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Everything posted by Rex.3602

  1. Thank you for the roadmap! :) I'm very excited for the new missions. I always enjoyed fighting the dragon champions and am expecting the same from these too. I especially like that there is a solo option as well as re-playability and progression in these.
  2. The reason I voted yes is because I have seen map instances where lots of players in Dragonfall for example were working on other things like unlocking their skyscale as opposed to trying to complete events or the meta event, because when you complete the meta event the map resets and if they were close to finding the item they needed for their skyscale they have to start finding it from the beginning of the map again. Having information on player counts may somewhat help in distinguishing between Dragonfall map instances where players are working on their skyscale and don't want to be bothered by resets, and other maps that are actively trying to finish the meta event. I'm not sure if this would be the best solution for this kind of problem though, and there may be better suggestions for it.
  3. This would be the best solution. I'm guessing Anet could simply make them cost gems even if the cost may be fairly high.
  4. As a long time player, introducing open world PvP would do little to make me want to buy the new expansion. This is because I find it to be a generic idea that is already used in many games now. I could easily just play a different game if I want to experience open world PvP.
  5. The Extra Life, because I like reviving players in game. =)
  6. Interesting. Seems like it might be a SSD only problem. I might also consider re-installing GW2 on my SSD in the future, so if indeed this is a problem it would be nice if it is fixed. SSD, 48gb here. Nice, I guess it will be fine for me to download again onto my SSD then. Not sure why the OP is having a problem installing on their SSD then. I assume that you only need the required 48 GB of space free on the SSD to be able to download and install the files, unless there is some compression done of the game files after installation? BTW You don't need to download it again. You can just move the gw2 folder and all its contents to a folder on your SSD, update your desktop shortcuts to point to the new location and it should work fine. Great, I will do that then. I don't usually do this because for some things in the past it hasn't worked well, but if others have done it for GW2 and it was fine I'll do it too. Thanks for the tip. :)
  7. In a way I feel like these design choices that seem to have favoured joining large zergs more than participating in small groups or roaming have had a huge impact on the amount of perceived action happening in WvW. Not only has it seemed to make small groups and roamers rarer, but it also seems to have concentrated most of the action in one area of the map since most people will bunch up along with the zerg running around. So until this zerg meets another large zerg in the map, this makes it feel like there are not many fights happening.
  8. Sadly it seems like that's the case. I'm not sure if simply increasing damage would improve the situation now though, since healing, buffs etc. also make following a zerg as opposed to roaming so much more safer and viable too.
  9. Does this issue also occur with other files and games on your SSD, or is it only GW2 (even after re-downloading/re-installing)? If it's only with GW2 and you haven't already, you might want to submit a ticket through the official support link at the top of this page, because only Anet will know exactly how the installation process occurs and where problems may potentially happen.
  10. I have played raids in other MMOs but for some reason the concept of raids in GW2 personally doesn't appeal to me. Strikes haven't interested me either and I have ignored them since I don't care about the rewards. Maybe it's because I just prefer the style of the open world content in this game as opposed to the instanced content.
  11. That depends on the time of day, the commander and most importantly: map queues. Many commanders won't jump if there is a queue on a map, how could they, or if it's clear that the map is near full, say if a queue was up near the entire time for the last hour. On my server, guild groups or commanders also communicate and signal when they switch borders, so other commanders know who is where. The other issue is something which is creeping up on EU as well, I'm assuming you are on NA since scouting even if not 24/7 is done fairly regularly on EU servers, at least the ones I know: there is a growing amount of players who would rather run along side a tag on their "custom" builds than join the tag. It is not uncommon today to have a tag with 30 players in squad, 20+ more tagging along on a map with queue. Those players are neither roamers, nor dedicated enough to actually commit to playing together (and even less get on voice). It's the individualists approach to group content which is seeping over from PvE more and more. The luxury of "I stay how long I want at my terms with minimum commitment" that some players bring to the table. It also clearly shows, the vast majority of players even when not fully committing to a tag, will rather stay near a tag than start roaming. This is slowing getting off topic though and might require a topic of its own with likely no solution available since the game mode is for each and every player and it is hard to force others to change their playing habits. What I am referring to here though is in a single map, such as ebg, so queues to bring a commander from a different map wouldn't be necessary when there are already some on the current map. Commanders doing their own thing is fine since they have a group. I just find that a lot of players who probably aren't in the group also hang around. Yeah, it could just be common on the server I play on - I am on NA. I agree that it could be a lot of newish PvE players that feel safer near a tag or they are learning how things work in WvW. Might be an increase in this now because some useful PvE rewards are available only in WvW. I've actually found in the last couple of days commanders often having to tell roamers to go capture other camps, maybe because they realized everyone on the map seems to be hugging the tag. You're right that this is probably not the right thread for a deeper discussion of this topic.
