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Everything posted by zoopop.5630

  1. All of sudden unblockable attacks or dmg from pers don’t matter? Ok. Just because you die to soulbeast doesn't mean prot holos like drydude, or helio, or naru do. This is a l2p issue. It’s a l2p when you have two monkeys riding each other on the forums. If you are legit dying or losing to a demo amulet prot holo should probably consider getting off ranger and Stop telling everyone it’s a “l2p” issue. Im not sure what this means. Here are some high level players who sometimes play prot holo and manage rangers just finehttps://www.twitch.tv/notoriousnaruhttps://www.twitch.tv/helio____ @shadowpass.4236 said: All of sudden unblockable attacks or dmg from pers don’t matter? Ok. Just because you die to soulbeast doesn't mean prot holos like drydude, or helio, or naru do. This is a l2p issue. It’s a l2p when you have two monkeys riding each other on the forums. If you are legit dying or losing to a demo amulet prot holo should probably consider getting off ranger and Stop telling everyone it’s a “l2p” issue. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/596294328?t=03h46m32s Tell me what else I could've done against Naru's Prot Holo during this match. It's kind of interesting how I'm infinitely more pressured than him at any given moment and the most I could hope to do is keep the point neutral. I mean pre-patch I might've been able to use GS4 more often to help me trade with a build like this but hey whaddya know... they literally increased the cooldown on our block by 10 seconds (almost double!) and look at how well it's doing now! /s Here's Naru's POV I don't know how many times you got CC from one of the most animated pulls possible but every single time that "pull" happen you had 2 dodge bars left. On top of getting hit by almost every possible mortar kite skill while standing on the node and randomly dodging the air you lost the node shortly after........ On top of that it was just a normal back and forth up in till 1 thief went in to plus you and get you the kill in seconds.... You mean here when I got CC'd from the Slick Shoes? It's pretty funny you'd call that a back and forth considering Naru had literally no chance of dying in that 1v1 and I had to keep pulling off node to prevent myself from going down. Oh and please tell me what skills I should dodge when I also need to avoid the 1.5k mortar autos on point and the Photon Forge autos that also cover the whole point and do about 8k damage every 2 seconds when they have might. Also maybe notice how that build is literally passively regening more than my autoattacks are doing to him.https://www.twitch.tv/videos/596294328?t=03h46m42s On top of winning the node you literally start eating everything for some Reason after you just dodge the moment he shield 4. Got back on Node to get hit by Morat 2-3-4 at this point you have almost 2 full dodges available along an evade stun break and on top of it all you avoided the first hit from holo 3 but not the explosion knowing it comes right after.....If you plan on Sitting on the node to trade with him how about avoid the Chill and Blind at the very least so it isn't easy for him to just pressure you. hows anyone not going to get pressure you off node if you are legit just getting hit by everything? @Eurantien.4632 help your boy out this seems to be a L2P issue. FYI I love the fact you aren't running Bird or Tiger yet you two both continue using the same suggestion over and over lmfaoooo. Gazelle and Smoke Scale 100% not used at all ! Just kill the pets!
  2. All of sudden unblockable attacks or dmg from pers don’t matter? Ok. Just because you die to soulbeast doesn't mean prot holos like drydude, or helio, or naru do. This is a l2p issue. It’s a l2p when you have two monkeys riding each other on the forums. If you are legit dying or losing to a demo amulet prot holo should probably consider getting off ranger and Stop telling everyone it’s a “l2p” issue. Im not sure what this means. Here are some high level players who sometimes play prot holo and manage rangers just finehttps://www.twitch.tv/notoriousnaruhttps://www.twitch.tv/helio____ @shadowpass.4236 said: All of sudden unblockable attacks or dmg from pers don’t matter? Ok. Just because you die to soulbeast doesn't mean prot holos like drydude, or helio, or naru do. This is a l2p issue. It’s a l2p when you have two monkeys riding each other on the forums. If you are legit dying or losing to a demo amulet prot holo should probably consider getting off ranger and Stop telling everyone it’s a “l2p” issue. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/596294328?t=03h46m32s Tell me what else I could've done against Naru's Prot Holo during this match. It's kind of interesting how I'm infinitely more pressured than him at any given moment and the most I could hope to do is keep the point neutral. I mean pre-patch I might've been able to use GS4 more often to help me trade with a build like this but hey whaddya know... they literally increased the cooldown on our block by 10 seconds (almost double!) and look at how well it's doing now! /s Here's Naru's POVI don't know how many times you got CC from one of the most animated pulls possible but every single time that "pull" happen you had 2 dodge bars left. On top of getting hit by almost every possible mortar kite skill while standing on the node and randomly dodging the air you lost the node shortly after........ On top of that it was just a normal back and forth up in till 1 thief went in to plus you and get you the kill in seconds....
