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Everything posted by Mukizo.1269

  1. Interesting. Maybe they could do map seasons in WvW. Every mini xpac the map gets updated with assets from the new expansion. Could be one of the steps in the roadmap they release each year.
  2. My apologies then I thought the dps difference would be more substantial. May I ask, did the other builds with similar dps also use the warrior relic?
  3. P/P is a dps loss in all cases based on the different options available, I wrote earlier how that is why. If you are not interested in finding out why then that is fine. If you still think I am wrong you could provide links and sources, maybe even some equations.
  4. Apparently not. The problem is not entirely with the developer but also the player base complaining about a lot of redundant things. Yes it was completely overtuned in the cm 100 (now 99) era but that was just because it really fit well into that fight (cc, stack, precast). After that everyone started playing cfb in every piece of pve content and we saw a flood of it. Thus people complained about it being overpowered for years until it finally got gutted. Sure it was very overtuned if you ran celestial gear and every charge of heal mantra having aegis, but now it just feels like a shell of its former self. A good way to nerf it without destroying the identity would be to nerf single target dps. I think it should have stayed a semi support dps jack of all trades spec. And for the mantra of flame dilemma, I like using the final charge when a fight is about to phase and then charge it up for the next phase. But in the middle of a fight charging it up it feels pretty bad. I never use the firebrand Rune but just blast some stability right before I know cc will appear, won’t be able to have perma stab uptime, probably sub 5-10% but if you know the fight well it works.
  5. I understand that might be a play style you enjoy but most people that play against it do not.
  6. Yup. The mantras are a problem but so are the tomes. It just doesn’t feel that good to play anymore, thus we see it’s abysmal play rate, I never see firebrands except for HFB (which there are a lot of). I still play cfb for open world (aoe) and some instanced content for its portent of freedom (stability). But it just does not feel like it used to before the tome rework, in mantras I just refuse to use the last charge despite the dps loss it result in.
  7. 1. Too little content for different kinds of players. You join a map run from point A to B (usually to a tag) and join whatever activities they are doing. Ideally when you run from point a to b there should be a lot of opportunities and different events/activities you can join in on. Different activities for different players, nowadays you just zerge and that’s it. 2. Overtuned builds/play styles that are borderline unbeatable 1v1 if they know how what they are doing. Perma disengage, stealth, blocks etc. They fight you on their terms and if somehow they are losing they just disengage heal up fully and come back. Stealth is the number 1 contender 3. Same as point 1 not enough objectives. Make more interesting solo/small group activities. Make it so that huge zerks can’t come and gank you, perhaps make it kind of semi instance based? Add some world events, world bosses etc. Anything that mix pve with pvp is welcome in WvW. 4. Better rewards, but not just from UI’s or chests with ticks. Maybe add some legendary nodes that are rare and dangerous to pursue. These nodes can be rare and drop ectos, amberlings etc. Players will have to fight and be smart in how to pursue these nodes. 5. Stale maps. Adding new maps is not a solution, the player base which is already small will be spread too thin and the new map will probably be in a permanent queue. Instead old maps can be updated and modernized, look at Fortnite which constantly updates it’s map in interesting ways. Anything new, something new would be great.
  8. The best way to make bosses more challenging without adding more hp is to make 2 phases of the boss, similar to Ai. First phase lower hp and an introduction to more forgiving mechanics, second phase take everything from the first and crank it up to the max. Only the first phase is in normal mode, second and first in challenge mode (first phase harder there too ofc.)
  9. Are you talking about firebrand? The guardian build that benches way too high at the moment is Willbender. And Willbender does not run dual pistols it runs scepter and pistol and pistol and torch. Edit: It also heavily abuses the warrior relic which leaves torch skills off cd whenever you weapon swap back, this is the main problem which result in the high dps not the pistols themselves (that is why running dual pistols are a direct dps loss). The only build that use duals pistols are firebrand which does 43k damage this actually are in line with other builds (Cvirt does 800less dps and is fully ranged with more utility at lower dps loss). Qfb deals 37k damage which is way too high for a support role but the rotation feels horrible with way way too high apm, I have yet to see anyone actually play qfb for a long time.
  10. The pistols feel great and are a lot of fun. Once you get used to pistol 5 as a skill shot it’s actually a decent and rewarding skill. I really enjoy these new weapons for guardian. Hopefully the pistols won’t get nerfed but instead torch and scepter, this way more weapon options open up for guardian. Maybe even the warrior relic should get a nerf by 5% (25 to 20% cooldown on weapons). I suppose you also could nerf main hand pistol slightly and buff the combo with symbol 3 and pistol 4, this way you kinda have to run dual pistols as the main damage option if you want to run them, with these changes the benchmark should be reduced be a few thousand. Relic of the warrior is a long term problem relic anyways when it comes to damage.
