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Posts posted by uberkingkong.8041

  1. 4 minutes ago, purp.1806 said:

    Here's another article regarding its development that I found after searching in Korean.


    The update states that NCSoft corrected the statement:

    "Guild Wars 3 is still under consideration, and the start of development has not been finalized."
    This article also showcases the updated statement as above.

    So now you can all relax.

    One thing to note, other MMORPGs are in the same boat.

    As in, "under consideration"


    If a lot of MMORPGs are "under consideration" I would expect it is happening.

    Everyone, data thinkers, data scientists, big data readers, data analysts, data is telling consider it. So they considering it, and they going to look at competition.

    The competition is considering it too.


    What do you think conclusion is going to be?

    No brainer right? Common sense right?


    A lot of people are so consumed with show me the data, not many people common sense, they know its happen, the feeling is there, common sense is there. I already see GW3 ideas thread so thats good to know, because thats someone with common, they know its coming and the best time to get your ideas across is while their still working it. While they are still considering things.


    Once they say its happening. All your ideas is too late, they already figure it out and they know what they going to do moving forward, discussion considering thats idea creation phase. Once they announce its too late, so I would suggest if you have ideas, you do not wait till they say its happening, because your idea is too by now.

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  2. 14 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Easy, if GW3 is an MMO and GW2 goes the way of GW1, which it will, Arenanet is going to be know as the studio which regularly moves on from previous games.

    Which is fine for some types of games, and not so great for others. I can already see the memes on GW3 launch:"Guild Wars 3 just out, did they announce GW4 yet?"

    We will see but I personally am not seeing this as a great move forward. Reinventing the wheel over and over does not automatically make the car better which it is attached to.

    Yet given I have no sway on things, I'm going to be fine with whatever this brings, though personally I am not at the age where I'm starting a new MMO any longer (if I was, I'd have given FF144,Eso or New World a try, I'd be following Ashes of Creation or any of the other newish MMOs. I don't because I had no interest which is the same in regards to a GW3 MMO).

    Yes, however. GW1 was 2005-2012, 7 years, GW2 is 2012 - current 12 years.

    Thats why I stress MMORPG lifespan. Its not like WWE 2K

    Then its exactly what you said, "regularly moves on from previous games."

    Thing with WWE 2K, its basically the same game too, very lazy. Same game just considered new and full price. 2K24 steam Mixed reviews as not good.22 23 was somewhat positive, but if you Mixed, thats bad. Not bad bad but thats bad.


    Anyways, lifespan. 7 to 12 years? Thats a lot of time. Its not like your timespent was for nothing, it was for 7 to 12 years, plenty of time. 7 to 12 years is a lot of years that went by. Your totally different person 7 years ago, 12 years ago. Your thought process etc. Your not longer college student your someone pursuing more pay, already working, etc or whatever.

    You have to think about the next generation, the brand continuing, its not just you. Your time, games catering to you, etc. They did that 7 to 12 years.


    Do you want the GW series to continue to be great, continue to be good, not considered an old player game, where old play it.

    Game lasts 7 years thats more than enough time your not a job hopper, your not a "regularly moves on from previous games."

    If you move on every 7 to 12 years, thats not unusual.


    Think Skyrim, its like The next Skyrim, WHEN?

    its opposite of "regularly moves on from previous games."

    Game never moves. Game lost its thing because Morrowind 3 years later Oblivion 3 years later Skyrim, 12+ years....

    Hrmm. what happened. It was a good thing to be "regularly moves on from previous games." for that 3 years was good amount of time, good lifespan of that game.

    But now 12+ years its now moreso, what happened. Skyrim is old now.

    How about GW2.

    MMORPG lifespan, ideal lifespan because any MMORPG can just continue forever but is that ideal good for the brand?


    btw, new game,

    What do you think about the next elder scrolls.

    I'm thinking 20 million copies sold. Why. What I said before. New games draw people in.


    Too many games these days 12+ years and people scratching heads, when is the next? When the new one?

    GTA, Elder scrolls, been a long time.


    GW2??? Same boat??? Just its MMORPG doesn't mean anything. Doesn't mean it has to follow the other old MMORPGs and operate how they operate.

    GW1 to GW2, very good transition. GW1 would have been just fine if they kept pushing out GW1 expansions. GW1 would be just fine.

    But it could be an "old people play game" because it didn't new version and attract the younger people, draw in other people. Continue the brand.

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  3. 40 minutes ago, Antrix.4512 said:

    If we assume that this is true - ANet is not the kind of company that could handle two games at once; they barely manage with one. They would have to either completely abandon GW2 or have someone else work on the new game. And if someone else were to work on GW3, "whatever comes out" would never be remotely as remarkable and amazing as GW2 (considering also its flaws).

    Guild wars has already moved on from the previous game.

    It was successful, whatever they reason, whatever their thought process was then, they should be using that thought process.


    People seem to look at the negatives too much, like the games that failed.

    Everyone forgets this is Guild Wars, Guild Wars already has proven successful track record, look within on what to do, not others.

    Everyone forgets too, Guild Wars 1 was huge, very successful, it was #esports, it was not slowing down, and they made GW2 while that was happening.

