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Posts posted by Dahkeus.8243

  1. @Rvannith.8364 said:

    @"Dahkeus.8243" said:It's certainly not specific to silver/gold since there's well documented platinum bots (such as the one in the trending post in the GW2 Subreddit:

    I'm not sure if that is the case: if you look up the bot names in forums etc, some of them have a small amount of account history (such as forum posts) from years ago. A lot are likely former "real" players who have had their abandoned accounts taken over, rather than them being brand spanking new accounts created by bots. A player might achieve a higher rank last season they played, have that displayed, then later have their account taken over? Alternatively, that might not be a bot at all, just someone with a keyboard mashed name running in a line hitting the "reverse direction" key. They don't have much of a PvP history, either way, and even if they are a bot... PvE bots just mess with the in-game economy a bit, they don't stop
    the rest of us
    from enjoying core content. If there's a focus here it should really be the issues that impact on people actually enjoying the game first and foremost.

    Anyway, here Anet,
    I've done more of your work for you.

    list of bot accounts removed, just got an official warning for "accusing players of abusive behaviour" by writing a list of accounts that have 1000+ matches this pvp season and told just to use the in-game report function, rip.

    There's problems with this logic.

    First of all, regardless of how the bot gets to platinum rank, it still stands true that there are bots at platinum rank games.

    What rank an account has reached in previous seasons won't affect what rank you can display in your name plate. It will only show your current rank tier for the current season. This means that this bot (and ones like it) either made it to platinum rank by playing as a bot or is playing a freshly hacked account from someone who was at platinum or legendary recently enough for rank decay to not drop them out of that tier.

    So, technically, it's possible that this is a PvE bot from a very freshly hacked account, but realistically, it's more likely that it's a bot that is doing PvP since A ) it wouldn't stay at platinum for long without playing PvP games and B ) existence of bots at platinum level games is well documented and known among the community (even if that does at times get exaggerated by upset players).

  2. Oh my god, no. Players moan and whine about every excuse for their loss as it is. The last thing we need is one more thing for people to point to as the reason for their every miserable moment in PvP without actually solving it.

    Matchmaking is only as good as the player population that is available for matches to be created from. Everyone will have lopsided games sometimes because there will be times when there's just not enough people queued of the same matchmaking level to create an even game, so you either get to wait forever in queue or you get a game that's not as optimized for skill rating as it could be.

    Showing those ratings would just give people more reason to be pissed off and incentivize people to play less. Oh, and as mentioned by others, people would totally focus fire the lower ranked players.

  3. It's certainly not specific to silver/gold since there's well documented platinum bots (such as the one in the trending post in the GW2 Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/k03kj3/baby_bot_finding_out_his_life_is_meaningless/), but yea...it's pretty bad.

    It's a serious issue and I wish we could at least get some generic statement from ANet saying that they are aware of the problem and working on a solution, but it's seemingly been dead silent regarding this as far as I'm aware. I get that there is an expansion on the horizon, but this will affect PvP in the expansion just as much as now, so it still needs to be addressed.

  4. Yes, I agree to an extent. Playing other classes has helped me understand how to play against those classes to a large extent.

    However, sticking to no more than 2 classes/builds for any actual really competitive play has been really key to doing well for me. There's a huge difference between playing a class and playing it long enough in the current meta to do so well. Swapping to a build just because it's what would make the team comp perfect on paper rarely does so in practice.

  5. Lots of good stuff here, but a lot of it is kind of "This strategy is good except for when it's not, in which case this other strategy is good except for when it's not". Not meant as a criticism against the stuff discussed, but talking PvP strat at a general level can just inherently end up that way. Would be nice to see more gameplay with moments like the ones you describe and some of the reasoning behind the choices made.

    That being said, since you're making a lot of more strategy-based videos, I'd really suggest a vid on tips for how to communicate effectively in PvP. There's a lot of keyboard warrior/armchair commanders that spend the majority of their game half-assing fights while typing an essay on where they think everyone else should go or what they should do when those players probably aren't even paying attention to chat anyways.