  3. All of sudden unblockable attacks or dmg from pers don’t matter? Ok. Just because you die to soulbeast doesn't mean prot holos like drydude, or helio, or naru do. This is a l2p issue.It’s a l2p when you have two monkeys riding each other on the forums. If you are legit dying or losing to a demo amulet prot holo should probably consider getting off ranger and Stop telling everyone it’s a “l2p” issue.
  4. All of sudden unblockable attacks or dmg from pets don’t matter? Ok.
  5. Yeah, those are the PvE pet health values, the PvP health values are half that. That's the problem with listening to the forums for advice on balance, most people don't know what they are talking about. 100% telling you right now I don't EVER touch PVE. If for some stupid reason The stats on pets don't ever change AT all while your in the mist then that's on Anet and it should be corrected. However From just standing around in the pvp lobby the stats show exactly what i posted. I'm looking at gazelle health in PvP right now, it's 21,913 with beast mastery, you said it had 40k. Bird in PvP is 16,243 again with beast mastery, you said it had 29k. Where and How do i see the Pvp numbers? Pet Management showing me those exact numbers I posted while in the Mist. Pet health bar is above the weapon skills bar.The Stat sheet just threw me off lmfaooo. Changing it off now.
  6. Yeah, those are the PvE pet health values, the PvP health values are half that. That's the problem with listening to the forums for advice on balance, most people don't know what they are talking about. 100% telling you right now I don't EVER touch PVE. If for some stupid reason The stats on pets don't ever change AT all while your in the mist then that's on Anet and it should be corrected. However From just standing around in the pvp lobby the stats show exactly what i posted. I'm looking at gazelle health in PvP right now, it's 21,913 with beast mastery, you said it had 40k. Bird in PvP is 16,243 again with beast mastery, you said it had 29k.Where and How do i see the Pvp numbers? Pet Management showing me those exact numbers I posted while in the Mist.
  7. Yeah, those are the PvE pet health values, the PvP health values are half that. That's the problem with listening to the forums for advice on balance, most people don't know what they are talking about. 100% telling you right now I don't EVER touch PVE. If for some stupid reason The stats on pets don't ever change AT all while your in the mist then that's on Anet and it should be corrected. However From just standing around in the pvp lobby the stats show exactly what i posted.
  8. Go to pets when you are looking around and they'll give you all the information you need on the pet tab.
  9. Just so people can stop basing things ONLY on rank..... The two pets being abused in At's and Scrims are literately Smoke-scale and Rock Gazelle. Probably the dumbest thing i have ever seen regardless of the amount of "nerfs" Gazelle has gotten IT STILL hits hard but that's not the worse thing possible. This is also an issue with the whole argument people keep using "Just kill the Pet" when clearly it takes forever to kill either 1 of those two pets JUST to have them retreat it or swap it off. Like this is insane to me that people are defending this argument of "kill the pet" when you still have a player(the ranger) On you. SO let me get this correct in case it wasn't so clear before. Ranger Players Don't want to get Nerf because they think it's a "L2P" issue however we need to avoid the Following just to avoid getting clapped on? Avoid Hilt Bash (16 sec cd when traited that Stuns and Dazes)Avoid Maul (4 sec cd when traited )Avoid Counter Kick (20 sec Cd Knockback)Avoid Point Blank Shot (15 sec Cd Knockback)Avoid Rapid Fire ( 10 second CD )Avoid Head Toss ( Gazell f2 on a 16 sec CD Knockback)Avoid Charge ( 12 second cd on a Daze from an Auto Chain attack from Gazell)Avoid TakeDown ( 12 second cd on a knockdown from SmokeScale)That's about 8 skill i can think off from the TOP of my head on abilities that need to be avoided and about at least HALF of those skills NEED to be avoided in order to avoid the ranger/pet from getting any sort of damage Mod. Yet some of these Pets abilities can't even be Blocked because it becomes Unblockable....so for the sake of arguments and any other false bullshit going on can we just stop saying it's a "l2p" and "Dodge" issue? Shit getting old to read on the forums at least make a better case on how to properly manage the pets or the class itself.
  10. I rarely ever agree with you on the forums but this is probably the biggest issue at the moment with the game. Side Noders DON"T deal enough damage to kill each other at all. Core Ranger and Prot holo match up is legit a never ending fight unless the skill level is really different or 1 has no idea how to properly kite around at all.
