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Posts posted by uberkingkong.8041

  1. @JohnWater.5760 said:This is a good feature for sure but there's problems for some players and Anet.

    Think about someone mount on your back and you run through all the poi or leave the player in that difficult vista (or two norns) , those are the problems I see and there's no way to stop that. Same thing with the Follow command.

    It would be nice if it was in my opinion but with some restrictions like:

    Open World onlyHave at least 1 expansionPaid second seat, an achievement or a mastery.Not all mounts, some is going to be really hard to put the second seat, Skimmer, Bunny and Beetle for example, where is the second player going to sit?

    Basically its a way for people to become of service to each other. That is what you want in MMORPG games.

    GW1 had a zone where people ran through it to shortcut the game rather than doing a lotta story. Ice zone with wurms.GW1 only 1 person had to survive and everyone else instant spawn on the other side of the zone.

    GW1 is a fun game too, stuff like that is called player service.

    Just like in GW2 you have people who sell raids, sell arah paths, etc. They providing service, you pay up for it beforehand.

  2. @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:Why stop at 2 per mount? how about 22 per mount? or 222? Bus mounts incoming.

    On a serious note - personally happy with just the 1 person mount - no desire for more - I think the way the game is coded limits how much one player can move another. Only some CC skills in pvp/wvw can displace a characters or change its position currently (and some pull utilities such as ranger "Search and Rescue") - it might just be difficult to implement.

    I am looking forward to bus mounts :)

  3. Any chance on updating Guild Missions and Guild Races, Guild guild GUILD!!!

    Like we have mounts now.And you know we have racetracks too.

    Why is Guild stuff outdated?Please do Guild Races with mounts.

    This is GUILD Wars, please don't forget about GUILD stuff in the next expansion.Right now, the solo experience is good, party experience is good, raid experience is good, WvW experience is good, PvP experience is good.

    I mean cmon now we have been gifted several free pvp maps, wvw maps, fractals.........But when it comes to ...Ya know....Guild stuff...

    How about that Guild experience?Guild Wars 2 babyKind of reminds me of Everquest

    Everquest, you do quests in this game?Nope

    Guild Wars 2, guild stuff good in this game, people really do guild missions and stuff.Guild structured pvp? Guild stuff in Guild Wars 2?Nope...World of Warcraft, you at war? Yep Alliance vs Horde. Everyone knows about the war in WoW.

    I mean EQ has quests but really worth it? maybe the epic quest. not really worth doing quests, more worth camping for hours that named that drops good stuff.I mean GW2 has guild stuff but really worth it? Not as much as raids, fractals, etc etc.

    I really enjoy racing.Seeing guild racing battles would be fun. Thats a dream though.Update Guild stuff, Update Guild Races.

    Its 2020, we have mounts.Why is GW2 Guilds still not 2020 yetIts 2020Not 2013

    Its 2020 Make Guild Races 2020Its 2020

  4. @Exedore.6320 said:

    @sephiroth.4217 said:These bots are ranked higher than I expectedBronze league means you're worse than a bot. Bots have been occupying mid-silver for over a year.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:These bots are ranked higher than I expected

    As I said, they are not so easy to fight. They just lose in games where they run solo in mid against 3 or 4 ennemies.

    Just lost a game vs 2 bots.

    Thing is,They designed for1 guy DPS1 guy CC

    They hope your team stacks and gets CC'ed while other bot DPS

    Thats how I lost.I wasn't first to die too, my team... One guy just can't sustain, he drops like a pancake. Can't win 2v3 fights.When bots TARGET.Then their goal is for you to get CC'ed and other guy DPS coordination.

    Split them up. I told him that.Just survive and kite.Nope, he ate the CC, he flopped like a pancake and died.

  5. @Atomos.7593 said:The reason I voted yes is because I have seen map instances where lots of players in Dragonfall for example were working on other things like unlocking their skyscale as opposed to trying to complete events or the meta event, because when you complete the meta event the map resets and if they were close to finding the item they needed for their skyscale they have to start finding it from the beginning of the map again. Having information on player counts may somewhat help in distinguishing between Dragonfall map instances where players are working on their skyscale and don't want to be bothered by resets, and other maps that are actively trying to finish the meta event.

