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Posts posted by Dahkeus.8243

  1. By far the best open world build:

    I even run this in some fractals from time to time in place of the usual banner build if I'm with a non-meta group that's struggling on certain mechanics.

    The entire WoodenPotatoes series on open world builds is very solid.

  2. @Fenom.9457 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:I really hope that raids don't get permanently forgotten. I think it's definitely realistic to have releases very far apart since it's a game type with a much smaller playerbase, but there are still people who play them and this game doesn't need any more abandoned mechanics or game modes.

    It's already frustrating that we have things like the entire dungeon system, stronghold in PvP, and other aspects of the game that are pretty much abandoned. Guild Halls are pretty much there as well except for the occasional decoration release.

    I get that developer resources are limited and need to be prioritized to what pays the bills and what has the most player participation, but I hope that devs also consider the impact of having parts of the game abandoned so frequently.

    Honestly guild halls are decent since they get something each expansion. I really want to see more guild missions, I very quickly became bored with the weekly events we were running. Even the same content like tracking down wanted npcs and finding hidden areas would be amazing, just in more maps, put some stuff in the living world and expansion maps

    Great point. Guild missions are a much better example than guild halls and I say that as someone that still runs guild missions relatively regularly with my guild. It can be a great activity for guild members who are newer to the game, but it's tough to garner interest from more veteran members because the commendations are nigh pointless to them and many of them are simply burnt out from doing it so much.

    @voltaicbore.8012 said:

    @Dahkeus.8243 said:I get that developer resources are limited and need to be prioritized to what pays the bills and what has the most player participation, but I hope that devs also consider the impact of having parts of the game abandoned so frequently.

    I'm a big supporter of making sure this idea gets heard. I also understand the need to set priorities, and that not everything can be done at once. But ANet's great willingness to completely abandon content (instead of gathering feedback and reworking it) will extract a mounting cost over time. As time goes on, Tyria will get littered with ever increasing piles of systems and projects that have potential, but were left to die. In contrast, games that stick to their guns, reiterate, and improve systems have the opposite: the number of non-working systems shrinks over time, and more and more of the game systems become relevant. It's hard to watch this happen to GW2, because the devs have some pretty interesting ideas and obviously care about constructing a consistent game world, but just abandon things so quickly.

    Also a good point. I feel like the devs actually do a commendable job on handling tons of maps and currencies from older content in ways that prevents them from being totally irrelevant, but when it comes to entire systems like Stronghold and dungeons, I just can't imagine that that this is a good experience to new players who are curious about these game types that are likely pretty inaccessible due to lack of interest from the playerbase which is a direct result from lack of support from the game itself.

  3. I really hope that raids don't get permanently forgotten. I think it's definitely realistic to have releases very far apart since it's a game type with a much smaller playerbase, but there are still people who play them and this game doesn't need any more abandoned mechanics or game modes.

    It's already frustrating that we have things like the entire dungeon system, stronghold in PvP, and other aspects of the game that are pretty much abandoned. Guild Halls are pretty much there as well except for the occasional decoration release.

    I get that developer resources are limited and need to be prioritized to what pays the bills and what has the most player participation, but I hope that devs also consider the impact of having parts of the game abandoned so frequently.

  4. @Fenom.9457 said:

    @"Opopanax.1803" said:Just wanted to add this in here:

    It sure would be awesome if snowcrows or equal would come up with a "lower teir damage, but good for beginner rotation" type set of builds. It would be cool to see some easier to play builds that are in a different category for beginners that will still get the job done. I know that mostly those are about maximum dps, but I think it would be a great service to the community to see something like that to help introduce beginners.

    Here ya go:

    Are they still updating that? I was told a long time ago snowcrows was the place to be now

    Still updated? Yea. Is SnowCrows better for meta builds? Yes. SnowCrows doesn't have anything discussing alternatives to meta builds that are more new player friendly though.

    Need a raid build? Go to SnowCrows.Need a fractal build? Discretize

    Metabattle generally has mostly the same stuff, but they have a wider scope of builds as well that are less optimal, but still generally viable.

