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Boogiepop Void.6473

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Everything posted by Boogiepop Void.6473

  1. This achievement is impossible. With a group dedicated to getting it, we tried over 20 times. The NPCs are too stupid, too squishy and too determined to aggro enemies to EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, survive.
  2. The odd way the content is available is increasingly confusing. PoF comes with HoT but with neither the prequel to HoT (S2), the sequel content to HoT/prequel content to Pof (S3), or the sequel content to PoF (S4), both of which are now years old. At the very least there is no cause to still charge for S2 as there is very little actual content there especially compared to similarly prices S3 and S4. Really PoF should at this point include S2, HoT and S3 so you can actually understand what is happening in the game you must bought. We can argue over if S4 and IBS should still be separate purchases (especially with the admitted problems with IBS) but at least up to PoF should at this point all be one simple easily understood purchase.
  3. The copter health is insane. Shooting it with charzookas takes longer then the entire rest of the final fight of the meta COMBINED. There is nothing to it, it's literally just reducing a health bar. No mechanics, nothing interesting, just minute after minute of holding down 1 to lower the bar. You can;t fail the event short of the whole map AFking, you can't even take damage because it's not a real event, just a bit of story with a health bar attached. Please fix this. It makes the South Drizzlewood Meta miserable, and large numbers of players are actually AFKing due to how bad it is, which only makes it worse for everyone else.
  4. I have now finished EVERYTHING that isn't "Do X Y times". Repeat events 30, 40 times, Kill 5000 enemies of a given type, etc. And I am over 15 MPs short of finishing all the tracks. This is ridiculous. Who designed these unlocks?
  5. You don't need to scale fractals. Fractals are always 5 people.
  6. They haven't even bothered to try to fix the Marionette re-implementation,. They just shoved it into a private instance in the back corner of EotN to die. If they didn't even do anything about that when it was a major advertised event, there is no reason to have any faith in any other re-implementation of Season 1. They have thus far shown neither the interest nor frankly the care to put back in or fix any older content not actively breaking the game.
  7. You wouldn't know it, but Marionette is still in the game and still playable. No one does it, however, since it's only accessible by a private instance and they never fixed the single point of failure issues caused by the reduced player count vs the open world version. Also the rewards could use a buff, but since 99% of the time the event fails anyway the rewards are not the main issue right now. Please fix this event so it's actually doable and make it a public thing again. It could be run often just like Dragon Storm is if it could actually be done reliably. Even organized groups can barely if ever clear it due to the luck and mechanical issues. The platforms need to be changed to prevent single failure issues, and random chance grouping on such a small player scale is not doable. There need to only be enough platforms active that there are certain minimum player counts per platform to ensure no one player can fail the entire event by themselves, regardless of anything anyone else does, simply by missing one dodge, and we have to have people able to choose a platform to prevent things like only healers on a platform being unable to even do the needed damage at full output to clear. Please fix this. It's an awesome event in theory, but as it stands it might as well be deleted again as it's simply pointless and too prone to failure for anyone to run it.
  8. I have gotten every MP on maps, for strikes, for story, for events (other than the ones for doing things dozens of times) and I am short almost 25 if I want to complete all the tracks. There are too many locked behind difficult or receptive achievements (especially now that many people aren't doing IBS content as much and it's harder to gather groups) and generally just insufficient in numbers. For reference i have completed every mastery track or have the MPs to do so in every single other area of the game with MPs to spare. It's only in IBS that MPs seem to be in such short supply. I can only assume the aborted episodes champions replaced were supposed to have the balance of the MPs and there was never any back-adjustment for them being replaced with Dragon Response Missions.
  9. I don't have that kind of gold lying around, especially for just the right to play content I already ground for access to on another character.
  10. A) Why are you being charged and having to spend time to change characters? yes it's not much but still it's more than any other place in the entire game, and with no actual benefit to the player other than being "allowed" to play high tier fractals. B) Even with the extraction it's a massive hassle to swap things over between characters, and not something you want to do very often. Your average LFG isn't going to sit there while you spend time changing all your infusions between each fractal, they will just kick you for holding things up. What is the objective of AR? For you to work your way up and prove you are good enough to run the higher difficulty, and to prove you put in the effort to get there. Why is what is essentially a proof of work/effort system for a PLAYER bound to something about a specific CHARACTER the person plays? If you put in the time and effort to reach the point of being ready for T4 fractals, why are you expected to either juggle inventory or do so over and over per character? It literally defeats it's own purpose by not really being a skill/experience check, and creates hassle, frustration and inflexibility in the process.
  11. Agony Resistance forces you to play only certain characters. Is this not optimal for the fractal? Is it replaced by a better spec or class in general? TOO BAD. You built this character, you now have to play them for months in order to build up the stock of AR to even consider another. Spend months being the dead weight in your group, being constantly kicked and rejected from LFG, because you are not allowed by the mechanics of the system to adapt. Do you have and can play exactly what you need? Well you can't, because you don't have AR. Do you have 2 characters you would like to switch between as needed for your team? TOO BAD, play 1 of them since the other doesn't have the AR. In a game that claims to pride itself on adaptability and ability to play as you want, Agony Resistance means you are trapped in whatever seemed like a good idea at the time. You have no freedom even to change weapons in most cases. You must play EXACTLY what you speced out possibly months in advance AND NOTHING ELSE and do so over and over and over to "EARN THE RIGHT TO CHANGE".
  12. No one will do it because it's too expensive to bother, not because they don't want it. If they want EotN to be use,d they need to bring it in line with other hubs.