    I'm not sure if this would be the best solution for this kind of problem though, and there may be better suggestions for it.

    Sure, it doesn't have to be people working on meta events.Maybe you just want to be in the most packed instance.Not the backup and nobody doing anything instance.ORthe volunteer into an instanceTHEN VOLUNTEER AGAIN a minute later.You want to be in the main instance, the most packed AVAILABLE one.......ORWvW sake,the loser servers. Be in the one with outnumbered buff for the pipes.Apparently you get rewarded BIG TIME for being a loser.You can easily check, oh 2/80 players there, yep outnumbered buff there.Rather than, hop hop hop, wait 6 minutes or so to see if Outnumbered will appear.

    AKAI want to know the info because I HATE wasting my time.

  6. @Vavume.8065 said:

    @Vavume.8065 said:Why would I ever need to know this information? I can already tell if a map is full if I cannot join it, but I would like a queue system added to PVE maps.

    A queue system?

    SayTequatl event going on,6 instances4 are full.

    So you want to que into one of the full ones (commander has it up in lfg is why).Thing is your in instance 6Instance 5 20/80, oops Tequatl is up, all sudden its 70/80.

    Your still in instance 6 clueless, still queued in say instance 3. Its still full.

    Minutes later all done.You ready to join the instance?

    Tequatl already dead.


    Meanwhile, instance 5 still had room for 10 more playersMeanwhile instance 5 beat Tequatl

    Your now in instance 3.Its asking you if you would like to leave instance and get a buff to not enough players now and its going back to 1 and 2 instances.

    There you go, you que'd, you did not get Tequatl.

    Que system not very effective.

    I'm more interested in getting into full meta maps, dragonfall, dragonstand etc

    You have the full meta map.

    5 instances of DragonfallSay they made a que instead of this.You que into instance 3, its full. Instance 1,2 is full too. Instance 4 is 25/80 players, your stuck in instance 4, 10/80 players....Your still que'd, meanwhile instance 4 is doing the meta now too, at 65/80 players, instance 1,2,3 still full....Instance 1,2,3,4 finish the meta...You join in on instance 3...You get message to volunteer to leave the instance and get a bonus.......You never end up doing the meta.Everyone is now on a different map doing the meta...My system.Oh look instance 4 is 65/80, I'll join in on that instance.I got to do meta.I'm a happy camper.

    You do realise you can join a squad and then could try to queue to get into that squads map right? at least that is how I would expect a queue system to work. So firstly I could join a squad, ask them how far progressed they are, and then I would know if it worth queing for that instance by joining on the commander of that raid group.

    Yeah... FULLEvent is OVER. People leave, que is open.Now your in.....ITS OVER.POINTLESS NOWYou wanted to KILL TEQUATL, not join in after he just died.

  7. @Vavume.8065 said:

    @Vavume.8065 said:Why would I ever need to know this information? I can already tell if a map is full if I cannot join it, but I would like a queue system added to PVE maps.

    A queue system?

    SayTequatl event going on,6 instances4 are full.

    So you want to que into one of the full ones (commander has it up in lfg is why).Thing is your in instance 6Instance 5 20/80, oops Tequatl is up, all sudden its 70/80.

    Your still in instance 6 clueless, still queued in say instance 3. Its still full.

    Minutes later all done.You ready to join the instance?

    Tequatl already dead.


    Meanwhile, instance 5 still had room for 10 more playersMeanwhile instance 5 beat Tequatl

    Your now in instance 3.Its asking you if you would like to leave instance and get a buff to not enough players now and its going back to 1 and 2 instances.

    There you go, you que'd, you did not get Tequatl.

    Que system not very effective.

    I'm more interested in getting into full meta maps, dragonfall, dragonstand etc

    You have the full meta map.

