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Posts posted by Dahkeus.8243

  1. 3 minutes ago, Clex Mix.7624 said:

    The jewels aren’t too expensive but pretty easy to get if you’re already grinding the brandstone. The metas give a decent amount. If you’re fortunate enough to play with someone else with no need of them that helps too. 


    I had the jewels before all the brandstone I believe. 

    Yea, brandstone might be a limit, depending on how much and how you've been playing, but either way, it's a lot slower and more difficult to get than something like Berserker's that you can just buy everything you need from the TP.

  2. Metabattle is fine for Alacrigade build.  Discretize is generally the best resource for high end fractal info/builds though.  That being said, there's probably some updates due to both sites to some degree since the patch change, but fortunately it doesn't seem to matter much for your standard Alacrigade.  


    The learning curve for Alacrigade is pretty forgiving for getting into Fractals, but the Diviner gear is definitely a relatively hefty grind compared to most gear sets since you need Exquisite Serpentine Jewels.  Since you can only get so many of these each day, you're pretty time-gated unless you can just get all gear with selectable stats.

  3. Long ago, I would have said Chronomancer because it has such a unique style that is very consistent with mechanics and distance from core Mesmer style without being contradictory.  It opened up a myriad of support roles and unique play style.  However, it’s been a nightmare from a balance perspective in all game modes, so it’s been radically changed a million times and anyone who has mained a Mesmer is well acquainted with completely re-learning and re-gearing after balance patches probably more than any other class (particularly from a raiding perspective).  

    Because of this, I voted for Soulbeast instead since a per-free elite spec has been a wish from the ranger community for a long time and it pulls this off pretty well.  Druid is definitely a strong contender too.

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Some of each:


    I will take the replay value, metas and MP relevance of HoT

    I will take the difficulty level and map layout of PoF

    100% this.  To some extent, they’ll need to be designed with mounts in mind like PoF maps, but above all else, I just don’t want anything as purposefully confusing as navigating Tangled Depths.  At least make the map helpful for showing where you can/can’t go.  But HoT metas are definitely tops, even before considering rewards (in most cases).

    • Like 3
  5. 16 hours ago, Guirssane.7082 said:

    you didnt answer my question

    The question is pretty irrelevant.  I agree 100% that this meta is miserable.  I have been playing scourge since I swapped during the 2s season.  I’m only playing for the rewards as necro is far from my favorite profession in PvP.  However, it’s just way too effective to play much of anything else.

    • Like 3
  6. Renegade was the clear superior until Soulcleave was nerfed.  It's still probably better because your heal is an AoE that heals others.  I don't know that there's really much to Herald that would really make it much better unless you really have no one else in the group to cover fury and that little bit of extra might.  Considering the new sources of might in builds, I doubt any group is really hurting there.

  7. 42 minutes ago, aaron.7850 said:

    making a necro right now, any easy build to try?

    Use the one on meta battle.  The blood support.  It’s tanks and just about everything is AoE with a short cd, so feel free to face roll.

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  8. The tankiness is an issue, sure, but they also have so many abilities that are just AoE, so you hardly need to pay attention to what's going on most of the time.  It's why bots can be so effective playing necro.


    P.s. I don't want necros nerfed out of the meta, but with the last patch and the dynamic of 2s, the imbalance is particularly egregious.

    • Like 2
  9. Swap to scourge. Equip tanky amulet.  Trait blood for transfusion.  Bring lots of AoEs.  Queue for match.  Spam buttons.


    If ally goes down, line of sight and transfusion.


    If you really want to try hard:

    Read the tooltips.


    And if you encounter other necros:

    Queue with a friend on non-necro classes, then both swap to scourge after the queue pops.  Transfusion each other over and over until the other team eventually withers away or breaks their keyboard in frustration.


    It's terrible, but sadly, it works.

    • Like 6
  10. Any balance that shifts to one-shotting is just objectively worse.  There are rare exceptions where high burst builds in small doses can work, but advocating for a one-shot meta is like saying that Slap Jack is the superior card game to Poker.

    • Like 2
  11. The removal to retaliation is at least a nice change for power PvP builds, such as SB Renegade since it significantly reduces pressure damage taken in team fights where enemy teams have a support guardians.