  5. @"Opopanax.1803" said:Just wanted to add this in here:

    It sure would be awesome if snowcrows or equal would come up with a "lower teir damage, but good for beginner rotation" type set of builds. It would be cool to see some easier to play builds that are in a different category for beginners that will still get the job done. I know that mostly those are about maximum dps, but I think it would be a great service to the community to see something like that to help introduce beginners.

    Here ya go:https://metabattle.com/wiki/Guide:Simple_Raid_Builds

  6. I'd PvP so much more if it weren't for the people you actually encounter. I love the gameplay of PvPing along with the challenge, but even the more "tame" players who rage and throw a fit are plenty toxic since the more I have to deal with them the less I want to stay logged in to the game.

    There's just an incredible abundance of players who can't handle their own emotions and end up spilling their baggage onto everyone else in the form of blaming, raging, and other such stuff.

  7. I don't play druid, but the removal of evade on staff 2 was always strange to me. It was a pretty heavy-handed nerf that came at a time when druid was already weak from previous nerfs. I get toning it down in PvP, but removing the evade from PvE just doesn't make sense. I always thought a better way to handle it would have been to just increase the cooldown in PvP.

  8. People get so caught up in irrelevant shit that doesn't matter. Worrying about the rank or queueing of opponents at the end of the match will never make you a better player or help you win your next match. It's just emo fuel, but I guess that's what the PvP subforum runs on...

  9. Legendary armor won't impact the economy because it's honestly easier for most players to just craft several ascended sets of armor to swap around instead of crafting a legendary set to do the same thing. For the small segment of population that really swap their stats around that much, it might cut down on demand, but it really doesn't matter.

    Besides, legendary armor has been around for so long, if it would have had an effect, we would have seen it already.

  10. @mistsim.2748 said:

    @"Dahkeus.8243" said:I've been playing with the "bleeding & survival" build lately, but have made a few changes to something that I have found to work pretty well:

    Swapped dagger mainhand for sword
    • I've found the mobility/evades from this weapon to be more useful than dagger mainhand for the most part

    Swapped bird for wolf
    • Birds have been nerfed to hell and you get a pretty similar leap on a 10 second cooldown instead of an 18 second cooldown
    • The stun is generally more useful than the swiftness (and you can still pop swiftness at the start of a match with an alt pet, then swap to wolf)
    • The evades/mobility of sword negate the need for most of the defensive utility of birds
    • Wolf howl is still awesome for surviving when downed or for preventing stomps
    • I also just really have an old school fondness for the days back when wolfs were a staple of pretty much all ranger builds before HoT

    Swapped Viper's Nest for Flame Trap
    • Lower cd and more damage
    • Poison from Viper's Nest is great, but it's still abundant enough to not be that necessary

    Different runes/sigils since there's not the same as much focus on bleeding without dagger mainhand, particularly if not taking skirmishing traits
    • Still a bit undecided on rune choice here, but Rune of Adventure and Rune of Scavenging seem like decent choices. Rune of Resistance seems very popular at the moment, but probably not too necessary, depending on the team you face.

    looks good, i might try this.

    the problem with sword is that it cripples your damage output, for a minor increase in survivability at best. you wont be able to cleave downs, and you won't be able to do anything against projectile hate (main advantage of dagger).

    without bird, there's no swiftness =( so your mobility will suffer a bit during rotations, but theres still shortbow 3.

    It's less damage from your sword attacks, but since the wolf is a deadly pet, you also get a damage boost there compared to owl. Traps and poison volley from SB seem be more than enough for cleave in my experience, plus there's primal cry on merge with wolf.

    On rotations, as you said, shortbow will give you near 100% swiftness as long as you know how to 180 turn to cast. Even then, it's usually not even worth casting on small maps since the two sword leaps (again using the 180 turn for Hornet Sting) along with wolf leap will get you to a point faster then running speed.

    Playstyle is likely to be quite a bit different though since this makes you'll rely more on SB for direct damaging attacks.