    5 instances of DragonfallSay they made a que instead of this.You que into instance 3, its full. Instance 1,2 is full too. Instance 4 is 25/80 players, your stuck in instance 4, 10/80 players....Your still que'd, meanwhile instance 4 is doing the meta now too, at 65/80 players, instance 1,2,3 still full.YOU HAVE NO IDEA INSTANCE 4 IS DOING META... YOU DONT SEE PLAYER INFORMATION...Instance 1,2,3,4 finish the meta...Your que is up, and you join in on instance 3...A minute later, you get message to volunteer to leave the instance and get a bonus.......You never end up doing the meta.Everyone is now on a different map doing the meta...My system.Instance 1,2,3 full, 4 is 25/80, 5 is 10/80. I'm in instance 5.Wait 1 min, instance 4 is now 65/80 packed and doing meta.IM ABLE TO SEE PLAYER INFORMATION, I KNOW.....Oh look instance 4 is 65/80, I'll join in on that instance.I got to do meta.I'm a happy camper........Current systemLFG WINDOW.Join squad.FULLJoin Squad.FULLJoin Squad.FULLno other squads,instance 4 is bunch of pugs pugging out successfully the meta. Probably waiting for instance 1,2,3 not to be full too.Your stuck in instance 5, the backup if instance 4 gets full... Unlucky.

  8. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @ASP.8093 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:They teach real players how to stomp properly.

    My guestion is: why? It isn't used in PvE, so how would that benefit anyone playing PvE? If you think something like this would encourage me to try PvP, you are dead wrong.If cantha is some free for all PvP thing, at least i can say for certain that i won't touch it. I might ignore it anyway, but this would be anet telling me, clear as day, that it isn't for me and i should ignore it. You might not say straight you want open world PvP, but i'm sure that is what this is all about. It's ALWAYS about PvP with people like you.

    Stomping downs is fun and cool. Once you get some downs, the fight becomes
    those downs for a few seconds, trying to finish or save them with well-timed application of AOE damage, defensive skills, and CC. Securing a stomp under pressure feels real good, like you just scored a goal for your team. There are frustrating aspects to it in PvP/WvW as well, but in PvE you can can focus on the fun part because the down-state abilities and healing mechanics don't actually have to be symmetric since the opponents aren't built using the same rules as the players.


    Its kind of like Tequatl, when you have to break up and you got people stomping on grub holes, keeping the bloated guys away, etc.Gives you a sense of purpose other than, press 1.

    With 10 people per hole, it's still zergy and in most cases you might as well not do it even without every single person trying to accomplish the task.

    For a very similar reason I don't think it's a remotely useful/good idea to add downstate to regular pve mobs. It doesn't add involvement, it doesn't reduce zerging, it doesn't make anything more engaging or active, you just get clumps of people pressing F on a single mob with the first one succeeding and the rest maaaaaybe uselessly finishing the animation for the sake of it instead of actually activelly playing the game. I don't see the appeal of suddenly adding that mechanic to broader pve content.

    If you want to show off your finishers, then play competitive modes where you need to do something to use it.

    Maybe these PvE mobs, have Downstate breakbars.Gotta use finishers on them to break the downstate breakbars.

    At this point why not just use regular breakbars where you at least need to use multiple related skills instead of pressing F and pretending it added something to the gameplay? Seems to me like you want breakbars but... less engaging? I don't see the point of that.

    You don't get to see your finisher with regular breakbar.People want to see their finisher.

    You don't get the downstate experience too.

    Maybe they have a breakbar.... BUT there allies can bring them up before 10 people break the downstate breakbar and they instant die.

    Can't cleave em to death. Gotta use NPC downstate breakbar... Finishers break it.

  9. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @ASP.8093 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:They teach real players how to stomp properly.

    My guestion is: why? It isn't used in PvE, so how would that benefit anyone playing PvE? If you think something like this would encourage me to try PvP, you are dead wrong.If cantha is some free for all PvP thing, at least i can say for certain that i won't touch it. I might ignore it anyway, but this would be anet telling me, clear as day, that it isn't for me and i should ignore it. You might not say straight you want open world PvP, but i'm sure that is what this is all about. It's ALWAYS about PvP with people like you.

    Stomping downs is fun and cool. Once you get some downs, the fight becomes
    those downs for a few seconds, trying to finish or save them with well-timed application of AOE damage, defensive skills, and CC. Securing a stomp under pressure feels real good, like you just scored a goal for your team. There are frustrating aspects to it in PvP/WvW as well, but in PvE you can can focus on the fun part because the down-state abilities and healing mechanics don't actually have to be symmetric since the opponents aren't built using the same rules as the players.


    Its kind of like Tequatl, when you have to break up and you got people stomping on grub holes, keeping the bloated guys away, etc.Gives you a sense of purpose other than, press 1.

