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Posts posted by uberkingkong.8041

  1. Sliding in PvP and WvW would make it much more fast pace.

    What are the reasons why GW2 didn't go off in #esports unlike GW1 did which was natural for GW1 but GW2 they pushed it and didn't really click. Too slow or what?

    Just imagine playing on the clocktower map, slide down the hill for quick boost and jumping and getting some faster movement going.

    WvW could be intense whole zerg sliding down on you trampling. Maybe if it has knockdown, for 1 second if you slide through someone. Think of it like tripping them.

    Random idea I play a lot of ROTK, and WvW would interesting if it had rockslide tactics. Lure zerg into the valley and have people start rockslide, deal heavy damage on the enemy zerg.

    • Confused 4
  2. 14 hours ago, mercury ranique.2170 said:

    skimming over everything said here, I miss one factor.
    In my personal experience, development of a new game takes longer and longer.

    For example two bigger franchises:

    GTA3: 2001
    GTA VC: 2002
    GTA SA: 2004
    GTA4: 2008
    GTA5: 2013
    GTA6: 2025

    Elder scrolls:
    TES1: 1994
    TES2: 1996
    TES3: 2002
    TES4: 2006
    TES5: 2011
    TES6: 2028 (in 2023 the dev said it would hit the market in about 5 years)

    Given the current draught in qualified developpers, it is good to asume that this window is stretched further.

    Development of GW2 took 5 years (counting from the release of Eye of the North). So it is safe to assume that a GW3 would cost atleast double. So if they would start today, I would see a release around 2034. In the mean time all resources go into development  (otherwise it would stretch even further) and there would be no new content for 10 years.

    Obviously you can argue, it doesn't have to be this long, but my point remains. It takes more and more time to create a game from scratch.

    I have to disagree with this.

    Maybe for big corporations, that's a big corporation game. There is a lot of politics that happen that hamper development time.

    With smaller more nerdy more gamer companies that make games because they enjoy it, they be pushing out new games quickly.

    Palworld was only 2 years to make and early access they have 25 million copies sold and 8 million within the first week.

    Mind you Palworld had a part-time, 0 skills, 0 years experience developer helping to make it work. Small team too.

    3 hours ago, eyelogix.1654 said:

    GW1 has aged poorly. I loved the gameplay because it was quite fun but the graphics starts to show, but at the same time even the devs had trouble keeping it balanced with all the skills.
    GW2 has some issues as well.
    I loved everything they have done so far even if the story hasn't been the best even if it has improved in SotO to some degree.

    GW1 graphics is newer than WoW and Runescape. Just to give some context.

    • Confused 4
  3. On 3/17/2024 at 2:11 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Not "just because". It depends on how popular it still remains. Some games end up dead in the water even before they released, while others can last for years and years. There's no clear, hard limit that can say when the lifespan expires, it's just something that happens naturally.

    ...thats's rare, even for mass market cellphone games. If that's your standarts, then they're way too high. And it would mean no new MMORPG would ever get made (because no new MMORPG will ever get 20+ million players on release).

    Seriously, it seems like you already know what answer you want to hear, and keep pushing it because other posters do not seem to supply it. If so, speak clearly, and we will tell you why we disagree. And if you don't have an answer on your own, just understand that it's because there's no such clear defined answer at all - every case is pretty much unique and not something that can be guided by some clear generic rules.

    I would not be surprised to see a new MMORPG get 20+ million players.

    Hogwarts legacy, zelda tears of the kingdom, palworld. just to name 3 games that had over 20+ million copies sold. New games are very hot, compared to expansions.

    Even  look at this,  Diablo 4 sold 10 million copies. Seems to be a total flop but they got 10+ million to buy it. Blizzard right now seems to be having issues so not good idea to go off of their games. People most likely bought its franchise game and its new, not an expansion.

    Anet has done it in the past, did they ever talk about it? GW1 to GW2? Why discontinue GW1 if people do not consider it MMORPG then why get rid of it? I consider it MMORPG. I made a ton of friends in GW1, guild battles, doing runs for others.

