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Posts posted by uberkingkong.8041

  1. 4 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Minimum aproximately 3-5 years after the previous MMO saw no development.

    If the studio decides to make a followup MMO, which so far has almost never worked. Go ahead, read up on successor MMOs.

    Even the, at the time, a large studio and MMO decided against it and cannibalized developer resourced to turn their project into a hero shooter.


    Could the issue be lack of MMORPGs making a new game?

    Is the term MMORPG too loose? GW1 an MMORPG? What about a text based game, commonly called MUDs. Its just a name though, multi user dungeon how is that different than MMORPG, where you have multiple people and dungeons.

    So with tech not being a factor to many, MUDs or MMORPGs text based like mystic-adventure, where you have multiple people around in open world doing things, should just keep doing what its doing, or is the MMORPG scene not yet evolved into having lifespans. 

    Just an example of tech evolution and early starters, like textbased MUDs which are they MMORPGs? When you hear someone say MUD thats automatic thinking of text based game, even though MUD doesn't have any correlation to text only.
    Then you know like tech text based only because the new stuff wasn't available. Should games like from the 00s 10s have a lifespan, when new tech comes out, which really makes things dumb down, like a text only game, should these a bit more modern games do something similar like a GW1 to GW2?

    Tech wise, I see a lot of games where freebuild. Where you switch to a build tool and just start building whereever you want. There could be even more things, but thats one thing I've noticed.

    Like text based games they don't graphics. GW1 people say they can't jump in the game. If enough limitations come should a MMORPG just continue or is that a signal of an end to the lifespan. And like this person said which is mainly true, MMORPGs tend to not make a new version. Is that good or bad?

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  2. 23 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:

    As long as the playerbase is active enough to support the gameplay and enough cash is spent to keep the development lights on, the game is not dead or in maintenance mode i.e. has not found the end of its lifespan. There is no predetermined ideal lifespan of a MMO. It runs as long as it makes sense for its company to keep it running.
    Now let me ask something. Is this another thinly veiled GW3 thread?

    GW1 had enough to support the gameplay and enough cash.
    Did it reach an end of a lifespan?
    Do other factors go into consideration like tech, AR, VR, AI, game engine, core game, etc.?

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  3. Honestly if people are starting to worry about UI changes and games structure changes.

    Its basically a hint for the game is aging so, what you do with things that age, reproduce, bring youth, in video games that means.

    New game.

    Guild Wars 3.

    GW1 had a great time, GW2 came at the right time.

    I think GW3 the time is now, I would have expected it a bit sooner too. Its overdue, the time now is a good time.


    So what if you have to start from 0 again, the 10000s of hours all over again from scratch. How you think GW1 players felt. How was the run GW2, it was good. It seems like its coming to an end if everyone is talking structure changes, agining changes, etc.  End as in its just hanging in there, obviously its gonna but there is a difference game being something compared to its just hanging in there.

    Time for GW3.

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  4. Categories are fine.

    Having another filter, show possible groups only. Then it removes all the tabs without any groups in them. Would be a good solution to clicking through all of them just to realize there is nothing and click click click. Show active groups. No more clicking through empty ones.

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  5. 35 minutes ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

    The problem is its impossible to find a guild for raiding that doesn't use 3rd party software. I'm sorry I'm not downloading Spyware to raid. Thanks but no thanks!


    I'll stick to WvW, where as a solo roamer I'll measure my DPS, by the souls I send back to spawn!

    I wouldn't mind dps check so much if the game helped people, motivated people to continuously be aware of their dps and let people know what is good, average, and so on. But GW2 doesn't have a dps checker within itself, non 3rd party. Also, people without dps checker, they probably don't even know what numbers are good dps, they never see dps.

    So if content is going to be dps checked, the game, arenanet, they need to give people the tools, not 3rd party, I'm with this person that quoted.


    However this thread originally, its about other stuff challenging but not in a dps check way.

    Think of Thaumanova Reactor Fractal, got the sprint, got the shield reflecting, and so on. Everyone hates Subject 6, aka the dps check.

