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Posts posted by Dahkeus.8243

  1. It's a nice looking skin, but a damn shame that it's so rare. It doesn't really have a particularly high-roller look to it.

    Personally, I'd love to have it for my character, but until the price drops, there's just no way I'll ever have that skin unlocked. Even if I did get lucky enough to have it drop from a strike mission, using it to unlock the skin would basically be an opportunity cost of thousands of gold. If I was willing to pass up earning 1500+ gold to unlock the skin, I would just buy it from the trading post.

    Because of this, having it as such a rare drop only really benefits people who are looking to earn gold. =/

  2. I bought them immediately without trying them on first and realized that your toes and heels stick out, which I didn't notice in the original picture they showed from the release page. Not sure if I'll use them as originally planned. =P

  3. I used to play PvP pretty seriously, but honestly, I haven't seen much that excited me in a while and I never got around to following this Swiss tournament stuff. Admittedly, I don't even know what exactly the Swiss Tournament really is and that's never been explained or advertised much, so I never saw a point in getting excited over it.

  4. This seems like a very complex way of saying "I want the old Greatsword skills back!"

    Honestly, I don't miss the GS auto attack. The loss of crip throw sucks, but either way, there's plenty of other weapons on the class that aren't as slow and bursty as the greatsword. If the aim is to buff ranger in a way that doesn't favor simple burst builds, then it doesn't seem to make sense buffing greatsword at all. Just put the effort into 1h sword or other similar weapons.

    We don't need to reinvent greatsword and longbow all over again.

  5. @Chaith.8256 said:Diversity is back until people figure out that everything is subpar outside FB, Necro, Condi Rev, and I'm hearing rumors of bunker staff thief

    Yea, any major balance patch results in there being some degree of diversity in what people play as they try things out and experiment.

    Then the dust settles and you end up with a meta.

    Pretty much how it always works.

  6. @Gwaihir.1745 said:

    @Chaba.5410 said:The track is a giant Black Lion Chest with a guaranteed mount skin for only 600-700 gems...

    For a reskin of a skin that only costs 400 gems.

    That's also terribly inferior to the new Warclaw skin that's available from Black Lion Chests. I don't WvW, but I was happy to see that there was a mount skin attainable outside of the gem store when it was first announced. However, now that I've seen the skin itself and the way it's been released, it doesn't seem to great anymore. I'd probably be salty if I actually did WvW.

  7. @Chaith.8256 said:

    • Some CC skills going to a .01 coefficient is a little overkill. Specifically, the highly telegraphed, small area of effect, significant cast-time skills like Backbreaker, Skull Crack, Headbutt, Banish, Daredevil Uppercut, Holographic Shockwave - (guaranteed crit skill that's now designed to do 50 damage, 100 damage on a crit I guess?) Wild Blow, Personal Battering Ram, Static Shock (A.E.D Toolbelt), Gale Strike. These are control skills that are often used at a risky position, and/or difficult to connect with due to a variety of reasons. My suggestion would be to either add back some damage to these select skills, OR improve the range, area of effect, or attach a short advance or evade, or otherwise quality of life to these CC skills.
    • Better yet - how about instead of making CC skills have 0.01 coefficients, we keep the coefficients but remove the CC component! There's lots of CC floating around, and stability is disappearing, and CC skills are getting their cooldowns reduced in many places by 5-30 seconds. We need less CC skills as well as these skills being balanced.

    Yea, I definitely agree with this one. There need to be some exceptions for some of the damage removals from CC. Either that or, as mentioned, less CC on skills.

    An example is Spike Trap: Killing the damage from an ability that already has so much counterplay to it over-nerfs it. If devs want to keep the co-efficient nerfs on all heavy CC, then this could easily be changed to a short duration daze or stun with the damage left in tact.

    Earthshaker is one skill that I think should be treated as an exception as well since it requires adrenaline, has a big animation, and is on a weapon that already has 2 main skills with damage removed because of their CC. At the very least, some vulnerability should be added here, which would keep to the theme of setting up CC for burst after the CC skill is used.

  8. I don't see any reason why Soulbeasts would be any better after this patch. They're getting the same steady stream of damage and boon nerfs that everyone else is getting in addition to the massive nerf to their mobility.

    The nerf to mobility alone is huge. Soulbeasts lose swoop and their greatsword leap is nerfed. Warriors will have the same damage and CC nerfs, but their greatsword mobility is untouched. Mobility of most other specs as well is either lightly impacted or not really impacted at all.

    The Clarion/Zephyr's buff will be fine for lower level PvP, but Soulbeasts lost too many mobility and defense tools to handle being targeted like they used to.

  9. @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

    • Soulbeast: Soulbeasts can no longer swap pets while in combat. Merging and unmerging with your pet now counts as a pet swap for the purposes of the Clarion Bond and Zephyr's Speed traits.

    Will merging only affect these two swap-pet traits?

    I'm also wondering how this would interact with Loud Whistle and Spirited Arrival.


  10. It's definitely not looking great for Ranger. Between the pet swap nerf to Soulbeast and the increased Swoop cooldown (assuming people actually take a bird pet anymore), mobility will be greatly decreased and the boon reduction seemed to hit this class much more than others like Herald and Firebrand.

    I will be curious to see how condis feel in the patch since all the power reduction could leave this in a good spot.

    Still, from my initial impressions, Firebrand, Herald, and Core Thief seem to be in good spots.

  11. Eh, I'm not too concerned with barrier because it's actually a bit less of a benefit than it was before.

    Consider that barrier is most effective against heavy burst since it's a damage reduction that only lasts for a short period. With 1-shot damage being less prevalent, barrier's benefit also goes down a bit.

    But who knows. Maybe it will leave certain classes/builds too tanky. There's so many changes, it's hard to really predict all the impacts.

  12. Overall, I like the direction of the changes, but I have a few concerns:

    • Some CC skills, such as Spike Trap seem to be too heavily taxed with the damage removal. Maybe change the knockdown to a short daze/stun and keep the damage? Earthshaker seems pretty heavily punished as well since it already has 2 other skills on the weapon without damage. Not sure how to address that one.
    • There's still a lot of mobility available on some classes, which doesn't seem to keep pace with the damage/boon/CC reduction that this provides
    • Herald still has a lot of boon production
    • There's also still a lot of projectile hate left from the power creep. Maybe this won't matter, but it does restrict a lot of weapons from being worthwhile.
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