  6. They are harder to farm, but since they're spread across so many maps, orichalcum is far from scarce in terms of overall availability. The price of it is so low, you may actually be better off farming something else, selling it, then buying orichalcum instead of directly farming it.

  7. @Mil.3562 said:

    @Kichwas.7152 said:That... was my attempt.

    But I'd love to see if anyone has 'high DPS' builds for the revenant - of any flavor.

    Strongest dps output is condi renegade. Mace/axe and SB. Renegade/invocation/corruption. Full viper. Viper is not very easy to get.

    If you want to use berserker gear/power instead, power renegade. Sword/sword. Renegade/invocation/devastation.

    I would look up Gw2 metabattle for detail setups.

    Power herald is good in open world, and meta for PvP. Group PvE it is kinda meh.

    I have a question. If going condi renegade build why waste points on precision and power with viper stats? Why not go trailblazer with same buff to condi damage and duration plus a lot more sustainability?

    That questions much more easily turned back around: Why waste points on sustainability at the cost of DPS? As long as you can survive without additional toughness/vitality (which you can in PvE when you know the encounters), the defense stats will do absolutely nothing for you. The power stats on the other hand, while not optimized for a condi build, will still add a very substantial amount of damage since your condi skills also deal power damage.

    In WvW, however, this can be a reasonable tradeoff since the damage there is not avoidable.

  8. Loved the video posted on this. @Vallun.2071 I really appreciate all the stuff good content you continue to contribute. Lots of great builds and insightful discussion that often seems harder to find for the PvP side of GW2 than it does for PvE.

    As far as the condi vs power stuff goes, I've so often found myself playing power builds because they're generally more fun from my perspective. It's not inherently because of the damage type being power, but more because condi builds tend to have so much less mobility than power builds do. Condi builds also seem to take up more utility slots than power does; particularly with ranger and thief.

  9. I was a skeptic about the bot stuff for a while, particularly since I had taken a break from PvP a while back. I didn't honestly think they were nearly as prevalent as people were saying they were. Surely people were exaggerating because they were just mistaking bad players who didn't talk in chat with bots.

    After playing for a good bit over the past month, however, I can't give any more devils advocates. There's too many players out there who are clearly bots and the quality of gameplay has gone down the drain because of it. There have been several in particular that I've seen over and over across multiple days who continue to pop up in queues despite being reported. Morale from teammates bottoms out too and I've encountered games where teammates pretty much give up right from the start when they recognize a bot on their team. It's really sad and I think I'm done with PvP until this truly gets addressed on any serious level

  10. @Miss Lana.5276 said:

    @Miss Lana.5276 said:BS is useless in 100. There's too much moving around for it to be worth, so unless there's a war build that's condi dps with big cc that'd be worth, sure.As I see from yesterday bs on 100cm don't take banners. And yes, it was power.

    So, like mentioned in the first post, you would indeed be dropping dps for a cc slot.

    It's just swapping one DPS build for another DPS build. Just because warriors bring mace weapons as a swap doesn't mean they are some sort of low DPS build that's somehow built around having CC. Even if you want a condi build, there's stuff like condi renegade that can bring some strong CC for breakbars.

    It's just a shift to play the game as it was designed instead of playing your UI to juggle items in your bag.

  11. It's amazing the number of people that believe that having afk/bot/DC teammates is something that only happens to them.

    I get that everyone has their own personal bias, but just a few moments of critical thinking should lead you to realize that the effect bad teammates is just as prevalent for other players as it is for you, so unless you're only playing a handful of games each season, this won't skew your ratings.

  12. I often use Exalted Legend because I worked pretty damn hard to get to Legendary that season on my thief. If I was a better PvPer, I would have the equivalent title for other seasons, but never put in as much effort as I did that one season and wasn't successful enough to do so without that dedication.

