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  1. That's interesting as it's also the only reason why I'm logged into the forums now. I might also add that I've spoken to everyone but my work friend about a potential GW3 - and they are all stupidly excited about the possibility. I don't have to talk to the coworker to know he's 110% ready for GW3 from past conversations.
  2. I've played since beta, and I'm still playing, but I take very long breaks. The content updates are what always bring me back and I find myself doing some kind of grind for something. I have quite a few friends and family that used to play and I know why each of them stopped as we talk about it every now and again: Wife (Dropped mid HoT) - Loves the game, but she's not a gamer and is super busy IRL. She'd play regularly if I asked her to get back on. Kid 1 (Dropped midway through EoD) - He's raided in GW2 and started working on leggies, but switched over to Classic WoW where he was drawn to raids and vertical progression. Kid 2 (Dropped mid PoF) - Loves gaming in general, but tends to hyperfocus. Currently he's narrowly focused on Pokemon, Smash, and Splatoon (and his GF). He'd play regularly if we all did and I asked him. Kid 3 (Dropped after PoF) - He likes playing with dad, but during one of my long breaks...he discovered team shooters in Roblox with his online and IRL friends and this is basically all he does now. He loves GW2 though and will run it any time I ask him to run with me Nephew (Dropped mid PoF) - Loves gaming, loves MMO's, but he loves "everything" and bounces from MMO to MMO always looking for the next new thing. He left PoF for Lost Ark Best friend (Dopped mid HoT) - Tried to get back into it a few months ago, but too many IRL responsibilities and was "too far behind." His GF and work friend will play if he plays. Work buddy (Dropped after EoD) - Takes long breaks like me, but only comes back for expansions He hasn't picked up SotO afaik
  3. The asinine way in which the 😕 react is used in this community is easily the most trifling thing I've seen in ~25 years of online discussion lol. It's like: "I don't agree with you, and I don't want others to agree with you, but I don't have the depth, wit, or courage to engage you...so I'll just drop a gatekeeper's mark on your post and laugh behind the safety of my keyboard." Honestly, it seems like there's just some rando dropping a confused react on every post, regardless of the context. Internet anonymity at it's finest. Regardless of the rumors, I think I think GW3 is inevitable. If they release it, I imagine everyone would like to be recognized for their level of achievements/progression in GW2. I know I would as I only played GW1 for a few months after release and missed out. There's nothing confusing or controversial being said here but 😕😕😕😕...amirite? All very sound and logical points. I know a lot of people who have stopped playing over the years, but when I broke the "news" to them, they got really excited. This is why developers make sequels. I don't know why people are so afraid of new things or what they expect? GW2 would be at least 15 years old by the time a hypothetical GW3 drops. Surely that is enough time to consider a sequel release. The advances in computing technology and all the lessons learned from GW1 and GW2 have the potential to set up an amazing new game. That's exciting to think about. I love GW2. I've invested over 2K hours in it with very longs breaks in between content releases. However, just the thought of a sequel has me wanting to jump in and grind for potential legacy rewards. This GW3 report/rumor is the only reason I'm back on the forums checking in. LOL, but whatever. Bring on the....😕😕😕😕 😕😕😕😕 😕😕😕😕 😕😕😕😕 😕😕😕😕 😕😕😕😕 😕😕😕😕
  4. I'm well aware of what they're planning. I've played the game since beta and have followed every update. OP posed a question, I gave my opinion. The fact that they have more planned doesn't change how I feel. Which is, the expansion feels incomplete...or if you prefer, it feels just as incomplete as they described. Moreover, this isn't exclusive to SotO. The entire game has been evolving and improving since release. I don't see why this expansion should be exempt from critique simply based on future promises.
  5. All other GW2 expansions brought new and interesting mechanics as well as profession changes. SotO is at best a "mini" expansion, but it feels even smaller than that. I love the game though, so that's not really a "deal breaker" as it were. I think I'm just kind of put off by the repetition and the recycling of assets. The other thing is the story. Initially, it felt dark and mysterious...very similar to how the Icebrood Saga started off with the whispers and the Boneskinner. In both cases, the gameplay and story quickly return to that familiar GW2 baseline. I would have rather we continued down into whatever twisted hole the demons are from and learn to fight them on their turf. Honestly, I don't know if I have a solid opinion. I like it well enough, but not where I feel the need to log in and do something. The expansion just feels...incomplete?