    Anet I think is leading in the innovation in MMORPG scene, don't you think moving the standards of MMORPG lifespan is something should be checked. Don't you want to keep the franchise going. It's not like technology is staying stagnant, every couple years a next gen technology comes out.

    If you think about it, PS4 release date is 2013, GW2 came out 2012, so GW2 would be a PS3, Xbox 360 was 2005, Xbox One came out 2013. So GW2 is a PS3/Xbox360 era game just to give some context.

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  4. 10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    We have griffon, beetle, gliding, dodges, leaps and dashes. I don't see what niche "sliding" is supposed to fill here.

    For WvW and PvP it is not there. This game can use something new to spice it up a bit. Modern games have it.

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  5. 7 minutes ago, Funky.4861 said:

    It sounds like OP wants skiing. The only problem with that is that griffon already does this. As for pvp maps, i think they're too small (and i don't even know if you can glide in them anyway).

    Yes but sliding doesn't exist in PvP or WvW. It would be a good addition to the game overall.

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  6. Was thinking about last night, all these modern games have sliding in them. Think GW2 could use a sliding mechanic in the game.

    So basically to maximize use, you find a big hill slide and it increases momentum, and there is a slope you jump off of and deploy glider and basically travel the map superspeed in the air.

    Maybe a JP or race where you slide down a lotta hills too.

    Could be very interesting in PvP too.

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  7. 22 hours ago, Surelia.2651 said:

    "...but both GW2 and Palworld are brand new..."

    GW2 launched in 2012 and had been in development since 2006, following the original Guild Wars.  There is also nothing brand new about ArenaNet, they have been developing games for over 20 yrs.  Never heard of the game you are talking about but glad you are enjoying it.

    Brand new as in the game series. GW2 is a misfit actually. It's kinda like Palworld in since, some people say its like Palworld is like pokemon, but its quite a bit different. Just like GW2 is like GW1, its quite a bit different than GW1.

    Anyways, no large corporation is constantly pushing the game to make more $$$$ rather being fun.

    One other thing Palworld has a lot of newer games have too is sliding down hills. Should GW2 have sliding feature? To stay with the modern games, like Palworld, Fortnite, Quake Champions, etc.

    I'm kind of shocked by the results, Palworld is releasing 'raid bosses', raid bosses is an MMORPG type of thing I thought, overwhelming amount of people saying Palworld is nowhere an MMORPG though so that is interesting.


    What is also interesting GW2 introduced 'raids' later too, makes you wonder what is raid, what is so special about the term raid? Like GW2 has dungeon, fractals, strikes (in the general MMORPG scene, like other MMORPG, how would you describe fractals and strikes along with dungeon, to differentiate it), and raids. What the heck are fractals and strikes, and raid on top of that? Whats up with the terms if you know where I'm getting at.

    • Confused 8
  8. I feel like Palworld and GW2 are similar curious to see what others think.

    Arenanet gets a lot of ideas I think mainly because its somewhat small or niche company. Pocketpair I think is same.

    There are some small companies they take on an existing game, but both GW2 and Palworld are brand new so the idea generation is really good, don't have to follow guidelines and original vision of some game that was transferred to you, instead its a new game, you do you. I feel that with GW2 and Palworld.

    Feel like both games push innovation too, like GW2 meta events, and mount system, racing etc.

    Palworld using the pals as a glider and riding flying etc. Also machine gun pal ability and so on. Kinda feels GW2ish to me.

    Palworld combat reminds me of Hearts of Thorn, the other expansions not so much but HoT, that expansion had a lot of pay attention what the enemy is gonna do. Like the side rolling dinosaur mobs. I think some mob runs into you and I feel like there was an exploder mob, it was crazy in HoT. Thats how Palworld kinda feels like.

    I don't know how to dodge the massive laser beam though in Palworld, be interesting to see stuff that in GW2. GW2 Soo-Wong tidal waves. Suppose she could have done a laser beam attack too.

