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Posts posted by ShroomOneUp.6913

  1. 17 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:


    I do agree with you, and its not like its been that long since the bug start to appear. Maybe a month or 2 at max.

    age of issue is irrelevant, its the difference in what they are. charr clipping armor is in the core design of armor, they had do redo entire sets of armor to end clipping. the shield thing is merely a number change ( msotlikely)

    • Like 1
  2. On 8/11/2021 at 1:46 PM, WyvrnRipsnarl.5918 said:

    The point was, they probably never will fix it, as they never fixed our clipping issues. 
    So yeah I can very much understand that it is highly disappointing, but you might going to have to live with it.
    Still worth reporting the issue though!

    two different things. charr clip because anet didn't design the armor properly thus clipping ensues.
    the shield thing is a merely positioning thing of a weapon that was previously fine and can most likely be fixed with a different value in its code (most likely the source of the issue in the first place)

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  3. literally over 50 replies on this account are dedicated to repeat that same flippin message over and over again to people who for some reason can not comprehend it, as if they have this tick to think "he others we must disagree"

    And im quiet fed up with this. However it does reflect the majority of the active player base: Set in their mindset and as soon something rocks the boat of their bubble they protest and scream, calling murder and what not even they just been told that the noon sky on a sunny summer day without clouds is blue aka a fact.

    • Confused 2
  4. And all i said was that a video from 2021 will not debunk her claim about a group being unable to do raids in 2015, cause her claim includes """a time period in which a powercreep happened""".
    Cause the 2021 does not address her claim of "Only with power creep raids are possible today".

    She can easily say about the 2021 video: "well of course they were able to do this, they had the powercreep backing them up" since the video was made AFTER the supposed powercreep time period.

    And I want that argument to be choked out before it can even be brought up.
    How is this such a hard concept too understand?

    • Confused 2
  5. On 7/8/2021 at 12:39 PM, yann.1946 said:

    Yes it was about morality, but tbh this confirms what I thought. This part was about the structure of an argument. 


    Edit: A particular reason you did not address the second analogy? 

    no  its not. its a question of tangible acts, which being is being able to finish the raid or not. there is no moral question to be had. the question is: were raids possible without the alleged power creep that happened between 2015 and 2012 or not. and the answer is YES. 
    also the second analogy? kinda the same thing. not really applicable because the question of decommodifying houses is not a question of possibility but rather should it be done. we are not asking if a raid should do X.


    On 7/8/2021 at 12:39 PM, yann.1946 said:

    Exactly it was in response that no amount of skill can overcome them.

    (wait do you agree that the claim "only power creep made raids possible, and no amount of skill could overcome them before the power creep" is a false claim?) 

    The reverse of nobody can do something is nor everyone can de something, it is someone can do something. 

    YES i DO agree that the claim "only power creep made raids possible, and no amount of skill could overcome them before the power creep" is false. never said anything else. I ONLY argued that tto debunk said claim its needs better material to make any attempts of "but this..." and "what about that..." are nipped in the bud before they could be even be made. and what arguments COULD be made by those who do make the FALSE claim, is what i stated as well.

    thanks showing how you little you actually read what i wrote.

    On 7/8/2021 at 12:39 PM, yann.1946 said:

    NO, like verifiable no. You specifically mentioned the broader context of this tread, when confront with a specific point. 

    YES, literally the last section showed crystal clear that THAT is the case.

    • Confused 2
  6. On 7/8/2021 at 3:34 AM, Linken.6345 said:

    To debunk the no amount of skill would be able to overcome claim


    All you got to do is show a video of people doing it with gear and traits from the same time period aka 2015 to debunk it mate.


    Dont need any pug or minimal skilled people to do it at all.

    doing it with a random pug from 2015 (that includes traits and gear from that time) however underlines it even more so, so that any possible excuse made is already moot.
    I made that example before but lemme repeat it again.
    someone claims that a pebble is impossible to be lifted by ANY human being. and instead of sending someone to gym and become the strongest person (a seasoned raid group) to have ever existed to lift said pebble, I would just sit a toddler (minimal skill random pug) next to it and let it pick up the pebble with ease.
    because the toddler is ALOT weaker and LESS skilled than me and the "strongest person in the world" it out right destroys the claim with a figurative nuclear blast, making any "but this.." or "how about" retorts not possible to be even raised.