    With 10 people per hole, it's still zergy and in most cases you might as well not do it even without every single person trying to accomplish the task.

    For a very similar reason I don't think it's a remotely useful/good idea to add downstate to regular pve mobs. It doesn't add involvement, it doesn't reduce zerging, it doesn't make anything more engaging or active, you just get clumps of people pressing F on a single mob with the first one succeeding and the rest maaaaaybe uselessly finishing the animation for the sake of it instead of actually activelly playing the game. I don't see the appeal of suddenly adding that mechanic to broader pve content.

    If you want to show off your finishers, then play competitive modes where you need to do something to use it.

    Maybe these PvE mobs, have Downstate breakbars.Gotta use finishers on them to break the downstate breakbars.

  10. @Ragnar.4257 said:

    @Stand The Wall.6987 said:@stallic is right, scepter ele. it has reflects and ranged non projectiles. yall are trippin.

    Its not like Soulbeast has access to Unblockable, right?


    If LoS is not an option, Soulbeast will always win a straight up pew-pew fight, with probably Berserker in a close 2nd.

    Nah, nothing to block line of sight.

    However, if a necro sends in all of his pets or mesmer puts up clones, etc. Is that thing gonna land still?If ranger range CC you, is it gonna land?If mesmer CC lock you from range is it gonna land?If thief decides to go invisible while your charging it, is it gonna land?If elementalist decides to turn you into dust in 3 seconds, is it gonna land?

    Would guardian even be good at this type of fight? Who you think would be worst at ranged to ranged fights?Engineer?Seems like Fresh Air elementalist is best unless people want to discuss why something else is better.I mean going invis and being a deadeye I think is pretty deadly, but who knows, maybe once they not invis elementalist turn them into dust.

    You use whatever you have to use, to win the ranged fight. Its not just a stand still fight. Its a use what you have and who has the best stuff to use wins.What they're forgetting about is unblockable effects.

    It doesn't pan out that way vs. Ele or really vs. anything at this point. There are reasons why the better Ranger players out there right now are not running unblockables unless it's the free one from lesser call of wild in marks.

    Too many things were changed on Ranger at this point. The only way you can have unblockables now is by directly bringing a Warhorn which makes you sacrifice Great Sword to do it, which is bad, and that Warhorn 5 only makes the pet unblockable, which means the Ranger needs to be a Soulbeast for it work on the Longbow. Then of course a Ranger could bring Signet of Hunt for unblockable, which isn't worth the lose of other utilities that are quintessential in allowing a Ranger build to function. The only other way to get unblockable is to run Marks for the free lesser call of the wild, which.. only has 2 stack intensity
    so even while using this, it can't allow a full Rapid Fire to get through to an Ele. At best you're looking at landing a couple hard hitting autos. But I cannot stress enough that Warhorn sucks on Ranger/Druid/Soulbeast. In no way is running Warhorn an option over Greatsword in our current patching. Even if it were to 1v1 a Fresh Air Ele, the gap closing or disengaging evade on GS3 and the GS4 block while walking into CC is just in every way better for cycling when the LB cool downs are recharging. And Signet of the Hunt just isn't worth taking. It's only a 10 stack of intensity, which is 1 Rapid Fire that gets through, on a 40s CD for the signet. And that's hoping the Ele doesn't dodge roll through the Rapid Fire right. The options for unblockables are a huge huge gamble, is what the problem is. The chances that the unblockable will do its work and allow you to land damage, is a lot lower than the chances that the opponent will dodge roll or LOS or pull something that makes you waste your unblockable CD, which chances of this are high against better opponents. But hard defensive utilities always work, like Protect Me, Sig Of Stone, Light Ref, and all on shorter CDs to boot.

    But yeah, things have changed too much. The new intensity stack system for unblockable puts really big limitations on the Ranger's ability to say: "land a LB5 while also landing Rapid Fire" which is the kind of kill combo you need to land to down something right. But with all these skills having: "lesser call 2 stacks" "normal call 3 stacks" "sig of hunt 10 stacks on 40s cd" less than half of your burst will make it through. These unblockable abilities are only practical for landing Maul and pet F2s at this point.

    That's all well and good.

    But we're not talking about a realistic in-game scenario, we're talking about an idealised range vs range scenario, where melee, LoS, +1s etc are all not considered.