    Thaumanova Reactor Fractal  was before racing, before skyscale, before gliders, before choir bell, before all these fun things you can do in GW2.

    Should be an event you gotta race around, if you want it to progress and what not, so many activities to do. Gotta do the charr metal legion, emote challenge, music challenge.

    I want to see these in meta events, like Soo Wong fights. Like you have 3 people just roller beetle racing, 3 people playing music, 3 people doing emotes, 3 people doing skyscale stuff, 3 people doing another stuff and another stuff. Not really 3 people and not really have to do all but if everything is done thats better reward.

    So I'm not in a meta event and its dps for like 10 minutes, boring. Then some fights are somewhat dps checker. I remember Soo Wong launch, it was fun but I feel like GW2 raids and some of the events on launch is soooo much dps check.  If the game is so focused on dps check, the End of Dragons training area, it is missing a very crucial learning for the game, dps check. People taught everything except for dps check.

    btw the OT idea,
    think of Thaumanova Reactor Fractal, Silverwastes event. Those are really early in the game, think about other things like racing and what not to do too. Modern day version of those events.
    Like a bunch of people doing an emote event at a rock band, stuff not just dps dps dps.
    this game was about ease of play too in the start, kinda turned into meta builds, your playing mesmer, whats that mesmer, play the meta. Do that 30 memorization maximum dps rotation. I don't like that kind of play, sure miss old school not so much memorization GW2. simple react and play, not memorize stuff. I take a lot of breaks, I don't come back oh yeah builds have changed and its whole new 30 memorization combo to memorize.

    Be kinda cool for an ironman event map. Racing, bell, jp, events, and everyone is in a competition, rewarded on how well you do everything compared to others. Just a fun friendly pve competition.

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  6. Soo-Wong was kinda close to what I am thinking about. Boss fight and some people have to do a jumping puzzle (simple one) with the orb phase.

    Think if they added another simple wakeup check phase, like floor is AE damage so you gotta get on skyscale, and you gotta avoid meteors raining down you.

    Then another phase on the mini bosses defeating them, after you defeat them someone has to play the music on that island until everyone is done and playing music then you go back. Only 1 of the 10-20 people have to do it. Just some fun interaction.

    Obviously I would like a racing phase, but can't really do on floating islands.

    Maybe another world boss, a phase where you have to inform your allies the dragons are coming the dragons are coming, if 10 people don't race there quick enough, its very bad for the players.

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  7. 57 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

    Man, can you imagine having to do a jumping puzzle in the middle of a boss fight, especially Soo-won? (We can't even get people to stand in the greens and do the stupid memory thing to get back up to the platform, which feels like a jumping puzzle.) I feel like we've had a fractal recently that involved a jumping puzzle to get to the boss, and there were some impressive screeches of incoherent rage about it. 😂

    There is actually, sort of, the wisps jumping back up to the platform is some form of jumping puzzle.

    If I recall right rockband had you do emotes to win.

    Don't think there is any major boss fight where you gotta do some racing too. Think of Starfox after andross dies, you have to fly outta there safely. GW2 could do a roller beetle thing, maybe a phase the boss turns into that thing mario kart where it eats people if you go into it. Could have it where you gotta race outta there, race to the next phase.

    Bell Choir, I don't think is any major boss fight where you have to do a bell choir emsemble.


    I just would variety, even other things like fishing, instead of dps check boss fights, how about a more fun boss fight then a sweaty dps check.

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  8. I'm not a fan of DPS check, sure I can study up on snowcrows and the meta rotation and get it. But I'm not really looking forward to dps check challenges.

    I want more other stuff, and have it be challenging and rewarding.

    Instead it

    includes, racing, having to race to the next event.

    Includes jumping puzzle, like halloween one

    Includes bell choir

    Includes a dancing event.


    Ex. Say Soo-Wong, if you had to have like people doing jumping puzzle on the boss fight. People doing bell choir during the boss fight. People racing during the boss fight.

    Why is it gotta be DPS check and thats it? I want more challenge outside of DPS checks.

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  9. Can we get challenge yet not dps check content please.