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  9. 15 hours ago, Ruufio.1496 said:

    I just got my 20 year cape in RuneScape 3 so I'd say at least 20 years.

    Just because a game is old and still going, does it mean it is doing the right thing?

    Looking for ideal lifespan, games these days are pushing 28 million newplayers when there is a new game.

    Should everygame follow the habits of the older games that don't do much and just kicking?

    Apparently GW1 felt the need to make GW2 and what do you think the population would like if GW1 never made GW2.

    Saying GW1 had tech issues, so need to make GW2, however Runescape that game has a missing modern tech issues, so whats the deal with Runescape?

    Just because MMORPGs MUDs, basically samething determines how you define Massively Multiplayer Online RPG, MUD is tons of people on online, its open world. Its just text no visuals though so technically it an MMORPG.

    Whats the criteria to be considered an MMORPG?

    What are ideal indicators to determine a lifespan of an MMORPG

    Older MMORPGs haven't a new one so neither should anyone else, is that ideal? Again GW1 GW2, what would it look like if GW1 just kept living story going into that game and not decide its time for GW2.

    GW1 isn't an MMORPG, why stop making living story for GW1? Myself I'd like to say GW1 is an MMORPG, its in its uniqueness. goto a city and there will be 60+ people running around in the city, then you go into the wilderness a player cap, but GW2 has a playercap in the open world. Hence trying to join an instance on a world boss, its full.

    • Confused 3
  10. 20 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Funny, some people STILL haven't figured out that your team mates rage quitting on you isn't about your build, it's about you knowing how to play and the encounter. 

    But I'm sure someone coming back from a prolonged break has both of these things locked down so the only important factor is the build they use 🤣

    Imagine a world where you find things about about how to play a game ... by playing it and not having a website tell you how to play it. 

    Yeah say that to the people that have dps meter and sees everyone dps is like 8k to 12k. And its a tough fractal, wondering why cannot beat Subject6.

    Thats where builds come in, and your playing a reaper, what kind of reaper, why are you doing that reaper build on metabattle, use the other reaper build. Thats where I want recommended to just be 1 option, the best build, not 3 picks.


    What do you recommend I get to eat?

    Burgers, Chicken, Salad.

    Yeah but which one? See what I'm saying, thats where I feel like Metabattle can improve on. They have categories Great and Good, and then there is Recommended. I Feel like recommended or the meta should just be limited to 1 option per profession and their profession within profession.

    • Confused 5
  11. How come when I make the thread, they plop into QoL topic,

    But you make the thread probably got idea from my thread, and its not being plopped into QoL.


    20 hours ago, Random dude.5089 said:

    Yes like in the title , why do we have a turtle thats barely used outside of eod with passenger seat , while there is no flying passenger seat for a skyscale or even griffon , it will be a realy good addition to the game to share with new players  or friends , instead of borowing one thats gonna expire after dismounting.



    On 3/15/2024 at 4:06 PM, uberkingkong.8041 said:

    So I was reading the turtle mount PSA. Big turtle in peoples view.

    Got me thinking about Skyscale. 

    So, it all started from an egg, we feed it, it grew and grew even more. Is there any updates for it grow even more? Its been like 5 years, I figure it be bigger than the mount by now.

    Maybe a way to feed it and it can be bigger or more lean based on how much you feed it.

    I kind of want a thick massive skyscale, maybe second rider option too, and they can throw spears or something. Picture this you and a buddy just flying around zones and throwing spears at mobs, just some fun end game something to do for fun kind of gig.

    3/15 is mine, 3/16 is yours. Pretty messed up, they put me into QoL thread, and basically you type same stuff and yours isn't QoL.

    You want another passenger seat, thats QoL, why is this thread not moved yet, but when I did it a day earlier it, its merged into QoL?

    I made a thread about this, I didn't type into QoL, messed up how it was merged into it but other people not merged into it.

    • Confused 2
  12. I hope the dev's are playing or tried Palworld or watched of it.