    It's not like GW1 was doing poorly and forced to switchover. Whatever their thought process or reason to goto GW2, they look within.


    Looking at other MMORPGs and deciding information off of them, is a bad idea. Just because they all do one thing or do not something. Doesn't mean thats how it should be.

    GW2 is innovative, does things against the norm. Ex. GW1 to GW2.


    MMORPG lifespan, why does everyone look at everyone else and assume things. Norms change. Technology faster, what that mean? Your on Windows7. Technology is moving quickly. What do you do? In order to upgrade what happens? Your on an old technology stack, 2012. Whats a good thing to do? Just because no one else has done something, or not many others done it. Or someone has done it and failed.

    GW1 to GW2 remember that. GW1 very successful, was not slowing down. GW2 happened. GW2 is doing great since GW1 transition.

    So need to within. At successes not other peoples/companies failures.


    Also NOTE:

    If money is the main culprit, like people think anet is struggling with money and need to do stuff to make money.

    Look at Diablo3 expansions. Not much copies sold.

    Now Diablo4, 10 million copies sold.


    Do you think Diablo3 expansion 2024, would draw in 10 million?

    Do you think Diablo4 expansion 2024 would draw in 10 million?


    Wheres the 10 million from, what brought in 10 million, whats the reason.


    New game, New version.

    Not no GW2 2024 expansion, 950k copies sold.

    Its more like GW3 10 million copies sold.


    New game draws in interest, expansions are not as interesting. So if money is the issue

    New game = 

    new foundation/up to date

    fresh code, fresh, no bugs hindering advancement and what not

    fresh database, no strange connections making it difficult to do fancy things

    fresh start for everyone, MMORPG players, video gamers in general, fresh starts are fun


    Wheres the data?

    WoW, classic. What is it. Fresh start basically it.

    EQ, TLP. What is it? Fresh start


    Lots of data supporting new games = lots of copies sold = lots of players playing

    Fresh start = You gonna be on the next WoW classic start? EQ TLP start? = lots of interest

    Fresh start is not just game redoing it, it can be GW3. New game is fresh start samething.



    Also note, its not good thing to do new game constantly.

    WWE 2K23 WWE 2K24, no one likes that. So its something algrothim reading your audience. what they want, expectations. community is not dumb.

    WWE 2K23 WWE 2K24 basically same game, same foundations not much new but considered a 'new game' but they make you charge full price and people notice and are not dumb.

    So I would not advise MMORPGs to start trying a new game every year trend.

    MMORPG lifespan need think about it.

    GW1 to GW2 whatever they thought process was, whatever they were thinking, thats the secret sauce.

    I believe there is a lifespan, all it takes whoever gonna do it in a big way and set the trend, do it successfully. (GW1 to me IS an MMORPG, so GW1 to GW2 is a successful use case)

    Who else but GW1 to GW2 thought process people and how to go about the transition too. As in GW1 is discontinued. Why, why not continue? Best for the brand. Well GW series is looking good in the aftermath it was good move even though GW1 was doing very well. GW series basically lost #esports but the brand, the game continues. GW series.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    How's that different than Guildhall idea? And that one is already in the game.

    Do you not see workers. GW2 does not have base management in the game, nor does it have bases being raided. Guild halls do not get raided. No management in them. No setting NPCs in them. NPCs do not  perform any tasks nor can change to do other work, via dragging and throwing them at something to get them to do something else. GW2 does not have any of these things in the game currently.

    This video shows all those points I quoted.


    Base building, workers, base being raided, base workers trying to defend against the attackers, managing the base workers. Sanity, they become injured, they die,  they get depressed, and so on. Getting the right worker traits.

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:

    None of that kitten is new or unique to Palworld.

    Yeah its not unique or anything Palworld to me is more combination of the little things.

    Again what inspired Palworld, a game with the right little things and another with little things and that combination.


    The combination of how it uses all those little things, so, its not really unique Palworld but how Palworld combines all them and creates a game vibe/style using those, thats what I mean.


    GW2, it has a lot of good little things. Palworld doesn't have everything too, so its not perfect, and other games if they implemented something in it, its hard to explain.


    Thats why those articles say Tencent is inspired by Palworld, rather than Tencent is gonna do pals, Tencent is gonna do survival they not saying a big thing. Inspired by the game, the vibe, not by something in particular or a couple things in particular. To me its Tencent inspired how they combined all those little things.


    So I can mention ideas I have ideas but you don't do it carbon copy how Palworld does it, you use parts of the little aspects of how Palworld does it and improve.

    If GW2 already has it, doesn't mean its the best, maybe GW2 has similar but its missing, little things to make it better.

    • Confused 4
  6. 14 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:

    What little things  that are unique to Palworld?

    Its the ideas.

    Like grind, people dislike the grind.

    Palworld really does not feel like it has a grind. Its a little thing.


    I was reading the WWE 2K24 reviews, it something like 

    MyFaction has you completing 50 objectives every single match to move on. Can't just win to keep going, that's not enough. 2K are a bunch of jerks. 

