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Posts posted by Dahkeus.8243

  1. (bought both guild and gem store capes)

    I kinda wish there was a "Yes, I got it, but I have mixed feelings about it."

    It's harder to find a set of armor that matches it than I expected since it hangs at kind of an odd angle away from the character's back. Hopefully they'll adjust this.

    Also, I wish the guild cape was longer.

  2. Eh, it looks better on some armor combinations than others.

    However I really wish it didn't float so far away from the character. I'm sure it was done that way to prevent some sort of clipping with some armor, but I haven't found what combo that is. Maybe its supposed to look natural when you have a shield stowed?

    If it connected a little higher up and was a bit flatter, it would look much better.

    However, I've found a transmog combination that makes that less noticeable, so I'm ok with it for now.

  3. Pistol whip has a history of getting nerfed hard any time it gets even close to meta just because of the type of gameplay it results in. Kind of a shame since thief hasn't been a strong 1v1er for a while, but maybe all the nerfs to other classes will help level the playing field.

  4. @Levetty.1279 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:Still play just as much now if not more. Still love Ranger and think it's in a better spot now than it has been in many other points than it has been since launch.

    Sorry, is that not the validation you were looking for your QQ?

    Being better then the utter mess the class was at launch isn't much of an achievement. I don't know why you felt the need to try and derail the thread just because somebody is implying your precious Anet isn't perfect but it isn't helpful.

    Aww, did I derail the directionless QQ thread by disagreeing? Aww, I'm so sowwy!

    As Eurantien pointed out, there's several good builds in PvP and the class hasn't kept good players from hitting plat. The class isn't broken overpowered and class balance overall has been relatively steady for quite a while in the sense that the class you play is no excuse for not succeeding in any part of the game.

  5. @Substance E.4852 said:

    @"Dahkeus.8243" said:GW2 Fanbase: zOMG! Give me things, but don't make me pay for them!

    Also GW2 Fanbase: Why are devs leaving ANet to go to other companies!?!

    "Wow, this cape is a bit pricey, maybe bump it down to at least the same price as that elaborate chair you just released?"

    "Oh so what you're saying is you don't want to pay anything, huh?!"

    Oh, so you don't like the use of hyperbole to make a point then?

    @Substance E.4852 said:This is why discourse on the internet is effectively dead


  6. I'd definitely recommend Necro. It's a very sturdy class that can perform very well in general open world content without requiring particularly fast reflexes or complex key presses (compared to other classes). Minions give you a lot of quality of life since they can tank enemies for you and Reaper can do some very heavy damage as well once you have it unlocked.

    Woodenpotatoes has a great video for an open world build at max level on this class:

  7. Played around the other night with GS and A/A. BM and Skirmishing seems pretty squishy, especially against condi. I ran a build much closer to current Boonbeast, except that I swapped Nature Magic for BM.

    I believe overall traits were:WS: 1-2-2BM: 2-2-3SB: 1-1-3

    Most everything else was generic Boonbeast with GS replacing S/W (https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Boon_Beast)

    Seemed to do pretty well and still fared well in most 1 v 1s. The AoE chill strike on A/A from BM and overall damage in team fights was nice to have as well. The lack of ability to throw GS4 isn't as bad when you have A/A as a weapon swap too.

  8. Still play just as much now if not more. Still love Ranger and think it's in a better spot now than it has been in many other points than it has been since launch.

    Sorry, is that not the validation you were looking for your QQ?

  9. I'm really happy to see these added. I know there was a lot of concern about the ability to make a cape with perfect physics that fit all character/armor shapes perfectly (and some of that grievance has already been shown by some people in the community), but I'm still glad that ANet went forward with adding these despite those hinderances.

    Adding these in as something purchasable with guild commendations was also a classy move. Big props for that.

  10. I wish I liked dagger, but it's just not quite good enough to feel like it's worth being used yet.

    If you compare it as an offhand, it just doesn't synergize as well with Soulbeast to beat Warhorn since the skill 4 on WH gives some strong pressure and the boon generation (especially with trait) is particularly good for a build that focuses on it so well. And on condi builds, the difference in damage is so large that the you can generally defend better by simply having the extra damage and area denial from the field than an evade.