    A lot of good mount ideas and attack ideas. Like Mammorest earthquake, giant ball of magic, kingpaca leap into the air and body slam the ground massive damge. 

    Its pretty fast pace too with all those magical attacks going on, its kinda fun actually.

    Also the super fast charging running at you pals.

    The mounts are pretty good too. A lot of good ideas.

    • Confused 5
  13. tldr wants is more stuff with mounts. do not want another bunch of skills profession to memorize

    For me, its I think more stuff with mounts is something I look forward/want, I like racing a lot too.

    I also like mazes mysteries, so maybe a leveled tunnel lots of twists turns and memorizations of how to navigate through them, maybe roller beetle friendly. Maybe do stuff like a loop as in you go on ramp that is designed you can go upsidedown and come down but gotta go fast, that kind that loop.

    So maybe hunger games type vibe, like a maze mystery takes time to learn the area, and learning the area is beneficial. map isn't so helpful you have to look at the game design.

    Think of starfox after you beat andross you have to fly out now, follow your dad outta the complex that is about to explode. I like that. I want to see that in the next content.

    Also, maybe vehicles introduced too? Not sure if they want the bikes and helicopters to be actual stuff players can use and own, but I would be interested.

    These kind of things are stuff, I wouldn't want to miss out on and if its an expansion, heck yeah I want these cool mounts, heck yeah I'm gonna buy and not skip. Thats pretty much what EoD, HoT, PoF expansion. SoTo doesn't really offer anything to me cool wise.


    Not looking forward to, another class profession combo etc., I liked PvP back in 2012-2015, the more class combos the more you gotta know what everyone does and can do, and its a lot, adding more to it, its even more tedious, it makes it somewhat hard to really get into PvP because all these combo stuff haven't before and another year or so getting everything memorized. Feel like its harder for #esports or to get back to it naturally like the community within game creates that vibe. Not that I'm looking for #esports but its harder for it naturally happen the more bloat of skills to memorize.

    So basically instead of a new profession weapon/skill set how about just do it with mounts. It ain't like there is a mount pvp system.


    So I guess the final meta my vision,  after you beat the boss you have to master the last step which is racing outta the area about to explode, if you don't get out quick enough you don't get the good rewards. The race out is random and based on visuals so can't just turn on some script and it gets you out too. Basically just follow the herd and don't mess up and you should be good. I'd like more with mounts. Maybe 2 person on the mount racing out. Honestly with 2 people mount thing, maybe that can be a big factor too in making the game much easier if you got someone else riding with you, doing skills. I feel like a 2 person mount is good enough where you don't have to feel pressured into finding groups but also the pro is your actually doing something with someone, building a connection. Lately I do fractals and I play PUGs, I don't really connect, I don't really connect with anyone in this game, so 2 people and it just makes it super easy, is good incentive to get people to connect with others. looking for 1 person to play with me and do stuff, super easy when you have 2 people doing something. its a good connection builder. I'd like to see more investing time on making friends roleplaying, interaction with other people, consistently.

    Maybe something that tracks top 5 riders, on your mount and the more they hang with you the stronger you become with them, type of thing. Someone riding with you for like 200 hours over whole gameplay, should be pretty tough on your mount with say boons that greatly increase power. It's a good incentive to play with others yet specific people consistently

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  14. So I was reading the turtle mount PSA. Big turtle in peoples view.

    Got me thinking about Skyscale. 

    So, it all started from an egg, we feed it, it grew and grew even more. Is there any updates for it grow even more? Its been like 5 years, I figure it be bigger than the mount by now.

    Maybe a way to feed it and it can be bigger or more lean based on how much you feed it.

    I kind of want a thick massive skyscale, maybe second rider option too, and they can throw spears or something. Picture this you and a buddy just flying around zones and throwing spears at mobs, just some fun end game something to do for fun kind of gig.

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  15. What I'm asking for, I'm coming back, say I'm gonna do some tough stuff, like Fractal 100.