    As in raids yet in the raids its not dps check fights and what not.

    Instead it

    includes, racing, having to race to the next event.

    Includes jumping puzzle, like halloween one

    Includes bell choir

    Includes a dancing event.


    A marathon raid doing all of that, mess up start all over again.


    I feel like this game lacks difficult stuff but in terms of dps checks.

    Soo-Wong meta event was really enjoyable when it was released and part of the enjoyment was difficulty and getting and closer and closer, and finally beating it. I would like more difficult but not in terms of dps checks and bigger hp boxes of the boss.

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  10. On 10/9/2023 at 3:19 AM, rager.4963 said:

    Ah so the inconsistency got me confused. That is the problem. Got you, and you are right. The fact game does not follow a set rules, and have consistency within it. Means this game is just bad for me. Thank you.


    Also don't mean that as a bad thing for you all, or anything like that. I just got to set my bar to a level where I don't get so annoyed with lack of info, or how they handle combat. Even with what I consider flaws, I can still find fun in the game.

    Games getting there with its age. Games with many expansions. Of course one is going to be easier than the other, its what was the vibe during that time. Back then it made sense to be a bit difficult, then a later made sense to be easier. The vibe of the game at that time. This game used to be #esports, a tough/challenging everywhere type game.

    The easy stuff is probably in some expansion things were easier. PoF pretty easy. EoD is like in the middle.

    Hard stuff probably in some expansion things were harder. HoT was pretty tough.

    Then theres stuff like fractals, it's pretty much difficult especially if your in T4 now, if you been doing it consistently of course its not difficult, hence being a veteran at it, but it's below raids which is the hardest.



    if its fractals, don't feel bad if you fail and it was after many attempts for an hour, because it does happen to everyone, some people just ragequit, especially in PUGs. I have in my head, seeing which fractal I'm doing, thinking about chances of success. Always a good feeling beating that fractal that is hard to particular person on first try. Getting carried happens in this game, as long as you try though its all good. Also, some of those fractals are tough, its tough a reason too, its the final level of it or so, so they have to cater to everyone, people wanting challenge, their expectation of what a challenge is. PUGs are pretty fun though good way to actually play with others, some interaction with others if you don't already have a set of people you talk to everyday.

    GW2 is pretty much that game that can cater to anyone. Jack of trades, and some trades, it could excel but they don't, which is a negative to me. I want more races, racing reward track, daily tournament. However, since there is so much and some of things only this game does, thats a big positive.

  11. 1. Have people work on GW3

    2. In GW2 have people work on LS that hypes goings into GW3

    3. Final PvP tournament and WvW tournament, winners go into GW3 with special a title on top of a title everyone gets from being GW2 going into GW3.


    UE5, VR, AI, theres a lot that has changed in past 10 years. It's a good time for GW3 now.

    GW3 def going to be having VR, updated graphics, roleplaying definitely be there too, AI maybe in forms of companions,

    lots of random NPCs AI's you can take as your companion, the NPCs are AI created. Be in the city with the AI long enough you'll find the perfect companion.

    Def be WvW again

    Def be PvP again and start it off #esports, like the fun times 2013 2014 GW2 #esports I remember!

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  12. Say when GW2 becomes outdated.

    Think its possible for GW2 to do a classic server like older MMOs than GW2 do?

    I don't think so. Better to make a GW3 instead. They did a good transition from GW1.

    Don't think its quite time yet, but technology is going rapidly maybe in a few years, I'd be itching for GW3. Be best if they start early so when I'm itching for GW3 it happens, and is a thing at the sametime.

    7 years from GW1 to GW2. Its been 10 years but MMOs tend to last longer, but this a new kind of MMO, I consider it more up to date than WoW, but I think one of the flaws they can't do a "Classic GW2 server" because its megaserver, just like how other modern games are.

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  13. I am in this boat.

    Inactive but used to log in every and then

    GW2 has some the best miniquests, so I come back for those and play alittle for those.

    Holiday events usually have them. Racing, JP. Fun stuff like that.


    I didn't buy the expansion, I bought ever other expansion but this one just lacks fun content.