  11. I would like them to use the recourses in different sides of the game rather than having to pay 10 different voice actors for the same character. Don’t get me wrong during the covid voice acting delay patches I realized how important and immersive voice acting in this game actually is, and it’s still actually really good, however having to voice 10 different voices for the same character is just too much.
  12. I think the main issue is between the relationship with Anet and NCSOFT. Failed expectations and fundamentally different approaches and ideas on how to reach them. The MMO and live service genre in general is a flawed model, nothing can stay relevant forever. Passion and care fades out, both for the consumer and the developer. Imagine having to do the same thing over and over and over for 12 years, most people can’t do that. Thus we get different devs and different players over the course of time, values and expectations get shifted. The core game was about breaking the boundaries and limitations of traditional mmos, while expanding upon with what they tried to achieve in guild wars 1, Utopia which proved to be too difficult. Thereof they made a completely new game called guild wars 2, which was all about having choices that mattered in the collective (living world). This failed eventually because of many reasons and was significantly changed. Already here early on a conflict was established. HoT was all about filling out the spaces where the game lacked. More ways to play, more ways to explore and traverse the environment. End game content. There were a lot of issues when this expansion first launched, however, most of these issues were ironed out over time and resulted in an excellent high quality experience all around. PoF was amazing. You could see the excitement, care and passion the developers had in the various trailers centered around each aspect of the expansion. Mounts with the most innovating and ground breaking mount system we have ever seen in any mmo till this date. Vast maps bigger than ever before with various different environments to traverse, each balanced around its mounts. Elite specs carefully crafted to synergize with its environment and fill in different roles (some argued they were overtuned) but I overall enjoyed them a lot. Season 4 was great and perfectly summarized by the various posters above me. Then we had Ibs, EoD and SoTo and we all know the story from there…. Ibs started out great, but some conflict within the studio and publisher appeared which resulted in a second horrible rushed part. EoD was a prime example of quantity over quality in all kind of forms. SoTo is a new approach, while at first promising it ended up rather starving the current player-base out, delivering far too little content in terms of both quality and quantity. Everything is reused and piled together in a huge dung of confusion. Hopefully they will learn from this new format and experience, and improve upon it in the next mini “expansion”.
  13. Oh dear, my beloved. My eyes have never stopped wavering for you. You can be so beautiful yet at the same time so cold and distant. Never letting me settle, always keeping me on edge. Your first expansion was full of mystery and peril, it felt so full of life it was almost brimming. The raids were played and allies were slayed. The jungles were explored and monsters were born. I will never neglect the love you once showed me, if you only allowed my love to persist without so much resist. Your second expansion was vast, divine and full of soul. I could see your creators so full of passion and care. I wouldn't dare to not give you a fare. I could feel your soul breathing upon my neck, it almsot felt like I was ensnared in your stare. Oh how my heart aches for you, my beloved. Your third expansion was hasty, abrupt and disorganized. I could hardly recognize the love I once had for you. For without your love whereof would I end up. You mad me feel lost, perhaps this was the cost for the love that is now lost. My heart will never forget you, perhaps one day you will allow me to stay.
  14. The problem is that we have not been “paying” anything for too long. This attracts a casual market where the majority just try the game because it’s free and will run around in the open world killing a few mobs before logging off for the day. Now they have to please these casual players which are the majority. The problem of this game is its monetization plain and simple. If you wanna find the root problem start there. No content is the result of the gem store, all the shiny skins and mounts being locked behind a gem store instead of being unlock-able content is a major two sided sword. Open world events which just are massive zergs of people running around pressing 1 is not content (80% are afk too before the main boss/last event). The majority of achievements can also be argued as not being real content. Convergences and especially rifts are a massive step in the wrong direction, however the players I described earlier don’t seem to care because the shiny reward at the end obscures all the mind numbing empty grind, which are not even fun. Now I have mentioned these things several times before but people don’t seem to care unless it’s about minuscule things which are the result of much bigger root problems. I simply answered with the same ignorance as the white knights.
  15. Goddamn what a bunch of crybabies, yelling and crying constantly. Devs should lay off this forum and only listen to a select few players that are passionate and respectful about this game. Players should play the game instead of complaining. Always something to nitpick and complain about “I don’t raid”, “I don’t pvp!”, “I don”t WvW!”, “I don’t to achievements!”. What’s next? “I don’t play the game!”
  16. What I am getting at that perhaps my character gets stuck in some kind of animation and skills won’t activate. Back to what the other guy told me, this sounds like bs but he said that his friend would die off random fall damage at the start of every instanced encounter, this started happening after the devs made a change to fall damage and had persisted from then on out. Perhaps he was trolling but this got me thinking of a personal and real reoccurring experience I have: every time at W5 after Statue of Ice my mount gets bugged, every single time. This was not the case earlier, but perhaps after some kind of patch something similar started happening to me just with mounts, and skills in fractals particularly.