    I don't really want someone to ragequit and say nasty things because I can't my weight, I'm playing wrong thing.

    Say I'm subject 6 and constant wipes because dps is bad or I'm not providing boons and i should be the one providing boons because someones see I'm a firebrand or something.

    I guess with metabattle I just want 1 option when it recommended.

    Just tell whats the best the community thinks is the best. I'm all for wide options of builds but if I'm coming I wanna play the best and I'll decide later if I'm explore the options. I guess there many reasons to be on metabattle comparing builds and what not but I've been using it just to see what the best and use it. 


    Looking at the recommended great good, it seems like the options don't change, like the rating N/A is on recommend/great/good whatever I choose. Same with the 5 rated one.

    • Confused 5
  16. So usually the builds change say that good build from a year ago is not good today, and you just returned. So you gotta figure out what to play as, since things constantly change and its a lotta reading to catchup again on how everything works, so you want as little reading as possible.

    What I find tedious is, I'll goto metabattle and pick recommended and it shows like 3 necro options. And I have to figure out which one to play. Go off difficulty to play it, go off of rating, its too many things think about.

    Why is a recommended build rating N/A, how is that better than great/good, its recommended. Whys that?


    Another good example Herald condi support dps vs condi power dps.

    support dps is harder difficulty and 4 rating while

    power dps is easier difficulty and its a 5


    Should be no brainer go power dps right?

    I feel like there should be a category expected build. So when people see your a tempest, they expecting a healer, but your actually dps?

    Should be a cateory likeliness to find a group, not sure if firebrands are still popular or who is but, if it means getting quick groups and people want to play that, fine tell me what it is.


    How do I know which 5 is actually a 5 as in I'll get groups easy if all I do is play that build. Anyways I think metabattle can do better, right now its too many options too many recommended, so it doesn't really feel recommended.

    • Confused 11
  17. 6 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

    Hall of monuments was the smart solution to reward those who played GW1 for many years,  i still wear a HOM item to this day and it felt great to get the GW1 rewards in day 1 of GW2.  


    Yeah I really like that, something to show for continuing the franchise game.

    • Confused 2
  18. 14 minutes ago, XSevSpreeX.2143 said:

    Without reading 2 pages of long posts, I'll say this. Guild Wars 1 was still going strong when ANet made the decision to make GW2, at the time stating that GW1's engine could not support the vision they had for the game. I think given that 11 years later and GW2 is still also doing very well, they made at least a couple of right decisions along the way.

    Yeah this game still feels good.

    GW1 still feel felt good at the time they moved on GW2.


    Should the time to move on be while its good. Seeing some indicator its to move on.

    #esports scene I think is the only thing GW2 wasn't as successfully bringing from GW1 was the. The #esports scene as of today, I don't think it as big as when GW2 came about. 2013-2017 was really popular for #esports, maybe the peak in popularity, obviously it was there before.

    GW2 is many things, I would not just consider it an MMORPG. Other MMORPGs don't have WvW, don't have conquest PvP, etc. Those things are not necessarily MMORPG.

    GW1 even though not verbatim MMORPG, it had the vibes. Goto a city and you see 50+ other people doing stuff, that to me is MMORPG vibe, even if the actual doing things is limited to 8, but going to cities, seeing dance parties, and hearing all the chatter that was fun. I miss those days.

    All that time spent on grinding for all the minis, gear, cosmetics, etc and GW1 PvP rank and all that, thats a lot of hours, days, years.


    But I guess lifecycle is broad, so ideal lifecycle might be better word. GW1 to GW2 was really good whatever their formula was to determine the lifecycle is good time move on to the next game, and GW1 was thriving at the time too, so very bold, and whatever the formula was, it was a good move.


    #offtopic Honestly for Diablo4, I feel that game should take notes from GW1. If in Diablo 4 if you see more than 10 people, maybe like 50+ like GW2, might be more fun.

