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Everything posted by zoopop.5630

  1. i mean of course but do that with the current meta at the moment it's completely dumb / pointless imo. Attempting to use the gyro on an ally is almost suicide imo. With how Op Rev, Dps Fb, and Pistol whip thief is at the moment attempting to get a res is close to impossible i mean assuming we're talking about rank only then yes you can pull it off because of the lack of knowledge in the player base. However we'll see how this up coming balance patch changes the "meta" i'll be highly disappointed if Rev , weaver , and FB doesn't get nerf down. The amount of Cleave potential FB has insane and that's 1 of the reasons why I don't see a point in using scrapper atm let alone vs double fb.
  2. Condition wasn't meta for 3-6 months Scourge was and that was nerfed i assume your talking shortly after the PoF launch? No, Condi Mirage and necro has been meta for over a year regardless of the amount of nerf it was getting. Highly suggestion you go look into some of the Monthly tournament from both eu and Na you'll see Condi Mirage all the way from semi to finals and even at time we'll see double condi mirage as a comp. I know for a fact during Tournament of Legends(T.O.L Last year in January) Condi mirage was being abused by a lot of teams and I know for a fact double condi mirage won the T.O.L in NA.
  3. Condi Mirage and Necro has been been for a very long time in gw2. If you are expecting other spec to be "condi" base and somehow be meta then no and it's for good purposes. Condi thief was meta for about 3-6 months till it was nerf properly and it's because it was the dumbest possible spec you can play that offer 0 risk and high reward for just spamming evade on people. Not sure how many more spec of condi you need to be "meta" but 3 is more then enough for conquest especially with how things are at the moment.
  4. Probably 80% of the time I consider using function gyro, I decide against it and do something else because it is literally not worth 0.5s of cast time in the middle of a fight. I would take the old function gyro back in a heartbeat. I might consider using the new one if it were instant .. maybe. They still die if anyone sneezes on them. I legit only ever use it for stab and to possible do some sort of field combo on it. All i ever use it for because it isn't worth using other wise unless it's just 1 person trying to finish a down.
  5. Core Engi just seem like it'll probably never get the love it really needs because 80% of the utility that we have are just completely out dated. Turrets are pretty crap and the fact that they die fairly fast is also stupid to consider running it, Kites seem very very lack luster due to the amount of nerfs and pistols need a complete rework to be completely honest. The fact that Core engi is Limited to Rifle/ Pistols and a shield while only 2 out of the 3 are even really viable in today meta makes me sad. why Can other specs apply different type of conditions but for some reason engi with pistols are limited to Burn and Psn for some solid dps? I would like to see condi application for engi improved across all spec if possible or at the very least with pistols. Being limited to "burn" kinda makes the entire class pointless to play outside of power which gets really old and boring. I'll like to also see Egun improved a bit more with it's 1-3 skills(possible give it the ability to add more condition beside weakness,cripple and poison). Outside of Core engi being useless and utilities not being very good, I think scrapper has come a long way overall and i think gyro utilities are pretty solid now days however the function gyro needs to be revert back to what it was for god sake. I hate the fact that resing people or finishing people off has now become close to impossible with the function gyro. They simply just die off way to fast regardless of the last buff they got they are still imo very useless for my case and i'll rather the function gyro abilities to get stab/give stab to my team mates over using it for a res or finish. I think if we get better design for the function gyro then Engi would be in a really solid spot instead of some odd spot where they feel / play as a budget bunker holo.
  6. They said they wanna shave some damage AND sustain. So I suspect, burst will be gone or very different.Currently from mesmers perspective, your burst Kills -> worth. or it doesnt so its useless.Shaving damage will hurt some more then others, but time will tell.My expectations are so kitten low that I doubt they can dissapoint me. Only some builds are getting carried due how easy is to burst targets in this game,imo thats Anet should reduce its quoficients. That and reduce the splashy cleave aoe spam... by some you meanWarrior -> spb and coreMesmer -> power core and power mirageEngi -> HoloGuard -> GS core, dps fbRanger -> both core and soulbeastRev -> power shiroEle -> fresh air, fire weaver and water weaverThief -> Dp, Sp, and DENecro -> reaper, and core necroThose are like 50% or more of the metafixed.
  7. yea worse thing is imagine being "top" 10 and getting 3 rating for a game that's 450-500 imagine losing that game to only get -22 :) 2 loses last night = 37 rating gone lol
  8. so this is what the forums has become? People refusing to learn how to play the game properly and learning animation tells on one of the most useless class in the "meta" at the moment? You can Legit Walk out of the PW(Most bad thiefs spam it and hit the fucking air). Once they finish spamming it just hard Cc them for the kill. Thief at the moment aren't even that great.
  9. against big Condi burst comp Take Marauder and When Against a pure physical Burst comp take Demolisher. More health is good vs Condi More toughness is good vs Physical burst
  10. My man said Net SHOT and BlunderBuss. LMAO Net Shot is a 2 second immobilize on a 9 second cooldown without a cast time. If you honestly believe this skill is balanced then you're lying to yourself. Blunderbuss can crit very hard for a 1/2 seconds cast time (less with quickness).Also going to ignore the fact that Net shot misses 90% of the time? Probably the most useless skill on rifle lmaooooooo.
  11. Then stop queueing. I mean why would you not stop after it happened twice? because it's just rating? What else is their to do in this game beside Pvp and some WvW?
  12. close to 100 rating lose within 5 games because of a bug? This keeps happening over and over..... it's not 1 player it's legit 2-4 people in each team. I'm yet to see it happen to an enemy team.
  13. few things to point out. Always be on staff first when u plan to engage on a mirage, and signets are probably the worse thing u can have at the moment as a core necro. Spec Armor would of helped a lot imo but not enough if u don't know how to kite them off / run to no teleport spots. Horrible match up but your spec alone doesn't help either.
  14. who isn't ? Calm down boomer.
  15. don't see the issue with this? 2 plat players on each team.....seems fine.
  16. So adding half a second cast time to an instant cast, long duration, hard CC will delete an entire spec? Yes or no? Because from my POV, it just sounds like you're being dramatic. I'm being Dramatic? Let's be honest..... Just checking your last few post has been noting but you being dramatic lately on the forums crying about nerfs. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89968/how-to-nerf-tools-holo#latest https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89178/ranger-greatsword-is-dead#latest https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/87126/for-the-love-of-god-delete-mesmer-mantras#latest https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/79593/nerf-mantra-mesmers-and-revenants#latest I mean we can go on for days about being overly dramatic but yea. Seem to me your just a bit bias about a few classes overall. FYI changes to great sword weren't a nerf if anything a buff but hey what would I know?
  17. The nerfs from the preview are a slap on the wrist for holo. More substantial than the literally year that passed with 0 nerfs or attempts to rein in the spec. deleting a spec from 1 of the 3 only viable weapons they have isn't going to solve a single thing. Rifle 4 is not over performing let alone "OP" in order for it to get nerf.
  18. no. Rifle holo after these up coming balance changes wont be as good anymore and people would stop crying about a spec that dies to anyone.
  19. Would be great if the changes drop on tuesday.....hopefully add some fb nerfs as well
  20. Just make it.....as to whatever you lock yourself into for rank, At's, and Monthly becomes Un-switchable. Makes 0 Sense to have people swap at the last 5 seconds or 10 seconds JUST to get an advantage over others.
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