    Showcase is such a grind this year. 



    Basically, seems like companies think, people need to stay busy, have to give them grinds/timesinks. Personally, I don't think people enjoy grinds/timesinks or certain ones at least, or certain situations, and Palworld isn't really grind focused, thats a little thing, little aspect of the game.

    Another thing is people like stats kind of items, you can think pals like items.

    Pal with Legendary, Lucky, etc. stat fun to work on, it doesn't feel like a grind even though it kinda is, but it isn't. It's not forced upon you, its more of a you are competitive person and you want to do something you can get the perfect everything and this game fills up that itch that your having. And if you get bored you just continue on. This grind is not a showstopper forced to do before you progress instead more of a in your spare time if you get bored, go ahead try to get perfect pals.


    Anyways, that was something GW1 had I think some people may miss it. the drops, Crystalline, perfect stat, with the perfect modifications. Something fun, where its kinda a grind but not really its kinda fun, your not doing tedious stuff over and over. The thing you do to get it, and isn't really 1 way only, such as you kill stuff in a certain location, any location, or whatever.


    2 little things co-existing now. Then another little thing, and all sudden you got all these little things and its fun.


    Palworld inspirations ideas, its more of how the game is played, not grindly, aspects on pals(consider these items or henchmen), base building.

    A lot of locations, its not you only specific options its sandbox style, so the feeling of finding the perfect base, the freedom to do so wherever in the world. A little thing, fun thing. Keeps the game fun type of little thing. Not restricted. Some people hate restrictions thats a little thing.


    Also, a little thing , is in the world, you can change settings so if you want to experience intense fights you turn on enemy pals damage x5 your damage .5, or if you want you change it accordingly. Its a lot of freedom and thats a little thing people, I especially like freedom like that. Now is that something GW2 can do no, its more of what are these little things. Thats a little thing. Its not make or break for the game but if its there thats cool.


    Little things are things that you say, if the game had it cool, if not ok.

    It has it. Little thing +1

    It has another thing just like that. Little thing +2

    Little so many, its really good because all these little things making the game fun.

    • Confused 5
  7. 4 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    What the EXCLUSIVE ideas are that worth championing so hard about to adapt into this game. I am fully open to new ideas if they can work hear. I haven't heard a single one yet


    You know thats a good question.

    Sometimes games have less, but the little things is the reason why its way better than the games with tons of stuff. Tons of stuff but the little things just aren't there. If you know what I mean.

    Its like WWE games, not many people fans of WWE 2K24. Has all these modes, everything the older games had. But Those PS2 especially WWE games, it was the little things. May not have the other 500 features the newest one has but those little things huge difference.


    Anyways so, you seem to be looking one huge thing and thats the secret sauce. Palworld is more about the little things. 

    Thats why huge list of games it like, it takes the little things from them.


    Would you not like a game like WoW/EQ/GW2/GW1/FFXIV/Runescape/NewAge/etc but only the good stuff from it. Which are the little things. vs the actual games. If some game all the little thing the good things, you'd wanna play that game.

    Like in this game I like that but this other has similar way better but thats it and misses the other stuff I don't play game because of that but if it this feature of another, and another feature of another game. The little things.

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  8. 16 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    But, that’s Factions inspired, not Palworld inspired.

    What exclusive ideas does Palworld have that GW2 could utilise that hasn’t been done already? 

    Where did Factions come from? You don't need say Palworld inspired you just make a mode and let people say

    This feels like Civilization/AgeOfEmpires/Starcraft/Pokemon/Fortnite/Rust/GW1 etc.


    How did Palworld become Palworld? What inspired Palworld to Palworld.


    Too many people focused on being angry GW2 is better don't mention Palworld inspiring it.

    Just do similar and you don't even need to say Palworld, people do the talking. Just like people saying Palworld is Pokemon.

    Just use ideas, don't need to focus on egos.


    Also, another thought, if GW2 community does feel kinda Palworld, such as the creatures and design of them, would GW2 community like those kind of vibe creatures.

    Well, is GW2 fans of Quaggans. Pals are kinda like Quaggans.

    Maybe GW2 community pokemon fans, and pokemon fans dislike Palworld with a passion, so maybe that is a case too? Palworld ideas I'd like to see are not the pokemon creatures, I'm more about base building and I do like the mounts, abilities the abilities pals, I like that. I think GW2 could do more on that.

    Instead of flying my skyscale I wanna just carry it around and use it as a flamethrower. Easy frontal AE damage for doing these meta events where I gotta tag everything possible to get maximized loot.


    Some other MMORPGs are more serious, like "we don't want those kind of vibe, we only want serious realistic, knights in armor, quaggans get em outta this MMORPG"

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  9. 14 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

    I play palworld and gw2. I also play stardew valley and elden ring. Which game I choose depends on my mood and what I want to play. However, this does not mean any of these games should implement game mechanics from each others as they are different genres.

    Gw2 is nothing like palworld and it shouldn’t be. Let the games be their own and focus on what their players want. “Borrowing” game mechanics from other games is fine if it adds value to the game. Making a base in palworld works well there since it’s a survival game. It would not work as well in a game like gw2. 