    Guild Wars has a lot of good use cases. Good decision making. GW1 to GW2, the thought process of GW1, mercenaries and so on. Only bad thing I can say is #esports vibe in GW1 was through the roof but in GW2 it didn't quite get there. Diablo4 they don't even have anything close to #esports unlike GW1, they should be taking notes.

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  19. On 3/9/2024 at 2:40 PM, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:

    The lifespan is until I quit for good.


    I think the Guild Wars 1 community was like this.

    It may not be the common game of MMORPG, but you had spend years getting all these items and achievements and progression and so on. Then after 7 or whatever years they pull plug thats it for GW1 now everyone please GW2. How did think those people felt? Honestly it worked out, it was ok for GW1 to GW2. I think if another MMORPG not GW2, created a new MMORPG, its bothways can be good can be bad. GW2 transition is a good use case of it being very good to create a new version.


    On 3/10/2024 at 1:38 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

    As long as it takes to recoup initial development costs. Anything after that is gravy.

    With this, from a coding point of view. Dependencies of the code, of the running the game etc. Upgrading them can be a lot of work too.

    Any coders? Upgraded AngularJS to Angular 13? A lotta work. Mine as well rewrite.

    AngularJS is 2010, and say maybe its supported anymore, and a lotta code to rewrite is it worth upgrading or just rewrite which is basically make a new game, if you use this thought in regards to video games rather than website.

    On 3/9/2024 at 2:58 PM, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    Even today an MMO getting to 10 years of active content development(yearly expansions or seasonal content releases) is pretty rare. Getting to 15 is a huge accomplishment, and getting to 20 is something only a handful have done(again with active content development and not just the servers are still up)

    GW2 is already past its first major milestone, and even if it died when it hit 15 it would be in a pretty small number of MMOs to have lasted as long as it did.

    I agree, but is it good to keep trucking through, or is there or should there be a lifespan, some indicator to create new.
    Maybe if everyone has the best gear, and new content is just too easy because everyone has the best gear, and its tough to make challenging stuff when everyone the best gear.
    When in a new game, people start from 0 again. Is the starting from 0 a factor?

    One other popular thing is classics. Classic WoW, start from 0 again.
    Do you see a classic GW2? Start over again from 0 GW2?
    Seems to happen after 10-15 years or so of an MMORPG.
    If a MMORPG is doing a lot of classics, is that an indicator of lifespan at the end. Not necessarily a dead game, GW1 isn't dead but its at the end of the lifecycle.
    Is that a good time to make a new game, new version of the game. Ex. GW1 to GW2.

    • Confused 3
  20. On 3/9/2024 at 2:40 PM, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:

    The lifespan is until I quit for good.


    I think the Guild Wars 1 community was like this.

    It may not be the common game of MMORPG, but you had spend years getting all these items and achievements and progression and so on. Then after 7 or whatever years they pull plug thats it for GW1 now everyone please GW2. How did think those people felt? Honestly it worked out, it was ok for GW1 to GW2. I think if another MMORPG not GW2, created a new MMORPG, its bothways can be good can be bad. GW2 transition is a good use case of it being very good to create a new version.


    On 3/10/2024 at 1:38 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

    As long as it takes to recoup initial development costs. Anything after that is gravy.

    With this, from a coding point of view. Dependencies of the code, of the running the game etc. Upgrading them can be a lot of work too.

    Any coders? Upgraded AngularJS to Angular 13? A lotta work. Mine as well rewrite.

    AngularJS is 2010, and say maybe its supported anymore, and a lotta code to rewrite is it worth upgrading or just rewrite which is basically make a new game, if you use this thought in regards to video games rather than website.

    On 3/9/2024 at 2:58 PM, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    Even today an MMO getting to 10 years of active content development(yearly expansions or seasonal content releases) is pretty rare. Getting to 15 is a huge accomplishment, and getting to 20 is something only a handful have done(again with active content development and not just the servers are still up)

    GW2 is already past its first major milestone, and even if it died when it hit 15 it would be in a pretty small number of MMOs to have lasted as long as it did.

