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Posts posted by ShroomOneUp.6913

  1. 6 hours ago, Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

    yes, but I wasn’t answering your question. I was answering the other person’s question. 

    and that STILL doesn't answer that guys question still.  cause he still wants to know why it was that much that had to be downloaded so so little changes when there were patches with 30 times the changes but less files to be downloaded.

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  2. the pet unleashed skills do NOT get ANY benefit from the traits Pack Alpha ( reduction of the CDs) and Beastly Warden (taunt when using a beast skill).

    The last one is even worse as premade builds provided by anet DO have that traits selected as if it was any useful in the unleached mode for pets.

    • Thanks 3
  3. regardless if OP has a point or not, people REALLY think that " i had no issue why did you/ you hate it, stop doing it" is going to solve anything when its merely platitudes wrapped around mere personal anecdotes.

    " you do not need it" yes people actually DO need it to avoid buying more templates,  inventory bag space or use a full character slot or buy one. 

    heck t he  fact NOBODY will ever buy an amulet ever again with the return to living world rewards soon means tons of gold and inventory space saved already.

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  4. boots stop using your third account. your naming conventions is generic as heck.

    but in seriousness they are not as bad if you actually read up on things correctly. virtuoso is NOPT just music but also fine arts. creating blades that stick around and are sharp as heck can be considered a FINE ART in mesmering.
    "but it should be bard because blade song utilities"
    sword singing has nothing to do with music either. its enhancing sword skill and attacks with spells.

    blade sworn. he is sworn to the way of the blade. its pretty stereotypical thing for east asia.

    vindicator: youa re alsoo a renegade...but you do not actually renegade against someone or something. its referring to archemordus and saint victor who vindicated cantha 450 years ago from the back then mortal shrio.

    harbinger. he is the harbinger of a death. a necromancer, user of of the dead. fits perfectly. also where the hell did kung fu come from? he shots with a pistol.

    cataclyst is also not exclusive to chemicals. its  its derives from catalyse  which means "cause or accelerate a process" its not apparent atm since the class is not designed well and needs to e re adjusted.

    willbender is truly the only one that makes no sense. but this one is also massively unfished and needs rework.


    and i have NO idea where you got untamed from. that wasn't  even a leak yet except for one french video that nobody could confirm in the slightest.

    • Confused 1
  5. Several animations for appearing Platforms do not load properly, stop mid animation or load seemingly to early. 
    the beginning circle platforms stop mid animation throwing of even seasoned tower  jumpers. the finish line seems also not to line up with the portal to the reward room. Despite visually being intimate with the whole that indicates the portal too the reward chest i have just slipped down  and NOT finished the round with a reward.
    Halfway the Leap of Fatih section also seems to have some animation collision issue as with the given sound signal a jumper is supposed to land on the appearing platform. that was a few time NOT the case and I have fallend straight through the visually present but not having any collision platform
    I have been doing this JP every single year successfully to muscle memory farm status so its not a matter of "git gut". I have not spoken to others yet, so i hope some frustrated vets and new comers can share their account so the DEVs can look into this, as this year new achievement collection requires the player to finished the tower successfully a few times.

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