    Think about this though.

    GW1 factions, remember alliance battles?

    it was new thing, like if GW2 had a survival/sandbox/palworld kind of mode (doesn't have to be fighting mode could just be base building, base management mode, and obviously things being raided, getting the most unique workers, is even better and more and more things to consider/aspects of what could happen and so on, even better).

    Games can do it. Again no one is asking for complete overhaul, its more like a GW1 Factions, new mode, very unique, no other games have this kind of mode uniqueness.

    Thats what Palworld inspiration would do in GW2.

    btw GW1 Factions, Alliance Battles, absolutely LOVED IT.


    Alliance battles and GW2 conquest, it just shows Arenanet being unique. So palworld type if any MMORPG can do it, GW2. Thats why I say PocketPair and ArenaNet they got the similar thinking caps on. Innovative type and they not pressured big corporation must focus on making more $$$ less fun and do more at $$$ making.

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  10. On 3/24/2024 at 1:23 PM, Nightcore.5621 said:

    Guild wars 3 should be more like Elden ring game

    Also, wanted this point this out.


    There was a lot of likes and trophies. I feel like the confused face, whenever theres ideas or challenges to the game, people/regulars like to gang up with the confuse face so the outcome was good from that thread. And be like Elden Ring basically be tough but mechanically tough not no dps checking type of vibe.

    Soo-Wong was pretty mechanically, gotta be on your toes and somewhat dps check.

    I remember they nerfed it a lot of times, I think I beat it like after 2 nerfs and I was enjoying it before I finally beat it too. Something about community coming together and being serious and everyone has common goal. Its fun.

    If its participation trophy expansion you don't really see that, its more of who can play faster more efficient or cheesy way rather than everyone come together lets discuss how we gonna overcome. Make squads and hold people accountable, not no join just for kicks squads. Get your 10 buff stack, everyone be serious if you don't 10 buff stack let me know, we gonna do if you have any questions let me know. yada yada.

    EoD meta was fun.

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  11. 9 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    What's with your weird obsession with determining whether palworld is mmorpg or not (even moreso on this forum, which has nothing to do with that game)? For all I care, you're free to call palworld fpsTPSrtsMMOsingleplayerFootballSimulator and it still wouldn't change it plays -and feels- differently than gw2, as well as I'd still not be for trying to make gw2 like that game.

    If this is really all an attempt to segue the thread into another "but I want housing" then that's... an original effort. Except I still don't see the point because whether you consider palworld to be mmorpg, racing game or whatever else, still won't change anyone's views on whether or not they want housing in gw2. I, for one, don't.

    When I say in take ideas I don't mean completely change GW2 to like it.

    GW2 has a lot of modes, WvW, PvP, regular.

    It can create another mode/aspect such as homeinstances Palworld style, or new zone Palworld style.

    As in sandbox area and it has AI, which attack your bases and make you do certain things and what not. To increase diversity of the game, keep it interesting and so on.


    Think of it Runescape actually, is Runescape an MMORPG, one thing Palworld and Runescape have in common is the story aspect is not too down your throat like other MMORPGs where its hugely story based. As in when I play Runescape, it has nothing to do with story, I actually have no idea storywise whats going on.

    Anyways, Runescape has the area, wilderness. It's pretty much Runescapes identity. Wilderness thats fun too, I'm surprised other games don't do it.


    Anyways, taking ideas from, being inspired, creating new content from inspiration of Palworld ideas. No one is asking for complete overhaul.

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  12. 12 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    Possibly one of the most important points made so far. 

    Sometimes it can work to bring a different game into another and sometimes all it does is baffle and alienate the playerbase.

    Also, Housing and henchman - which fundamentally are two of the main ideas here - are areas popular elsewhere which Anet has resisted bringing here for 12 years. As for Tower Defence, I’m not sure it fits here and I’ve played enough of them to know getting it wrong in a game can be damaging


    We kind of have tower defense in a way.


    Obviously could be done a lot better. Tower defense too League of Legends, don't let those towers down but its more than that, kinda like Palworld and Pokemon its a lot more than just Pokemon.


    Hencemen GW1 thats something I didn't think about, thats like something could be done in GW2 to make the game take in some base ideas from Palworld. Henchmen do base related stuff instead of fighting stuff or do both like in Palworld, those Lamballs can fight they don't just do base stuff.


    Henchmen in GW1 was big hit too, like in a good way.

    I feel like GW1 was in competition Diablo2, also felt it was like an MMORPG so in competition with games like WoW. Because in cities, you see a lot of people. The only difference between my GW1 IS an MMORPG is, its an MMORPG where most of the game instances, the only non-instances is in cities.

    MMORPGs had an instances popularity. Something about dungeons being catered to you and not having to compete with others.

    GW2 made the not have to compete with others vibe in their game, everyone has their own loot tables and don't have to start a fuss if someone shows to Shadow Behemoth and you gotta worry about dealing the most damage so you get the loot. No in GW2 its a good thing people show up, everyone gets the loot. Don't need 100% instances since people paranoid someone showing up to the boss fight and having compete with them.