  6. There's actually a few that I've chased. None of the Legendaries though - they've been on my "todo" list forever. So long in fact that my son graduated from Pokemon to GW2 and got Legendaries before me. You're right that there's tons to do out there (and probably grind for). It's just kind of scattered and the game does a poor job of telling you how to play it. I think the Astral Acclaim system with seasons is a good start. I copped the owl and a few other things. I'd really like to see something like a seasonal/semi-annual class set (or weapon if that's too much) achievement chain.
  7. Regarding the grind I've been playing since release and I absolutely love this game. I take very long breaks from it, but every time I log back in it feels like I'm "home." But I find that the breaks are the problem for me. The game is just too easy to step away from (and honestly forget about) because there's no real "carrot on a stick." TBH, I think GW2 needs MORE grind. Not just daily rinse/repeat for participation stars, they need to send us out on "adventures" to find cool things. I mean...that's why we're here isn't it? Good example... Why is there no achievement-based Skiff skin? Do they have any idea how long and how far I would sail, how many fish I would catch, how many things I would hunt down and kill, how many quests I would complete...just to have say, this boat skin: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/7/72/Winged_Reverie_Skiff_Skin.jpg Instead, they locked it behind Black Lion RNG 🤦‍♂️ (which luckily dropped for me). I think they added it to the statuette vendor, but still... The point is, they go through all this trouble to add fishing to the game, and it's actually fun, but they give us almost no reason to go out and do it...besides gold that is easily obtainable with little effort (and no effort where gems are concerned). Too much of the game is like this. Regarding mixed modes I honestly don't see the harm in letting players have their grind of choice. I get it that they want to get us to try something new, but does that work? Genuinely asking because I have no idea if people are sticking with PVP after being herded that way (I didn't, although I do enjoy PvP...just not in GW2). Regarding meta/raids/etc. Always back to this elephant...LOL. The problem is that there are two very different and very distinct crowds that intersect at end game content. The same conversation ensues every time this subject is brought up. It should be apparent that these crowds are very polarized and don't want to run content together. Honestly...the solution is to separate them, not the content. I have been gaming since the 80's. I'm a veteran gamer that enjoys a challenge (and the grind). However, I want no part of the whole "elite circus" that comes with MMO metagame. It's not personal. I just have enough IRL people drama...I don't need it in game too.
  8. A LFG overhaul (matchmaking) Return of 5 man dungeons Seasonal/Periodic class-based armors "Not sold in stores!" A skiff skin acquired through fishing achievements From the poll...just more LW story.
  9. It's not new. I've played 1600+ of GW2, much of it dedicated to Core Necro, Reaper, and Scourge. If I had all day, and the interest, I could write an entire book about the copy/paste that has been done between Necro and Specter. I've done a quick pull on some of the info from the GW2 wiki to illustrate: EDIT: Maybe not, lol. That formatting looks bad. I recommend going to the GW2 Wiki and rviewing the Necromancer skills/utilities. Wells, Marks, Fear, Barrier, Shroud that gives access to new skills and a new "health bar" - these are literally Necromancer core mechanics. Literally ripped right out of the pages of the Necromancer playbook. Some of them almost exact copies. Considering animations are being recycled as well, Specter is quite literally a re-skinned Necromancer - which I have already played to death. As a Theif main, I would have preferred a new Thief - not this. If the idea is to give someone else a new look at this playstyle, there's already 2 1/2 versions of it on the Necro (Scourge doesn't have the same Shroud mechanic). The only thing that truly validates giving this role, with that ranged weapon, and those skills to Thief - is the intent to give the class more raid viability. Unless I'm wrong and Thieves are really unhappy with their representation or class mechanics in other modes of play. On a final note, nobody is upset about innovation. Nobody wants to do the same thing over and over again. Why can't we establish that as a baseline and move on. We all love innovation. Reaper is my favorite class and is a perfect example - putting a traditional direct fighter weapon in the hands of a caster...and it works. Where is it written though that making a familiar thing feel completely different is the best way to innovate? At some point, too much deviation from the core of a thing makes it not that thing at all. That is what the Specter is, if not a COMPLETE rehash of the Necromancer.