    So am I. Reread my first post in here.

    And in this scenario an ideal ranged build wouldn't need to worry about picking GS to survive. It could take Warhorn, Signet of the Hunt, etc etc. So all this talk about "not worth taking in a real game" is kinda missing the point.

    It needs GS for the evade, the block, and the mobility to get places quickly like LOS or out of range of the Fresh Air channeling, which is a very large portion of being able to beat the Fresh Air Ele. The Sword leaps suck and they'll suck even more if you try to use a Warhorn and don't have a block to pair with your evade while defensing and allowing LB to come off CDs. You're a sitting duck for 9s vs. that channel that can't be entirely avoided without streaming dodge > evade > block, if you try to bring Warhorn. Using an Axe won't be enough pressure to cull off the Ele. He'll get aggressive and chase. The GS is the only way to survive the large DPS without entirely disengaging from the fight. Also remember that while using things like LB5 and LB2, the Ranger has to stand still and allow animations to finish. The Ele just fires back while having invulns and reflects. The Ele just counters the Ranger in ranged play man.

    But that's what I was trying to point out is that the stack intensity is too low on those skills for ranged LB ranged play. If you want to talk about only using ranged and never melee, 2 stacks from lesser & 3 stacks from normal & 10 stacks from sig is still not enough stacks combined to allow a full LB5 + LB2 burst to chain together and finish and actually land kill damage against the Ele. You will not be beating the Ele by tagging it with autos alone. And g'luck with that when you're missing the evade & block off GS and sacked a defensive utility for Sig 40s CD ^^

    Anyway, w/e.

    "We're talking about an idealised range vs range scenario, where melee,
    , +1s etc are all not considered"

    "So am I"

    "It needs GS for the..... mobility to get places quickly like

    I really don't think you've understood the question being asked here. You're in an completely open, flat area, no cover. You can strafe and dodge, but you can't close to melee range, nor can you disengage out of range. You don't need GS to survive, because you can simply burn the Ele down within 3 seconds, since it can't run for cover in this scenario, and its projectile-denials are made redundant by unblockables.

    Also, what invulns does Ele have that it can use while casting? Did you perhaps miss the Feb update to Obsidian Flesh?

    All of that said, I'm now thinking that actually Berserker beats out Soulbeast here. Pop all signets + Defiant Stance, plus Balanced Stance, and Volley will out-DPS Rapid-Fire. And again, all of this is unblockable, so Ele, DE, DH, Rev, are all out-of-luck.

    One thing you not considering is somebody CCing you.

    Sounds good on paper, but once you get CC'ed, WHATCHA GONNA DO NOW?Sounds good on paper, but once they use an ability that makes them invisible, like ranger longbow 3...... WHATCHA GONNA DO NOW???

    Ooops your super attack is charging up.Woops they went stealth.They charging their SUPER attack, yet you can't see it because they stealth.


    You charging your super attack and some CLONE got in the way, WHATCHA do now?You charging your super attack and some MINION got in the way, WHATCHA DO NOW???You charging your super attack and some PET got in the way... WHATCHA DO NOW???

    Sure.No LOS blockers like a pillar.Sure your always within RANGE too.But....ALL SKILLS ABILITIES are ALLOWED.You wanna stealth snipe go for it.You wanna CC the fuck outta em and own em ALL from ranged, go for it.

    Whose the victor???

    Who can sustain?Who can dominate???

    I mean technically you can use your pet as the LOS blocker. Stand behind your pet.

  11. @Terrorhuz.4695 said:

    @"Bazsi.2734" said:Stricly ranged fights?
    Deadeye wins by default lol. It's good stricly ranged fights do not exist in this game.

    Hrmmmm interesting.But not all ranged attacks are missiles.Some like staff elementalist is an AE on the floor.Necros do AE on the floor too

    Can a deadeye beat a mesmer in ranged combat? Mesmers use a lot of clones, has a lot of CC with clones, ranged CC too to interrupt deadeye long cooldown attacks.

    Now my next question what is considered a missile?I assume
    is a missile but it doesn't say it is a missileHowever
    is this a missile? Does Sniper Cover block dragon tooth?

    I'm guessing missiles are anything that the crystal creatures in Jade Maw reflect, so scepter ele, all his attacks would land, correct?