    Palworld is a mixture of instances and open world bosses. It has both styles. This an MMORPG type of thing. Now soon raid bosses, I wonder thats going to work. Palworld has guilds too. So guilds competing for a raid boss.


    If I say in general what game style do you think of when guilds compete against raid bosses.

    MMORPG right?

    Palworld is introducing raid bosses, think about that.

    MMORPG or no? Theres some servers 50 active people on it (so more than 50, but you in a que if there is 50 active players), thats a lot. That an MMORPG?

    Like megaservers, you want to Soo-wong, instance is full, it has a playercount, just like Palworld 50 players on it, server/instance is full.

    If the game feels different than other MMORPGs, is that new norm then for MMORPGs?

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  13. 25 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    OK so far we are seeing one game that utilises now Pokemon concepts and Starcraft concepts should eb the game everyone tries to copy even though it's doing what other successful games were already doing.

    I'm still not sure where this is all leading and the motive for it, although I'm getting my suspicions. Lets put all that aside though and return to a more constructive aspect. What do YOU want to see from Palworld in GW2? What feature that is does exclusively well do you think GW2 can look at and adapt successfully to its model? Forget all the rest of the polls and opinions - what do YOU  and you alone want from that game brought to here? Lets start there and discuss that - not some vague "lets follow the trend" pathway to nowhere which we are on right now.

    Thats a good question. I think I would like my home instance to be a base.

    I can get workers from playing the game. Could be NPCs it doesn't have be pals/pokemon. Could be like if you played Final Fantasy X, Blitzball, where you play the game and find people throughout the game to join your blitzball team.

    Then assign those workers to do stuff like I need charge lodestones, so go mine.


    One of the little things I like about Palworld too is base being raided. Would be cool getting a notification, risen army is attacking the guild hall and or home instance base. Are your workers gonna survive or do you need to show up and defend the base from being raided. This happens, this is what Palworld does, I really enjoy this aspect.

    Reminds me of Tower Defense games.

    Palworld is a lot of things, a lot of good things,



    A lot of little things in Palworld. 

    This thread is about is GW2 and Palworld kinda similar? If you ask me, yes. Both games are innovative, both games are from somewhat small companies and not taking orders from big company pushing politics and hindering innovation.

    So I'm kinda opposite of the majority the poll results. This isn't really palworld vs gw2, this is, is palworld kinda like gw2, is pocketpair kinda like arenanet. I think yes, I wanted to see results without some kind of persuasion so I try to not put my opinion right away. Also, their new thing is "raid bosses", the only term I hear bosses from is MMORPGs, so is Palworld kinda like an MMORPG? Some servers have 50 people on it, 50 people playing around roleplaying, is that an MMORPG?

    Thats why I say MMORPG is loosely, what really is an MMORPG, whats the guidelines?

    20+ people in a zone? Palworld check

    Roleplaying Game? Palworld check

    MMORPG? Palworld check

    MMORPG loosely term, theres no guideline what requirements must a game need to be consider MMORPG.

    raid boses? Palworld is bringing them in the next update, so raid bosses this a MMORPG term right? Is this game an MMORPG?

    Skyrim, in that game there is no such thing as raid boss. So is Palworld more like ESO or Skyrim? To me its more ESO, and ESO is an MMORPG.

    What kind of MMORPG is Palworld most related too? I wanna say GW2, both are innovative games.

    If Palworld is an MMORPG, should GW2 take some ideas from Palworld, because everyone says its not an MMORPG nothing alike.


    So if MMORPG and nothing alike, the only difference is Palworld is 2024 and GW2 is 2012. Different styles, is Palworld the new norm? GW2 should they look into the new norm ideas. Palworld is not just entry, it had 20+ million sold its, a big hit in the entry. Its popular, 20+ million thats popular thats not no think about, thats wow whats the deal?

    Tencent, hrmmm everyone get inspired by Palworld, Tencent, big company, their big data people conclusion we gotta inspired by it.

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  14. On 3/24/2024 at 1:26 PM, Omega.6801 said:

    With the community we have? The community that cries out to nerf open world bosses? I doubt that that would sell m8. 😄

    I agree with more Elden Ring style.

    I seem to see people talk about EoD in a bad way, but I really enjoyed it, especially Soo-Wong meta prenerfs. Everyone losing, its the final battle thats how final battles should be. Very close and it just came out, its ok to lose lose lose, it just came out. I beat it after a couple days, it felt dang good too after beating it. Beating Soo-Wong felt better than beating Zhaitan and Mordy.

    Elden Ring was popular and wanted to play it because its tough. Too many participation trophy games out there, people assuming everyone wants to win all the time.

    SotO is relatively easy right? Hows it looking. I don't really hear much complaining about HoT, but that expansion was tough and I don't hear people making doom and gloom, passion is gone type of threads from tough content. Seems like tough content people get ticked rightfully so. Just like Street Fighter 2, probably got whooped in it a lot, made a big fuss but its a well remember, good times kind of video game, because of it was tough, not no participation trophy.

