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Everything posted by Ogwom.7940

  1. I agree in regards of rewards, but disagree in regards of achievements. They said they will prevent you from getting some achievements, like Slippery Slubling. Also, allowing more players to complete Legendary Raid armor or ring collections to me sounds like a benefit. The more people who have incentive to at least try raids, will have a certain percentage that will stay in the raiding scene once they do get their legendary goals.
  2. Give a quote of where I "stated" that anyone who doesn't listen to me is a troll. If I literally said that.
  3. No, that is a strawman. Did I say the words, "anyone that does not 'listen and sit out to let it fail' is a troll."? No I did not say that or even imply that. I already explained the context, will not explain it again. I already explained, people who did not know that this was required for a collection aren't the problem. I explained this already several times. I have no problem with those people as they are innocent. I already said they were not bad people. You are going out of your way to argue that it was absolutely not a case of trolling.
  4. I agree, though people attacking me and not wanting to believe that trolls exist in GW2, is the actual culprit distracting the situation. As I outlined earlier, ANet made a mistake. I gave the suggestion on how to fix that mistake or how it could have been prevented. I also gave an example of one of the negative impacts this mistake has caused. That being people actively going out of their to troll the event. I am NOT talking about players who didn't know about the collection step that was related to this event failing. Those people are okay and good. They actually listen and sit out to let it fail.
  5. I already said that ANet made a mistake in my first post. To discount that actual griefer/trolls in the playerbase exist is absolutely absurd. Everyone who is downvoting me is literally claiming that it isn't possible for there to be a single troll to ruin the event for others for 10 hours straight minimum, while explaining how they are trolling, bragging about it and saying that they are going to do it again for the next round. This happened yesterday, I don't know what the situation is like currently. As I already said, you could have gone at the time I told you guys to go. That was your proof. The downvoters and the people who want to debate the semantics of the word "troll" , had that opportunity, but they chose to not do that, and continue using bad faith arguing tactics.
  6. Why do you put brackets on "trolls"? Why don't you believe us? Do you even know what a troll is?
  7. It is insane how toxic people on these forums are. Down voting me because I stated that there were 3 people who actively went out of there way for 10 hours at a minimum, AFKing and camping at the same spot between the event, to only do one event, just to make it succeed so that others couldn't progress in their collection. Why is it so difficult for people here to understand that these 3 people who knowingly knew what they were doing, stated what they were doing in chat, and griefed a bunch of players? They understood the flaw in ANet's mistake, and exploited that.
  8. So apparently you are saying that 3 players who stayed for at least 10 hours straight, intentionally completing the defense event and then bragging of how they are trolling, while being condescending to and gaslighting other players who begged them to stop, is not considering "trolling"? Yes, events are intended to be completed, and this one was on ANet for not making the last item of the collection obtainable form both the Defense AND the capture events. I already said this in my post, and I will not repeat this again. Regardless, not of that changes the fact that there are people out there with malicious intent. To deny that this never happens is ridiculous and absurd, as it obviously happens everywhere, all the time in the world.
  9. You guys are openly denying me and saying I am a liar, when so many people are being held back because of a few trolls who have been there for at least 10 hours, bragging in chat how they are trolling. The same exact people. Have fun waiting like I did because of them.
  10. Nope, not how that happened. That is your personal interpretation. You somehow don't want to beleive that there are actually toxic people in GW2. There are people (the same exact people. I have names) literally waiting 6-8 hours for multiple events just to fail the event. At the same time they are saying in map chat and gaslighting players. If you would have actually read my comments, you would see that I stated this already, AND that the people NOT trolling will be apologetic and stop doing the event. I have NO problem with those people, as they had no knowledge prior. I have an issue with TROLLS who are trolling the event. You should actually go there in real time before saying I am a liar and that there are no trolls. Most of you guys, go wait 8 hours. I openly invite you.