  11. they are both completely busted as side noder but I'm not bias about the class. Prot holo isn't stronger in terms of dps compared to Core ranger. However without a doubt if u Match a core ranger and prot holo on a node together it'll just stay naturalize the entire time if it was even 1vs1 match up. Unlike Core ranger prot holo suffers from lack of stability which isn't hard to debunk them off a node unlike a ranger with it's insane 10 stack of stability. Also....weren't you complaining about Core ranger running around with Knights amulet? The comparison is simple both class need to be properly nerf and I know for a fact the main culprit at the moment for Prot holo is Mortar kit and alchemy trait-line. Not Hard-light Arena , Not Knights amulet and Not The stun breaks that are long and crappy.
  12. I've been asking for nerfs to marksmanship modifiers, sic em, and base numbers on certain pets for a while now. But it doesn't matter how much ranger gets nerfed people will still cry about it because the general skill level is much lower than it used to be. Base numbers on our weapons should not be nerfed more and neither should the functionality of our weapons. Regardless, I don't use birds and tigers because they are trash pets that only work against builds without physical damage mitigation, without heavy condi pressure, because they also insta die in teamfights and cause me to lose node when the enemy is intelligent enough to pressure them. However, even if I kill the pets, a knights amulet ranger can eat my damage for a solid few minutes without dodging anything and still be able to live... no different than a knights prot holo, bunker core necro, or any other facetank spec that has too much survivability in the current meta. Any other amulet wouldn't be an issue to kill but it's pretty tough to whittle away at a 3200+ armor enemy when damage got nerfed pretty hard. Keep in mind, it's Conquest. You don't need to kill things in order to win. Just sit on node because people can't kill or decap you in a reasonable timeframe. :) Nerf WILDERNESS SURVIVAL and you won't have ranger Face tanking everything with a knights amulet. Mind you it's dolyak rune + knights amulet is what most of these core rangers are using at the moment. Giving them over 3.5k toughness and slightly under 17k health, Swap the knights amulet out for paladin and you'll have 2.9k toughness and slightly under 22k health on the core ranger. Promise you right now the difference in amulet isn't going to change the out come of the ranger face tanking everything. Like i said before the issue isn't Knights amulet with these core rangers, it's wilderness survival IMO and theirs enough traits to legit help this class stay alive with the amount of valuable traits it has at the moment such as oakheart( 5% damage reduction whenever you have regen), Companion defense(2 seconds of protection every time you dodge), Rugged Growth(gain health whenever you have protection), and my favorite one wilderness Knowledge( reduces all survival skills by 20% , Gives you fury AND it clears 2 conditions). Wilderness knowledge is busted regardless of what any ranger main wants to say lol the fact you have 2 stun breaks under that offers Condi removal, Superspeed, Evade, quickness, and Fury is crazy. How Anet let that slide is beyond me. Mind you we aren't even talking about Beast Mastery and What Protect Me as utility has to offer as a THIRD stun break. Instead of blaming Knights amulet for some of these classes over performing as a side node why not look at the traits that allows them to stay alive so easily with no issues at all? Especially a Class like ranger with the BEST stun breaks in the game at the moment with them ALL being 24-32 seconds long at most. Pretty sure ANY side noder with the ability to break out of and HARD cc within every 24 second would not die to anyone 1vs1 or 1vs2 if you know how to properly mange your utilities. Protect me offers Barrier, Protection, Swiftness, and Regen! ON a 24 second cool down but we want to blame a amulet instead as to why certain specs can face tank so easily and not worry about getting bursted down when they have 2 stun breaks and a heal under 25 second each. This is what you call a brain dead build/spec that is EASILY rewarding players because the build carries itself more the then the skill level required to play the class itself. Imagine If prot holo Stun breaks Offer Boons anywhere near what ranger gets and that's also another class that needs heavy nerfs but it isn't because of knights amulet lol. Wilderness Knowledge is the only condi clear we got. Wilderness Survival has always been a busted triatline - and has always been the true root of every ranger problem ever. But without getting condi clear and maybe some small sustain in another line, it is a huge necessity right now. There just arent meta builds without it, and never have been.Which is fine if it stayed with 2-3 condi removal but the fact it OFFERS more then just condi removal is insane eura. I Personally would keep the condi removal on it and remove the Fury and 20% reduction to the skills at least then we can justify the stun breaks not offering so much within such a low CD.
