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  1. I first experienced the DE meta 6 days ago. And out of 4 attempts, 3 were sucesfull. The one that failed was at 10%, mainly becouse 50% of people were dead and didnt revive Is the meta actually hard? With what people would call "raid group". The boss barely does any mechanics And it is definetly easier to coordinate than lets say Tarir or Dragon Stand It just feels to me people have gotten quite lazy/unwilling to learn. There are practically 1 button builds that can do 10k+ DPS which is more than enough for this event
  2. Hi, Would it be possible to add option to unlock the cursor when using skills that have AoE?
  3. For some reason I feel Harbinger or Bladesworn fulfill Engi theme much better than Mechanist. Mech is cool but we already have static pets in form of turrets and dedicating a whole e-spec traitline and multiple skills to a ranger pet feels weird. There is so much potentional that can be done with Mechanist yet I feel like A-net is trapping itself by treating the mech as a player character. The mech customization window should not be in a traitline but in a ranger pet menu
  4. The Mech could easily be an elite skill like a flesh golem and not much would be different
  5. The lack of ammo mechanic on engi is a bit worrying
  6. Idea is nice but the execution is fundamentaly flawed
  7. I do not like it (animations and theme is neat tho) The spec seems fundamentaly flawed in design (not to mention the terrible pet AI). Feels like this is very rushed first draft that could be done in an hour. - a) add current mech customization power outside of traits (similiar how ranger chose pets) - b) add options to dye the mech - c) add A LOT of more mech customization. Lets say a mech has basic AA, 2 weapon skills and 3 active ones. I would love to see at least 5 options for every type (30 customizable skills in total) - d) unlock weapons (and possibly skill) e-spec restriction The Warrior E-spec bladesworn feels more engi themed than this tbh)
  8. It feels somebody came up with this in like an hour
  9. I am not very eloquent so I keep this short and simple. Mechanist removes the entire class mechanic of toolbelt skills from engi in exchange for ... a ranger pet with no synergy native to ranger? Is the mech just a fancy turret? Proposed changes: Move all the traits into a special "mech" window, similiar to the ranger pet window that allows us to customize the mech with its own traits (similiar to WoW pet talent tree) Change the traitlines to have effect for both the mechanist and the mech, not mech only (and probably something that benefits you if you dont have a mech summoned) Signets - eh, one of the most boring skill types Generally I think all classes but engineer the most deserves a complete class overhaul from core to all e-specs.
  10. Good points. I just find the way boons and conditions went (and general GW2 design in powecreep) over the years in frankly a horrible state. The less spamy, more tactical core game had something special in it I feel we lost. Now that the cat is out of the bag and we can have pretty much 100% uptime on ALL boons for 10 players in raid enviroment, it might be a little too late and scale it back. Letts look at WoW and compare quickness vs bloodlust. When BL was released in TBC, you could have 100% uptime via access to shamans or drums. More or less a mandatory buff. That is the current state of quickness. What I would love to see is to move boos in general into more of a "dps/defensive" cooldown role than just being present
  11. I have a dream, many might disagree. So here we go. General - all boons and coditions should stack in intensity - It should not be possible for any class to give 100% uptime of any boon to a whole party (offset by better self-sustain) - uncapped boons. Stack as many as you want (would require some major reworks) Boons Examples: Fury - 7% crit per stack Conditions - add some spice to them - less binary effects Bleeding - increase the duration of the bleeds by 1 sec if you are moving Poisoned - 11% healing reduction per stack. At 10+ stacks, take dmg from healing Blinded - stack intensity Chilled - 11% MS and CD reduction per stack. At 10+ stacks, consume all stacks after 2 seconds and become frozen (stunned) for 0,5 sec for every stack above 10 Add some new conditions such as Acid, Shocked etc.
  12. The main issue with most mesmer builds is that they are build around one-shot combos which are fairly easy to pull off. Its probably not healthy to have builds ingame that can kill you in 1 sec or during a stunlock (especially if the setup is instant and often through invisibility)
  13. I wish they would make more ovehauls to core and elite specs, but not like this. Instead making mantras a glorified shouts. I would like more skills, more complexity not less
  14. The ending was definetly rushed but ultimatly the result would have been the same. I can only wish if we can get a proper story in a text-based form on perhaps something like a Vision in the past.
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