    In a ranged fight does deadeye beat scepter ele?Scepter ele trumps mesmer too you think?

    Every deadeye skill deals much more damage than every mesmer skill. The only reliable ranged option in the hands of a mesmer is GS aa. Everything else is either telegraphed AF or has very long cooldowns, or both.

    Mesmer is a class that could reliably get past sniper's cover thanks to so many attacks being beams rather than projectiles. Still, it wouldn't be enough, I would NEVER challenge a deadeye to a ranged fight, it's asking for troubles and it doesn't end well.

    This isn't just a straight up DPS fight.You use whatever abilities you have.Has to be ranged though. Pets are considered ranged, clones are considered range.

    Mesmer interrupts you, now what?You have a clone in your LOS, now what?Mesmer can invis too.... NOW WHAT??

    This is a ranged FIGHT. Meaning you doing what you can to win, but gotta be RANGED.This isn't a ranged BURN thread, this thread is nothing to do with who BURNS the other faster.

    FIGHTDO WHAT YOU DO TO WINNo there is no pole or something to hide behind to avoid stuff.

    Pretend someone just ticked you off by ranging you all day, and you wanna show em up ranging back at them.

    Dumb deadeye standing in corner sniping you, well time to show him whats what.Deadeye telling you they king of range.....

    ARE THEY???Who can show who....WHATS WHAT

    Whose the best dang fighter in range fights!!!!

    Fresh air that deadeye up, teach him his lesson.Mesmer that deadeye up, teach him his lessonSoulbeast that fresh air ele up, teach him his lesson.Mesmer that soulbeast up, teach him his lesson.

    ....When it comes right down too it.


  12. Nah not broken like that, moreso broken, if you didn't play within first couple hours, you missed out on opportunity for very quick victory.

    Especially if your someone who wins more than you lose.

    IF you get 30 wins 10 losses right out the gates you gonna have a high scoreSomeone else 30 wins 10 losses a week later..... Not so high score

    "uughghg the one had tougher games than the other, thats why"brah,GLicko system is broken when it first starts, sure if its off by a couple points yeah, but 200 point difference????Yeah exploited the system.

    I'mGoingToSayItAgainPut a point cap on for the first week. 1600.

  13. Alacrity and Healings not really needed right?

    I mean everyone talks about "they removed the trinity (Tank, Healer, DPS)"

    I mean there is no trinity anymore right? OR IS THERE!!?!?!?! OR WORSE than the trinity!?!?!?!?!


    I mean cmon now.You can join any raid or fractal and you don't need 1 of something or 1 of something, something, something right????Any professions is ok to join right???

    No trinity right????



    Simple just make your own party right??? Dont wanna get caught up in alacrity monopoly, just make your own party!!!!!

  14. @ASP.8093 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:They teach real players how to stomp properly.

    My guestion is: why? It isn't used in PvE, so how would that benefit anyone playing PvE? If you think something like this would encourage me to try PvP, you are dead wrong.If cantha is some free for all PvP thing, at least i can say for certain that i won't touch it. I might ignore it anyway, but this would be anet telling me, clear as day, that it isn't for me and i should ignore it. You might not say straight you want open world PvP, but i'm sure that is what this is all about. It's ALWAYS about PvP with people like you.

    Stomping downs is fun and cool. Once you get some downs, the fight becomes
    those downs for a few seconds, trying to finish or save them with well-timed application of AOE damage, defensive skills, and CC. Securing a stomp under pressure feels real good, like you just scored a goal for your team. There are frustrating aspects to it in PvP/WvW as well, but in PvE you can can focus on the fun part because the down-state abilities and healing mechanics don't actually have to be symmetric since the opponents aren't built using the same rules as the players.


    Its kind of like Tequatl, when you have to break up and you got people stomping on grub holes, keeping the bloated guys away, etc.Gives you a sense of purpose other than, press 1.

  15. @Sailorz.5426 said:

    @Sailorz.5426 said:Idk what the math is and all that. But, I won 6-4 placements and got placed bottom gold 1, and had to climb all the way up to gold 3 for 2 days straight. I'm not quite sure what it is tbh, but on day one I had a higher win ratio with around 40 games at rank 30 than someone with 15 in top 10.