  12. As it looks right now:


    PvE Raids:

    Condi Renegade - Looking good

    Alacrigade - Inferior to Mirage Alacrity in most situations unless you just really need more breaks



    Alacrigade - Unsure, but may still be meta because of breaks at least



    Condi Herald - nerfed hard against condi pressure

    SB Renegade - not much changed

    Will need to see how the overall meta settles to really see how things go here



    Power Herald - still ok, but may fall out of favor, depending on the meta

    Roaming - Likely still ok, but still not an ideal choice


    Overall, I'd put the patch as an overall nerf to revenant, particularly for build diversity since some builds were nerfed without there being any new builds that are more viable than they were before.

    • Like 1
  13. Personally, I'd just prefer to see chat removed in PvP and replaced with a set of communication options for certain strategic things or your basic GG/GLHF stuff similar to a game of Hearthstone.  The map ping system already allows most of this (just needs a spam restriction), which is why chat tends to be little more than people raging at each other.


    For people that actually want to communicate, they can always get in voice coms for that stuff.

  14. Yo dawg, ANet heard you like bags...


    (Edit: Apparently we can't insert images in posts anymore?  Boo...)


    But totally agree.  While there are some great QoL features for sorting loot in your bags, getting boxes that contain bags that contain unidentified loot and such is just a pain.  That's on top off a loot system that has a million different currencies, materials and such.  I imagine this is particularly frustrating for new players.

    • Like 1
  15. Very happy to see these changes made and more importantly to see the communication and cooperation with the community.  


    Here's hoping this all shakes out to be a good meta.  I'm still concerned that Soulcleave Summit is too far and hurts more than just the healing that needed the nerf, but I'll wait and see how it plays out.

  16. We don't necessarily need *more* stat combos, but there are some stat combos that are missing, which should be added.


    Best example of this is a condi version of Diviner's stats.  Diviner's (Conc, Power, Ferocity) allows power builds to provide boon support.  However, there is no Conc, Cond Dmg, Expertise stat combo, which would be the condi equivalent.  Now that condi is being emphasized for Renegade and Mirage is getting Alacrity support, this is particularly needed.

    • Like 3
  17. Very little impact to solo play.  Mallyx won't be resistant to condis and the Kalla elite skill won't heal you as much, but beyond that, there's not a ton of change.  You may even see a bit more damage overall with the Kalla's Fervor change to affect all damage instead of just ferocity.

  18. I’m pretty shocked to see Soulbeast targeted for nerfs because of how good the burst was.  I mean, it’s definitely strong, but I don’t think it’s hurt overall balance of build diversity/composition flexibility.  At most, a shave to burst would have made more sense.  

    Also very sad to see Druid untouched.  Lots of good changes in this patch, but not when it comes to ranger.

    • Like 2
  19. From a PvP/WvW perspective, I think these changes still need work since there’s a lot of unresolved issues as already pointed out with Mallyx and Resolution.  However, I like the larger scale direction of the changes and hope we’ll see more work soon to make it all fit together on rev.


    From a PvE perspective, the buffs to condi damage just make me really wish there was a Conc (major), Condi Dmg, Expertise set of stats for gear so that boon builds could go condi like Diviner has allowed power.  Power alacrigade may still be better in a lot of situations, but it’s still something that I think should happen.

  20. 8 minutes ago, Asum.4960 said:

    I feel like this Torment change completely breaks Scourge design - which is all about forcing movement (Fears) and kiting, while applying Torment and Bleeds. 


    Fearing enemies now essentially grants them 50% damage reduction against your main damage Source, if they aren't moving already as is the case for most things save for some static bosses - where Necro still likely won't be able to compete with Renegades and such, not to speak of PvP where you never want to stand still in the first place.


    Insidious Disruption is especially ironic, applying Torment - a condition which now primarily does damage to Targets standing still -  on CC, which in the case of Necro almost exclusively is Fear, a condition forcing movement.


    Just seems like Scourge lost what made it good in Dynamic Fights, while likely still underperforming in Static Fights, been completely deleted from PvP, and it's synergistic Design of Fear + Torment got turned around into a counter intuitive gameplay loop of your own tools reducing your own damage.

    A trait that makes torment deal its increased damage on feared targets might be a good change to offset some of what you describe here.

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