  11. Nope, not true. As I said, you there are tolls who are waiting multiple hours to make the defense event succeed, and then gaslighitng people in map chat. Of course no kidding thee will be people who aren't trolls. And when I tell them to stop doing the event, they stop. The trolls don't do that, and go on long tangents for multiple hours in chat while ruining every single defense event that sprouts. The SAME EXACT people do it. If you and the 2 other guys above want to not believe me and call me a liar and that these aren't trolls. Go ahead. But at least come to Cursed Shore before you do that. I invite you to come right now. Many people will disagree with you.
  12. Nope. They are literally trolls. Come to Cursed Shore right now on NA.
  13. You read that right. The Zhaitan Variant collections are not possible to complete because of the trolls on the maps who won't let this event fail. The last part of the collection requires completing the the capture event at Gates of Arah, but if it is already captured, it needs to fail first. It only takes one person, one troll, to complete the defense event. There are multiple and then they go in map chat to gaslight other players who have been waiting for multiple hours to try and complete this collection. It is unfortunate because we can't get enough players on the map to force a new instance. Why couldn't devs have made the last part of the collection require either CAPTURE or DEFENSE events of Gates of Arah?
  14. Hi, I keep trying to sign into the GW2 support ticket page, but it redirects me to my account page. Then I go to press support at the top, which redirects me to a different tab of the support ticket page, but I am logged out. It's an infinite cycle of not being able to send a support ticket in. Also, there is no option to send in a support ticket anonymously (logged out). Is there something I am missing?
  15. My siblings and I have been plying since betas too. And congrats on your legendary weapon! Also, yeah. It seems like most people troll with the emojis or are just toxic in regards to saying something non controversial.
  16. Hey, It is just one DE meta per day. It isn't that bad, especially if you can get into an organized squad in LFG. That is if you are willing to spend and sacrifice that time for DE meta. Also I don't disagree that you're not going to get that much with more casual play, which I am not saying is a bad thing or a good thing. You can play causally and I am fine with that. Not sure why I was downvoted. BTW, what does casual entail? Does it include people doing only DE meta once per day? Though do realize these are legendary weapons. They do and should require some type of "legendary" time or gold sink. You don't need to have a legendary right away. My sister is the most casual player you would ever know, and she is crafting a legendary and is almost finished. Everyone is different. Some people may want to convert gems to gold, others take time and incorporate into an RP story journey or take time because of expenses, some play more difficult content that gives the mats faster, and others farm gold.
  17. Sorry. To whoever put the confused emoji, I should clarify. I said "forms of high level organization". This does not mean that I am saying Triple Trouble or Tequatl require the same type of difficulty of organization as DE meta. They have different aspects of difficulty. Also, apparently people say the average DPS to defeat DE is 7k per person? That is extremely low. I am not here how to tell others how to play, just bringing this aspect to the conversation. Is it a bad thing that we have some meta event content that is higher difficulty and requires a large community effort? I am not sure. If so, should it be reserved for meta events that aren't somewhat associated with the main storyline like DE meta is compared to TT or Teq? Anyways, just to go back on topic. I wouldn't worry about the prices for the summoning stones. Even if they remain that price, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. As I mentioned earlier, they are they largest gold sink if you are "express crafting " the gen 3 weapons, and almost free if you buy 5 per week and 1 per day from DE meta, with a max of 12 per week. This adds up to 100 summoning stones in about 2 months.
  18. For sure, and those are good points. I definitely agree the average squad will not succeed this meta.
  19. Hey, Why shouldn't it be necessary to have that level of organization? It's not even that demanding. Most people play DPS in it with just a few alac and quickness. And no, that is a strawman. I am not saying it is a raid. We currently have some forms of high level organization for other meta events, for example Tequatl and Triple Trouble Wurm. I like to have some metas that are on the tircky side. They feel very rewarding when you do win them. I would say the loot needs to be improved though. Regardless, I am open for them to make the event easier, but I also kind of like the difficulty of it. If they do make it easier, there may be more generation of Summoning Stones, so either way I'm down for either.
  20. Hey, sorry to bring this up again, but anyone have any hope that they may finish and release these sets in the Flame and Frost episode of Season 1, this coming month? I think they were supposed to be released throughout IBS, but it stopped with the Bear Shaman set. I really, really want more plain and basic armor sets that made of leathers and furs!