    That to me is bogus, I don't know how rating works tbh maybe I deserve to be placed super low but it pretty much destroys my whole season and it happens almost every season unless I grind an absurd amount and I have a lot more time than the average player.

    I was talking in map chat about it on the first day of season and I just got wrote off, an explanation would be nice, I'm not sure if the issue brought up in this thread is the same as mine. I thought I'd just throw this in here without making a new thread

    They grind right away, when the points are HUGE.Within first couple hours, your getting +50s for wins.

    Then they sit on it the rest of the season.

    Thats why you need league point CAPS.First week, 1600.If its just 2 week long.First 3 days, 1600.Next 3 days 1700.

    This way people like you, who actually are trying and SUCCEEDING. are able to compete. against those sitting around already claiming victoryon the first day and just waiting around till season is over now.

    GLICKO system is not bad.... But its EXPLOITABLE in the beginning.You need point caps in the beginning until it gathers enough data and becomes FAIR.

    They probably think "10 games to qualify is enough", I mean why you qualifying every season???


    It does not solve people exploiting it though, after 10 games.... +50 points per game here I come.

    Why you think in 3v3 2v2 people are at 2100+ sometimes?Its quicker to do 3v3 2v2, but 5v5 takes more time.... More time means more games being played, more people getting points.Glicko system is evening now, so not easy to do 2100+ on regular season.

    ....But 3v3 2v2, quick games.... GLICKO SYSTEM EXPLOITABLE in the beginning. Oh here I come 2100+.

    Exploited the kitten outta the glicko system and these developers still clueless.Well here I am, PUT A DANG CAP on the seasons for the first week or two and first couple days on short seasons.Got people EXPLOITING the heck outta it here.

    "he heh hehe, +50s, hey keep it on the down lo, you play games right away, make sure you win, after 20 of em, should be 1800+ easy.".....Meanwhile someone entering the league now."How come I have 60 victories 1 loss and I aint even close to the top 20????""the dude with 37 wins 5 losses has 150 more points than I, impossible!"


    "lets say they lost an important fight, and the 37 victories guy won all fights he was suppose to lose, hehehe hehe, trick the playerbase into thinking this way""they aint know the secret +50s within the first couple of hours! GLICKO EXPLOIT we keep on the down lo! hehe hehehehe"

    I don't know any thing about glicko, but I feel like they score a lot higher on placements than someone who doesn't have top rank in the last season. I was talking in map, and someone who went 4-6 placement got put in mid gold 2.

    My issue is that I had positive placements and just got placed way lower than I should have been so I started off with a massive disadvantage.

    I was Gold T2 last season. I ended up Silver T1 this season. I went 2 of 8, 2 of the losses was with flipping bots.Maybe does have some effective who knows.

    Just like another thread I made,GW2 is restrictiveYou don't know that infoYou don't know your MMRYou don't know this and that.

    How come I don't know???? GW2 being restrictive is why.

  16. @Sifu.9745 said:Why no one has mentioned a condi Scourge yet? It seems that these guys can counter a guard if they play with more selfish builds? At least that was a case yesterday in unranked when a Scourge from the opposite team killed our bunker guard two times on a point.

    FunnyAs I play scourge I see guardian I think, hes dead meat.

    Also, playing as guardian, I see any necro, I think hes dead meat.

    Playing either of them, if I see an Elementalist, I think, this is gonna be a long fight.

    Meanwhile thieves probably see Elementalist and think PREY.

    Guess thats how balance works.

  17. @Swagger.1459 said:

    @"KrHome.1920" said:
    1. The server performance would go down the toilet, as friendly fire would double the calculations to be done.
    2. The game is not designed around friendly fire. There are only very few true single target skills at all. It makes a difference whether you can't use a revive in no downstate week or whether you can't use 80% of your skillset effectively.
    3. The random factor is so big, that it becomes gamebreaking. Personally I could play around that in a team of decent players, but in such an event I would avoid any PUG at any cost as most players would ruin my day. And I bet others would do the same or just stop playing.
    4. Such an event is an invitation to trolls and match manipulators.

    Do you have data backing up your claims?

    Except those are the facts and realities of your “friendly fire on” scenario.

    Instead of defaulting to the “data” thing, perhaps read those points again and try to understand... And the devs aren’t going to try your idea for exactly the reasons Kr listed.

