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Everything posted by battledrone.8315

  1. lol, thats why they are making a tutorial in in the 3rd expansion? "more rewards for less gameplay" ...thats funny for anyone, who can remeber the tarir multi loot exploit
  2. wow doesnt, at least not on normal difficulty. destiny isnt a true mmo, doesnt count that leaves 3 out of how many? yea....
  3. name them. wow doesnt. swtor doesnt. dont know about teso. sto doesnt . dcuo no CO no name those, who still does that
  4. very few games do this, except on higher difficulties. dont know about FF though. watching your team struggle with one guy less, without being able to do anything gives you ...what? hope? joy? + 1000 in attack power? what?
  5. i would prolly never use it, but it looks cool. if i could get it in a semi-painless way, i would get it just for the lulz. once again, the designer team wins PS if youre so chill about it , could you at least use caps? we are trying to start a revolution here
  6. just out of curiosity, how about raids? is the penalty box there too?
  7. nope, only strikes and elite/mythic raids do this. any other instances, you just res and get back in the fight. or get kicked, so the team can have another go. this the exact OPPOSITE of user friendly
  8. sweet dreams bro. you are surprisingly chill for a hardcore player. i wish there were more like you. when i conquer the world, i will make 10 bilion clones of you, thats a promise
  9. that it isnt fun, nor user friendly, and i am not doing it again. and instances can be quite fun, i have done a lot of st patricks day events in the last days all with pugs and many F2Pers. it does help immensely, that they have functional scaling.
  10. when i died in the strike, i couldnt get out, i was in the penalty box. AFAIK, only mordy does the same. and this NOT user friendly
  11. most people wont pay for annoyance. in fact, most people will pay for the exact opposite. when people gets angry, its because the game has set something up, and failed in delivering the expected result. angry means, that they still care. if they just uninstall without a word, THEN the game is kittened
  12. could you make the fish admiral ackbars brother or something? i always hated that guy
  13. forums are important for feedback and venting, and most players will never see them anyway like i said, even the mighty wow, when they were at the very top, would have tons of negative threads and most of those threads DID have merit to them, considering how things turned out if you want positivity, you have to make the game a fun and forgiving place first make it a frustrating experience, and players WILL lash out..at each other, the devs etc some people have spent over 80 hrs trying to get the turtle, thats over 2 FULL WORK WEEKS you dont have to be einstein to predict what is coming next...
  14. did you ever visit the wow forums back , when they were good? they could have a nerf thread with millions of views and 1000s of comments. this is peanuts in comparison
  15. this the game, where hardcores do 10X more damage, than casuals. anet knows as much about balance, as i do about knitting. prolly even less
  16. dude, if you want positive threads, just make them. but they prolly wont be very popular, because of the many unhappy customers. if you want positivity, then you should prolly look in game, where all the happy players are
  17. what story mission locks you inside a dead instance? and when they have to buff the rewards to "motivate" the players, then it really cant be that good, can it? it is new content, people should be standing in line to get in
  18. i have tried one of the strikes, never again. it is basically a hardcore version of the 4man versions in champions online. except, that you need more( and better) players. and, of course, they lock in the penalty box, if you die. i actually had to wait for the next group, to get out again. some of the least user friendly content i have EVER seen
  19. PS . those farmers will prolly ruin it for some of the groups, who are still trying to do the meta and start another totally unnecessary conflict
  20. i know that you like the content, but anet has already pulled the emergency brakes, and they have made the turtle farmeable. so your way was obviously NOT the popular one money talks...you know the rest
  21. nope, youre on the forum, complaining about a complaint. lol. enjoy the meta (until they nerf it) enjoy the raids (which you wont get more of) meanwhile, ill revel in the fantasy about the expansion, that i didnt get either its the perfect solution, it makes EVERYONE miserable on an equal scale
  22. yep, nothing to see here, everything is fine just waiting for the "but its an older game, so that is to be expected " line now its the usual response. and the result is always the same.
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