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Posts posted by Dahkeus.8243

  1. Yea, I like the big shake-up. There are some classes/builds that are still looking to remain pretty strong (Firebrand, core Thief, Herald), but it's a step in the right direction.

    There will definitely need to be a good bit of polishing to smooth out the edges after the patch drops though.

  2. @Tharan.9085 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:Kind of a shame, really. Hammer is a really fun weapon for Guardian and nailing a good knockback with the big swing or catching an enemy in the ring feels awesome...

    But yea, it's slow speed hasn't allowed it to keep up with a lot of the high speed power creep and without the good shadow-step mechanics from a meditation guard, you're just not going to land any of those good abilities against a decent player.

    If the overall power of the game gets toned down in a decent way maybe it will come back. Maybe.

    Why should a hammer DH not run JI tho?

    If you were running hammer on a DH, JI would be a wise choice. The only less than wise choice is tied to running hammer on a DH in the first place since there are more effective weapons.

    I only mentioned medi guard since that was generally the best option for running hammer before it was nerfed.

    @Ghetx.1752 said:Thank you all for your replies.

    It makes me sad really,knowing certain weapons cant be used in spvp.

    use it in sPvP, but there are just better options. But who knows, maybe after the major balance patch that's coming after this season ends, it'll be back in the meta. It's been a good PvP weapon before and with the right changes, it could be a good weapon once again.

    There is a reason the most viable DH build is called meditrapper, ofc you Run JI

    Yup. No one disputes that.

  3. @Tharan.9085 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:Kind of a shame, really. Hammer is a really fun weapon for Guardian and nailing a good knockback with the big swing or catching an enemy in the ring feels awesome...

    But yea, it's slow speed hasn't allowed it to keep up with a lot of the high speed power creep and without the good shadow-step mechanics from a meditation guard, you're just not going to land any of those good abilities against a decent player.

    If the overall power of the game gets toned down in a decent way maybe it will come back. Maybe.

    Why should a hammer DH not run JI tho?

    If you were running hammer on a DH, JI would be a wise choice. The only less than wise choice is tied to running hammer on a DH in the first place since there are more effective weapons.

    I only mentioned medi guard since that was generally the best option for running hammer before it was nerfed.

    @Ghetx.1752 said:Thank you all for your replies.

    It makes me sad really,knowing certain weapons cant be used in spvp.

    You can use it in sPvP, but there are just better options. But who knows, maybe after the major balance patch that's coming after this season ends, it'll be back in the meta. It's been a good PvP weapon before and with the right changes, it could be a good weapon once again.

  4. Yea, LB/GS is definitely fine for most fractals. As long as you're not using your knockbacks on enemies without breakbars, it's not bad at all.

    Your DPS will be lower, but honestly it's not really much of an issue for the group overall. Now, if everyone in your group is running a similar sort of sub-optimal personal DPS build and you don't have things like alacrity/banners/etc. then you will see the effect, but for most of lower to mid tier fractals, the most important thing is just knowing how to handle the basic mechanics of the fights.

  5. Kind of a shame, really. Hammer is a really fun weapon for Guardian and nailing a good knockback with the big swing or catching an enemy in the ring feels awesome...

    But yea, it's slow speed hasn't allowed it to keep up with a lot of the high speed power creep and without the good shadow-step mechanics from a meditation guard, you're just not going to land any of those good abilities against a decent player.

    If the overall power of the game gets toned down in a decent way maybe it will come back. Maybe.

  6. @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

    @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:Mini-Seasons: This is giving us the ability to run alternate game mode short seasons. Code is being added to track additional rating types now! Basically, before we can do these, we need to make it so that your 2v2/3v3 skill rating is different from your conquest skill rating. In addition to that, we still need to set up rewards for them.

    Please, dont give me hope. Also on the subject of 3v3, do you think the current 2v2 maps are big enough to house 3v3? It might be worth looking into taking the 2v2 maps and expanding them abit for both modes (2v2/3v3) to use the?

    For 3v3, we would probably limit it to just Asura Arena. As I think it's big enough. Hallway probably isn't. Auric Span, maybe?

    One other question: Would it ever be possible to have a deathmatch game mode without respawns? (I.e. similar to WoW arena mode)

    I ask because I don't think the time limit/kill score format has worked out well, but I know that there may be technical limitations that led to this design since it's so similar to conquest.

    The current 2v2 ruleset is deathmatch without respawn.

    @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:Mini-Seasons: This is giving us the ability to run alternate game mode short seasons. Code is being added to track additional rating types now! Basically, before we can do these, we need to make it so that your 2v2/3v3 skill rating is different from your conquest skill rating. In addition to that, we still need to set up rewards for them.

    Please, dont give me hope. Also on the subject of 3v3, do you think the current 2v2 maps are big enough to house 3v3? It might be worth looking into taking the 2v2 maps and expanding them abit for both modes (2v2/3v3) to use the?

    For 3v3, we would probably limit it to just Asura Arena. As I think it's big enough. Hallway probably isn't. Auric Span, maybe?