    • Confused 3
  7. 1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Actually, whatever, at this point it's clear by your last few posts that you have no idea what it means. It means "NO MATTER HOW HIGH THE SKILL OF A PLAYER, THEY WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO OVERCOME". Minimal/average skill has nothing to do with it. Go read a dictionary or something.

    and? i mean that was clear to begin with. and everyone knows it that its false, except for those who claim it.

    i begin to suspect you DO seem to claim that raids are impossible.

    oh if you REALLY just want to know:

    "raids are impossible = no amount of skill can overcome raids" now count how many times i used it to describe the claim in short XD

    • Confused 3
  8. 1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    That literally just shows you don't understand what "no amount of skill would be able to overcome" means, hence the question you keep dodging.

    Answer what do you think "no amount of skill would be able to overcome" and I can continue with answering your questions ❤️


    it merely shows you argue semantics and things that should be clear in plain english, since it is plain english.  i dunno what else to tell you. 

    unless you begin to argue raids are impossible...then mate you need to git gut

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  9. 20 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    I keep asking you:

    Again, what do you think "no amount of skill would be able to overcome" means?


    You keep dodging, probably because you realise you don't know what it actually means (or you've checked by now and already feel... um... less smart?). And there's no "we", I didn't go to any "peepos", I don't even know what you're talking about right now.


    Anyways, in case you're still missing it, this is what you keep dodging:

    Again, what do you think "no amount of skill would be able to overcome" means?

    Again, what do you think "no amount of skill would be able to overcome" means?

    Again, what do you think "no amount of skill would be able to overcome" means?


    That was the claim. That was the response with the video. That's what you were arguing about and now you change it into "minimal/average skill", which has nothing to do with the earlier claim.

    better question: what do you think can debunk the claim of "no amount of skill would be able to overcome"?
    answer: the minimal amount of skill that DOES overcome it.


    aka the average pug raid from 2015.


    what was that about not knowing what something means?

    i think someone named sobx needs to look long and hard into a mirror 

    • Confused 2
  10. Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

      IT'S TRUE THAT "no amount of skill would be able to overcome" BECAUSE SOMEONE BAD WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO DO IT 🙃 


    Great talk, learn the phrases you're using.

    we went from me supposedlyy defending the peepos to not knowing what i was talking about to not understanding words to this kindergarten stuff.

    great job showing that you just argue for the sake of arguing and are malding at this point literally shifting the goal post.


    • Confused 3
  11. 1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Nobody said anything about "minimal skill".


    Again, what do you think "no amount of skill would be able to overcome" means? Because you clearly don't understand what you're responding to for the last few pages LOL

    peepos bad at something: its impossible to lift this tiny rock
    peepos to bad at arguing: *get the heavy weight lifting world champion to lift it*
    me: *puts a toddler next to the tiny rock, the toddler lifting the tiny rock.* just do that.


    • Confused 4
  12. 1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Ah, so that's the problem. You just don't understand what the words you read mean LOL 🙃 


    I'm not really surprised about that fact seeing your posts in this thread, but this is just a definite proof that you literally don't understand what "no amount of skill would be able to overcome" means. Nothing I said there made me "contradict myself". Learn what that phrase mean, buddy and then facepalm at your posts on last few pages, oof.

    but it does. i say you need to show the people who do say "no amount of skill would be able to overcome" that a minimal amount of skill during that time they claim it was impossible was enough to clear a raid. which you do with a raid clip from 2015 with an average pug.

    and you constantly disagree, try to be contrary for some reason. 

    in short the only one who does not seem to understand words one reads is you.

    • Confused 3
  13. On 7/1/2021 at 5:22 PM, yann.1946 said:

    It seems you are a system thinker, which in this case is working against you. See even if that all is true, that does NOT matter for the claim that was being made. 

    Lets try to give another example to show why.


    Imagine someone saying murder is bad, we should make keep it illegal.

    And then someone else adds, yes  murder is bad because it is the only way people can oppress other people.


    Responding to the second person with that his claim is false is not suddenly advocating for murder, and your response does not need to take the first persons statement into account  

    i made bad analogies in my live but this one takes the cake. your example is about morality and not a task/activity being possible for someone at a certain time period. not to mention that is more about a "system" then people just stating something false and other trying to disprove them with thing after the false claims time period


    On 7/1/2021 at 5:22 PM, yann.1946 said:

    It is not equivalent at all because nobody in this tread used that video as some sort of proof that everyone should be able to do it. 


    but it is, as it was in response to the false claim that "only power creep made raids possible and that no amount of skill can over come them"


    On 7/1/2021 at 5:22 PM, yann.1946 said:

    TLDR: Your whole problem atm is that you see the claim systematically as part of the "bigger picture". But in doing so you have missed the fact that that singular claim was not related to the "bigger picture", and now you are arguing against arguments nobody made.

    the only person looking at it as a "big system" right now is you. i handle it as a situation of people with a false claim, people with inappropriate "proof" and me saying "get better more appropriate proof" to debunk the false claims.