  17. Yes it’s usually like this. Thanks for the clarification. I do have ping spikes from time to time, however this occurs so often even when my internet is very stable. Arc dps show 30-40 ping, all other games works perfectly fine. Probably server lag then. Reason I thought it had something to do with animation/character size issues is that some player reached out to me when I mentioned the skill delay in game, and he told me he suspected it had something to do with this. He explained he had several friends that would experience very strange bugs from time to time, random fall damage, skills activating at random times, character clipping through and being stuck in environment, etc.
  18. Sometimes I have to press skills 3-5 times before it activates, even with quickness skills won’t activate properly. When this occurs, especially in fractals I will relog 4-7 times and the issue is usually resolved. Very frustrating, perhaps server lag or issues with character animations/size? Does anyone else experience these issues?
  19. Here are my suggestions : Bleed on axe autos are default, no need to pick Unrelenting Criticism trait. Unrelenting Criticism is reworked. Spending all pages triggers Scorched AfterMath, and refreshes the cooldown of the skill. Pages refresh every 4 seconds instead of 8. The longest page skill on cooldown is displayed in each tome instead of the red mark. A 1 second cd on tomes triggers after you exhaust all pages, this way you won’t pop in and out immediately if you accidentally press the same button twice. Renewed focus refreshes all pages and page skill cooldowns. All tome abilities cost 1 page. Quickfire trait trigger each time you spend 4 or more pages, instead of when granting quickness every 10seconds. ——————- These changes would make it so you would actually spend time in your tomes, while not being forced to enter them to check the cooldown of skills. You would also not have to pop in and out constantly to spam f1, 2 and trigger quick fire. Cooldowns of page skills would be adjusted accordingly to that when all 5 pages would be ready (4x5= 20seconds) all 5 skills would be off cooldown, if you did the tome rotation properly.
  20. Perhaps the build does ok damage, the flow and feel, feels much worse. One of the best guardian players (especially firebrand) called Support Hero has made several detailed posts about why it feels bad to play cdps firebrand. Not just in my head as you make it try to sound like. If you disagree with all points I made great for you! Perhaps you didn't play the old version, or you somehow enjoy it more now.
  21. Firebrand used to be so fun. Sure one could argue it was overturned, but which class nowadays isn’t? Everyone runs around happily with their virtuoso having perma ranged 42k dmg, boon rip, unlimited utility, teleports, invul, stealth, reflects and more. No one complains, no one cares. Yet cdps firebrand was gutted and left to rot. Its whole identity was stripped away and scraps were tossed back in pity, because apparently it was the most broken thing ever. I almost see no one play the dps variant anymore. Tomes feels awful now, they used to be so fun. You have no control over the tomes, it feels so stiff and clunky to have them as engineer kits, the identity is gone. How long will you let it rot? 3 more years? I think it’s time to revert the changes. Make the dps lower if you want, just give us back our tomes. Remove stab from tome 3 if you want, just let us have fun.
  22. • Year 1 wrap up SoTo • Year 2: new mini expac, Treath of the Invaders. (We are going to the human planet baby!, for those who don’t know humans are aliens in Tyria) • A brand new planet with 3 maps will be introduced. Future maps will be added and this planet will have it’s own rules and boundaries outside Tyria. • A new class, based on the planets lore will be introduced, it has no elite specs so development of it will be easier. But it will be similar to the revenant having different specs built in. • New WvW modes or objectives. Perhaps PvP zones inside PvE maps of the new expansion. New mode Extraction: A lucrative zone with rare and valuable nodes that can be harvested. Players will have to fight for territory and recourses. Occasionally a very powerful npc boss will spawn and players will have to team up to deal with it. • Anet being acquired by either Microsoft or Ubisoft. Now we have a much larger budget to work with, but more tight expectations. Give and take. Now also the true innovation of Anet can shine in mainstream games and breathe new life into soulless AAA games. • 2 new raids. • Old living world bosses introduced as strikes: Balthazar, the final enemy of HoT (mordremoth dream thing), etc • Rework of some Ibs strikes and new cm modes • 1 big final expansion: Guild Wars 2 Utopia!! For those who don’t know this was suppose to be the 4th expansion for GW1. However, it proved too difficult due to the innovation they were planning, so they made a brand new game GW2! This expansion will basically be the true vision of GW2 on steroids! Now we have much newer tech and recourses to work with so it would be fun to see how far Anet could go. Also the setting of Utopia is super cool: Xotecha.
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