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Posts posted by ShroomOneUp.6913

  1. On 5/5/2021 at 2:07 PM, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

    "its not fun to play against retaliation"

    I bet you forgot that in iron marches you put up a veteran mordrem wolf that has permanent self generating boss ability retaliation that is probably NOT effected by the mere swap to resolution to the player accessible one?

    cause that the only time to not have fun against retaliation when you play a class that has no boon rip

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAND as expected the modrem wolf STILL has retaliation meaning you STILL do not have fun playing against that one. WELL DONE ANET


  2. On 5/10/2021 at 8:05 AM, Amanda Whitemoon.6173 said:

    whats wrong with taking plot ideas from the forums, plenty of the ideas here  suggested  and speculatd have a basis in lore and what characters can do, and there are good ideas on the forums here:D

    nobody made fanfiction of brahm becoming primordus champion. dum dums just mistake people being smarter than anet and figuring their very obvious hints out and predict future story beats as fanfiction

    • Like 1
  3. "its not fun to play against retaliation"

    I bet you forgot that in iron marches you put up a veteran mordrem wolf that has permanent self generating boss ability retaliation that is probably NOT effected by the mere swap to resolution to the player accessible one?

    cause that the only time to not have fun against retaliation when you play a class that has no boon rip

    • Like 1
  4. On 4/16/2021 at 12:27 PM, Jukhy.2431 said:

    Bashing? I did not insult you, but I'm sorry if you took it that way. Also, I read this whole thread. You should not make assumptions about others so readily.You do realize this is a fantasy MMO computer game? I think you are reacting bit too strongly.

    You also seem to forget the history asuras have with Primordus' minions, how in GW:EotN the Great Destroyer massacred them. The dwarven race was also almost wiped out in the battle.So I'm sorry but I have to agree with Taimi that Primordus and his minions are the bigger threat. As she said: join forces with Jormag for now to fight Primordus together and deal with Jormag later. No one was arguing that Jormag is good, only that he is more reasonable when Primordus is basically a beast that can't be reasoned with.

    Here's some Taimi's quotes from the Metrica DRM:"Look, Braham, I get where you're coming from. I do. But even if Jormag's lying, the data doesn't.""Jormag's not the one burning our world, killing our people, destroying our homes. Primordus is. We had to abandon everything. And we're not the only ones.""I'm not saying you're wrong. We can deal with Jormag later, if it comes to that. But Primordus is the threat right now."

    To conclude: in your opinion Taimi's "great blunder" was using the age old rhetoric "enemy of my enemy is my friend", or in this case more of an ally. I see nothing wrong with it, but somehow it irks you she did this and didn't acknowledge it later? I'm not even sure why she should have.As I understood it, the reason why Jormag started freezing towns full of people was to balance his powers with Primordus, because he was gaining more thru the destroyers attacking and burning everything. I can't see how that is Taimi's fault either.

    And as I said, I think that Taimi being imperfect fits the writing quite well. Moving on like nothing happened whenever they might be wrong is pretty much how asuras are like, most are too arrogant to admit being wrong. But as we more recently saw, Braham had different idea, wanting to control Primordus. Or are you suggesting it was Taimi's fault that Braham made that choice? He said himself that he only did it "to save his friends". Or have I completely misinterpreted the story? Because that's what happened as far as I'm concerned.

    Oh, and as Kaliwenda.3428 said, I too want to thank you for making this thread. I've also started to pay more attention to the dialogue and been enjoying it a lot! :)

    its good to see you are consistent because you once again neglected to actually read what I wrote. any point you made here again would be clarified if you actually did. that's strike 2, I'll give you one more try if you then still have not bothered to read what I said then I with clear consciousness entirely disregard anything you post from here on out.


    but lets just bash your points directly.

    "this is just a fantasy story" is not an excuse what so ever for lazy and or shitty writing. It's the same line of reasoning when someone claims anything for children can be as mind numbingly dumb and incoherent as possible since "its just for kids"


    "you forget history the asura have with prim"
    quiet literally said that I do NOT expect the arcane council, the literal leadership of the asuran race, to not fall for jormags crap as they have been consistently depicted as negligent or incompetent. the my beef is the writing of a character who LITERALY knows better.

    And while we are at it with forgetting history: jormag literally waged war on the vigil/pact forces in bjoran marches, convincing decade long friends and companion to kill each other in cold blood, slayed hundreds if not thousands of local wild life, kodan, vigil and norn shamans, still using them as the abhorrent and fallen to continue that war, caused a civil war between the charr to ignite with them as the very reason WHY in the first place, an event that rippled further then just the map it was played out on. these are LITERALLY days old recent events. the destruction of what ever asuran civilization existed was TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS AGO. not a single asura alive today even remembers the depths of tyria personally.

    regardless how much of a threat primodus is, completely down playing ANYTHING that literally just happened recently at that point in the story is just straight up dumb. and you the same thing as taimi right now AND YOU EVEN HAVE THE HINDSIGHT.


    "I have to agree with Taimi that Primordus and his minions are the bigger threat."
    is he though? if you only go with raw strength or force you have no idea how fights or battles work. raw power is nothing when its uncontrolled and merely lashing out. And as far as the story goes primordus is only capable of temporarily diversions and distractions. Jormag literally deceived several governments to be an ally aside the post civil war charr legions. they fooled the arcane council, DR in kyrta was the first to be betrayed,  slyvari also had icebrood in their subtropical jungle and lion's arch was close to being overrun by them as well after letting go there in the first place. Primordus maybe be powerful, but a foe that you are to foolish to notice is worse than that. An enemy you know and see is easier to prepare for then one hiding behind your back having the knife ready to stab you.