  11. I've been playing with the "bleeding & survival" build lately, but have made a few changes to something that I have found to work pretty well:

    Swapped dagger mainhand for sword

    • I've found the mobility/evades from this weapon to be more useful than dagger mainhand for the most part

    Swapped bird for wolf

    • Birds have been nerfed to hell and you get a pretty similar leap on a 10 second cooldown instead of an 18 second cooldown
    • The stun is generally more useful than the swiftness (and you can still pop swiftness at the start of a match with an alt pet, then swap to wolf)
    • The evades/mobility of sword negate the need for most of the defensive utility of birds
    • Wolf howl is still awesome for surviving when downed or for preventing stomps
    • I also just really have an old school fondness for the days back when wolfs were a staple of pretty much all ranger builds before HoT

    Swapped Viper's Nest for Flame Trap

    • Lower cd and more damage
    • Poison from Viper's Nest is great, but it's still abundant enough to not be that necessary

    Different runes/sigils since there's not the same as much focus on bleeding without dagger mainhand, particularly if not taking skirmishing traits

    • Still a bit undecided on rune choice here, but Rune of Adventure and Rune of Scavenging seem like decent choices. Rune of Resistance seems very popular at the moment, but probably not too necessary, depending on the team you face.
  12. Well, it's not really the act of hitting skills early to queue them or to hit them quickly enough that has been the challenge , but the toughest thing is really knowing exactly when to press to cast certain skills since it's so easy to cancel-cast certain skills if you hit the next one too early as well as to waste time if you don't do so early enough.

  13. Yea, the more I've practiced, the more I've realized that there are just some things going on with rotation, particularly with auto attacks that made the difference. I was able to fit in all the big skills in the rotation in about the same amount of time, but the benchmark vid was set with someone who was able to get in all of the big skills so efficiently that they were able to get in more auto attacks without having to delay weapon swaps or things like that. It still frustrates me that this makes so much of a difference, but I do have big respect for the people that pull this off.

  14. @Shikaru.7618 said:

    1. Your opening torch 5 needs to be done out of combat so that you dont have a weapon swap cooldown when going into bow. Notice in the SC video when they're in bow the first time the weapon swap is not on cooldown.
    2. On the third row aka the second time you're in sword, you have a full cast of sever artery in between shattering blow and flaming flurry.
    3. All of the red squares in your rotation log are moments where you cancelled auto attacks and thus are losing time. If you mouse over the red squares you'll see that you're spending anywhere from 50-250ms on cancelled autos each time. That is time that can be shaved off which will end up adding up to whole seconds where you're behind simply because you're not hitting skills fast enough.

    Doing some quick math, if you shaved off all of the cancelled skills, you would have dealt the same damage in 29.888 seconds instead of 33.019 which would have raised your dps from 25,819 to 28,523. It makes a pretty big difference.

    To get ahead of potential questions you may have. Yes the timing is actually that tight if you want to be optimal. Do you need to achieve these tight timings in raid scenarios to be successful? absolutely not.Helpful feedback. Being able to tighten my rotation to 28.5k DPS sounds reasonable. By following that math, it still puts it at between 4.5k and 5.5k DPS loss from not having the infusions, meaning that I'm losing around 15% DPS without having them.

    I'll practice more and see what my actual DPS comes out to with my rotation tightened to match what you're describing.

    @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:I mean that your timing may be off just slightly. It helps if you are pushing DPS to queue the next skill while the current one is activating.You should be able to see me doing that in the posted videos.

    I only included cancelled autos. There are instances where you have completed autos in between skill usage that I didn't take out since it'd make the quick math too difficult but those will also contribute a lot to your dps as well. Typically auto chains will do more damage the further along in the chain you are so a hypothetical auto chain could look something like this:

    Auto 1 - 1000 damageAuto 2 - 2000 damageAuto 3 - 5000 damage

    Now lets say in a given weapon rotation you can fit 3 big skills and 3 autos before you must weapon swap. Here's what optimal looks like:Big skill - Big skill - Big skill - Auto 1 - Auto 2 - Auto 3 - weapon swapwhich means your auto chain did 8000 damage total.

    Here's what bad looks like:Big skill - Big skill - Auto 1 - Big skill - Auto 1 - Auto 2 - weapon swapNotice in this example your autos only did 4000 damage total in the same time span.

    You can actually see an example of this in your log where you fit auto 1 in between 2 big skills. If you instead tighten up the rotation, you can move the time spent on auto 1 to the end and get an auto 3 in there.

