/e.
  3. Why no chrono changes? Did you intend to make the class irrelevant? It's totally useless in 2/3 game modes. Did the balance team not understand the impact of the changes or did they not care?
  4. It's only relevant with condi. The dmg off of bouncing staff aa is stupidly high compared to something like sword. Make it so clones can't do condi dmg pls.
  5. Holo or mirage, holo is broken af and I have lots of fights where ppl are obviously getting carried by the fact that it's so broken (I play core mes).
  6. Lol not everyone plays tryhard builds all the time. Some people care more about having fun than getting the best dps. As long as you still do fine who cares if you play core ele or some other meme build? It's more interesting than playing the exactly optimal meta for months/years with almost no changes. Third person thing is kinda weird, but who really cares that much?
  7. Haha yeah I have the $5 mouse from Amazon and it works fine for me.
  8. Ben has confirmed that ranked is more popular than unranked when the season is live. I stand corrected. That was just my impression from talking with friends who are fairly casual. Also - when is this Ben guy going to get a raise? It's like he does more communication with the playerbase and keeps people more engaged than the rest of the studio put together...
  9. Same neither work and I MISSED PLAT BECAUSE OF THIS BUG WTF.
  10. Unranked is where the majority of ppl play pvp. The ranked population doesn't really reflect it. As the game matures you have more ppl branching out of pve. WvW requires gear, so most go to pvp. They don't do AT's they just have some fun. But that doesn't mean they aren't there.
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