    One other question: Would it ever be possible to have a deathmatch game mode without respawns? (I.e. similar to WoW arena mode)

    I ask because I don't think the time limit/kill score format has worked out well, but I know that there may be technical limitations that led to this design since it's so similar to conquest.

    The current 2v2 ruleset is deathmatch without respawn.

    I didn’t realize that! I will have to give it a try since I’ve only tried the 5v5.

  7. @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

    @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:Mini-Seasons: This is giving us the ability to run alternate game mode short seasons. Code is being added to track additional rating types now! Basically, before we can do these, we need to make it so that your 2v2/3v3 skill rating is different from your conquest skill rating. In addition to that, we still need to set up rewards for them.

    Please, dont give me hope. Also on the subject of 3v3, do you think the current 2v2 maps are big enough to house 3v3? It might be worth looking into taking the 2v2 maps and expanding them abit for both modes (2v2/3v3) to use the?

    For 3v3, we would probably limit it to just Asura Arena. As I think it's big enough. Hallway probably isn't. Auric Span, maybe?

    One other question: Would it ever be possible to have a deathmatch game mode without respawns? (I.e. similar to WoW arena mode)

    I ask because I don't think the time limit/kill score format has worked out well, but I know that there may be technical limitations that led to this design since it's so similar to conquest.

  8. @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

    @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:Large PvP map (15 on 15). The map itself has been done for a while. But we've decided to hold off on releasing it until we're able to get someone to make UI changes. Currently, the UI can't handle more than 10v10. Additionally, 10v10 UI is bad. It's just one large group rather than using the squad UI. Unfortunately, when the programmers looked into how difficult it would be to add squad functionality, it turned out the current way groups are handled in PvP makes it a difficult change. Basically, it might be easier for us to build a new solution that mimics squad functionality than to try to shoe-horn the current squad functionality into PvP.

    Is this 15 v 15 map for Conquest or will objectives be different in any way?

    P.s. Thanks for all the work being put in and for the communication on progress. Looking forward to seeing the fruits of the labor.

    Just to be clear, we don't even have an internal target on the UI changes we feel are needed. It could still never happen. The only reason I've mentioned it is because we talked about the map/15v15 in the past so it's something already public and the map itself is done.

    The map was a snow map that was just an open area for death match. We've talked about possibly doing more in-depth stuff, but the first map is going to be very simple. If it turns out that the UI changes are going to take a long while (or not get done at all) we may just release the map as 10v10 in custom arenas. Though, I'm not sure how much it would get played.

    That's understandable. I know that a lot of the stuff that sounds simple in theory doesn't necessarily turn out that way in practice since making a 15v15 game isn't as simple as just changing a setting for player size. I'm glad to hear that the goal of future PvP content isn't limited to Conquest, even if the technical limitations may restrict it that way for actual releases.

  9. Consensus here is pretty solid that Spirit Watch is crap. However, I think that if you got rid of the half-ass Capture-The-Flag-wannabe mechanic, it's actually not bad.

    (For the record, I'd love to see a good capture-the-flag gametype implemented, but I don't expect to probably ever see that in GW2)

    Question for others here: If the spirit orb was changed from a carry item to be a channel objective, similar to Tranquility or Stillness on Temple of the Silent Storm, do you think you would actually enjoy this map?

  10. @Knighthonor.4061 said:What's the change?

    The passive evade on auto-attack was removed. Endurance regen (15% if I remember right) was added in its place to the final AA swing. Blocking with skill 4 will also not automatically trigger the kick CC when your attacking target is in melee range. Once you are hit while blocking, you get a skill flip to be able to manually trigger the CC kick. The trade-off of this is that you no longer can throw the GS with skill 4.

  11. @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:Large PvP map (15 on 15). The map itself has been done for a while. But we've decided to hold off on releasing it until we're able to get someone to make UI changes. Currently, the UI can't handle more than 10v10. Additionally, 10v10 UI is bad. It's just one large group rather than using the squad UI. Unfortunately, when the programmers looked into how difficult it would be to add squad functionality, it turned out the current way groups are handled in PvP makes it a difficult change. Basically, it might be easier for us to build a new solution that mimics squad functionality than to try to shoe-horn the current squad functionality into PvP.

    Is this 15 v 15 map for Conquest or will objectives be different in any way?

    P.s. Thanks for all the work being put in and for the communication on progress. Looking forward to seeing the fruits of the labor.

  12. Spirit Watch

    And I'd put SkyHam just behind that. I know the map has been improved, but I actually liked the original SkyHam for the occasional casual game. The changes have definitely all been good from the perspective of making it a better map for any serious competitive play, but it's just not very enjoyable compared to others. At least in the original form, the cheesy knockbacks and such made for some funny moments.

    @Engal.6359 said:Champions Dusk by far. I turned off stronghold it's so bad.

    I almost forgot that game mode exists. The map itself isn't really bad, but the design of the game mode overall was just never balanced very well and the over-reliance on escorting NPCs caused too many problems. I still think that it's fixable, but the devs seem to have written this one off long ago.

