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Posts posted by thepenmonster.3621

    1. Lack of meaningful character progression. This covers gear progression, achievements and mastaries.
    2. Cosmetics, not enough of.
    3. Difficulty.
    4. LW. Achievement. Expanding on maps.
    5. Gem store.
    6. Co-operative game play.
    7. PvP.
    8. Fear for the game direction.

    Haven't the freedom to watch the video but going by his complaints in the past;

    1. If meaningful is another way to say, "I don't need this to play" I agree. But that stuff, like the skyscale, griffon, fashion wars, achievements are there for the skritts in the player base. But if meaningful is a complaint about how pointless the raven masteries currently are... Well, I've adopted a wait and see attitude towards them but they do seem like Bloodstone Fen all over again.
    2. I agree.
    3. The number of players I rez in Core daily suggests "too easy" is mostly a problem for the hardcore / best geared/ most experienced players. Since Anet has placed their eggs in the casuals basket (churn makes money) the only thing they can do for the more serious players is try to add a difficulty option for the instances.
    4. No idea on what the commentary on it is but they do need to do more with current maps.
    5. All convenience and cosmetic. The way it should be. That includes template slots, though they did shit the bed on implementing that one.
    6. Dungeons? They should be rolled into the personal story like Arah was. Raids? Shouldn't have been added in the first place. Bonus rewards for grouping up? Great idea. Adding a way to stop leeches? Make it so.
    7. The best thing for everyone would be to separate it from the PvE side of the game. Balance to one fucks up the balance of the other. No one is happy.
    8. Ehn. Vote with your login.

    ETA- There are far too many way points

  1. @Solvar.7953 said:those that have moved on are most likely not reading those forums

    They're all over on Reddit trying to drive other players away.

    Anyway, about the OP: I've been having an itch to get back to LOTRO recently. The ability to set up my skills the way I want and the slower combat seems like a pleasant day dream after a few years of attunement and kit swapping. I wonder if I can readjust to taking several months to hit level cap instead of a fortnight?

  2. @"Shikaru.7618" said:Blame the game for demanding so little of us.

    I tend to blame gamers for being gamers. Even if the devs did move the level of difficulty towards the players with the uber builds those players would still find ways to slack off and let someone else do the work in the events. "Harder" is not a solution to this problem.

    Unless they start electrifying the floors?

    Anyway, I don't think something as frivolous as a festival event needs a kick function. But I do think that the metas do need either an idle timer or the rewards adjusted based on participation level. Maybe no rewards above green quality if you're not tagged as having completed the pre events? Or if you wait for the chest icons to appear on the Palawadan map and you stroll in behind the zerg that has cleared a zone?

  3. @"Shikaru.7618" said:I say all of open world because this is how it works everywhere not just in CC.

    Once upon a time I decided to do Mega D. I WP in to the crater and see enough players that they hit my no-show threshold. You know what happened when the pre's popped?

    Me and two other players did them.

    I then started paying attention to the meta events and yeah, lots of players standing around waiting to tag the boss and letting others do the work, and they were in no way the minority. I did try for a while to hint in chat that they should get off their asses, "Hey! Anyone need help with the pre's? I'll come join you." These days if I find I'm the only one doing things I'll stop and try to convince any other suckers with me to let the event fail. They never take me up on it and I dig why: I already have the achievements and loot I needed from the world bosses. It's easy for me to walk away but maybe not so for them.

  4. @voltaicbore.8012 said:What I have absolutely zero empathy for is the feeling that some of the above individuals have, namely that their level of gameplay should somehow set the standard for discussion...

    This is the correct take.

    @Ashantara.8731 said:I am an old school pen & paper role-player

    Hey! Me too!

    and there is no real adventure without epic fights.

    Long fights were the least enjoyable aspect of playing for me so I tune out when it happens. Great time to do some drawing. As the snarky saying goes: I'm a role-player not a roll-player.

    But here's the thing- If I spent all of my time telling the roll-players they're doing it wrong they would have every right to think I'm an ass and not want to play with me because (Are you ready to have your mind blown?) I was being an ass who was always telling them they're playing wrong.

    This is also why no one wants to leave open world and go play raids, PvP and fractals with all of you. Not that they're lazy carebear players. Because you guys, self-appointed representatives of those modes and champions of harder mobs, always behave like unappealing playmates.

  5. @"ReActif.9251" said:Same but there is another thing than lags. Many server have big BIG PL on transmission, behind the fiorst Anet server there are so many paquet lost.Just a quick traceroute :wDlOaBu.png

    And if we do an IP Lookup on where the packet death happens...

    Details for 878544517Hostname: Amazon.comOrganization: Amazon.comServices: None detectedType: CorporateAssignment: Likely Static IPBlacklist:

    Continent: North AmericaCountry: United States us flagState/Region: WashingtonCity: SeattleLatitude: 47.6348 (47° 38′ 5.28″ N)Longitude: -122.3451 (122° 20′ 42.36″ W)Postal Code: 98109

  6. Did a bunch of i.p. and traceroute magic and all of my lag problems begin in America. Maybe all of yours does as well?

    And while US internet is generally awful the huge lag comes consistently from a couple of IP address owned by a mysterious organization called

    ... squinting...

    "Amazon Technologies Inc".

    They've really been shitting the bed recently.

  7. I'd like to see a twist where Steve Bubbles and Jormag are "good" in that they can control their base urges to consume everything and see the need to maintain balance on Tyria and their end goal is to both not meet their end at the hands of the Commander and keep their day job of keeping Tyria's magic at manageable levels. They're just really crap at working with others. Why compromise in a partnership when you can just brand them?

  8. @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    And why would it/he/she even bother trying to bond with us, when the simpler solution would be to throw several armies of Svanir and Icebrood and fallen Kodan and boneskinners and whatever at us? I think there's a legitimate reason for Jormag contacting us outside of just trying to bait us into an easy target.

    Well Kralk and the two others tried throwing force at the problem, and that didn't turn out so well for them.

    Yup. At this point the Commander is a force of nature on par with the Six. You come gunning for them, you're going to get stomped.

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