    "As she said: join forces with Jormag for now to fight Primordus together and deal with Jormag later."

    this is exactly the problem. cause why would you ally with someone that you KNOW is going to back stab you? or at least should know he is going to. And we know jormag did because lake freaking doric.

    if you were REALLY surprised by this "turn" of event, I'm sorry for you.

    Heck the only time jormag did "help" was in brisban wildlands, and that was only ryland and that asshead merely tried to plant seeds of doubt, constantly shifting topics and goal posts to suit his narrative. So even jormag "helping" is just more deception. what a surprise.
    and I'm not saying we could have ignored primordus all together. what I'm saying that taimi SHOULD NOT HAVE GIVING JORMAG ANY INTEL or at least she should have faked the Intel given to the dragon because jormag is not a mind reader and could have been fooled by it. (seriously this would be another great change if she just pretended she did and that the false information given to jormag allowed use to act in lake doric before it was to late, but Nooooooooo)

    "No one was arguing that Jormag is good"

    uhm yes taimi literally did. she literally even said "enemies can becomes friends" and "there is a precedence for good elder dragons" 

    She may have said "we gonna deal with J later" that doesn't erase the fact she quiet literally argued that jormag might be a good guy. SHE DID ARGUE IT.

    "only that he is more reasonable when Primordus is basically a beast that can't be reasoned with."

    that was not even close what I or anyone with a similar view suggested.  the point is that jormag BECAUSE of his LITERALY RECENT ACTIONS is not to be trusted at all. even as an asura. and that's why blindly providing kittening data/Intel  or even entertaining the idea they might be good is DUMB, specially with 4 episodes proving it right before the "but no, we are actually allies" bullhonky.


    "Here's some Taimi's quotes from the Metrica DRM"

    which shows she entirely ignores that jormag is NOT like primodus nor that he acts like him.

    here is a quote from ryland "waiting for the right moment to strike isn't hiding"

    possibly the ONLY thing ryland said that had any truth to it or wasn't shifting topics of goal posts. This is HOW jormag operates. primordus goes immediately on the offensive. Jormag doesn't. And that is very dangerous. Cause if you know an enemy always resort to attacking first, then you can prepare and plan against it. an enemy waiting, planning scheming is more dangerous cause you do not know what to prepare for, sometimes the preparation is what the waiting enemy is counting on.

    And further more she does blatantly show she ignores literally all event that lead up to this moment in time.

    I can not stress this enough, jormag didn't just pop out of nowhere having suddenly a charr army under their belt.

    they had the majority of icebrood sage causing devastation and war with mere words. and I would like like to remind you at this point that the play time one has going through episode 1-4 is not reflective of the actual time passing in the story. As living world updates go the time between the patches ARE considered in real time in the story as well. if it took 3 months between one and the next patch then 3 months have past between the start of the first and the beginning of the second one. the only time that might be not applicable 1:1 is champions itself as it is just a frankenstein monster of the actual planned story before the saga was left with a skeleton crew.

    so you can have at minimum WEEKS  and maximum 2-3 months of jormag causing trouble. right before the metrica DRM. Will argue taimi might have NEVER heard about those events and the details as a Dragon's Watch MEMBER? never heard of the civil war between the charr at the door steps of the krytan kingdom? I advise you not to even entertain the thought.


    "To conclude"

    no you don't conclude anything. you didn't read what I wrote, you made up stuff that nobody suggested or claimed, you fall victim to the very same behavior as the one is criticize WHILE having hindsight as well.

    The "enemy of my enemy is my friend" does not work because the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy. that phrase only works if the "enemy of my enemy" has no stakes or interest in opposing me/us. guess what? jormag had ALL the reasons to oppose mortal life. what a coinkydink.

    Even you arguing that goes against your own point (taimi :"We can deal with Jormag later")

    advice: do not make arguments that bite you in the kitten later


    " Jormag started freezing towns full of people was to balance his powers with Primordus, because he was gaining more thru the destroyers attacking and burning everything. I can't see how that is Taimi's fault either."

    quiet literally taimi's fault. jormag may have vaguely known before, but they got confirmation and exact data from WHO????


    To know that "something is happening" is one thing, to know "how much/often/strong exactly" is the very reason why armed forces act. They suggest or make educated guesses what's happening, like weapons being stored and distributed. but they only go out when they know specifics when they have evidence, cause otherwise it could end disastrous for the forces. jormag got Intel from TAIMI.

    So yes taimi is at fault for Lake Doric. not her alone, not saying that but she gave vital Intel to the dragon's armies, WILLINGLY!


    " I think that Taimi being imperfect fits the writing quite well"
    never said she should be flawless. literally said this now 2 times by now but you never read what I wrote so here is literally the THRID TIME.

    Taimi doing all that stuff IS NOT BAD writing IN OF ITSELF or if it STANDS ALONE.

    NOT pointing fingers at her literally or metaphorically/holding her accountable for it afterward in the story IS.

    The only reason I point everything out I have discussed to this point IS TO SHOW WHY she should be held accountable.
    "Being/acting Dumb because reason [x]" does not absolve a character from "Wrong-doing" in a story.