    Does it have racing? Nice JPs? Doesn't like it to me, and probably no does it.


    I miss that big racing event a couple years ago, first time they put in racing in Wildlands and the volcano zone, etc. 30+ people show up.

    Racing reward tracks, on same rewards as WvW/PvP, I'd probably be around a lot more than just showing up to login every now and then.

    Fishing thats kinda fun too. New expansion got a lot of groups of people fishing? They seem to do these minigames they're pretty good then they forget about them.

    You know like PoF, it had bounties. Forgot about them too.



    GW2 has a trend of making pretty cool stuff, and then forgetting about it. Pretty depressing not gonna lie.

    btw I don't even know what relics are, sounds like something fractals already does, fractals is something I do when I play more than usual GW2, I'm content with whats there, relics? nothing exciting about relics.

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  14. So I played a bunch of Diablo 4, started going to the forums  and I started resonating with the thread topics on the Diablo 4 forums.

    1. You guys just don't understand game development

    2. We tried to warn you Blizzard. Fix the game or we quit

    3. All alone the world feels empty

    4. Omg... You still don't get it

    5. Treading water now

    6. Is it the players fault for having expectations

    7. No endgame and stupid oneshot mechanics


    Noticed GW2 has an expansion now, wondering thoughts on it? I kinda see the same type of threads Diablo 4 has but just wanna ask anyways. How is the new expansion, have you played Diablo 4 is it better or worse or what? 


    I'm starting to think there is a lot of negativity and people like to be so negative online. I resonate with it but its like eating fast food, craving it but just don't so well afterwards.

    Negativity I resonate with it, get a little high because I resonate with it, but just makes you more depressed.

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  15. Dislike the new daily, I'm getting some chest, has too many choices for items I have no idea about, looks like some cooldown or something to help me fight?

    Collecting a daily laurel or something would be better than this information overload. I just login and logout anyways.

    I'm interested in racing, I just come back to see if they do anything for racing, the holidays are fun to me too. I have no interest in going to someplace and doing meta events or Wvw, PvP atm.



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  16. Haven't played but I watched streams of people playing.

    Feels like a LS to me, like an IBS but they make you pay for it instead.


    Why did I not buy? Because I looked at what was included in the expansion, its really nothing just extra fluff/content.


    From observations this year and what other games are doing, it seems like expansions are not selling well, but new games, like Diablo 4, Zelda. Brand new games in their series, 10million+ copies sold. So, think its about that time that they start thinking about Guild Wars 3 if they have not given it some thought yet. Its been what, 11 years? Time for a GW3. GW1 did not last that long until GW2.


    Even though its an MMORPG, if they can't think of extra stuff to add to expansions, starting to get out of ideas. It makes sense to work on GW3 while putting out small updates, do LS stuff or add racetracks to every zone, things like that while working on GW3.

    • Confused 3
  17. 11 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

    This is a ... very exotic definition of the concept of RPG.

    Well yes there is more that makes up RPG as well.

    Such as playing role of healer, tank, support, dps. Your role.


    GW2, originally didn't want to be a game based off traditional RPG. However, it's turning into one in the party/ get dungeons/raids done kind of way.


    However the, roleplaying in roleplaying aspect is not there because everyone is running around with alts, people are more known for their accounts than their characters.


    Also, the roleplaying in guild aspect is not there due to with being in multiple guilds.


    GW2 is its own kind of game, just like Diablo2, and not so much an RPG or MMORPG like in Final Fantasy, Runescape, ESO, Everquest, WoW.

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  18. 3 hours ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

    My immersion as a character who identifies as a class conflicts with the game design when I want to play as a different character for certain classes.

    The game falls flat when it comes to alts. QoL features and cosmetics need to be unlocked per alt. Sure it is based off a great IP, but until it lets you change your character's specific appearance along with the armor in class changes, I can't get into it as an "RPG".

    Like GW2 events, Popeyes Ghost Pepper Wings are only around for awhile, until February 12th so enjoy it while its here.


    GW2 needs to be getting into the food battles with everyone else like the chicken sandwiches, the Mexican pizzas. Heck if any are big hits who knows they might keep the food around permanently.


