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Posts posted by thepenmonster.3621

  1. @"Strider Pj.2193" said:It would be nice if the developers actually understood that there were other modes than PvE modes.

    My advice; If PvP/WvW players want to get more money put towards those modes, PvP/WvW players need to convince everyone else it's a fun time with cool people. It needs to be sold the same way guilds are being sold. "You help us retake the Eternal Battlegrounds, we'll help you take down Kudu."

    What they should have done from the start is have true skill splits between PvP, PvE and WvW.

    Yup. They should be unrelated. And there will never be that class balance everyone wants until then.

  2. @Strider Pj.2193 said:

    @"thepenmonster.3621" said:One thing I've recently learned from these forums is that WvW is the only mode the game has.

    Wait what?

    Ahh.. you were going for the /S with that.. got it.

    Yes and no. The "why the game is dying" threads here and on Reddit are always;

    1. Please don't nerf my build in PvP/WvW. Literally unplayable now.
    2. Please nerf other build that beat me in PvP/WvW. Literally unplayable now.
    3. Please force more players to play PvP/WvW. Literally unplayable now.
    4. Story isn't PvP/WvW. Literally unplayable now.

    I dig. I know I'd be hella salty if the devs said Icebrood Saga is going to be all fractals.

    And I'm always serious about this;

    I am down with the "Give me free stuffs" idea and anyone leaving can feel free to mail me theirs.

    I'm waiting for Cellofrag to get pissed because he couldn't flip a sword on the TP and leave. I will gladly accept his stuffs for my personal skritt stash.

  3. @"BobbyT.7192" said:wondering is it actually the general opinion here in the community.

    The forums exist as a place for PvP/WvW to complain in so what you read will always be some variation on, "Someone 's rock always beats my scissors. Please nerf."

  4. @"Thornwolf.9721" said:What A-net should have done is make is you can pick whether or not you're in human form or beast form.

    I disagree. I think what they should have done is make the racial skills on par with the professional skills so shape changing is a valid build option.

    Anyway I chose Charr because PROUD WARRIOR RACE is done to death and not a personality type I find likable. (Don't get me wrong, Rytlock is mah bro but he grew past "For the legions!") Though you could apply this to the Norn in practice they are, as others have said, big drunken humans.

  5. @"Court.7180" said:And no, the solution isn't "play a less demanding class" all classes should be accessible and everyone should be able to do well at it.

    While there's no neon sign on them saying so, the professions are the game's difficulty modes. They just have a bit more fine tuning than Easy-Normal-Hard.

    @"Donari.5237" said:If you don't want to have two sets of skills to remember, I'm pretty sure you can equip the exact same type of weapon in each slot.

    This is good advice. One weapon main hand and one off hand is a something the devs planned for given all of the "on weapon swap" sigils. Anyway, I play a tanky hammer scrapper w gyros. The F buttons are for when everything else is on cooldown. Maybe I'm not the guy to be talking to about difficulty and rotations.

  6. @"Astralporing.1957" said:People still want to believe that an expansion is coming, and any informations to the contrary are either a mistake, or Anet trying to keep what they're working on secret.

    "The big announcement at PAX is about a new expansion."

    "They already said there wasn't going to be one. They're announcing the new season."

    "I can't wait to find out about the expansion."

    "Did you hear me? They said they weren't."

    "My entire state of sanity depends upon that new expansion."

    "They aren't..."


    -- Reddit, GW2 sub. 2019.

  7. @Thornwolf.9721 said:Id welcome them destroying the meta and balancing the game so everyone would rely more on skill and knowledge and not bs mechanics/ stupid gimicks to win.

    I'd rather keep my PvE meta advantages because I want to mow through the trash mobs as quickly as possible and if I was forced to play DH with just the bow I wouldn't play DH.

    But as far as complaining about not having balance in competitive modes, yes. Removing meta from the equation and not letting players make their own builds is the only way to create actual play balance.

  8. @c space cowboy.2764 said:4th. Class/skill balance. The fact that 2 main classes have dominated WvW since HoTs release is ridiculous.

    The rest of your desires are reasonable, but this is impossible. Meta is about having an advantage. Balance is about not having any advantage. They are incompatible. You want profession balance in the competitive modes you must remove the meta. That will not fly with anyone.

    The other option to this is to completely sever the PvE side of the game from the PvP so changes to one won't impact the other. I figure it's just as impossible due to the money and manpower costs.

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