    Accountable does not need to mean "capital punishment", like with another faction I'm going to mention after this, full acknowledgment and a delivery fitting a guilty conscience can be enough.

    (seriously I'm NOT asking for taimi to burned at the stake, what the heck)


    "Moving on like nothing happened whenever they might be wrong is pretty much how asuras are like"

    except we did see asura who DO care about those things all through out gw2 and further more this is NOT an asura only story.

    "most are too arrogant to admit being wrong"

    time is not your friend because even the arcane council came in, in the mostly botched final, and admitted their wrong doing. the freaking arcane council, which even in my book can get away with it to some extend, did acknowledge it. Where is taimi then? huh?


    "Braham had different idea, wanting to control Primordus. Or are you suggesting it was Taimi's fault that Braham made that choice?"

    this has literally nothing to do with taimi. there is nothing in the story suggesting brahm made any decision based on taimi. it may have been a minor detail when it was not just one split into 5 parts episode, but its certainly not here.

    Nor do I even said anything in relation. Taimi handing over Intel to jormag prompting them to attack lake doric has a direct correlation. Brahms choice is entirely separate from taimi's exsistence.

    In fact it sounds more like the topics change and goal post shifting I mentioned with ryland. (seriously if that is some sort of "jormag influences you" RP, kudos to you for sticking to it so consistently, otherwise...sad)


    "have I completely misinterpreted the story?"


    at least the story between brahm and taimi. you certainly did. but that doesn't mean you were right before.

  5. @Teratus.2859 said:Did I bash the writing of something?.. little confused by how you worded that.I only mocked some visual styles.. least to my knowledge :SOr were you referring to posts before mine or something?not you specifically, i was talking in general as I wanted to see how people thought about THAT particular instance of taimi writing but people dirfted off to once again talking about past events where i have already defused some in my initial post

    @Jukhy.2431 said:

    @"ShroomOneUp.6913" said:I can not see how anet is gonna salvage this if they even care this point. I really wish they'd do, but i dunno HOW. I want to hear thought about this could be done.

    I'm sorry but salvage what exactly? That a fictional character in a computer game did not do as
    wanted? That's like yelling at a movie or tv show when a character does something you don't like.

    Also, Taimi is an asura. If anything, I'd say she's holding back, trying hard not to insult the intellectually inferior bookahs too much. Her major character traits are that she is naive and gets too excited when doing science, but nobody is perfect and I think these flaws fit her quite nicely.

    I'm happy that you skipped the initial post and make rhetoric generalizations to not argue the points I made and simple resort to bashing and not having a substantial argument.

    To end my sarcasm i reiterate: Taimi was always a controversial topic in terms of writing. As i said in the OP which you ignored, many of those call out are mostly based on the fact that anet tended to spoil by announcements what the story is going to be and thus placed knowledge into players that used that meta knowledge to judge her in the past or confuse plot narrative and writing or just simply focusing on negatives.Once more, this is different this time around. This time not trusting jormag and ryland was part of the narrative, as we the commander and several NPCs spend weeks if not months in the shiver peaks seeing first hand how deceptive the dragon is and how easy they can convince people to murder year long friends and companions, not controlled, merely convinced to do horrible things. And those events are not secrets either, they lead right into a charr civil war at the doorsteps of the krytan kingdom no less, that ended with a fully awakened jormag. Which is important as taimi herself back in season pointed out, that if ONE of the two dragons, that being jormag and primordus, would wake up the other would so too.

    And yet if you to the first story step AND the metrica DRM taimi blatantly and without and doubt is 100% joining forces with jormag, rationalizing anything away or outright ignoring very recent events entirely ( you can read it all up in the first post). and now after the 3rd part came out right after lake doric and snowden drift, taimi nor anyone else points figuratively or literally a finger at her. She just has a general distraught reaction to those two events, one any character would have regardless of past actions. She is quiet literally exempt from any of her actions and any statements she made at the very beginning of the episode ( remember its "one" episode only split up in 4 smaller parts) which i also explained in the OP how simply using a angry and sarcastic tone of ONE TERM alone and a mere squeak from taimi as a response could have changed the entire situation.

    There is no naiveté in play anymore. taimi is 20 by now (yes, she is "not" a child anymore) and has since her childhood experienced deception, lies and made enough mistakes on her own to NOT do those mistakes anymore. And even if that were the case, which it isn't it, does not excuse her getting scott free this time. Like I said in the Op many other past situations are easy to rationalize and make sense if considering that many expectations were set due to knowing what's going to happen. There is however nothing of that this time around.The commander/players and anyone other character knew that trusting elder dragon like that that much is not a good idea, even more so after jormag refered to saving the world as "preserving it" (which is a writing beginners trick to let readers know in a story that the "ICE" ENTITY will do something morally wrong like " freezing people for hundreds of years is not killing them" and turn out to be a bad guy btw). And i know the "highly intelligent" asuran arcane council did trust jormag too but that is consistent with how incompetent they are with anything BUT magi-science.And again her doing what she did in those instances is not the issue.The response to that is the issue.Fine let taimi be uncharacteristically and against all character development be emotional and stupid about destroyers attacking, FINE.

    But then go through with it and let other characters point fingers at her when she was more than 110% wrong with that decision and acknowledge it and do not just ignore it as if it never happened.