    • Confused 3
  14. On 7/1/2021 at 12:55 AM, Krzysztof.5973 said:

    If you were actually there on raid release you'd known that failing to kill VG was not caused by enrage timer. People struggled to do mechanics properly like not be teleported by blues or to consistently make it to greens. Getting better at the game made raids easily clearable not the power creep. Also pugs were not that popular back in 2015 since there was no lfg for 10man to begin with 🙂

    I love it how people never actually read and only skip over my posts as I never claimed it was impossible, quiet the opposite. and that i state that to those who do think wrongly about raids being impossible a raid clip from after their alleged powercreep that made raids possible will not be able to convince them from the get go

    • Confused 4
  15. On 6/30/2021 at 10:09 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

    That's great, except not only it's obviously false that "the power creep made it possible", but also it's completely irrelevant to anything anyways, because the raids were and still are balanced below anything near the optimal playstyles and builds.

    Literally IF it was correct that "power creep made it possible" (it's not) then it would still be irrelevant, because the raids weren't even around then. So not only it's just a lie, but if it wasn't a lie, it would still not be a valid point. If there were no increase in power, there's absolutely no reason to believe raids wouldn't be slightly toned down accordingly to the "past power levels and their potential" to retain similar/same dificulty level -WHATEVER IT SUBJECTIVELY IS for any individual player.


    Basically you're latching onto the false claim that wouldn't be an argument even if it wasn't false. Why? I have a guess, but maybe it's better for you to tell me instead.


    I never said it was true. i merely argue that to these people that post i responded to does proof nothing to them. I know their claim is wrong, i know they ARE wrong. they do not know tho. and a raid clip from 2021 will not  convince them otherwise

    • Confused 3

    On 6/30/2021 at 10:18 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

    LOL you're still here with your denial, eh?

    Maybe remind yourself he wrote it wasn't possible regardless of the skill level of the player and stop constantly trying to push that "take average pug" because you know otherwise you've ALREADY been proven wrong. Hilarious that after getting called out on this over and over again, you're still trying to push this version of your own reality.


    Imprint these words into your shmart brain, so you can finally get out of your self-made loop of lies:

    and no amount of skill would be able to overcome

    and no amount of skill would be able to overcome

    and no amount of skill would be able to overcome


    You're wrong and "average pug" has nothing to do with the claim that was made there, get over yourself.


    thank you for contradicting yourself in your attempt to disagree with me.

    by them saying "no amount of skill would be able to overcome", an average pug would disprove them HARD. how is that such a hard concept to understand to you?

    • Confused 4
  17. 14 minutes ago, Fangoth.4503 said:

     When core was released? Thought was before 2015. Ofc there were some adjustment made here and there on core specs since then but they remain pretty weak and makes it harder to maintain boons. So the argument is totally valid and you don't have to deny it just because it doesn't fit your argument

    since there were no raids in gw2 before the 2015 we can not really use that time period to talk about raid difficulties/enrage timers/power creep. but it should be REALLY simple to understand regardless

    they claim between 2015 and 2021 the was a power creep that "made raids possible"(meaning that they could be even considered possible to be finished). show them an average pug finishing a raid in 2015 and the claim of the power creep is debunked objectively. only show them a video from 2021 AFTER the period of alleged power creep and at best you have proven nothing. at worst you just confirmed their believes because they couldn't do it back then and now. When after the 2015 raid clip they still believe in raids being ONLY possible through the power creep then its squarely on their own willful ignorance, similar to flat earthers.

    • Confused 3
  18. On 6/25/2021 at 12:27 PM, CasualElitist.8795 said:

    Btw there is a new video, lvl 76 W4 run 🙂but I bet it still doesn't prove that powercreep is not what made raids possible 🙂

    yes it doesn't to these people. you show people that back then and today struggle to even defeat the easiest raid boss and they blame enrage timer and power creep and then you show them a video from this year after the supposed years power creep that "made raids possible" doing it on lvl 74.
    to those players, not to me, to THOSE low level skill player, who's highest (hyperbolically speaking) crit was 2k with all the buffs, to THOSE player this doesn't disprove anything.

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