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  15. 4 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:

    Yes, flavor of the month. Sometime soon there will be new fad that comes out and these very same people you're talking about are  going to be saying "Ok stop looking at Palworld, look at what 'gameX' is doing. Let's copy that and see if we can make some quick cash off it."  WoW did it with their dragons expansion after GW2, and Valorant did it after Overwatch and Battlebourne, and Sekiro did it after Dark Souls. Path of Exile did it after Diablo 2.

    Does Palworld have ideas that GW2 can benefit from? Maybe, but I don't know since I never played Palworld, but I doubt it. Should ArenaNet stop what they are currently working on and give us Pokemon in open world to catch and battle with? Absokitteninglutely not.  The two games are not equivalent. Let palworld be its own thing in its little corner and leave GW2 to us.

    Yes but there is more to Palworld then Pokemon and battling.


    A lot of Palworld play is base building. Having the right people get you resources. It's kinda like starcraft. Put in a miners get me a lot stone quickly. I need to get to the next tech quickly and to do that I need miners right away, all in on the base every mining type of thing.


    So Palworld its a lot lot lot more to it than Pokemon and battling.

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  16. 10 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    Are they? Or is it because the Palworld/Pokemon controversy gave it a massive media boost and it's the current flavour of the month?

    If in a year or two's time, Palworld is still the big game people are talking about and playing, then maybe there's a conversation to be had. But after 2 months? Not convinced GW2 needs to be taking notes just yet

    I disagree to some extent on the Palworld vs Pokemon. it may have helped get it noticed. But I think the actual idea/gameplay/ style of play. That drew people in.


    So Pokemon like gets it noticed but the gameplay, that drew people in and a lot of people play still to this day. Tencent, they made decision not when the boom happened, they made it 2 days ago, the boom happened awhile ago. We are in the after the boom right now.


    Interesting data entry look is reviews, very positive from 250k reviewers on Steam.

    Its not a flop like Diablo 4 where it sold a copies, its a success but also a flop people are angry disgusted with how bad it is.

    Palworld its a lot of people and very positive review its actually fun too.


    Hence why the articles say, Tencent inspired by Palworld. Not really much so making clones, they are inspired. They using the gaming ideas, which I guess could be clones but the ideas any game take in. GW2 can take in ideas.

    Passion is gone.

    Need newness need something to inspire etc.

    Palworld look at what it does, gameplay, ideas, etc. Inspiration.


    If people are disgusted with SotO, just know this, people are even more disgusted with Diablo 4, SotO looks good compared to Diablo 4. The only reason why Diablo 4 drewin more people, its a new game.


    New games = a lot of people trying it/ copies sold

    If it was Diablo 3 expansion 5, it wouldn't get millions and millions like Diablo 4 got. Thats why I made MMORPG lifespan thread, are people for new version and sick of expansions? Expansions only good for so long or is the core game only good for so long. Like after 10 years of core game, should games look into new version or keep trucking with expansions.

    New games a lot of copies being sold, if it was Diablo 3 expansion 5 I doubt 10 million copies would have been sold of a Diablo 3 expansion 5.

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    What even is your train of thought in this post?
    Is "this game blew up, investors looking to capitalize on its success by releasing clones of it" something you need "100 data analytics people" for?
    Also they're looking into creating new similar games, not "forcefully put parts of palworld" into CoD, PUBG and LoL because you like the title. Your response here has nothing to do with what you asked for in this thread.

    Yes, however. There is another thread, MMORPG lifespan,


    The train of thought there is MMORPGs just never end. Never any sequels so keep going until everyone is gone kind of trend everyone rides on. No MMORPGs, well people think no MMORPGs should end and a new version of the MMORPG should start up. Instead never ending.



    So anyways, thats where the "should this game be inspired by Palworld and use ideas from Palworld"

    this game is continuous evolving, so, if the train of thought, it can't do what Palworld does unless its a new game.


    Thats not really good for an evolving if it, it is limited because only new games can take on those ideas. These not new games, can't do, shouldn't do, should not inspired, etc.


    Kind of why there is a passion is gone thread?


    I don't think these issues are just GW2, I feel like its MMORPG, and MMORPGs need a shakeup. Thats why I made lifespan thread. Should MMOs just keep going.

    Newplayers what about them, keeping the brand/series fresh, is the old ways the best ways? old MMORPGs just pushing expansion after expansion never making a new up to date, modern tech. Could say some games failed, thats why I like to bring up GW1 to GW2, because people can learn from that, why look at failures, look at successful transitions.


    Anyways a lot of ideas. Very intersting very new recent news gaming, Tencent super inspired by Palworld. This is like new, not while Palworld was booming. This is aftermath of the Palworld boom and they concluding we gotta look at Palworld for inspiration. People are really interested in that style of play at the moment.

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  18. 9 hours ago, Pifil.5193 said:


    I don't know where you heard the idea that they were looking to take ideas from palworld

    Lets see, 

    Dot Esports is saying Tencent is making 2 games inspired by Palworld

    Seeking Alpha says Tencent eyes new wave of growth inspired by Palworld

    Game Rant says Tencent is working on not 1 but 2 games similar to Palworld

    Bloomberg says Tencent chases Palworld success

    India Today Gaming says Tencent hints progression on making Palworld style games

    Pocket Gamer Biz, Tencent TOP STUDIOS are starting development on a game inspired by Palworld


    These articles are from 2 days to like 15 hours ago, so very recent.