  10. So, full on disclaimers: First, and foremost...hate it. Yeah, hate's a strong word...and I hate this concept a lot. I've watched ANet deep dive into it. I've watched a few videos of people using it in PvP and PVE. I've had discussions with people about what you can expect from the class. I get it. I still hate it. A lot. Also, I'm voicing my opinion here primarily for the devs (if it matters at all) and to push back against those who don't take this point of view seriously. Lastly...incoming book. I have every class except...man I can't even think of the name of it...lol. Hold on. I literally have to google it...Elementalist. I don't have an Ele because I can't really get into straight up casters. I've spent the most time with Necro, Thief, and Warrior respectively...1600+ hours if you want a number. So why is it that I love the Necro, while I despise the Specter? Shroud can grant barrier literally the same as Scourge (and I played A LOT of Scourge) and has its own Shroud skills just like the Reaper. It drops wells, which I have a ton of experience with situationally switching to ranged staff. I have been told, repeatedly, that you can generate nice condi damage. But this is all Necro-junk...and I already have a Necro for that. I don't want to do any of that on my Thief. 🤷🏾‍♂️ What distinguishes this spec? Because to me it's just like... I can't pretend this thing is a thief. I've suffered through as much video as I can watching it sling a wand at targets and teleport, which is not exclusive to the Thief BTW. That's just not the weapon mechanic for me. Not on my main guy. Then there's the barrier heals. Targeting an ally in trouble and...healing them? Again. Not really my cup of tea - though I've done it with my Engineer and my Reaper and Scourge in 5-mans. I heard Cal Cohen go into depth about how tanky you can get with self-shroud, so I assume there's solo survivability/viability there too... ...and sure, we don't have to use the wand. I didn't care for the Deadeye, but the homebrewed Pistol/Pistol Deadeye is a lot of fun (currently what my benched Thief is using). So, I'm sure there's something I can do with it. The difference is I really just don't like the package that this espec is in. Like wrapping a station wagon chassis/cabin around a mustang engine...yeah the mechanics work, but it's in the wrong body. I'm sure "arcane thief" works in DnD, but the vision has gotten lost in the translation to GW2. Out of curiosity, I showed the gameplay to my wife (who plays casually) and she loves it. Then again, she gravitates towards casting, support, and healing. Lastly, and what actually concerns me more than the concept or mechanics (both of which I feel compelled to say I hate...again), is the idea that the devs are all in on a support thief. Who is asking for this? I'm not saying it's not a valid ask or that NOBODY is asking. I'm genuinely curious as to how large the ask for this is. Surely it can't be the casual player who rolls an assassin and then dreams of healing and support. Who is struggling to do what and where in this game with a Thief where healing/support fills a hole? Thieves can't get into dungeons/fractals? Are they useless in WvW? PvP an issue? Where are thieves struggling to get work so badly where adding healing/support opens an otherwise shut (or narrow) door? Are we talking about Raiding...? Are we doing this to facilitate equal min/max/meta theory-crafting across all classes for high-level endgame content? That would be the opposite of the game I signed up for a decade ago. That game didn't depend on a holy trinity and just wanted to get players playing. You wouldn't necessarily need thief heals/support for that game. Admittedly, I don't know much about the game it has become in that regard because...I have an aversion to that crowd. I think I have talked enough on this thread. I would genuinely like for someone to educate me on where this support thief is going to be absolutely useful and necessary to the point that it has to drive a whole espec concept for the sake of class equality/representation.
  11. Apparently my post was "rude"...and it was deleted. Second time this has happened...and like the last time, it was just me using a ridiculous amount of words and being goofy. I know how to have civilized conversation and I have been around many forums over the past 20+ years. I've never seen the kind of overly sensitive moderation that goes on here. Am I even allowed to say that? Disclaimer: This is not intended to hurt, belittle, insult, or otherwise provoke anyone - but to defend my own priceless opinion on the internet. @Stago.7608 We are both challenging each others' statements/opinions. Let's get that out of the way. That's literally what discussion boards are for and is certainly the case when quoting and replying to each other. I won't attempt to invalidate whether or not someone likes something - and have been repeating that mantra constantly. I am here though, to argue the label of that thing and how important I think it is. I'm here for that ALL DAY LONG. To take this in a constructive direction, and address all of your points (hopefully without writing a book, and/or getting jailed by the mods) thematics matter. Not to a few people...TO A LOT OF PEOPLE. You can dismiss certain aspects only so many times before you lose the theme. You can call this subjective or preference if you want. At the end of the day, creators start treading into pretentious territory when they prioritize their "vision" and sacrifice too much of the core of a theme (This is why a lot of DC fans are put off with Zach Snyder, BTW). A Thief's without his "Thiefiness" is what exactly? Are we really going to sit here and say this doesn't matter? In a fantasy role playing game? We might as well say a ranger/hunter doesn't need a nature aspect. How about we make him a street-wise bounty hunter (he's still technically a "hunter" right?) who has learned the wilderness of the city and we give him a golem "pet." That's fine, right? If it's all good, how about we give a warrior a wand and tell him to channel his rage through it. Revenants channel legendary spirits? How about next expansion they just create their own destiny and channel their own legendary spirit? If it's just subjective, then it's all good. It's not all good though. It's only good for people who don't care "what it looks like." I am not one of those people. I care and I think it matters just as much, if not more, than structured playstyle viability. Which...obviously matters too. I'm saying work within the theme to do it. The Specter is not a thief or assassin in any way. It's a support caster and as such is just about as far away from the archetype as you can get. On a final note, I've always been a super-supportive/positive type of internet poster. I always laughed at those guys who said, "I'm leaving." here I am one of those guys...lol. (BTW mods, I'm laughing at myself...and not trying to laugh at someone else and provoke them). I'm not inspired by what I'm seeing out of EoD. If this is a sign of what matters to the GW2 devs and its community, then so long and thanks for all the fish. I've got too much in my Steam queue to be so concerned about this game (particularly Lost Ark which, thank goodness for beta this weekend).