    When it comes to getting into a game because your alts lack something and calling that not an RPG. Your not playing a RPG, RPG is playing a main and roleplaying it. A true RPG game will have you be working on too much to even consider an alt.


    Like Skyrim, do you make several different alts/characters one for each race? Nope. You stick with your main.

    In Final Fantasy, Runescape, ESO, Everquest, WoW, you stick with your main

    In games like Diablo2, GuildWars, where you reach a threshold due to level, lack of things to develop further into your main thats when alts start becoming something.


    In games where you stick with your main, people know you by your name of character, your actually roleplaying. In games where you have a lot of alts, people know you by account, your not roleplaying the character anymore.

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  19. I went to Popeyes today. Had the Ghost Pepper Wings, they were extremely delish.


    Very upset Guild Wars 2 does not have Ghost Pepper Wings.


    As of recently, its become apparent that Final Fantasy XIV puts out many updates and these updates are vast content almost like an expansion.

    Have not seen this from GW2 lately.


    No skiff races

    No mount races in EoD

    No Jade Tech parkour

    No Ghost Pepper Wings


    GW2 its not looking very good, especially when competitor is outdoing you NOW.

    Been seeing a lot of repeat stuff, as if GW2 is in milking the cash cow mode at the moment.

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  20. On 7/21/2022 at 10:55 PM, Dante.1508 said:

    Ping wont change on any internet type because you are in the same physical area.. Ping is your house to the servers and back again..


    Me being in Australia my Ping is at best 250 milliseconds to and from the server.. nothing will ever change that unless servers move or i move.. my real GW2 ping is more like 260ms-280ms.. daily..


    Even a change of faster server nodes wont change it..

    Somewhat true. However,

    Server is in Virginia

    Someone with Dial up type internet in NYC will have worse connection(ping) than someone in Austin TX with Lightning Fast 5G all the fancy terms Xfinity/Fios/etc. 1000 upload 10,000 downoad speed.

  21. Just now, Danikat.8537 said:

    You don't actually have to leave when it says that, you can ignore the message and get something like an hour before it will force you to move. If you do ignore it and minimise the pop-up it won't come up again.

    Yes I know that but, everyone else is leaving. I want to be in the zone with people in it. There should be a main zone and the rest are instances of it. The main one shouldn't all sudden go away if you can get into it via a que or something.


    I don't want to be in a city zone all by myself. And I certainly do not like having to re-enter it every 10 mins.

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  22. I'm in Arborstone. Every 10 minutes instance is clearing out and asking me to volunteer to leave.

    It's pretty annoying getting this very often.

    Game needs to re-evaluate how it populates the instances, seems like a new server instance is starting up every 10 minutes.

    Very annoying for the player to have to change zones so often. Especially city zone.

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  23. Think game needs to simplify dps.

    Maybe have dps hint on or off button.

    If its on, basically the game helps you with your dps rotations.

    So basically game will be saying use skill 4, skill 2 now!!!! swap!!! skill 3!!! 4 5 real quick!!!

    I'm saying this because content is dps check, you have people who get left to dust because they like 13k dps and others who do like 36k thats a big gap.


    Some people just suck and need hints. At end of day, those good players are looking for players who can keep up. Everyone wins in this game when they accomplish something, its not a fight over loot system. So if everyone could keep up with dps in end game content like raids, everyone gonna win. It's not fun waiting for that one or two people you know that can do 36k dps to login and become available. Be more fun if everyone could keep up and do it.


    So everyone can do the content, worry about the raid mechanics than are we meeting the dps check of it.

    Should not have someone not raid because "I suck at dps and don't know how to do other rotations alac/healer/etc"

    "I would raid but I suck really bad at rotations" shouldn't be a thing. "yes mechanics moving out of way and such easy, but rotations I suck" should not be a thing.


    Thats why dps hint. Game finds the best rotation for you or tells you to use template and that template gives you hints to reach that 36k dps threshold to be a valued member in the content your doing that is big dps check (many raids some fracs)

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