    I made this thread 2 weeks ago, so seems like I am ahead of these trends or data analytic people since these data analytics people or on par with the Tencent top of the line data gathering idea creation big picture, big data reading ingesting people.

    I'm sure Tencent had a 100 data analytics people, look at Palworld you think its a good thing to do or waste of time, I already suggesting it and those analytic decide YES, Palworld like game is the thing for today, huge hit, passion is gone, Palworld brings back the passion. Games need new ideas? Palworld provides the new ideas. It's a step in the right direction.



    Its interesting seeing GW2 community thoughts vs data analytics from Tencent, start working on not 1 game, 2 games like Palworld.


    Its the ideas, inspiration of the game Palworld.


    I find this intersting too,


    Pocketpair CEO Takuro Mizobe told Bloomberg that the company has made tens of billions of yen in profit from Palworld, so much so that the profits are “too big for a studio with our size to handle.”



    Picture this, anet developer, we made so much heres a bonus.

    We still making so much another 600k copies sold, heres another bonus

    guess what we made more money, need another bonus? Oh no you good. alright.

    Time to figure out what I'm gonna do with all this profit

    awww man another 500k copies sold, already gave people like 4 bonuses this week and they good. what to do with this $$$


    I think it was not just how I see GW2 has passion is gone, I think this across the gaming industry. Palworld hit different, so thinking GW2 could or should they be inspired by Palworld and use similar ideas?

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  19. Interesting, 

    So curious do people think GW2 has lack of resources type of issue like not enough dev's and cannot compete or do what bigger companies do? So can't really do much fancy stuff? Do people think of this when it comes to new things for GW2?


    Whats interesting is one of the biggest gaming companies tencent is investing into getting ideas from palworld and making it happen but according this community here 89% people think palworld doesn't have anything worthwhile. Tencent must be saying data shows Palworld got something going we need to get on this ASAP.

    So just interesting community thinks nothing interesting but one of the top gaming companies thinks otherwise.


    One big thing I think GW2 could takeaway from Palworld is base building. Bases, especially in WvW, seeing threads like GW2 needs to spice things up, passion is gone, and so on. Base building and having a team as in base workers and stuff even in PvE I can see it happening in Guild Wars.

    The name of the game is Guild Wars. Guilds should have bases right, what about workers and so on?

    • Confused 8
  20. 14 hours ago, Axelteas.7192 said:

    I remember when HoT and PoF were released the devs let stay the overpowered new builds for MONTHS. People would complain and they made deaf ears.

    Now with the new weapon proficiency builds i literally didnt have the chance to "enjoy" the overpowered new ones! I was just crafting a viper axe to try the new fancy condi deadeye I saw in snowcrows and boom! Barely 2-3 weeks after the release and a BIG NERF!

    Anet always ruining the fun... 

    So new expansion builds are not the best of the best?

    I like that. I dislike when GW2 makes the newest expansion builds the best of the world, and if you don't your screwed. It doesn't make PvP fun, instead everyone chasing the new expansion builds and its less PvP and balance, and now do you have the expansion only those builds are the best. I disliked that and I think that hurt PvP a lot.

    A lot of people forget, this game was #esports 2012-2014.

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  21. Mobs that roam, active map. Many different things happen. 

    Feel like we been in static NPC, they stand in same spot forever is soooo 2012, its 2024 mobs should roam the world should feel alive.

    Also, building, sandbox world. 2020s is about sandbox. Sure have some things as is like cities, but the battlefield the zones should be sandbox. Build bases and what not. Your bases get raided too if in the wilderness. The NPCs cleanup the wilderness of people bases by attacking them and razing them and so on. You gotta be active to keep your base standing, have a big guild or take turns rotating to defend it. Thats from against NPCs, we haven't talked PvP.


    Anyways make the game more alive. Don't always have to have enemy NPCs raiding your base could be friendlies doing something in your base. Raise revenue or something. Attract other players to visit your base because they the only ones that sell something and that something is really sought after so people check where that NPC is and if its someone base they go visit that persons base.


    Player designed clothing, player design attire market, SecondLife was pretty popular for this, I liked that. 


    VR, interacting with objects. Like I can roll up your sleeves for you. Like I grab your armor, and I roll up your sleeves. You don't drop a sword, instead I grab it and yank it from you or you hand it to me.


    Weather, rain anywhere, snow anywhere, thunderstorm anywhere. Patterns, if you see it on the east of the map and the weather pattern is going eastward, the people on west side get the rainstorm in like an hour so. Weather makes visibility difficult, makes your slower, makes some abilities not work, and so on.

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  22. On 3/20/2024 at 11:50 PM, quake.9023 said:

     i took 3.5yrs off after 6yrs playing. played 2yrs...now dnt feel like playing again

    I feel the same. I played since day 1 of the game too.