  12. A) Quote people if you want to call them out on an opinion. B) I didn't say "all" thief mains C) Neither of our opinions is more valid than the other, no matter who approves of what. D)...put a machine gun in its hands and give it a pet. Doesn't make it a thief. I get that you like it and other people like it. It won't change the fact that it's not a thief and because of that, quite a few people won't like it. Arguing taste/preference is for knuckle-draggers though and it's obvious that nobody gives a <KitTeN> (did it fer ya there ANet!). So 🤷🏾‍♂️ In light of that, and the fact that there are too many other things for me to get care about - both in this game and outside of it - I'm just going to let you guys have it. ✌️
  13. I haven't even logged in to the beta. Thief is my main and I am wholly uninterested in the new espec. It boggles my mind that the developers came up with this. It is the opposite of the spirit of the class in just about every way you can think of. A ranged, support caster...? That's...just...awful. The design is created to appease everyone but the people who main it. Does it play well? People say it does. Does it look cool? Sure. Is it super useful? Probably. "So why are thief mains crying?" Because it's not a thief. Not at all. A whole new expansion and we got NOTHING.
  14. So about that Specter deep dive today... First, let me say that the design and mechanics look very cool and super useful - which I expected. Though, let's just call the Specter what it is.. It's a Necro in medium armor. If you want to get all "akchually" on me, then call it a Shadow Priest. That's what it is. It's not a thief and nothing about the mechanics are what I look for in the archetype. I may not bench my thief, but I certainly won't main it. I might try it out in group content, if there's a viable alternative to the scepter (ala Pistol/Pistol deadeye). Otherwise, if I'm forced to use the wand...then I'm benching my main. Regardless, I feel good about other main options. Bladesworn is more than likely it, though Mechanist and Untamed look good. I also need to try out the Vindicator if we get another crack at a beta with it.
  15. I can only speak to leveling, open world, dungeons, and fractals. I've no experience in WvW or Raiding, but... Getting into PVE in this game is pretty straightforward and easy. Anyone who has played any kind of RPG understands the basics of leveling, stats, and gear and the effect they have on your experience. Traits and skills can be a little intimidating at first, but the in game descriptions are pretty straightforward. With just a little bit of experimentation, you can figure out how stuff fits together quite easily... Not to reinforce your gripe, but there are build calculators and guides out there that literally do all the work for you. Googling things like "PVE Reaper build" or "PVP Theif build" or "Greatsword Warrior" will return so much cookie cutter simplicity complete with gear, skills, and traits to pick...with as much or as little explanation as you need. It's not a bad thing and it's not exclusive to GW2. Though, even with halfway decent gear...you could pick a bunch of random traits and still face-roll most if not all of the open world stuff. What you can't do is charge into a group of mobs flanked by an elite and spam a bunch of attacks and expect to live. You'll have to learn how to gear, spec, and play your class...and that part is up to you to discover. But if you're not into class discovery and customization, then this really isn't the game for you. My $0.02 on raids and people that say "go read up on it" and such... I only have experience with a handful of MMO's, but raiding in those games have always been very self-study/meta driven. I don't know if ANet balances the content/learning curve around this, but from listening to my son (who has raided a lot) it sounds like the raiding community does. I've avoided the content altogether because <insert reasons we've all danced around>, but ultimately I think there's room for improvement there to get players into raiding (group finding, difficulty levels, training, etc.) that want to do it.
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