    Comparing it to Greatsword is still tough too since GS brings big burst from #2 and CC on skill 5 that you just don't get from S/D.

    It's a shame too since I really like the style of a character wielding a sword with dagger.

  11. I change my build a LOT, but that doesn't mean that I need a build template for every single time I do that. Especially since you have a different set up for PvP/WvW already.

    Maybe I'm underestimating how much I'll actually swap between power and condi builds in PvE and maybe it will actually be a bit more, but I expect a lot of people are vastly overestimating how many actual templates they will honestly need.

  12. Even if you technically reduce more damage by continually swinging away and getting lucky enough to avoid damage during the 3rd step of your auto attack compared to gaining enough endurance to dodge a specific attack, it's still better design.

    Evade on the third swing of an auto attack is basically akin to passive gameplay.

    @Levetty.1279 said:

    @"Dahkeus.8243" said:Read the post again. The evade isn't RNG. Evading something is.

    Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.

    If you're not actively pressing a button in order to try and avoid an action that you're anticipating and are just auto-attacking, then anything you avoid is purely based on the chance of some attack hitting you while your character is swinging away. Technically not "random number generator", but it's still a random effect. It's not complicated.

  13. @Ferus.3165 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:They should definitely go ahead with the greatsword change.

    For one, almost no rangers really utilize the auto attack for an actual, purposeful evade. I'm sure Eurantien and other hardcore PvPers do to some extent, but for 99% of the population, actually evading something with greatsword AA is a pure RNG experience. Making the AA provide endurance for a purposeful dodge is a much better experience.

    how would you know that 99% of ranger players don't actively use the evade or play like it does not exist? i think you just pulled that out of your kitten lol

    It's a generalization based on my experience playing the game since beta. Don't take the number that seriously.

    What, do you think I was pretending to quote some imaginary analytics report or something?

  14. @Lazze.9870 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:They should definitely go ahead with the greatsword change.

    For one, almost no rangers really utilize the auto attack for an actual, purposeful evade. I'm sure Eurantien and other hardcore PvPers do to some extent, but for 99% of the population, actually evading something with greatsword AA is a pure RNG experience. Making the AA provide endurance for a purposeful dodge is a much better experience.

    Out of the 99 % of the population you're talking about playing this game, another 99 % don't give a flying F about what the skill does at all, including giving endurance.

    It's a non-argument. And the evade isn't RNG. That's not what RNG means.

    Read the post again. The evade isn't RNG. Evading something is.

    And look at all the forum drama going on over this. Clearly there is a sizeable portion of the community that care about balance changes for this and while I'm sure most would love for you to believe that they are pro enough to expertly time their auto attacks to purposefully evade key attacks in a way that would net less damage taken than if they just simply gained endurance from attacking, if you believe that, then I have some swampland in Florida to sell you.

  15. They should definitely go ahead with the greatsword change.

    For one, almost no rangers really utilize the auto attack for an actual, purposeful evade. I'm sure Eurantien and other hardcore PvPers do to some extent, but for 99% of the population, actually evading something with greatsword AA is a pure RNG experience. Making the AA provide endurance for a purposeful dodge is a much better experience.

    The weapon still has an evade on Swoop and the block on Counterattack will be much more controllable as well. Currently, it's easy to outplay a ranger trying to counterattack by using blind/stability/evade/etc. while moving into melee range to cancel their block early. The only real drawback is not being able to purposefully throw the greatsword.

  16. I don't know...I still like this.
    (and before the trolls quote this post with the same hurpehdurp stuff they're saying over and over around here, yes, I'm comfortable using the camera switch to reverse the backwards leap and such)I mean, I mostly like it from a PvE perspective since it just makes the skill more intuitive. But, the fact that the leap is by far used as a forwards leap with the camera swap more often than it's used as a backwards leap shows that this needed to change. This will also make the forward leap a better skill for playing aggressive against an enemy that's trying to disengage.

    Locking the evade behind a flip skill will be tough to get used to, but I'm ok with that.

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