  13. What? Why? The game has a very low population and there's little reason to tap into buying from the online store for extra in-game features, so ANet would make no money if the game was F2P.

    The only thing making the game free would do is convince the finance department that the cost of keeping the GW1 servers running isn't financially viable and kill it off.

    I swear, kids these days think games are all magical things that spring up out of thin air and don't cost money to be developed/maintained.

    P.s. Get off my lawn and bah humbug! =P

  14. @Vardogr.9371 said:I have been playing consistently for a sometime now and I realized there aren't any professions that can use a staff as a main DPS weapon outside of Elementalist and Mirage. I understand this is a melee focused game and the closer you are the more risk and thus more reward. I just see a lot of interesting animations and class fantasy in staff usage. I really like Druid and the celestial aspect and using a staff would be amazing with the beams of light and celestial energy slamming down on foes. As of right now I realize that staves shouldn't do the same damage as melee but what if there were traits or skills that improved or only worked at or near melee range for professions that can use a staff? If a Revenant can smash people at range with a hammer how is it out of the question for other professions to have something similar?

    You mean like...Daredevil?

  15. @Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

    @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:You can! It has four dye channels.

    ETA: The backpack and the glider each have four dye channels, to clarify.

    Any plans on making existing Backpieces/Gliders dyeable?

    They said this about the previous backpieces: “While we cannot add dye channels to existing backpieces, keep an eye out for dyeable backpacks of different styles in the future”

    I've seen that quote, but I really don't think that can be the case. Even if there's some sort of technical issue with changing an existing item, they could handle it like they did with other items by allowing players who have an existing item to be able to get a new one with upgraded functionality either by an in-game mail or from a vendor. This is pretty much what they did when they changed "town clothes" to be replaced by the outfit system.

    Now, whether that's something that is worth the work that would take, I don't know. I'd love to see some of my existing back pieces (particularly the ones that have a matching glider) to have dye channels, but there's a lot of other stuff I'd like to see developed, such as additional elite specs, features, etc.

  16. Looking for some advice before I sink some gold. I only really play ele as an alt on the side, but the only armor sets I have are a berserker and viper set that I share with my other light armor classes for PvE. I'm looking to craft a more durable set for WvW roaming or for playing around with soloing stuff in open world.

    My understanding is that celestial armor has been the go-to stat for armor in WvW roaming for a while, but my knowledge may be a bit dated. Is this still a solid choice? (Btw, I have plenty of amulets/accessories/rings/backpieces to swap in if a mix of stats is beneficial)

  17. So, apparently S/P builds have been taking off for thieves thanks to the visibility the build has gained through Sindrener and it's got me wondering if there are any other off-meta builds out there that people may be overlooking.

    Posing this question to the community: Do you think there are any other builds that are very strong, but aren't commonly known about in the current meta or was S/P just a very rare case?

  18. Ranger tends to perform the best with a bow, even though in many areas, a ranger with a different weapon may perform better. Power specs make good use of longbow and shortbow is good in a lot of condi builds too.

    Guardian has the Dragohunter specialization, which can use a bow, but that woefully underpowered, unfortunately, so until the devs get around to balancing that weapon back into life, I wouldn't recommend it.

    Warriors have a condi spec that uses the longbow, but it's not that great for open world and really just shines in instanced content.

    Thieves will often have a shortbow equipped since it's such a versatile and handy weapon, particularly in PvP, but it's rarely used as the main weapon for attacking.

  19. @kharmin.7683 said:Those of us with very small guilds will continually have this problem because of the changes made to the guild system a while back that pretty much penalizes small guilds.

    If you haven't tried running (at least some) guild missions, I would really recommend it, even if your guild is very small. The power creep has made many of them very doable. Even treks with a lot of points to find are much easier with the implementation of mounts.

  20. @Levetty.1279 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:Still play just as much now if not more. Still love Ranger and think it's in a better spot now than it has been in many other points than it has been since launch.

    Sorry, is that not the validation you were looking for your QQ?

    Being better then the utter mess the class was at launch isn't much of an achievement. I don't know why you felt the need to try and derail the thread just because somebody is implying your precious Anet isn't perfect but it isn't helpful.

    Aww, did I derail the directionless QQ thread by disagreeing? Aww, I'm so sowwy!

    As Eurantien pointed out, there's several good builds in PvP and the class hasn't kept good players from hitting plat. The class isn't broken overpowered and class balance overall has been relatively steady for quite a while in the sense that the class you play is no excuse for not succeeding in any part of the game.Very mature. I'm sorry that somebody implied Anet wasn't perfect but you need to accept that people aren't happy to just take whatever random balance decisions Anet throws at the classes.

    Hmm, I don't recall anyone here ever saying that ANet was perfect. Perhaps you mistook my content with the current situation as some sort of radical fanboy position simply because I didn't agree with the OP and mocked the way they made their point.

    I don't think things are perfect either, but there's a big difference between things being perfect and things being good enough.

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