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Everything posted by Sinister.5792

  1. wow bro, i like that... "be the hero, not the zero" i can confirm and sent you 10g
  2. Hi So this guide will help you not to SUCK in PvP by being a rallybot What is a rallybot? Basically your teammates just killed 2 people.. you a noob decided to ignored the 2 downed players because you wanted to chase a live player, simply because you are stupid. Then you got one shotted out of nowhere, and you died... so now you rallied 2 enemies player.. Don't be this type of noob in a ranked match. So to finish a downie, Press your interaction button this might be "F" or "E" depending on your keybinds When you see a downie. GO DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR... KILL IT Please stop being a rallybot in PVP Also sindrener still owes me 300g
  3. ANet may think full counter is totally okay.. it is not. It needs rework just like how anet reworked stealth on thieves.. Warrior's spearmarshal's support and Harrier's toss needs damage toned down too... I am literally one shotting people in PVP.... I have hit people with spearmarshal's for 21k.. and Harrier's toss for 18k.... This isn't normal! Something is broken in the warrior right now... Partnering these with full counter and Defiant stance... Defiance stance needs adjustment too..
  4. It is crazy this game is giving you "WINGS" skins... but you cant even fly... its a crazy gimmick for aesthetics to have wings and you cant even use it except glide... what is the point...
  5. never seen a true dedicated player like Leeto, definitely needs to become a GM and part of game skill balance... LEETO FOR PRESIDENT!
  6. What exactly is a "FOCUS" what is that in real life? Why is this a weapon in a game? what do you exactly use it for? Also warhorns? for offhand??? I kinda wanna know what was the thought process for this design.... also why is thief not getting greatsword???
  7. people complain because they cant kill a thief… meanwhile im literally selling builds for 100g guaranteed to kill a thief 😂😂😂
  8. its working perfectly fineeeeee, xD
  9. Hi with the upcoming new weapons, I think it is time to tweak necro weapon skills. The greatsword is so useless.. the casting time is horrendous, these skills should be instant activation... GS 2 is like the most clunky skill ever followed by GS 3 and GS 4... GS 2 should act like heartseeker.. and GS 3 should be atleast a x2 use , GS 4 should be instant with atleast blocking action (if other players have GS Blocks, necros should have it too, it only makes sense) GS 5 should be acting more like scorpion wire.. Talking about Greatsword in general, time to change greatsword with guardian too... with Greatsword block on one of the skill like how rangers have it.. I dont understand why melee skills have a casting time.. it is dumb
  10. 17 lose streak? oh wow.. you got botted bro hahah
  11. Dodge golemn was invented so you can practice your dodge 🤣 thank me later this information is worth 20gold, make sure to pay me in game, goodluck
  12. congratulations for discovering pvp here wear this tinfoil hat, you're now part of the gang
  13. hahaha this is actually a great idea Torch mainhand Warhorn off hand everytime warhorn skills gets used, thief does a sound “‘meme this!” then torch the fk outta the enemy with torch burns.. and tooltip would be like “makes the enemy user complain in pvp forums about thief being OP” 🤣
  14. Give thief “Main hand TORCH” and make all skills with burn, and make sure burns hits like a ton… also give thief greatsword screw off hand sword, only memer anime boys want off hand sword
  15. its funny because there are various “forums” where pvp accounts are actually being sold and its just a google away… some of those forums are places that sells free and premium hacks to the game…
  16. yep and you wont believe it when the top 50 people have like 5x alts each hahaha
  17. If you are struggling in pvp, its cus you're getting rekt by ALTS so deal with it, it is a business move. Anet is profitting from sales for every accounts bought. Stop caring about rating, GW2 PvP has been dead for a long time and has ZERO INTEGRITY. Move on. edit: Oh I forgot to add.. DH TRAPS
  18. dual dagger viability? ive been playing dagger dagger and destroying people with it… but I like your idea, blind and cripple for dagger 4 would be nice 😋
  19. Its time we talk about downstate HP... I have just murdered a player, and jesus christ... IT TAKES UPTO 40K HP TO CLEAVE TO DEATH A PLAYER?? What is the actual Downstate hp ?? can we talk about this....
  20. nah, I play core thief in ranked matches and I destroy people with it..
  21. So in this theory which one is more painful? You get thrown by an axe in your face...? or get stabbed in the back? Why is axe damage so low...
  22. Can we please get https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Swaggering_Hat Thank you!!! SWAGGERING HAATTTTT
  23. Can I request for this hat to come back in the shop pleaseeeee Swaggering Hat [&AgEuSAEA]
  24. meh those are rookie numbers... i hit people with 16,5k - 20.5k xD
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