    And I have that beef because I did defend the character in the past, I did make the arguments and defusing ridiculous claims of what she should be accounted for and what not.I would be a hypocrite if I wouldn't call it out now.Unless you were very (idiotically) 100% convinced by the story that the dragon was actually a good guy, you would have seen it coming light years away that jormag would just betray everyone and use his position as a seemingly ally to start attacking the mortal races.

    and I wanted to hear people to comment about THAT alone. not past transgressions, not how steam punk is bad looking at time. ...BUT HOW Anet could/should rectify this oversight/deliberate ignoring of that detail

  6. @Teratus.2859 said:Yeah I know, I'm not a fan of the steampunk stuff either tbh.

    Some of it is tolerable, the Charr stuff mostly at least does fit them and it's not overbearing in it's style.. feels more industrial similarly to the Dredge in many ways and that does fit in the world.Airships and tanks are pretty much on my limits for this style, the only Charr thing that I don't care for is the Charrcopters which just look ridiculous.

    The Aetherblades on the other hand.. I cannot stand their styles.. their armours look abysmally bad, like a child with utterly no fashion sense tried to design what clothes would look like 100 years in the future lolI've never like this faction in Gw2 tbh, probably the one faction I dislike the most.

    Steampunk however while ugly to me is still a far cry from the visual abomination that is cyberpunk.. XDIf I get to Cantha and Kaineng looks like Neo-tokyo I think i'll just log out and take a break from GW2 lmao

    Well that goes with the PUNK in the name, its purposely mismatched and out of the ordinary. and on technological standpoint steampunk however does make sense to be present. steam powered machinery has even existed as so far proven by archeology already to the times of library of Alexandria and various ancient greek states through out the Mediterranean sea, the only limit ware amount of materials to make it a common sight in those timeperiods.

    But back to topic.I can not see how anet is gonna salvage this if they even care this point. I really wish they'd do, but i dunno HOW. I want to hear thought about this could be done.and can we please refrain from further bashing of writing of the past?

  7. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @"Vayne.8563" said:I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing Cantha before the end of this year.I just hope they're not turning it into the same kind of steampunk circus they turned central Tyria into.

    Cyberpunk i've seen requested a bit.. but I agree that is something I never want to see in Gw2.I don't know what people see in all these various punk styles but I find them visually repugnant and ugly.That is just a personal opinion not an attack on anyone who does like those styles so any "offenses" taken there are not on me lol

    funny enough we already HAVE steam punk in gw2 already. as unbelievable it may look but the entire charr tech is steam based, check the wiki it states it there. that goes of course into the pact tech as well and sub sequentially the aether blades. I dunno if the clockwork knights count as steam punk too as they are not powered by it BUT clockwork mechanism are part of steam punk settings often enough.

  8. I have seen a lot of mention of prior blunders of taimi and this were i usually stepped in the past and found the benefit of doubt. usually in the form of people expecting her to act a certain way because of announcements and or leaks that happened outside the games story in many cases. This probably a general issue with GW2 writing is that it's either announced a had of time OR very save and predictable. Like look at ANY speculation of wooden potatoes which go deep in the lore or fill the world with depth and interesting twists and then 2 weeks later it turns out to be not that. (seriously you can make bets on it and go "hmm what does WP hope for and speculate on today? ah this and that?=yeah either never going to happen or so save it not worth mentioning)

    And taimi fangirling again? yeah not buying it. she should be wiser simply by operating with dragon's watch. That the arcane council is blind about jormags threat i buy instantly as they are...basically all phlunts. and then there is taimi's "small sample sizes". they are just down right unscientific as they completely ignore context. you can not use aurene as an example for a "rational" ED because she is NOT like them, AT ALL.and using logan and rytlock as enemies that become friends? there is nothing that even reflects the situation trusting an old elder dragon. there are hudnreds of yerars of racial confrontation between charr and humans and the novel worth's relation ship between the two explaining WHY they hated each other in the core game.and I like to add that the retorts by the commander are also fucking stupid: just "small sample size"? REALLY? there is more wrong with taimi rationalizing away anything then just sample size.or that "jormag is not threatening you..." YES JORMAG IS THREATENING BRAHM. of course not bluntly but subtly. writing this post makes me think that MAYBE they wanted a rift between taimi and brahm before he goes fire boi, but they could have done that with different means and I'm not even sure if they even follow through with it if it was the plan now.and like the pattern it is, it is yet again story drizzling out of steam at the end. HOT POF and now icebrood saga. every single time there is something that made anet just go "screw it finish this now somehow, we gotta move on to new thing because new thing is better"IT PICKLES ME OFF TO NO END.

  9. @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:I am for sure seeing chunky numbers of 5k+ on normal cannon hits and 7k+ after breakbar was broken. Can't say how it transaltes to % of boss hp as I never had all of the team keep using cannons, it's usually they forget they exist until ice wall is up.

    Oh and cannon hit on it's own takes nearly a half of boss breakbar on direct hit as well, but you are only likely to land one of those with the time breakbar is up.

    That being said the boss is very far away from those cannons, so could it be that if all team jump camps the cannons, the boss is in "disaggroed" state with that OP "out of combat" regen on? nvm I've just re-read the OP and you do in fact say you were on the boss, so it had to count as aggroed....

    (in my experience it is beneficial to have one player permanently manning the cannon because that player can break the ice wall faster then it takes the ones on boss to get to mount up and get to the ship....)