    I'm making some progress on some of the stuff mentioned to get closer to matching the exact rotation in terms of included full auto attacks, but the DPS numbers aren't really changing much as I get closer to having this absolutely perfect. There's still a very big gap between the ~27k mark and the 33k mark, but I'll reply with an updated log/video when I get it perfected to see where exactly it lands (will probably be tomorrow since I won't have another chance tonight).

    @Alex.9106 said:Infusions increase your dps by rougly ~1k, everything else is a rotation issueTake a page from Shikaru's book and put some actual substance behind your claims.

    Combing over your rotation a bit more, I also noticed that you're missing one cast of long bow 2 each time you're in berserk longbow. You should be doing swap from sword, lb 2, f1, filler stuff, f1, lb2 before the swap comes of cd with some variation when you land on lb after opening burst. Try to fix that in your rotation.

    @"Cyninja.2954" said:
    Dps log of the benchmark video.

    0.17 Headbutt1.9 Berserk2.17 Dual Shot2.2 Scorched Earth2.5 Blood Reckonig2.85 Dual Shot2.9 Scorched Eartch3.2 Fan of Fire3.5 Weapon Swap

    Your latest log.

    0.17 Sever Artery (not sure why you would not start on Headbutt)0.1 Weapon Swap (wasted weapon swap)0.45 Pin Down (probably fat fingered)1.65 Dual Shot1.69 Headbutt (you are already 1.5 second behind ideal rotation)3.45 Berserk3.74 Scorched Earth4.1 Blood Reckoning4.3 Scorched Earth4.73 Dual Shot5.0 Fan of Fire

    Look at the exact amount of skills in the ideal rotation. The simple rotation including auto attacks is almost a block, indicating that at nearly every available time frame a skill was cast or active(the fact that most skills have similar baseline cast times is beneficial here).

    Now take a look at your simple rotation. It's a string of different long lines of skills between weapon swaps. This indicates that your are either slower in executing/chaining skills, or miss clicking skills. Especially your sword rotation is sloppy compared to the benchmark.

    As far as infusions and the damage increase they bring, this was mentioned and Henry.5713 did some quick math for you. It's around 1-1.5k depending on build (power or condi) and if one is crit capped before (or condi duration capped) or not. Those 2 factors make up the biggest difference. Based on personal testing of myself, I can say that calculating 1k for infusions is correct. You can easily try this out by simply taking lower level food or reducing your setup by approximately 90 stat points (you could take off spotter for example for ease of testing, or add some effect worth around 90 beneficial stat points).

    I appreciate the feedback. I tightened up the rotation to match what is shown, but it's not accounting for the full amount of DPS expected from the napkin math people are talking over here.

    Also, @"Cyninja.2954" , your log doesn't have your rotation as far as I can tell since the Player Summary section is empty.

    However, here's what I have after incorporating the feedback:Dm9wuI3.png

    Full log: https://dps.report/RI1Y-20200528-114041_golem

    Vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMZA6o73CG8&feature=youtu.be

    DPS still peaks at 29k, which is still 4k below 33k.

  15. @Shikaru.7618 said:

    1. Your opening torch 5 needs to be done out of combat so that you dont have a weapon swap cooldown when going into bow. Notice in the SC video when they're in bow the first time the weapon swap is not on cooldown.
    2. On the third row aka the second time you're in sword, you have a full cast of sever artery in between shattering blow and flaming flurry.
    3. All of the red squares in your rotation log are moments where you cancelled auto attacks and thus are losing time. If you mouse over the red squares you'll see that you're spending anywhere from 50-250ms on cancelled autos each time. That is time that can be shaved off which will end up adding up to whole seconds where you're behind simply because you're not hitting skills fast enough.

    Doing some quick math, if you shaved off all of the cancelled skills, you would have dealt the same damage in 29.888 seconds instead of 33.019 which would have raised your dps from 25,819 to 28,523. It makes a pretty big difference.

    To get ahead of potential questions you may have. Yes the timing is actually that tight if you want to be optimal. Do you need to achieve these tight timings in raid scenarios to be successful? absolutely not.Helpful feedback. Being able to tighten my rotation to 28.5k DPS sounds reasonable. By following that math, it still puts it at between 4.5k and 5.5k DPS loss from not having the infusions, meaning that I'm losing around 15% DPS without having them.

