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Daniel Handler.4816

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Everything posted by Daniel Handler.4816

  1. They confirmed on Twitter a female VA Source? Yes and no. They may reproduce via magic, but the Kralk family was given gendered pronouns. So his other tweet referred to Jormag as non-binary. I'm guessing gendering was only a quality of the Kralk family. Perhaps a vestige of their interactions with humans. https://twitter.com/tomabernathy/status/1167531094805110784?s=20
  2. They confirmed on Twitter a female VA Source? Yes and no. They may reproduce via magic, but the Kralk family was given gendered pronouns.
  3. I kinda just want a mean old woman as a villain.
  4. Also the link for anyone else.https://mobile.twitter.com/GuildWars2_FR/status/1167475036455747584?s=17
  5. Hm, it does sort of sound like Jormag has a female VA that was pitched down. Also elder dragons can present as any gender. If Aurene could be one I don't see why one of the original six couldn't be female.
  6. I wonder if Icebrood Saga and Bound in Blood, beyond referring to the minions and legion, are also hinting at a scion. Its brood and its blood. The trailer is also white walker-ish and it will be interesting to see how much that work influences their's.
  7. A hide option for the legendary trinkets that allows people with multiple trinkets to choose which tier they display, or show nothing at all.
  8. Helmets, shoulders, gloves, and backpacks can be hidden. Armor and weapons can be reskinned. But if one wants to equip a legendary trinket they have to display the effect? In addition, the legendary trinkets stack and it seems only fair if you have multiple you should get to choose which of the modes is shown. For example if you have all three but prefer the look of two, you are disincentivized from wearing one of them.
  9. Apologies. Though even if that skill didn't exist I would still pick Sylvari. Necro has a very green/dark green/black pallete that meshes well with Sylvari skin tones as well as the dark green/purple/red tones of the Nightmare Court. With Sylvari exclusive cultural armor you can make your clothes (which are technically your skin in lore, they grow their own clothing, how weird is that) look like an autumn plant slowly dying, and when winter comes make them look dead.
  10. Wasn’t take root gutted last year? Pretty sure it was. From 10s to 3s bleeds. It's still 30 ranged stacks(5 turrets, 6 hits/turret) + 3 seconds invuln, that comes with 5 aggro targets. Someone bench marked it on a condi Ranger;Entangle 34.4k - Sylvan Hound 35.3k - Take Root 33.5kYou can watch it here It definitly had it's hay-day. That's very over now, and shouldn't have any influence picking a race for a particular profession.You are thinking of Raids and linked a Ranger build. I am thinking of owPvE Necro where it is still much better than Plaguelands or Ghastly Breach in both range and functionality.
  11. Wasn’t take root gutted last year? Pretty sure it was. From 10s to 3s bleeds. It's still 30 ranged stacks(5 turrets, 6 hits/turret) + 3 seconds invuln, that comes with 5 aggro targets.
  12. Sylvari female. It's pretty and take root is the only viable elite racial for condi builds.
  13. How are French/Spanish/German speakers divided if they were to fill several alliances? For instance, if there are more French alliances than one world can handle do they both get evenly distributed or does one get an all-French world while the other is majority English minority French?
  14. Lyssa is actually two entities, Ilya and Lyss. They are usually depicted conjoined, and refered to as singular. If one twin supported the Gods, and the other Balthazar it wouldn't surprise me. They are the goddess of duality and illusion after all.
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