    PS. that team of yours could also just as well be failing to land any shots with ground targetting of the cannons.....

    break bar damage is calculated differently then actual dmg. if something has a huge break bar damage it just a very high cc thing a majig. there are even traits that increase break bar damage without increasing actual damage. i guess the cannons are just using a 1200 untis launch CC

  10. an further more if it was only ONE weapons set that this expensive I think people would be less up in arms about it.the fact they have dumbed so many weapon set in these few episodes alone in which ONE already requires the entire sage time to actually be completed is down right insane. not to mention they all need the same stupidly low drop rate draconic Lodstone.you can craft them? well only if i get 2 Lodstones through drops first allowing me to craft boreal weapons so i can get the achievement award.Buy them? well then you just agree what people said in critic about the dragon slayer and storm caller weapons.

    and thats just the craftable ones. we also have two tengu sets as well. and NON of them are ascendedYES someone pointed this out: the dragons blood weapons are actually a good upgrade, they actually give you a ascended weapon, something you want if you are not going for legendarys yet. any other set in IBS? exotic exotic exotic. you do NOT pay thousands of gold for exotic weapon skins. the only ones are either unique one without a set attached to them OR precursors and even those are not exceeding 500 gold.

    its way to many sets for way to low weapon quality for to much gold in one living world season/saga

  11. Nothing story wise that was released on the 9th was truly a surprise:Tengu shot of so hard they literally do not know what's going on outside their walls? typical retroactive excuse fro when ever tengu should have at least reacted in the pastJormag not understanding what they are doing is bad? OH GEE a immortal ice being that used PRESERVE in reference to saving a world, WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK (certainly not lore theorists.Brahm going primordus champ? well it was plastered all over the place so not really a surprise.

    The only true surprise was canach's appearance aiding us in one DRM and of course the voice acting of his as Di margio is probably busy with animaniacs.

    SO far it does sounds a bit pessimistic BUT thats merely on the level of twists and surprises.Presentation wise the story in this update is exceptionally descent, reactions of character to horrible atrocities are on point, Jokes are just right to loosen the tightness of the dire situations. The pacing was competent and right on spot. Music use as decent as ever, variety in locals are enough to not get boring at all, the wolf form is a bit clunky but its obvious what anet tried to do there (maybe prototype for usable balanced norn transformations?)It's not a masterpiece, but sure as hell is not anything bad....

    EXCEPT....(excuse me this going to be rant from here on out and does not effect the content patch itself but something more long term that has been an issue of discussion for years)

    The beginning of the Saga's final was over shadowed in the character department with one GLARING issue.Taimi.In the past I was one of the few that played devil's advocate and tried to find, usually successfully, bits and points to bring absolute Taimi haters to at least say "Fine I guess" ( of course not all but those I found), as most people who did like taimi never really bothered to find actual good arguments to defend her (no, you guys didn't) and just wrote haters off entirely without even considering they might have an angle.However the Metrica DRM confronted me with something that I could not at the best of my abilities excuse or defend:Taimi's blatant disregard of what just happened for MONTHS right before the final.

    The commander and Brahm together have witnessed for months friends and comrade lynch each other in the frozen north after listening to the voice whispering into their ears, Fallen beasts kodan and Norn shamans have been twisted and warped into instruments of violence and betrayal. Jormag's forces on the dragon's behalf mowing down anyone that stood in their way, with jormag ONLY offering to talk after it's forces pushed into a corner. And then only to start civil war by influencing bangar and ryland through suggestions.ALL THAT is nothing to Taimi as some fire bois try to "burn down the Asuran"...cough cough"STONE MADE HOMES!"

    I jest as asuran lives were also in danger, but taimi completely ignored everything that the commander and brahm witnessed FOR MONTHS, including that trusting jormag can only backfire (see bangar) and supported full heartedly the alliance with jormag. (and the commander's retorts where not great either)She did only stated that jormag has to be dealt with eventually as if it was more of an annoyance than a threat, as she "rationalized" for herself ANY potential danger away to provide jormag information and intel ( "JoRmAg CaN bE sPoKeN wItH, rEaSoNeD wiTh*snobbish undertone"). Not only do we all know that Jormag abused this knowledge to attack lake doric but it also prompted jormag to act like that in the first place.Taimi is in part responsible for what happened at lake doric and snowden drift and what's still going to happen.

    Now one might say she is horrified by the actions of Jormag and the frost legion. And while it is indeed true, it is also true that no responsibility was pinned in part to her AT ALL in the writing and delivery.It is the first time that I can not from a story perspective tolerate the character protection that is done here, intentional or not.I do not ask for taimi to be torture or imprisoned. BUT the story need some small catharsis, snapping at her with one or two words in a condescending tone....but nothing.

    The perfect opportunity would have been when the commander repeated Taimi's line "the council got what it wanted". A sarcastic undertone when emphasizing "the council" with taimi getting spooked would have been ENOUGH. Just something from that caliber really that states "YES, YOU'VE DONE FUDGED UP, TAIMI!"

    And I do not ask for this because I "hate taimi". I say that most times those who did hate on her are expecting to much, sometimes even completely ridiculous things just to hate on her.But in the context discussing taimi as a character and how she is written and finding some level benefit of doubt towards her in the past, it'd be hypocritical of me NOT to call this writing-blunder out.And it's not that it would have been 5-10 min more content, just literally a different emphasis on one term and a tiny spooked squeak from the asura could have made ALL the difference.Could they address it later? Sure they could but knowing how A-net handles their writing and such things, this is a detail they probably didn't even bother to notice. so I doubt they actually WILL address it even in the smallest possible form ever.