  13. I've been asking for nerfs to marksmanship modifiers, sic em, and base numbers on certain pets for a while now. But it doesn't matter how much ranger gets nerfed people will still cry about it because the general skill level is much lower than it used to be. Base numbers on our weapons should not be nerfed more and neither should the functionality of our weapons. Regardless, I don't use birds and tigers because they are trash pets that only work against builds without physical damage mitigation, without heavy condi pressure, because they also insta die in teamfights and cause me to lose node when the enemy is intelligent enough to pressure them. However, even if I kill the pets, a knights amulet ranger can eat my damage for a solid few minutes without dodging anything and still be able to live... no different than a knights prot holo, bunker core necro, or any other facetank spec that has too much survivability in the current meta. Any other amulet wouldn't be an issue to kill but it's pretty tough to whittle away at a 3200+ armor enemy when damage got nerfed pretty hard. Keep in mind, it's Conquest. You don't need to kill things in order to win. Just sit on node because people can't kill or decap you in a reasonable timeframe. :) Nerf WILDERNESS SURVIVAL and you won't have ranger Face tanking everything with a knights amulet. Mind you it's dolyak rune + knights amulet is what most of these core rangers are using at the moment. Giving them over 3.5k toughness and slightly under 17k health, Swap the knights amulet out for paladin and you'll have 2.9k toughness and slightly under 22k health on the core ranger. Promise you right now the difference in amulet isn't going to change the out come of the ranger face tanking everything. Like i said before the issue isn't Knights amulet with these core rangers, it's wilderness survival IMO and theirs enough traits to legit help this class stay alive with the amount of valuable traits it has at the moment such as oakheart( 5% damage reduction whenever you have regen), Companion defense(2 seconds of protection every time you dodge), Rugged Growth(gain health whenever you have protection), and my favorite one wilderness Knowledge( reduces all survival skills by 20% , Gives you fury AND it clears 2 conditions). Wilderness knowledge is busted regardless of what any ranger main wants to say lol the fact you have 2 stun breaks under that offers Condi removal, Superspeed, Evade, quickness, and Fury is crazy. How Anet let that slide is beyond me. Mind you we aren't even talking about Beast Mastery and What Protect Me as utility has to offer as a THIRD stun break. Instead of blaming Knights amulet for some of these classes over performing as a side node why not look at the traits that allows them to stay alive so easily with no issues at all? Especially a Class like ranger with the BEST stun breaks in the game at the moment with them ALL being 24-32 seconds long at most. Pretty sure ANY side noder with the ability to break out of any HARD cc within every 24 second would not die to anyone 1vs1 or 1vs2 if you know how to properly mange your utilities and dodge a few skills. Fun Fact: Protect me offers Barrier, Protection, Swiftness, and Regen! ON a 24 second cool down but we want to blame a amulet instead as to why certain specs can face tank so easily and not worry about getting bursted down when they have 2 stun breaks and a heal under 25 second each. This is what you call a brain dead build/spec that is EASILY rewarding players because the build carries itself more the then the skill level required to play the class itself. Imagine If prot holo Stun breaks Offerd Boons anywhere near what ranger gets and that's also another class that needs heavy nerfs but it isn't because of knights amulet lol.
  14. what's the issue with that ? If i'm In plat 3 and getting paired against a full plat 1-2 team while it's just myself and low plat/gold players i'll take the longer que time without an issue. IF i'm going to lose 17-21 points for a horribly match up game that's going to get me pissed off then i'll rather take my chances for a 15-20min wait JUST to have a FAIR game. At least then i'll be LESS salty over it and I know someone won't be AFK sitting on mid or running aimlessly toward mid every single time they come off respawn. Some of you guys probably Never played in any other Rank game before at all. In League of legends Rank High plat and low Diamond que times are usually way over 8 mins. No one complains about it as much because it's always a balance match up.
  15. You guys complain no matter what..... If u guys can't handle Rank NOW with how stupid it is imagine when everyone SOLO queing into the game again ? The discussion going to shift from rank duo to win trading. The Rank has always sucked and is always going to suck because the population is LOW and because PEOPLE refuse to pick up the basic stuff to improve such as focus target, and map awareness. Games wouldn't be such a shit show if half the gold/silver population would take a moment to look at the map instead of randomly running to mid every single time.
  16. SO the trade off with this is pretty straightforward. You become "uber tanky" but in return you can't kill anything. Just how with zerk amulet you can run the chance of possibly killing someone in seconds but the trade off is pretty straightforward.....you can't tank anything at all and can die fairly easy. Removing knights isn't going to solve anything anyway so please provide a better reason other then removing yet another amulet from spvp. If knights does get removed people would just swap over to Paladin or Valkyrie while some spec like Core Ranger and Prot holo wouldn't get effected as much due to some of the trait lines they select to keep them "uber tanky".