    Not sure what it is that makes you feel that way though.

    I think doing more in WvW and PvP, ruleset competitive wise. I played when GW2 WvW was competitive people looking at the score last second type of competitive, and played when #essports was here. Both is gone so, burnt out from it still and when I play those modes the vibe is not there like how it was back in 2012-2015. 9 years later haven't had that vibe yet. Played PvE, EoD was very fun, I enjoyed trying and trying and trying to beat Soo-Wong. It was fun losing and commadrie, everyone being serious and what not. Winning the Soo-wong for the first was huge, I did like day 4. I remember everyone else losing too, I like that stuff. Tough open world meta events boss fights are fun.

    Anyways I'm in the same boat.

    New expansion, new zones, new raids, new enemies, and even new stories that doesn't sound appealing. I stories in GW2 but after you do so many you get burnt out, I'm kinda feeling WvW PvP right now but those modes have been neglected it hasn't had the vibe since 2015. 9 years.

    Also, would enjoy racing, racing was what sucked me into playing the game again for about year. When it was introduced however long ago, like 2017?

    So basically my timeline was pretty much 2012-2015 PvP/WvW, Silverwastes/DryTop 2017? 2019 racing what got me back into game, 2022 EoD meta events, Soo-Wong, fishing, exploring kaineng. Since 2022, not much.


    Again sure aint looking forward to a new expansion or new zones, new stories. I'm more eyeballing they gonna do something to make WvW/PvP great again? #esports greatness?

    Can old games like GW2 go #esports or is that a new game only thing? GW1 went #esports naturally, whats wrong with GW2 doing it. GW2 WvW or PvP lots of opportunity or is it just old? 

    Rulesets, simple you already got the game just need rulesets, good prizes, something to drive competitiveness, play to win not PvDoor, participate for 5g and try not. Make WvW/PvP stuff where people actually try not not try. Where peope actually looking at the score last minute and being mindful of the tick and flipping stuff timely.

    • Confused 2
  23. Yes but should playerbase be in consideration as well?

    Do 18-25 year olds think of an MMORPG as an old people game? Is that a good indicator to create the next version of the game?

    It's not really good to just keep the base and maintain, and people get uninterested and you just losing people slowly. A new version would solve peak interest back right? 18-25 year olds they see new and its not an old people game anymore.


    On 3/22/2024 at 12:08 PM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

    I think that most players play MMORPG games for long term progression. Players have to feel secure that what they invest their time and energy in will stay with them.

    World of Warcraft is a good example of a game that keeps player progression yet still gets updated with new content and game engine updates. I think, for MMORPG games this is the best way to build a solid player base. With all new games, like the move from Guild Wars to Guild Wars 2 it is important to have enough progression to transfer over to the new game. For example, characters, gear and achievements. Guild Wars 1 only did this via the Hall of Monuments with a limited selection of items and achievements that would lead to recognition in the new game. I'm glad that at least this was realized and that the prestigious GWAMM title carried over directly.

    But I prefer gradual improvements of GW2 over a new start with a GW3 game for sake of player, account and character progression.

    You mention WoW, is that considered an old people game to 18-25 year olds? What do you think.


    Also, with newplayers being on even playing is a big factor in MMORPG right? So if a game is going on 10+ years, someone looking into a new MMORPG, age a factor in their decisions?


    Should the MMORPG not do anything and just ride it out with whoever is there or should it grow and be proud of the brand of the MMORPG game for continuing to evolve and not become old as in old people play it or old as in playing the game you'll be super far behind everyone and not many newplayers in it too kind of vibe.

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  24. Looking for advice on how to get the God of PvP title.

    So a little about me, I've done marathons before, I've went through USA military bootcamp before, I have a masters degree, I have mastered 2 coding languages, I placed 1st in Captains Cup. So I have tested my will, endurance, wisdom, to push myself to keep moving forward, when I keep getting knocked down, I get back up and keep moving forward. It can be raining cats and dogs outside and I have it takes to preserve through harsh environments. When there is pop quizzes I'm ready, ready at all times, always ready. I have impeccable willpower, I go to the gym day in day out, it can be very harsh outside I make it work though.

    But the beast of God of PvP title, I just don't how to go through, what to do, what to keep training, what to stay consistent on.

    The people that have it, what did you do, what was your training, what did you work on. What would you say to keep doing and what if anything you did that you noticed didn't help at all and hindered you, such as things to avoid doing?

    The people that have tried for the God of PvP title before, what caused you to drop out, and stop doing, was it mentally tough, not enough endurance to keep up with the other players or what was what that got you to drop out?

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  25. Everyone seems to be blaming the latest expansion for the "passion is gone".

    If SotO was a living story instead of an expansion would it change anything about "passion is gone". People playing blame game or something right now.

    If you dislike SotO, it being a LS or expansion your going to feel the same way about it regardless, the OP is saying "passion is gone" and everyone is talking about SotO its not a legit expansion and so on. Thats not the issue, the OP is saying "passion is gone". Not that they gotta pay $25 and it was rushed and so on. Thats the content GW2 has so far, and "the passion is gone".


    Could there be other factors?

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