    So in short as much as I dislike it to say, this time if someone dislikes Taimi or how she is handled as a character in the Icebrood Sage final...they have all right reasons to do so.

  12. @"Laevateinn.6289" said:

    • What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?every stage has its charm, so i hope that none of the answers given for this one make you go " we need to add the same stage again" kind of idea. make unique stages, though you can merge mechanics to make the entire SAB go full circle in that department

    • Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?makes no sense to do it weekly. many thing that people want to acquire go beyond the number of weeks a festival is active, specially if you can only buy ONE piece every week. daily may be the most tolerable as it allows plays without 2-3 accounts to actually craft ONE thing during on year and not leave them ahnging for 3-4 more years for ONE item or make them buy those materials overpriced on the TP

    • What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?A non gem store, purely in game effortable SAB outfit, tied to a meta achievement perhaps or baubles, just something to complete the look as a SAB adventurer with the back packs, gliders and weapons.. an 8 bit outfit. something that may make any character a SAB version of the race they currently play as (similar to town cloths that are different based on race)( and a super mace that is NOT a flail please, basically how super maces were back when SAB first came out)

  13. @Dante.1763 said:however i will take the wind out of that sail because this is not a strike mission UI or raid UI. it also used in doungens now ( i did one today) and im not sure about fractals but i bet 10 mystic coins that they use the same UI in it aswell.meaning this is a GROUP CONTENT UI. which should tell visually that the content about to be approached should be considered best enjoy with more then your self

  14. @Dante.1763 said:

    @"Mea.5491" said:
    "Making group content required for the story is a step backwards."

    Then you would cry in FFXIV, story is locked behind DOZENS of non-soloable dungeons and trials, lol. GW2 has a ridiculously LOW amount of FORCED group content for a massively
    game. :tongue:

    Maybe thats why we are playing this game and not that one.

    I repeat. MMO =/= 10 man instanced dungeons. It means a bunch of players online together at the same time.

    actually that is exactly what MMOs are. an MASSIVE MULTI O with only solo content....?

    No it is not. MMOS = a massive amount of players online at the same time, as one can find in Open World, or in WVW, that is okay and fine i love it. What i do not and have never enjoyed is being forced to have other players in my characters story in any game. I did all of GWs story solo, ive done all of this ones solo this was the first one where i needed to have other people.

    NOW, had ANET made it obvious in the UI that even though its a strike mission it can be done 100% solo and scales down to one player as it does, i would never ever have posted on this thread or any other thread about the topic. But they didnt, they put it behind the standard strike mission UI which instantly makes people including me have the impression that 10 people are required.

    Moving forward, if they do this again, and after playing through it solo and finding it way more fun solo i hope they make it obvious to -ALL- players that its fully capable to be done solo if a player has any skill at all outside of spamming 1.

    so your complaint is mere re use of a UI assets rather then the actual content itself. then why complain about the content then or the usually expected traits of a game played online with other people, that being group content?

  15. @robertthebard.8150 said:

    @"GummyBearSummoner.7941" said:If you aren’t a new player then why do you care?

    Maybe he cares to grow the game. Its why i dont invite friends to this messy game.

    Here's my take, as someone that's been a new player years in on MMOs, and as someone that got in on the ground floor, 2nd closed beta in Aion, with an active sub when it went F2P. I missed a lot of things coming in late to the party that I didn't miss when I didn't. When I read these kinds of threads, I come around to thinking, especially if they're persistent enough, that if they got this, they'd then insist every event reward ever be paid out, especially if they missed out for whatever reason. This isn't as far fetched as one might like to believe, I saw it happen in swtor, in the last year. There was a promotional chapter that was awarded for maintaining a sub for 7 months. A few years later, there we were on the forums, discussing how it "wasn't fair to the new players, or those that didn't want to maintain their subs". Eventually, BW caved, and you can now buy it on their store. It's the "nature of the beast" as it were, as there are always "those players" that think they can leverage what they want with "but the new players".

    It's funny, to me, to read about the "mess" this game is, when I look around on maps while playing, and there's always people around. But hey, that's a subjective opinion, and everyone is entitled to it. I find it interesting though, in context, that if LS 1 were available to replay, you would find it a lot less messy?

    if the story was merely motivation for players to get to point B from point A to get new gear this may be a good point, but as far as i understand SWTOR and how guild wars 2 is developed, it lays a very hefty amount on story telling. having portions of a story tugged behind story spoilers that go many expansions deep is just bad re implementation. for veteran players who have done it it may be fine and as a challenge on the side it totally is. but as a cohesive way to tell a story in order, its down right horrible.further more the replay-ability and retell-ability was discussed already back then during season 1, as that discussion (plus anet being overwhelmed with the production of such updates) lead to season one being how the rest of the living world would be: re playable and in chronological order

  16. @MikeG.6389 said:

    @"robertthebard.8150" said:Hi, new-ish player here. I missed LS 1, 2 and 3. For background on the seasons, there's an NPC in Lion's Arch that gave me all the information I need to understand LS 1's main story. So I don't see this as "but the new player", I see this as "but I want the whole season back, and playable, and this version is unacceptable. Of course, I realize that this has been discussed to death*, but I still think if I claim that it hurts new players, they'll pay more attention".