  21. @Firebeard.1746Hi, I don't want to deviate form the topic too much, but you can find organized squads with designated roles and subsquads that can easily defeat the meta. It helps too most of the people on the map know the fight and are listening to the commander's instructions. I have successfully completed it 15 times every day, with only one loss. I am sure the summoning stones will drop more in price, now that more and more people can acquire them from the meta. It will take a lot of time, many months. I also don't have too much of a problem with them being a bit of a gold sink though, since the other parts of the legendary are quite cheap to craft, though of course it would be nice if they were cheaper.
  22. Hi everyone, I was wondering when you think the other dragon versions of the Aurene legendary weapons will come out? Some people speculate that they will release with throughout Living World Season 6 episodes. It would be cool to get them sooner, but I understand if they have to be made well. Maybe it would be better to release them during LS6 to generate more hype per episode release? I don't know, what do you guys think?
  23. Their prey/food accidently hops into their mouth when a smokescale casts their smoke cloud skill. Although sometimes depending on the induvial, it's voluntary...
  24. Because you keep editing your post. That still makes no sense. Legendary weapons are not gated behind very specific content. Why should legendary armor not receive that same treatment? Your point you arguing doesn't exist. There are more people with a legendary weapon than there are people with a single legendary envoy armor piece. Or even legendary armor in general. I literally never said skins were enough. I said that convenience isn't the only incentive to acquiring these weapons and that their original implementation was for cosmetic/prestige. You are the one putting words in my mouth. You are the one who says convenience is the only incentive and that ascended should be just fine. Even then, it's just your subjective opinion that legendary gear being convenient is better for the game if it's locked behind something so niche like raids. Also I never said no one would be adventurous and try raids or other content outside of their box. i am pretty sure most people who don't play that content have literally done that very thing and they found out they don't like that content, so they don't play it anymore. You are becoming unhinged. I am not explaining to you what legendries are. I am explaining what their intended use was for. You keep denying the fact they are prestige/cosmetic item for some reason and I keep telling you multiple times why they are. I keep bringing it up because you seem to want to keep denying it. Yes, so what if they buffed and added convenience to the items? I don't disagree with it being a good thing. You keep misrepresenting my position, and then arguing on that misrepresentation. You really need to stop doing this because right now it is not a constructive conversation. You can keep fantasizing about me pretending that I think the skins were enough and that the buffs weren't necessary or important in legendary gear development over the years. I will not discuss that anymore as I will not participate in the mental gymnastics you are trying to make right now by arguing something I never even meant or said. Yes I clearly understand that it wasn't enough. When did I deny that? The claims you made were (1) envoy armor being a huge incentive for doing that content, and (2) You attempting to "debunk" legendary gear's initial intent. I mean come one now, you literally left out those points and added the arguing point based on non existent argument. I can see that you are quite deceptive and like to manipulate the narrative to your side. You literally only have to go into WvW to acquire a gift of battle for the Legendry weapons. That's it. Absolutely 100% not even close to being "spread out" through the game. Super fast and simple. It's an openworld PvE legendary. You seem to not understand that I keep saying an openworld PvE legendary armor set would be acquired similar way to legendary weapons, which means you would have to go into some aspect of WvW for a very, VERY short time. Anyways, you can keep arguing with me, but I am still waiting for you to answer my earlier questions as well as bring proof to disprove anything I said. So far you are literally just screaming you r subjective opinion of what you personally feel the situation and how you feel it should be solved rather than looking at historic fact. On top of that you are being disingenuous in your arguments.
  25. Legendary weapons are generally openworld acquired. Just Gift of Battle is WvW and everything else from WvW/PvP game modes you can buy from TP. What are two different things? It sounds like you are arguing against a point I never made. I literally said multiple times if there was PvE openworld armor, it would be just like the legendary weapons. That's why I keep mentioning legendary weapons multiple times as a comparison to how they could be implemented.
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