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Everything posted by TheThief.8475

  1. I know it literally makes every Deadeye build unplayable
  2. There are a few problems that I've noticed while playing spear Deadeye recently that created frustrating experiences. - Ashen assault is canceled by auto attacks, once again - Steal time has some queuing/ cancel issues where I happened to spam my key 2/3 times but the skill won't cast/ or is canceled before casting, completely breaking the rotation - Deadeye mark is bugged since 2017 with "no line of sight" bug. It is a mark, why can't it be like "ray of judgement" (guardian focus skill 4)? Deadeye mark doesn't have the shadow step element, so it's unnecessary to have requirement for line of sight (same goes for Specter's Siphon). This is not a minor issue. How can possibly this be still a bug after 7 years? Deadeye DOESN'T WORK at all without having a marked target, how is this being neglected for so long? Man the Thief subsection of the forum is so dead right now. I guess people are moving away from playing this class/ are hopeless at this point. How can they give priority to "shadow sap" skill changes, and yet ignore a game breaking bug that could be fixed in the same way (reworking how the skill functions). End of the rant. I am an angry Thief enjoyer.
  3. I did read the whole post, i just think your points makes no sense
  4. This makes sense only in PvP and WvW, in PvE mobs are weak, with the right build you will hugely out sustain the damage or oneshot them before they can do any harm
  5. DW bro, ranger stealth skills are hard to hit, so we will make them available for some seconds after they break stealth. Oh wait... Is this the Thief sub-section? kitten off Thieves
  6. Press WASD for god's sake They will probably increase the range of the whirl so it should be no problem hitting even if you are not super close to the target This is better both in PvE and PvP, an inconsistent movement is not a good thing. Move with dodges and movement keys and do damage with damage keys, simple as that. Btw Steal is also a gap closer (the way you mean it), and helmet breaker (tho is very situational)
  7. This is a bug (I hope) that was introduced in the latest update They changed how skill 3 finisher works, making it only grant stealth when you hit a target (which is annoying and bad since you only have few seconds to use a skill before the combo reset) This change caused auto attacks to be queued immediately following the finisher which will break the stealth without being able to use the stealth attack (meanwhile rangers laugh in QoL heaven). If you grant yourself stealths in other ways (I have only tried shadow meld and the DE stolen skill for the moment) the AA Will not be chained and the stealth attack will work properly. The change they made to skill 3 finisher is bad anyways in my opinion. If they want to change it because it is too much stealth spam in PvP, then make this change for PvP only. In PvE this is 100% making spear less fun to play for literally no reason at all, and also making it frustrating in some situations where it breaks the flow of the rotation (not because of the bug, but not being able to enter stealth to regain initiative)
  8. If they are random open world solo events what is the problem in a tank or healer soloing them ? -----Everyone is ignoring the fact that I don't want fail time removed, I just want them to not start on their own. Events can still fail if you can't complete them during their fail timers, events chains still exist, you just won't step on events that are about to fail and not be able to do anything about it. ----- I keep crossing events that have 0% progress and 1/2 minutes remaining, and some of them are not doable in that time if you don't speedrun (and you may fail anyway, not because you deserve it, but because you crossed them in that moment and not 3 minutes earlier)
  9. I explained that the fail timers can still exist but they should not start on their own, but when a player starts contributing, for example
  10. I don't choose to ignore their reasoning, they just don't solve the problem I pointed out It can make all the sense you want, but if it is frustrating from a gameplay standpoint, I will still not like it
  11. This post truned into a -> don't like it = confused emote -> defend it = like or thanks emote Amusing discussion
  12. Well i actually quit because I was annoyed at failing events in Inner Nayos that you must do to progress story. I found a lot of events around, they're all on a timer, no one shows up, and they fail just because their "completion window" starts even if no one has contributed to the completion yet.
  13. I'm talking about random open world events, not meta events.
  14. I should not complain because they are in the game since the beginning? What a wonderful argument They always were bad, they became to annoy me lately, satisfied?
  15. Just hopped to say this. Timers (completion timers) on events (not meta events, random OW events) completely kills my enjoyement when i want play play slow and chill, every kittening event fails if you don't speedrun or if people don't show up around you, it's the season why i quit playing casually since EoD. OW should be the relaxed place where i can run random sub optimal builds and roleplay the way I want, but then if I do, the game is unplayable. Wake up and remove times maybe? There is no good reason to have these events on times anyway, but if you really want to make timers, then have it start when a player starts contributing!!! Why the heck should timers on event provide a good experience when you can find one and it's already 1 min from ending and at 0% progress? Cya at janthir wild launch, i hope i'll not to quit again for the same reason and be able to enjoy the game slow there
  16. I don't disagree, I think the skill just need something more, maybe it should have a dagger melee hit while casting the axe return
  17. I think he's referring to the new nerfed CM version they will ship
  18. What I really don't like is the fact that it's another ranged weapon... But I know they won't change it, At least I'd love the AA chain (and stealth skill) to have a shorter cast time because they feel kitten slow (even tho it's the same cast time as shortbow, it feels slower/ clunkier). For the rest, excluding bugs with dual skills like: missing a lot of targets like structures or big monsters (like Amnytas boss) bugged malice (de)generation some other stuff I don't remember right now I'm enjoying it quite enough paired with M7 Deadeye
  19. They did this so they could use the same animation for both skills... That's sad
  20. Also axe is a ranged weapons, you don't really want to stay melee with it, so why can't it have a retreat option like sword 2? If the enemy dodges your attack you are now melee with a ranged weapon on a thief, a class with very bad sustain and probably low on initiative If you really want to put a teleport on the most important damage skill, at leas give it the option to retreat if it fails, OR just make it a grounded teleport OR remove the teleport at all. Forced movement is always bad on skills that are NOT MEANT to be utility skills (like sword 2 for example) Of course I'm talking about PvP / WvW but this is also relevant in some instanced PvE encounter, where forced movement is crazy annoying
  21. I don't think this is impossible to achieve this. They have experienced designers in the team, if they want to make it that can
  22. Before it gave bonus critical change when hitting from behind of the sides, now the bonus is there always, even when hitting from the front, so yes, it's a buff in PvP and a QoL buff in PvE
  23. In the steam they said bosun is 15% for PvE and 10 for PvP, so it's a buff in most scenarios
  24. Other professions have loads of off hand weapons that are not good with other main hand weapons They don't need to make the new off hand good for all main hands, a good dual wield skill would be enough. As thieves we have a lot of movent skills, so I don't see a problem in having to play a mixed melee/ranged build. As long as they manage to provide stealth access or alternatives (say block with sword skill 4 or 5) the weapon would be very flexible, and that's more than enough They have designers that can make it work with some brain and maybe playing thief a little bit more xD
  25. So when is Thief getting another quick striking weapon? I hope you've passed some of the Thief discussions regarding what we actually want for new weapons o/
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