    I also use The Eternal because I had a lot of good memories getting that with the raid group I used to have.

    I like the idea of using a "less prestigious" title based on the name of the title alone, but considering how much effort I put in to get some of them, it just seems like a waste to not display them, I guess. =P

  13. Jalis isn't a bad idea for doors, but the piercing/splash damage allows bow to still tag just about everything as it is with autos and the occasional seven shot. If you can get out of combat for the swap though, sure, go for it.

    Rapid flow is a good talent swap and I think I had that in a variant of this build I may have posted elsewhere. Definitely ideal if you have speed runes.For mobility overall, however, I've found just sitting in Shiro to be the most ideal since Phase Traversal is so strong for travelling around.

    One thing I have also found for groups that go for bosses, particularly if you run minstrel or other healer trinkets, is that Centaur Stance is particularly strong. It gives AoE heal and condi cleanse which is helpful for fear on Lich and can also be handy on Visicount if your group doesn't have enough reflects or isn't good at keeping them up.

  14. @Linken.6345 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:Thinking about the next expansion.Its gonna be in a city right?So NPCs like players right?

    What you think about PvE NPCs having a downstate, kinda like the lord in PvP modes Stronghold and the one in Conquest?I think NPCs having downstate would be cool, especially if they acted like a team too, trying to rez each other and if a player dies they comeback to life lol

    Would be fun to have meta event where the outcome is based on if anyone else at the meta event dies too. Say you get 50 NPCs in downstate, but all sudden a player dies, bam all 50 NPCs are back up.

    Make it like a brawl, meta event brawl, 70+ people going against 70+ NPCs.50 NPCs go down state, a couple players go down state.Stomp him! Stomp him! Dang, failed, 1 player went full dead, 50 NPCs now they all up again lol

    It would make finishers useful in PvE too. Finishers are pretty cool, its a GW2 niche.

    Already had this back in season 1 try the toxic offshoot events in kessexhills mate

    I really liked having enemies in downstate, such as those mobs. I really wish they would do more of this, at least for larger/stronger mobs. It's nice to have some use for your finishers in PvE outside of /gg in raids and fractals.

  15. Solid suggestions. Overall, I really hope we see continued support for guild halls, including some new hall options in the future with the next expansion. Guild halls are one of the best additions to GW2 and they are a really great tool for maintaining a sense of community with guild mates.

  16. Rune of speed's definitely a solid option if you're either using a legendary set of armor that allows for free rune swap or aren't restricted by removing a rune from a set of armor you use elsewhere. Since I use scholar runes for fractals/raids/etc., I don't think it would be worth the substitution since you already move pretty quickly with Impossible Odds.

    Those runes would move quickly with Herald, but herald also doesn't get short bow, which is arguably better than thief short bow for tagging.

  17. Sharing a build that I intend to run for labyrinth farming this year:


    The idea behind the build is that it's mostly your standard alacrigade build, but with a short bow for tagging and with Minstrel trinkets instead of Diviners in order to keep from killing things too quickly. Other changes include:

    • Taking Cleansing Channel trait since extra damage isn't needed and it allows for additional immob removal options
    • Taking short bow piercing trait for additional tagging
    • Sw/Sw is the backup weapon set, but staff could probably work just as well

    Your standard short bow thief is still more mobile for the most part, I think this should work pretty well as an alternative that will give out some alacrity and healing/life steal. Short bow also seems to be a pretty solid tagging weapon, so I think it'll be fun to try.

    edit Small tweaks to traits

  18. What I would like to see:NEW GUILD HALLS!NEW GUILD MISSIONS!

    Seriously! There's a lot of time/resources invested into guild halls as it is and I'd hate to see this as another good idea that dies off from lack of updates. Guild missions are already incredibly dated, even though they're still something that a lot of players still enjoy doing.

    GIVE US A REASON TO INTERACT WITH OUR GUILDS! This is what keeps a lot of players logged in and engaged with the game!

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