    *I was told in one of these previous threads that I really didn't get enough information to understand what went on in one of those threads, which is what leads me to the conclusion that it's not about new players, but a desire to have the whole episode repeatable.

    I think you may be onto something. OP obviously isn't a new player, yet he/she appears to be a self-appointed advocate for them.I think the missions are fine where they are now. If and when ANet find a way to bring back the whole season as a cohesive unit, only then should it be put in the story journal. I doubt that will ever happen, but I'm hoping.

    once agina missing the point. its not about how well these missions are brought back in of themselves. it is about WHERE they are accessed

  17. @"MikeG.6389" said:I think, the reason why these four missions were chosen is because they were (the only?) instanced parts of season 1, so it took the least amount of effort to rework them to make them playable again. But the missions are disjointed and there is no explanation why things happen in them. If you experience them as a new player as part of the story before you'd do season 2, they wouldn't make much sense.So, to make them work in the journal, we need the rest of season 1, which is unlikely to happen, since most of it was open world stuff.That being said, I'd love to see the old version of Labyrinthine Cliffs, without mounts...

    that is of course further problem with it. but its not what i wanted to focus on for now. the fact of the matter is that season one needs more then that one patched together cinematic. one could argue could see it as an insult ala "Well fuck you for not playing this game 6 years ago asshole you only get bread crumbs NOW DEAL WITH CHARACTERS YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT HAHA"

    and that's not even mentioning the major spoilers that one has to experience just to play even those snippets of season 1 and i am very inclined to believe most new player if they bother with the story want to experience it in order and without spoilers

  18. but lemma put it differently and compare it with something similar: caithes story.in season 2 you acquire memory seeds in order to understand and track down caithe who at this point stole aurenes egg. In those mission you trot from the grove to metrica to the silver wastes and witness CAITHE'S story why she broke up with faoline, what motivated her how they saved second born from asura yadda yadda yaddait is STILL her story we witness. the commanders story is merely to hunt down caithe. and the only big reveal we get is that sylvari are creations of mordremoth through all of it that is in the end important to HOT, however this is something we would have learned regardless because laranthir will message you and warn you about that very fact. so even the big lore reveal is not that important to learn in CATIHE's story as you get that fact anyway. only the hunt of caithe was important story wise as it made the commander not be with the fleet and be potentially killed during mordremoths destruction of it.now with ryland story it a mission that has no baring other then show the daily routine of the charr defactors and how almorra died. we know however already that bangar has an small army and that almorra is dead. we merely get more detail that are not essential for moving forward. there is nothing vital to learn in those stories that will be important later on. in fact we remain just as clueless as what is coming next.

  19. @Vayne.8563 said:

    @Mea.5491 said:

    @Mea.5491 said:
    "Making group content required for the story is a step backwards."

    Then you would cry in FFXIV, story is locked behind DOZENS of non-soloable dungeons and trials, lol. GW2 has a ridiculously LOW amount of FORCED group content for a massively
    game. :tongue:

    Maybe thats why we are playing this game and not that one.

    Maybe that's why FFXIV is successful and GW2 is having issues. I love GW2 but too often it feels like a single-player game for an MMO. Solo players always cry when we get multiplayer content in a multiplayer game. It's sad.

    Successful maybe, interesting to me? no, and ive had friends who left GW2 for it try to get me to play it. Im not interested in the type of gameplay they want out of an MMO, its why i stay behind, GW2 has what i want, if it changes to much i will of course leave, but i wont be starting a "typical" mmo.

    The only time ive seen Solo players "Cry" is when it impedes the story, ive never thought story mode should be multiplayer mandatory, so im on their side there. Which by the way what do you mean by solo players? Players who enjoy doing -Their- characters story alone, or those who play alone 100% of the time(can you even? this game always has players doing events.)

    Very rarely do i see people demanding all 5-10 man content be removed(most are troll threads too...), in fact this isnt even asking for that. Most of the strike mission threads, raid threads and back in the day dungeon threads wanted it to be easier as this game has a huge easy going population, and i do sort of agree with them.

    well good thing that NONE of the content aside from season 1 missions are the PLAYERS story but some random as charr's story and ryland's story

    @Mea.5491 said:

    @Mea.5491 said:
    "Making group content required for the story is a step backwards."

    Then you would cry in FFXIV, story is locked behind DOZENS of non-soloable dungeons and trials, lol. GW2 has a ridiculously LOW amount of FORCED group content for a massively
    game. :tongue:

    Maybe thats why we are playing this game and not that one.

    Maybe that's why FFXIV is successful and GW2 is having issues. I love GW2 but too often it feels like a single-player game for an MMO. Solo players always cry when we get multiplayer content in a multiplayer game. It's sad.

    Successful maybe, interesting to me? no, and ive had friends who left GW2 for it try to get me to play it. Im not interested in the type of gameplay they want out of an MMO, its why i stay behind, GW2 has what i want, if it changes to much i will of course leave, but i wont be starting a "typical" mmo.

    The only time ive seen Solo players "Cry" is when it impedes the story, ive never thought story mode should be multiplayer mandatory, so im on their side there. Which by the way what do you mean by solo players? Players who enjoy doing -Their- characters story alone, or those who play alone 100% of the time(can you even? this game always has players doing events.)