  17. This isn't correct at all? Top 10 leader board in Na has 2 rangers Using Knight amulet...... let that sink in for a second please. Ok even if they are on knights I actually rarely see them do insane dps. At least against eura, whom already said he’s on zerkers, in a match the longbow 2 damage would literally tickle, not to mention I decided to do one at with paladins and extra hp on thief and literally both those rangers and a zerk ele being on me all match would barely tickle leading to like 1 death the whole match again when all 3 players were on meThe issue isn't Ranger Damage Itself but Pets doing enough damage for the class to play itself...... What I listed above were WHAT I believe are an issue with the spec and what should be addressed overall regardless if someone on zerk/paladin or knights amulet. Great sword 4 Offers WAY to much for a skill that could be in a 20 second cool-down and the Fact That Some of these rangers when playing as a side noder just want the Pet to carry them due to the damage and CC it offers. Whatever Long bow damage is doing isn't what i'm concern about nor do I care much about the dps output on what longbow has at the moment because it isn't a big issue at the moment, However Great sword Is overloaded and so Is pets damage regardless of what any ranger main wants to be bias about. You can ONLY dodge so many skill before you get rocked by something and simply Killing a "pet" isn't really the best way to deal with the issue at hand. They can simply bait you by forcing you to attack the pet..... I can't think of ANY other 2 handed weapon in the game that offers the amount of Damage, Block, CC and Mobility as Ranger greatsword.....hands down the best 2 handed weapon in the game for spvp without a doubt.
  18. This isn't correct at all? Top 10 leader board in Na has 2 rangers Using Knight amulet...... let that sink in for a second please. I am playing zerker soulbeast. but ok.you aren't always on Zerk amulet eura..... so let's not go there but ok.
  19. No? It's either coming from Blood Magic or Eternal Life. No one In the top tier player base is using signet at all on necro anymore..... or death magic. Blood / Soul reaping are the trait-lines you want on core necro for competitive game play not death magic.
  20. This isn't correct at all? Top 10 leader board in Na has 2 rangers Using Knight amulet...... let that sink in for a second please.
  21. So far the game seems to be Better then what it was however we still need to address the following classes that IMO are over performing or slightly over performing.... Holo - Lacks Stability however with the alchemy and invention trait line you can play protection holo which is slightly over performing due to the fact they can hold Node 1vsX for an extended period time however it is extremely easy to force them off node now due to lack of stability overall ( 1 second of stability doesn't help anyone at all). Ranger - This class Still has insane dps regardless if it's on Soul beast or just core ranger. If you play the Core Ranger spec you'll have higher Sustain then you would on soul beast with fairly high dps output still being a thing due to the pets damage overall still over performing after the slight nerf it received. On top of Pets doing high damage and the sustain overall on ranger still being really good but the biggest issue IMO is Sic em and Great sword 4(counter attack). I have never seen an offence weapon offer so much within one skill ability within itself..... Such as Evade/Block and a Knock back( Also the knock back is bugged where you can use it twice) all within a 25 second Cool down ( IF traited 20 seconds). Necro - The class overall does fairly good damage but the sustain overall on this class is stupidly high at the moment. The Blood Magic trait-line needs to be looked into and slightly touched in order to lower necro sustain a bit other that the class seems to be fine overall especially with the lack of stability(not including lich) this class has at the moment. Renegade - This class took forever to actually get some sort of attention in the spvp world and it's now actually starting to be an issue. As everything got Nerf to the ground ( mainly everything) this class went untouched overall. With the Fact you can Spam Aoe Daze and Life Siphon so freely without any major issues. Paired with a Good support this class just becomes a bunker monster(If traited properly for it) making it Close to impossible forcing it off node or even killing them. If Scourge was deleted from Spvp due to the major Aoe spams this class shouldn't be any different in terms of getting nerf in the rightful areas. At the moment these 4 classes are the main issue with the game at the moment with maybe 1 more possibly making the list (rev) but overall it's in a good spot due to the high sustain a few other classes have right now. I would greatly love to see Necro/Ranger addressed asap then Prot and Renegade if possible. I''m sure not a lot of people would agree with me but this is just some of the stuff i believe needs to be look into!
  22. Soulbeast - No longer a viable competitive presence. The Maul & WI nerfs hit too hard. What? Still seeing rangers 100-0 People from time to time.
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