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  1. It’s bad. It’s really, really bad. Like, delete all skills and come up with a whole new weapon levels of bad. And while you’re doing that, can the new spear design actually have cool animations like everyone else?
  2. Spear 4 has 3/4 sec cast time and has no tracking sadly, will be dead on arrival
  3. I'm betting cold hard stacks that the core F1 and the 5 skill will be the standout winners. Its 2 and 4 skill I'm worried about - ground target abilities with narrow radius
  4. It seems to track in the same way Hunter's Call would, I think it'll be pretty good actually. The 90 radius is just cleave radius (it's 5 target).
  5. I mean rapid fire just a bread and butter weapon skill, I'd be less bothered by this skill if it just existed on the bar. Plus rapid is 10 shots instead of 7 (less delay between shots, harder to avoid), and 1500 range versus 900 range. It also seems to use flaming flurrys animation rig, rather than rapid fires, although I can't be sure, and flaming flurry has notoriously bad tracking on moving targets.
  6. Just wondering. The core version is decent and has an evade built in. And then the primal burst is... flaming flurry? But in-fact worse because it doesn't block projectiles? This really confused me and took the wind out of my sails.
  7. The core f1 and the 5 skill are the only decent skills. The primal burst is hilariously bad, literally worse than flaming flurry, 2 and a half sec cast time and it cant even block projectiles unlike flaming flurry (which is a trash burst of course just to clarify).
  8. New one is better, bursts should hit hard and require timing, having the burst wasted as a blind/aegis clearer is worthless when there’s plenty of other ways to deal with that.
  9. Can we just at least get full trait benefit from spending 30 goddamn adrenaline to enter berserk? It's pretty abominable having such an intense resource cost only to get Jack S.
  10. Inconsequential buffs in competitive, will have no impact sadly.
  11. It sounds like you want actually balanced encounters. In this case, I recommend just queueing PvP with your friend. WvW has terrible balance. At least in PvP you will be using balanced stat amulets in even-numbered fights. You won’t mechanically improve much in WvW.
  12. Winds of Disenchantment being dictated solely by GvG balance is the problem. The developers have completely butchered this skill - when I read the tooltip, it almost begs to be put out of its misery and deleted entirely.
  13. I haven’t tested that particular interaction with staff movement skills (didn’t bother since brave stride is so terrible). Did you factor in the internal cool-down of the trait, I assume? If so then I guess it’s bugged as you say.
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