  13. Everyone will get Arborstone during the course of playing End of Dragons. It comes with all the services for mastery points. No one is going to pay massive amounts of resources (especially 50 gold) to equip EotN with everything anymore. Please update the way this hub works, either completely or mostly removing the costs to make it usable. You are discouraging people from doing Icebrood Strikes and other content as they can't hang out in EotN and do things while waiting due to it not being equipped. Most especially the 50g for a bank access. This wasn't that reasonable to start and really isn't now.
  14. The Jade Bot implementation right now is horrible for anyone with many alts. Every character needs there own core (which only jewelers can craft; get ready to do lots of bank juggling), chips are numerous enough to occupy whole bank tabs on their own, and high level cores are VERY VERY expensive to craft (ascended mats needed for lvl 10). This means anyone with significant numbers of alts is either putting in HUGE efforts to max the system or ignoring it due to it being a hassle. And even those who want to probably can't afford to fully outfit 10, 20, 30, 40 (yes some people do this) alts fully. The entire system should be account based, like other masteries. You make a core all characters share, the chips should be crafted once, then available for everyone. The current system is like if you had to unlock mounts one at a time for each character with a huge crafting gate. As it stands most people will probably equip MAYBE a few characters to use the system and basically ignore it otherwise. For people comparing this to regular gear, gear pieces fall out of the sky in the course of play. You ca earn them by p,laying, with achievements, etc. Only very special ones you have to work for are gated. You can use freely given gear to access all your weapon skills, but you get only 1 free jade core (per story run) and nothing else, and without it the ENTIRE Jade Bot ecosystem is disabled for a character. No chests, no hearts needing jade bots to fly around, no zip lines, no free rez, nothing. An entire track rendered completely nonfunctional, something NO OTHER MASTERY DOES.
  15. They can;'t. The LFG system is legacy launch code, before even squads existed and when there was no need together in a map. they can't change it without a complete rebuild which could break the game entirely.
  16. I am not doing the story 9 times. Remove this requirement. It's ridiculous. Maybe sometime I will replay the story but definitely not 9 times. Especially without any dialogue skips.
  17. The problem here is the jade bots cores not being account bound. they couldn't have the UI changing a bunch and people needing to know different buttons so they had to overlay it so you wouldn't get confused on character swap. it's yet ANOTHER problem caused by the extreme anti-alt-friendliness of the jade bot system
  18. People are actively trying to keep numbers down because jade maw is overscaling. As little as 25 people can make the event to hard it can't be finished in time. this needs to be fixed.
  19. I find myself lying there as long as possible hoping for a rez from players so I don't waste it on something unimportant.
  20. Dragon's End has too much going on on it. It is trying to be a meta and open world at once. There are too many players on the map not doing the meta, which frustrate the meta players, and too many things on the map players cannot do BECAUSE of the meta (ie Jade Maw won't spawn if meta active, or it will overscale to impossibility due to the meta participating). This creates frustrating and toxic experiences for everyone. People trying to do the meta can't get big groups and become toxic to those on the map for other reasons. People trying to do other things are constantly trying to find maps without the meta so they can go about their business unharassed and without causing meta failures. The meta needs it's own map, probably in the form of an instanced overlay like the Dragon Response missions (though with the ability for people to join and be transferred to the map after it starts) since making an entirely new Dragon Stand style dedicated meta map is out of the question at this point (although all signs point to this having been the plan at some point, since the design of Dragon's End really points to the meta being tacked on after the fact). That way, meta people can be in meta maps and non meta people can be in a normal open world map.
  21. The game is crashing A LOT. I am either being kicking to character select or all the way to desktop multiple times in an hour. No apparent pattern to it; it doesn't seem to matter what I am doing or where (I've bee dropped from dragon's end, from Dragon fall, from Field of Ruins, from Verdant Brink, from Rata Sum), be it events (Leviathan in Seitung, Void Jade Maw, Tequatl, during the Josho Escher fight...) or just standing around typing. No pattern on play length either; I have crashed in 5min, 30 min, 53min, etc. It's making it hard to do anything, especially any long events. Also, as I commonly help command things, it's making me look really bad like I am leaving if things go badly (or for some reason is they go well too...). I am playing the game without any external programs of any kind, and with DX11 off.
  22. Added point: the Lvl 10 core provides a significant health boost. If it's not account wide, then it becomes yet ANOTHER gear check where people won't let you use a character without a lvl 10 core for events. Which then means either you are forced to trade the core between alts or make multiple lvl 10 cores, which is not cheap. The higher level cores need huge numbers of research notes, not to mention the Xunlai ingot (time gated by mithrillium) for lvl 10. Lvl 1 might not be too bad to have to make 20+ of compared to the lvl 10 (I still think it's dumb though), but 20+ lvl 10s to be able to optimally equip those alts it ludicrous. For those saying it will make new alts OP due to having the extra health, just level lock that part behind a level check per alt. The majority of the game is spent at lvl 80, so just don't apply the bonus until then. It's not a good reason to not make them account wide, compared to all the drawbacks.
  23. Masteries and gear are different. Entire mechanics are locked out entirely without a jade bot core. If you have slightly bad armor you can still do everything. No jade bot core means you actively can't do certain things. Game function is locked to specific characters. Imagine if you had to earn gliding or mounts for ever single alt. Would that be OK? Mastery functionality and gear are not equivalent.
  24. Weapons and armor fall out fo the sky by playing. Most players have plenty of weapons and armor to spare just sitting around form playing. Jade Bot cores do not. It's a crafted item that requires playing a single map and a large investment of time and money to produce. If they want it to work like weapons and armor, it has to work like that in terms of acquisition, not just systemic function.
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