    Very rarely do i see people demanding all 5-10 man content be removed(most are troll threads too...), in fact this isnt even asking for that. Most of the strike mission threads, raid threads and back in the day dungeon threads wanted it to be easier as this game has a huge easy going population, and i do sort of agree with them.

    well good thing that NONE of the content aside from season 1 missions are the PLAYERS story but some random as charr's story and ryland's story

    Saying a flashback is not a player's story is a bit rich. I read a lot. I see lots of flashbacks about characters that aren't the main character, but they're still part of the main story. Are you saying that seeing something like that (no spoilers from me) will not affect your character. Cause I don't believe that's the case.

    it literally isn't. you play a random charr AND ryland in those. you do not play the commander in those.and i excluded the season 1 stories alreadyfurther more they are more of additional side stories than essential story arks. they add depth to the world but they are not essential to understand the story going forward

    But YOUR CHARACTER is seeing a vision and that vision gives him information about a character that he's interacted with before. Everything in this game is your story even if you're not there. Do you think the cut scene where the Pact Fleet goes down in Verdant Brink in HoT isn't part of your story because you're not there? THinks that explain and clarify your story are absolutely part of your story.

    In this particularly case, access to season 1 through strike missions is part of your story. Are are you saying Season 1 didn't happen to your character.

    so because i can read up on someone elses experiences it makes it MY story? cool lemme read MLKs biography then its MY story

  20. @Vayne.8563 said:

    @Mea.5491 said:

    @Mea.5491 said:
    "Making group content required for the story is a step backwards."

    Then you would cry in FFXIV, story is locked behind DOZENS of non-soloable dungeons and trials, lol. GW2 has a ridiculously LOW amount of FORCED group content for a massively
    game. :tongue:

    Maybe thats why we are playing this game and not that one.

    Maybe that's why FFXIV is successful and GW2 is having issues. I love GW2 but too often it feels like a single-player game for an MMO. Solo players always cry when we get multiplayer content in a multiplayer game. It's sad.

    Successful maybe, interesting to me? no, and ive had friends who left GW2 for it try to get me to play it. Im not interested in the type of gameplay they want out of an MMO, its why i stay behind, GW2 has what i want, if it changes to much i will of course leave, but i wont be starting a "typical" mmo.

    The only time ive seen Solo players "Cry" is when it impedes the story, ive never thought story mode should be multiplayer mandatory, so im on their side there. Which by the way what do you mean by solo players? Players who enjoy doing -Their- characters story alone, or those who play alone 100% of the time(can you even? this game always has players doing events.)

    Very rarely do i see people demanding all 5-10 man content be removed(most are troll threads too...), in fact this isnt even asking for that. Most of the strike mission threads, raid threads and back in the day dungeon threads wanted it to be easier as this game has a huge easy going population, and i do sort of agree with them.

    well good thing that NONE of the content aside from season 1 missions are the PLAYERS story but some random as charr's story and ryland's story

    @Mea.5491 said:

    @Mea.5491 said:
    "Making group content required for the story is a step backwards."

    Then you would cry in FFXIV, story is locked behind DOZENS of non-soloable dungeons and trials, lol. GW2 has a ridiculously LOW amount of FORCED group content for a massively
    game. :tongue:

    Maybe thats why we are playing this game and not that one.

    Maybe that's why FFXIV is successful and GW2 is having issues. I love GW2 but too often it feels like a single-player game for an MMO. Solo players always cry when we get multiplayer content in a multiplayer game. It's sad.

    Successful maybe, interesting to me? no, and ive had friends who left GW2 for it try to get me to play it. Im not interested in the type of gameplay they want out of an MMO, its why i stay behind, GW2 has what i want, if it changes to much i will of course leave, but i wont be starting a "typical" mmo.

    The only time ive seen Solo players "Cry" is when it impedes the story, ive never thought story mode should be multiplayer mandatory, so im on their side there. Which by the way what do you mean by solo players? Players who enjoy doing -Their- characters story alone, or those who play alone 100% of the time(can you even? this game always has players doing events.)

    Very rarely do i see people demanding all 5-10 man content be removed(most are troll threads too...), in fact this isnt even asking for that. Most of the strike mission threads, raid threads and back in the day dungeon threads wanted it to be easier as this game has a huge easy going population, and i do sort of agree with them.

    well good thing that NONE of the content aside from season 1 missions are the PLAYERS story but some random as charr's story and ryland's story

    Saying a flashback is not a player's story is a bit rich. I read a lot. I see lots of flashbacks about characters that aren't the main character, but they're still part of the main story. Are you saying that seeing something like that (no spoilers from me) will not affect your character. Cause I don't believe that's the case.

    it literally isn't. you play a random charr AND ryland in those. you do not play the commander in those.and i excluded the season 1 stories alreadyfurther more they are more of additional side stories than essential story arks. they add depth to the world but they are not essential to understand the story going forward

  21. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @SunCat.7839 said:And horrible surprise ... now i was the one who killed Almora, (even yeah i was not the one who landed the final hit, not that it really made any difference) in a quite long fight (first time at least until i got the mechanics...) and since i have alts and I want the story for them, i have to kill her again ! ? ! :((((

    you <> you

    As you stated correctly, you play someone else in these missions. That's the whole point. Take it or leave it.

    wait i jsut realized this now: OP DI YOU actually think it was the commander? WUAT?

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