    I'll practice more and see what my actual DPS comes out to with my rotation tightened to match what you're describing.

    @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:I mean that your timing may be off just slightly. It helps if you are pushing DPS to queue the next skill while the current one is activating.You should be able to see me doing that in the posted videos.

    I only included cancelled autos. There are instances where you have completed autos in between skill usage that I didn't take out since it'd make the quick math too difficult but those will also contribute a lot to your dps as well. Typically auto chains will do more damage the further along in the chain you are so a hypothetical auto chain could look something like this:

    Auto 1 - 1000 damageAuto 2 - 2000 damageAuto 3 - 5000 damage

    Now lets say in a given weapon rotation you can fit 3 big skills and 3 autos before you must weapon swap. Here's what optimal looks like:Big skill - Big skill - Big skill - Auto 1 - Auto 2 - Auto 3 - weapon swapwhich means your auto chain did 8000 damage total.

    Here's what bad looks like:Big skill - Big skill - Auto 1 - Big skill - Auto 1 - Auto 2 - weapon swapNotice in this example your autos only did 4000 damage total in the same time span.

    You can actually see an example of this in your log where you fit auto 1 in between 2 big skills. If you instead tighten up the rotation, you can move the time spent on auto 1 to the end and get an auto 3 in there.

    I'm making some progress on some of the stuff mentioned to get closer to matching the exact rotation in terms of included full auto attacks, but the DPS numbers aren't really changing much as I get closer to having this absolutely perfect. There's still a very big gap between the ~27k mark and the 33k mark, but I'll reply with an updated log/video when I get it perfected to see where exactly it lands (will probably be tomorrow since I won't have another chance tonight).

    @Alex.9106 said:Infusions increase your dps by rougly ~1k, everything else is a rotation issueTake a page from Shikaru's book and put some actual substance behind your claims.

  16. @Shikaru.7618 said:

    1. Your opening torch 5 needs to be done out of combat so that you dont have a weapon swap cooldown when going into bow. Notice in the SC video when they're in bow the first time the weapon swap is not on cooldown.
    2. On the third row aka the second time you're in sword, you have a full cast of sever artery in between shattering blow and flaming flurry.
    3. All of the red squares in your rotation log are moments where you cancelled auto attacks and thus are losing time. If you mouse over the red squares you'll see that you're spending anywhere from 50-250ms on cancelled autos each time. That is time that can be shaved off which will end up adding up to whole seconds where you're behind simply because you're not hitting skills fast enough.

    Doing some quick math, if you shaved off all of the cancelled skills, you would have dealt the same damage in 29.888 seconds instead of 33.019 which would have raised your dps from 25,819 to 28,523. It makes a pretty big difference.

    To get ahead of potential questions you may have. Yes the timing is actually that tight if you want to be optimal. Do you need to achieve these tight timings in raid scenarios to be successful? absolutely not.Helpful feedback. Being able to tighten my rotation to 28.5k DPS sounds reasonable. By following that math, it still puts it at between 4.5k and 5.5k DPS loss from not having the infusions, meaning that I'm losing around 15% DPS without having them.

    I'll practice more and see what my actual DPS comes out to with my rotation tightened to match what you're describing.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:I mean that your timing may be off just slightly. It helps if you are pushing DPS to queue the next skill while the current one is activating.You should be able to see me doing that in the posted videos.

  17. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:I do not have the stat infusions either, and I can hit 35k on the golem with Power Decapitate Berserker, which is pretty much the benchmark for that build. I think you may be missing some of the skill activations be a few frames, which adds up over the rotation. Queue them up as the previous skill is activating.Which skill activations?

    I get that it seems that I should be missing something like this, but the logs and vids all show me hitting them.

  18. @"Opopanax.1803" said:Is it really 6k extra damage per second, or damage per rotation?

    Damage per second. You can watch my DPS during the vid or look at the full graph in the log. At no point do I hit or exceed 28k DPS.

    I'd really like to hear "No, you just forgot " something, but I've been sitting here trying to figure this out for quite a while now and no matter how much I mirror exactly what is shown from the benchmark/raid guide without having the +5 infusions for armor, I cannot come close to the 33-34k DPS being shown.

