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  1. I checked Spear Willbender in PvP and really like it. However, there are 3 suggestions I would make Spear 2 is a bit too slow, which makes it feel clunky and disrupts the flow during rotations. Since it doesn‘t have any evade frames or cc like Staff 5 on Revenant does, you could surely make it a bit faster. Spear 1 autoattack doesn‘t seem to hit people sometimes while you are moving. Would be nice if you fix the bug. Spear 5 symbol having a knockback of 0 automatically disqualifies the weapon from being used on Dragonhunter, since a longer knockback would be required to synergize well with the Trap Test of Faith. Overall you have done a great job!
  2. Crazy how underwhelming the other 2 weapons in the preview looked when compared to the ranger one and how ranger always gets stuff which ends up being extremely strong in PvP like the maces from the last xpac
  3. Looks like a big Battle Royale map and since we had Conquest, Stronghold and Deathmatch already, I will go with Battle Royale. Would love to see that as a mode as well
  4. All my homies hate PvE balance patches
  5. I am not complaining about Thief, I know that Spear of Justice is great against stealth and I think Dragonhunter has a good time against most specs with stealth. What I am saying is to make Reveal available on easy to access weapon skills across all classes, because it would enable counterplay against stealth as a mechanic. Best case scenario would be if every build had 1 weapon skill which applies Reveal
  6. Add some reveal to frequently played weapon sets across all classes. Feels weird to know that some classes essentially don‘t have any counterplay against stealth.
  7. @Kuya.6495 Yeah exactly, the focus trait change is another great example. Would love to see that!
  8. First of all I really like the changes done to the GM trait Deathless Courage - the 20% damage reduction was a great idea. However I feel like having the 20% damage reduction during Crashing Courage (F3) kinda defeats the purpose of of the trait, since the effect of Crashing Courage (F3) already provides us with alot of damage mitigation in form of Aegis during its effect - meaning the 20% less damage reduction isn‘t really effective when we are already blocking to begin with. Is there a chance we can get the 6s Deathless Courage 20% damage reduction effect AFTER Crashing Courage (F3) wears off (Similar to the changes made to the Elementalist trait Stone Heart last year) ? Would make alot more sense in my opinion - especially in competitive game modes.
  9. 100% agree with this suggestion - Willbender compared to most other specs has atrocious defenses, even for a roamer
  10. 600 heal with internal cooldown? Seriously? Either increase the heal or remove the cooldown completely so we can benefit from hitting more than one target.
  11. The new rifle Support Chrono build has literally more stab uptime than Guard supports
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