  12. Interesting. Seems like it might be a SSD only problem. I might also consider re-installing GW2 on my SSD in the future, so if indeed this is a problem it would be nice if it is fixed. SSD, 48gb here.Nice, I guess it will be fine for me to download again onto my SSD then. Not sure why the OP is having a problem installing on their SSD then. I assume that you only need the required 48 GB of space free on the SSD to be able to download and install the files, unless there is some compression done of the game files after installation?
  13. Interesting. Seems like it might be a SSD only problem. I might also consider re-installing GW2 on my SSD in the future, so if indeed this is a problem it would be nice if it is fixed.
  14. My GW2 installation folder also has a size of 48 GB on a non-SSD. Not sure why your one is 95 GB. Perhaps you have a double installation like the above poster has suggested?
  15. Find some magical way to bring back Joko Anet! :p
  16. The thing for blobs in WvW now seems to be to hide behind a wall and stack. It has become very boring and predictable imo. Yeah, I remember when people didn't need to rely on a commander tag to find action and scouting was done. These days I won't even bother to scout anymore since commanders are usually off doing their own thing, and like 95% of the players that are not in the group are just following the tag around.
  17. Aesthetically I really like the look of Southsun Cove. It's a shame though that there isn't much to do there besides Karka Queen, otherwise it would have been one of my favourite places to hang out.
  18. I would like to see more open world content too. Personally, I miss the world bosses and would loved to have seen something like them in the HoT or PoF expansion maps. There is not much difference between meta events and world bosses. Some are just straight boss fights (branded Shatt, Drakkar...).Not much difference between the end of the meta events and world boss spawns because they are usually both just a single tough fight. The difference I like between the two however is that a lot of meta events require many easy and tedious pre-meta events to be completed in order to get to the final fight, whereas the pre-events for the world boss spawns are usually quick and short. This makes it feel like I can jump in at almost any time to do a world boss, whereas for meta events I need to be placed on an active map that focuses on doing it or join a pre-made group.
  19. The game mode is not dead, but good action in it is close to dead. For the vast majority of time all I see is gankers and gigantic blobs of guilds stacking which are very hard to contest without another organized group that is also large. Often there are no other guilds or large zergs on the map, which can make it near impossible to contest the objectives that huge zergs are going for effectively.
  20. Heh. When I first started playing this game I thought stealth would be a permanent thing until you entered combat, and once you enter combat you would have only 1 skill on a long cooldown to escape and stealth again, like it works in some other MMOs I played. The way stealth works in GW2 does not interest me at all and I don't think I will ever play thief because of this personal preference.
  21. It's a business. Businesses don't necessarily adhere to the interests of customers and where those customers think resources should be allocated. If you have a problem with the way the resources are allocated, the obvious and only thing that you can do as a customer is not support them by paying money. Maybe then they will listen to your concerns because it may be financially necessary. Giving them your money and then expecting them to do certain things with it when they are a separate entity with possibly completely different interests and goals is illogical and not even remotely sensible.
  22. This thread again? You can already spend as much or as little money as frequently as you like by purchasing gems in game for cash, if you feel the need to support them.
  23. Haha, I dislike all the JPs in the game probably because my coordination and patience in this regard isn't as great as others. :p
  24. At the moment, based on all the official information we have available, you can't do this. If you like, you might want to continue the discussion in the official thread linked in the above post, because there is a lot of discussion there and it may be more likely to be seen by the devs.
  25. I would like to see more open world content too. Personally, I miss the world bosses and would loved to have seen something like them in the HoT or PoF expansion maps.
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