    I agree, but is it good to keep trucking through, or is there or should there be a lifespan, some indicator to create new.
    Maybe if everyone has the best gear, and new content is just too easy because everyone has the best gear, and its tough to make challenging stuff when everyone the best gear.
    When in a new game, people start from 0 again. Is the starting from 0 a factor?

    One other popular thing is classics. Classic WoW, start from 0 again.
    Do you see a classic GW2? Start over again from 0 GW2?
    Seems to happen after 10-15 years or so of an MMORPG.
    If a MMORPG is doing a lot of classics, is that an indicator of lifespan at the end. Not necessarily a dead game, GW1 isn't dead but its at the end of the lifecycle.
    Is that a good time to make a new game, new version of the game. Ex. GW1 to GW2.

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  21. 3 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    This is highly subjective.  I've seen some posts where players have mentioned that they very much enjoy the latest release.  Also, we don't know the number of players who do enjoy it as the forums represent such a small, limited scope of the total player base.

    I was looking at this thread,


    11 hours ago, vicky.9751 said:

    EOD was a bit of a miss for me personally. I refunded it when they allowed it. It was a bit predictable 

    My mom got me this game when it was sold at my local walmart on CD and now i'm 25. I was ok with the fact that maybe i'd just outgrown this game since EoD was not my cup of tea, but i had heard news of the 4th expansion coming out a while ago. I don't even really remember the  current cast of characters this game had lmao. I was getting a bit tired of brahm and taimi.


    What caught my attention was predictablity, is this a factor when a game is just too predictable. When something is too predictable does it lose value?

    Also, outgrown the game. What causes someone to outgrown a game? Is it evolved too much its not the same anymore, if so at that point is a new game better? The people that have outgrown a game, they still play games right? So if outgrown a game and playing games still, is that an MMORPG ideal lifespan issue?

    • Confused 4
  22. How about passion should that be a factor in MMORPG ideal lifespan?

    Ex. first 5 expansions is fun, but the next expansions to come out are just not interesting anymore. Would that be an indicator that for an ideal lifespan and good time to move on the next?

    It seems like regular games they usually do like 2-3 expansions and then move onto the next game, should MMORPGs move on too?

    I really like how GW1 moved onto GW2, with the titles and playing the previous game meant something.

    Also, should ideal lifespan take into consideration new players? So things like how fresh the server is or game is would that be a factor in an ideal lifespan of an MMORPG?

    • Confused 4
  23. 4 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Minimum aproximately 3-5 years after the previous MMO saw no development.

    If the studio decides to make a followup MMO, which so far has almost never worked. Go ahead, read up on successor MMOs.

    Even the, at the time, a large studio and MMO decided against it and cannibalized developer resourced to turn their project into a hero shooter.


    Could the issue be lack of MMORPGs making a new game?

    Is the term MMORPG too loose? GW1 an MMORPG? What about a text based game, commonly called MUDs. Its just a name though, multi user dungeon how is that different than MMORPG, where you have multiple people and dungeons.

    So with tech not being a factor to many, MUDs or MMORPGs text based like mystic-adventure, where you have multiple people around in open world doing things, should just keep doing what its doing, or is the MMORPG scene not yet evolved into having lifespans. 

    Just an example of tech evolution and early starters, like textbased MUDs which are they MMORPGs? When you hear someone say MUD thats automatic thinking of text based game, even though MUD doesn't have any correlation to text only.
    Then you know like tech text based only because the new stuff wasn't available. Should games like from the 00s 10s have a lifespan, when new tech comes out, which really makes things dumb down, like a text only game, should these a bit more modern games do something similar like a GW1 to GW2?

    Tech wise, I see a lot of games where freebuild. Where you switch to a build tool and just start building whereever you want. There could be even more things, but thats one thing I've noticed.

    Like text based games they don't graphics. GW1 people say they can't jump in the game. If enough limitations come should a MMORPG just continue or is that a signal of an end to the lifespan. And like this person said which is mainly true, MMORPGs tend to not make a new version. Is that good or bad?

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