    Wasted suggestion.

    You have data on what the anet are going to do or not do?Why everyone speak for them?

    "how they gonna make money?"bro they swimming in cash, it isn't all about money

    "server performance goes down toilet"bro, why you assume that? wheres the data

    ...Kinda like people saying 8v8"good golly, server performance issue right there"bro, the game started out 8v8, already tested and past, no server performance issue.

    Back it up with some data, don't assume stuff.

  18. @"Sailorz.5426" said:Idk what the math is and all that. But, I won 6-4 placements and got placed bottom gold 1, and had to climb all the way up to gold 3 for 2 days straight. I'm not quite sure what it is tbh, but on day one I had a higher win ratio with around 40 games at rank 30 than someone with 15 in top 10.

    That to me is bogus, I don't know how rating works tbh maybe I deserve to be placed super low but it pretty much destroys my whole season and it happens almost every season unless I grind an absurd amount and I have a lot more time than the average player.

    I was talking in map chat about it on the first day of season and I just got wrote off, an explanation would be nice, I'm not sure if the issue brought up in this thread is the same as mine. I thought I'd just throw this in here without making a new thread

    They grind right away, when the points are HUGE.Within first couple hours, your getting +50s for wins.

    Then they sit on it the rest of the season.

    Thats why you need league point CAPS.First week, 1600.If its just 2 week long.First 3 days, 1600.Next 3 days 1700.

    This way people like you, who actually are trying and SUCCEEDING. are able to compete. against those sitting around already claiming victoryon the first day and just waiting around till season is over now.

    GLICKO system is not bad.... But its EXPLOITABLE in the beginning.You need point caps in the beginning until it gathers enough data and becomes FAIR.

    They probably think "10 games to qualify is enough", I mean why you qualifying every season???


    It does not solve people exploiting it though, after 10 games.... +50 points per game here I come.

    Why you think in 3v3 2v2 people are at 2100+ sometimes?Its quicker to do 3v3 2v2, but 5v5 takes more time.... More time means more games being played, more people getting points.Glicko system is evening now, so not easy to do 2100+ on regular season.

    ....But 3v3 2v2, quick games.... GLICKO SYSTEM EXPLOITABLE in the beginning. Oh here I come 2100+.

    Exploited the fuck outta the glicko system and these developers still clueless.Well here I am, PUT A DANG CAP on the seasons for the first week or two and first couple days on short seasons.Got people EXPLOITING the heck outta it here.

    "he heh hehe, +50s, hey keep it on the down lo, you play games right away, make sure you win, after 20 of em, should be 1800+ easy.".....Meanwhile someone entering the league now."How come I have 60 victories 1 loss and I aint even close to the top 20????""the dude with 37 wins 5 losses has 150 more points than I, impossible!"


    "lets say they lost an important fight, and the 37 victories guy won all fights he was suppose to lose, hehehe hehe, trick the playerbase into thinking this way""they aint know the secret +50s within the first couple of hours! GLICKO EXPLOIT we keep on the down lo! hehe hehehehe"

  19. @Ototo.3214 said:Does magic find have a use? Yes. It makes you get generally better drops overall. That will be most noticeable with things like unidentified gear and such, you'll generally get higher rarities. Will generally get more things like unidentified gear instead of vendor junk items, etc.Helps a lot in the long run.If you're expecting to get a precursor every day, then no, that probably isn't happening. Those items hold value for a reason. If they were made that much more common by simply stacking MF, they'd be near worthless.I have found 3 precursors over time after being near or capped on the 300% from luck though, if that's worth anything.

    For specifically PvP though? Only affects bags that say they are affected.

    Problem with PvP is you don't get much loot.

    600% mf on 4 items an hour (it only works on the PvP containers), yeah not anything to talk about.

    Meanwhile PvE, 300 items an hour? Sure good chance get something nice eventually, its 300 items.

    PvPhrmmm worthless hour, nothing but crap, 14 items an hour and all crap.... Its 600% magic find and 14 CRAP items? Super pissed off

    PvEhrmmm got a ton of crap, but at least it was a ton, dont feel so bad... Its 400% (no 200% buff), 300 CRAP items? Ah just unlucky, better luck next time.

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