  19. @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:They are definitely not worth 6k dps.your rotation just isn't super clean, you start the fight with an auto attack and on your first shattering blow you are already 2 seconds behind the benchmark. Speed is important for a rotation and you can already lack behind 2 seconds in the first 3 seconds of a log. That's a huge time loss.

    Was only looking at the log. In the video you also don't reset your burst skill with your healing skill.

    Hmm, I appreciate you taking the time to speak up, but your insights don't really add up. The fight doesn't start with an auto attack in either the log or the video. The first attack in the log is Pin Down since the auto-attack shown is interrupted during the weapon swap. Scorched earth is also cast twice with the heal in both video and log. It's hard to see in the video, but it's shown in the log.

    Your timing in comparing the videos may be off, but you can count the cast burst skills to see that they match. In my video, there's 6 Scorched Earths and 3 Flaming Fury casts before berserk runs out. That is one shy of the SC video, but only because I missed one at the end. I've tested the rotation again without missing that one and it's still below 27k DPS.


    Here's an updated log with that last scorched earth included:https://dps.report/5LNK-20200527-190156_golem

    Updated image from recent test:ccwbnwL.png

  20. Edit - Title adjusted from 6k to 4k after incorporating feedback in this thread

    Ok, looking for some experienced insight here. I'm trying to get a character back raid-ready and am focusing on condi banner warrior. I've followed the SnowCrows setup and have all the gear/traits the same, except that I don't have any of the +5 infusions. Beyond that, I have full ascended gear with the exact same rune/sigils. I also am testing on the exact same golem settings.

    Here's the SnowCrows benchmark video:

    And here's a video of me matching the same first 30 seconds of the rotation:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJuwVYUbDXw

    I noticed that I'm not hitting the same 25 stacks of Furious, so maybe there's something else at play? However, I'm landing all the same skills shown in the benchmark (including the burst skills) within the same window of Berserk.

    Maybe there's something else I'm missing, but for all my testing, I can't seem to get higher than 27k DPS at any point. I know that Expertise is a big stat for condi builds and that some of the +5 infusions consist of this stat, but this still feels like a huge gap between what I am producing and what the benchmark is producing. Is it really just the infusions that make the difference?

    (Also, here's a link to a log from a similar test against the golem: https://dps.report/WN4r-20200527-172833_golem)

  21. @"garngikel.9406" said:Finding ranger pets is a hassle for people that love the class and decided to make another ranger toon. I was wondering if would it work well if there was like a pet store buy the pets from with karma points or some other in-game currency. What do you think?

    I don't really follow. You're saying it's a hassle to go to a map, walk up to a pet and press "f"? Considering how few pets are really that worthwhile from a practical standpoint, this hardly seems like any meaningful hassle that developers should have to program a change around. For many other players, going out and finding pets is a big part of the charm, so just having them instantly available (other than in sPvP, of course), would cause more harm than good.

  22. @mistsim.2748 said:

    @Revolution.5409 said:WvW / Pvp it depends on how you want to play.

    If in WvW you are interested in playing mainly as Roamer or in small Ranger groups it will be fine if instead you are interested in playing in Blobs or in organized guild groups Ranger will not even be taken into consideration.

    In Pvp a similar reasoning must be done, if you want to play in solo or with a friend, Ranger will be fine. But if you want to participate in tournaments made up of 5-player teams then it is better to play some other profession.

    Why doesn't the ranger have a place in organized groups ? Either pvp or pve ...On the last thing you said. I've seen some teams in AT and plenty had a ranger .

    EDIT:Now that the Ranger Knight Build has been removed and some pets are weakened, I don't think there will be more Rangers in the tournaments.

    Complete nonsense and hyperbole.

    You might want to use a dictionary on the word "hyperbole". Even if the person was blatantly wrong, their statement and wording doesn't match any of the things you used to describe it.

  23. Mechanics aside, the raven and wolf are definitely my favorite. It's a shame that the mechanics for both of them are rather lackluster. Wolf is at least ok for a PvP condi, but PvP condi itself is the problem there. Raven is just inferior because it's a "versatile" pet, even though birds are great.

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